Mar 30·edited Mar 30

"Dr. Francis Christian explained that he is a pro-vaccine physician. “I am only too aware of the great scourges of mankind, including smallpox, that have been eliminated or made innocuous by vaccination,” he said."

He's undoubtedly a fine man, but he needs to question even that idea.

"Though not admitted at the time, it is now generally recognized that inoculation had destroyed more lives than it had saved. For by it not only was a healthy person deliberately afflicted with small-pox from which he, otherwise, might never have suffered, but he, ipso facto, became a centre of infection in the community, a dangerous focus from which those around him might contract the disease. In fact, the prevalence of small-pox in the eighteenth century is in some degree attributable to inoculation.

It must be remarked, too, that inoculation was no more standardized than its successor, vaccination, has been. It was all a matter of chance. It might communicate small-pox in its severest and most deadly form, or, if the virus were taken at an early stage of the diseaseóas was done by the later inoculators, it might not actually communicate smallpox."

Charles W. Forward, The Golden Calf, An Exposure of Vaccine Therapy,

(1933), Ch 1


Jenner was another medical fraud and his story ought tto be better known as well.

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Geoff - THANK YOU! The quackcine propaganda goes verrry deep! It is abhorrent how many have been manipulated & brainwashed to think ANY vaxxxcenes are safe & effective & good.

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The Lord is risen!! Happy Easter to all of you!! Earlier today, my Easter essay was published: https://open.substack.com/pub/francischristian/p/a-new-beginning?r=1n4dnm&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Thank you all for your support and prayers. They mean more to me that words can tell.

Since my press conference of summer 2021, in which I strongly denounced the m-rna injection for our healthy children, I have had to reappraise my whole attitude to all vaccines - and after extensive research, I believe that most vaccines are useless and/or very harmful to our populations.

The two exceptions would be the polio vaccine. And the tetanus vaccine.

These are now the only two vaccines that I advise my friends and family to consider.

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Mar 31·edited Mar 31Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

My 11 month old son received his one and only vaccine, the tetanus vaccine, courtesy of the immense pressure and fear instilled in me by an emergency room physician in Vancouver BC in the late 90's.

He'd fallen face first in the dirt in a Commercial Street park and suffered a scrape on his cheek.

I capitulated to coercion. Mea Culpa. 😥

That same son, at age 24, was coerced by Trudeau's freedom restrictions against the "unvaccinated" and he capitulated to pressure. (Not fear.)

He rolled up his sleeve for his 1st dose of Pfizer poison (unbeknownst to me as I had begged him to hold the line) in August of '21.

He received his "fully vaccinated" QR Code status in November of '21 in order to be permitted entry to his fitness center, have a beer in a pub, eat in restaurants, attend a film or concert, or be allowed to board a plane (or ship or train) in Canada.

Among his various and sundry subsequent health issues this previously healthy young man has suffered since being twice injected with this "EUA" poorly tested and as we know (and KNEW) UNsafe INeffective (and DANGEROUS) genetic modification TOXIC "therapeutic":

He has recently been diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease. After having been misdiagnosed over and over again by numerous medicine men and women since last year.

"Doctors are baffled..."

I am desperately trying to seek alternative therapies to his current "standard of care" which include prednisone.

He is not doing well.

I am grieving this Easter.

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I am so sorry to hear this—- God bless you both - Ginger

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Mar 31Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I'm reading Andreas Kalcker's book Forbidden Health. I highly recommend you purchase it if you can. I trust Dr. Lee Merritt also, but Kalcker talks about everything you have mentioned in one form or another. They've hidden so much for so very long but people now are getting back to real healing and real health and the more you. learn the simpler it gets.

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Thanks for the referral. Much obliged.

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Mar 31Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I am so sorry. I do not have any other words that will not sound trite. I am just so sorry….wishing you both healing…..

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Dr. Christian it is an honour to witness your courage and acknowledgement of your ignorance surrounding the articles of faith and dogmatic beliefs surrounding ALL vaccines that many of us also fell for. Please see my post above and the links exposing these fallacies. Thank you. A grand awakening is occurring !

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Dr Francis is a BRIDGE to sanity for his peers (fellow practitioners, nurses, teaching faculty) to take that second-look at radical ideas. To u and i , Goeff , it's a no-brainer . . . . but for medical professionals it's blasphemy - - so i think the Good LORD has sent Peter and Ginger and Francis in HIS appeal to a profession that is in serious need of new paradigms and new hearts . shalom

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Clearly they have proven they cannot be trusted at all. What is now in any of them? Once you've seen the harm they have perpetrated there would have to be a form of cognitive and dangerous dissidence to think they could be trusted with anything. They did that to themselves. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has a lot to say about Tetanus shot.

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To our wonderful, wonderful hosts Dr Peter & Ginger Breggin, thank you for all that you do to educate us. I hope you and your family many blessings this Easter 🙏

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In regard to the polio vaccine and tetanus...I had an experience, when I was at Penn State that I didn't report in 1952 an regard to polio; because I didn't believe in the medical system. I had no desire to be treated with medicine IMy grandmother was a Christian Scientist and I thought the same way. Well, I woke up at 1 am in the morning with my left arm paralyzed and immobile. I remembered reading about Sister Kenny in Australia and how she treated polio. I got into the shower and alternated the water... hot and cold all night...praying the whole night. At 7 AM I could move my arm. My left arm is still weaker than my right, but I have had no further problems. I had weakened my body smoking, not eating right; and was very depressed from breaking up with my 'first love,' because I was too young to get married. In regard to tetanus, If the body bleeds profusely after an injury..there would be no need for a tetanus shot. Any germs would be extricated. I cut my leg open severely; and it bled for quite awhile. Hobbled home taped my wound together with adhesive tape; and that was it. I didn't even tell my parents about it. For a number of years, I would feel a twinge,, when it was going to rain, but it eventually was gone. I have had other serious injuries throughout my life, but survived.... and I'm doing well at 90. I'm totally into the Great Physician.

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Dear Barbara-- Oh my--you are brave and tough and full of faith. You remind me of my own mother who is going on 98 years of age, and lives with us! We are all fortunate to have you still with us. Thank you for your thoughtful comments. ~ Ginger

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Because of Jesus Christ, life is worth living!! Jesus Christ reconciled us to our Heavenly Father through His sacrifice on the cross!! He died, was buried, and rose triumphantly from the grave on the third day!! Praise God for the Victory and Hope that we have through Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior!!! 🙏❤️🙌 God bless you guys and thank you for all that you do!! 🙏❤️

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Mar 31Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Dr. Christian is a Canadian hero, along with several others who were early warning systems that the government was effective in silencing. Thank you for interviewing him.

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Sending you both LOVE at Easter.

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Dr Francis Christian is on the right track, but vaccines did not eliminate the scourages of mankind.. The people who created vaccines gave themselves credit for ending smallpox, but it was stopped because of better sanitation and nutritional means. Vaccination is NOT Immunization is a wonderful book, which lists all the dangerous ingredients in these shots which have been injected into the bodies of so many. The human body was not designed to be a pincusion for the benefit of vaccine manufacturers to profit by... using their deadly products. Humans were designed with 5 layers of skin to prevent the bloodstream from becoming contaminated. A needle circumvents these layers and injects toxic matter directly into the bloodstream. In the 1890s the smallpox injections wiped out 90% of the population in the town of Leicester, England, before the "authorities" stopped forcing it. However, it was still used elsewhere. The smallpox vaxx was stopped in the U.S. in 1972. It was not responsible for the eradication of smallpox!

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The Lord is risen!! Happy Easter to all of you!! Earlier today, my Easter essay was published: https://open.substack.com/pub/francischristian/p/a-new-beginning?r=1n4dnm&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Thank you all for your support and prayers. They mean more to me that words can tell.

Since my press conference of summer 2021, in which I strongly denounced the m-rna injection for our healthy children, I have had to reappraise my whole attitude to all vaccines - and after extensive research, I believe that most vaccines are useless and/or very harmful to our populations.

The two exceptions would be the polio vaccine. And the tetanus vaccine.

These are now the only two vaccines that I advise my friends and family to consider.

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I have ordered a book entitled The Cutter Incident: How America’s First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis by Dr. Paul A. Offit as I am having to unlearn and relearn everything I thought I knew. I was involved in determining the overhead rate for federally sponsored research. I left after I was told I must “fudge data” along with whatever big accounting firm I was working in conjunction with at the time. Thus, I am familiar with a level of fraud involved in our research. Having met many well-regarded researchers throughout the country, my first question is who/what is funding said research. I have amassed a small library on the subject of vaccines after my daughters were vaccine injured post HPV vaccine. Both developed Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis post vaccination. I had consumed the Koolaid and did not ask the questions I needed to ask at the time to protect my children properly. Once the book arrives and I have read it, I can share what I have learned. I am rather suspect of any vaccination at this time, though. As one renowned biochemist friend told me, “There is no profit in a cure.” He had been researching the effect of aluminum on the brain at USC. I am disgusted by the disease for profit model. I work for a church now, performing rather unglamorous tasks rather than participating in the disease for profit model. At least no attempts are made to coerce me to falsify data. Anyhow, I will read the forthcoming book and consider what it proposes. Thank you for being willing to question the propaganda put forth by the pharmaceutical industry.

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I must add that I believe it is foolhardy and illogical to trust an industry that is protected from liability via the 1986 Act. As long as the manufacturers of vaccines have zero liability, I will not be able to trust quality control methods or basically anything they have to offer. Should the protections be removed, I might consider “trusting their science” a bit more. Until that time, I am going to do things the old fashioned way: eat high quality food, exercise, sleep well and avoid the medical industrial complex as much is as possible.

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Celebrate the Risen Lord 💜✝️🤍


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I do sense an Awakening among many people, which I sense will trigger a return to the more earthly and humane ways of our past, before mass media and popular culture brainwashed so many... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/the-light-of-truth-is-breaking-through

I Hope!!

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Thank you Drs. Breggin and Dr. Christian. You have turned a day of a Dad’s fear and sadness into one of hope and joy.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.” 2 Timothy 1:7

And just yesterday I received my shipment from Earthing!

Thank you again!

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Easter blessings to both of you. Thank you so much for all that you share.

I wish I could share with my family, but most of them wear a suit of resistance against

anything that might provoke them to think, or they are offended

Both of you are greatly loved

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A wonderful and heartfelt interview! I appreciate all three of you and thank you for your devotion to humanity and freedom.

All the best on this Easter weekend!


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I used too as many of us did as an article of faith and dogmatically repeated these same views, as espoused by Dr. Christian “I am only too aware of the great scourges of mankind, including smallpox, that have been eliminated or made innocuous by vaccination,” he said. “I am also pro-vaccine for my own family, including myself.” But a deeper dive such as Del Bigtree's interview with Dr. Susan Humphries and her book recently updated Dissolving Illusions illustrates very clearly, that vaccines did not end or even down trend these diseases. Nothing could be further from the truth. Namely that vaccines were not responsible for the rapid decline is major diseases such as Polio, Diptheria, Whooping Cough, Tuberculous etc etc. Dr. Humphries near the end of her interview with Del states, she knows of no "safe & effective" vaccine. Her is a link to last weeks Highwire show with Del, and a subsequent link to her very well researched and stunning book. https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/shattering-the-vaccine-paradigm-with-dr-suzanne-humphries/,


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Bought Quality Longevity years ago directly from the author, Mark Lovendale at The Book Publicists of Southern Californai dinner. I started looking through it again today.... and saw Peter R Breggin, the author of Toxic Psychiatry and many more books. As a reader of 82 years, I have read exensively...and keep on adding to my library. I know you believe the same way; wanting America back in a much better and happier place. I believe totally in the Power of our Creator...and know all things are possible.

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Dr Shiv Chopra author of "Corrupt To The Core" after working for decades at Health Canada said and I quote "Not one vaccine is any damn good"

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