Have you considered the posibility that ALL THIS is just a "set-up". Being promoted well ahead of time so that people will BELIEVE that there is a Virus, when in fact there is NONE............???

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You couldn't be more right... We have proof of propaganda; no proof of viruses...

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Great link.

The pandemic was created to force the vaxx.

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This was planned for decades to bring in New World Order/Agenda 2020/2030/2050 by the WEF/globalists. Only this time, they're telling us it's a vaccine, when it's really a bio-weapon made from labs done deliberately to reduce the population, killing/injuring millions. This would never happen in Mother Nature! There was no pandemic.

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You have to remember that what they were reporting in the 2015 Nature Medicine article and what was proposed in the grant applications and then funded by NIAID was manmade work on synthesizing a "spike protein", NOT a complete SARS-Cov-2 corona"virus". It was all make-believe. There has never been any research conducted on a real, isolated SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus.

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they made something to release on the public, call it what you like, it was likely a poison of some sort with unknown vector. people understand "viruses" or think they do so that is the perfect thing to tell the public...

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But it's not the perfect thing to tell people who are sufficiently scientifically minded to be able to understand the explanation. And, lots of people with even the minimum of high school biology are in that category. Thus, since no "virus" has ever been isolated (shown to exist via Koch's postulates), I'd prefer the explanation be more specific. Currently, that would be an aerosolized "spike protein" toxic peptide or an aerosolized venom, unless you know of additional possibilities.

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that is likely correct for what was released, however, you are giving the general public far too much credit. most humans I know, and some fairly well educated, immediately freak out by the world "virus". people are dumb...even people who should know better. As someone who has studied all of this relentlessly now for 4 years I had to start reminding myself that most of the population simply don't know, forgot what they know, or prefer to buy into "the current thing" and live in fear... short version PEOPLE ARE SO SO DUMB.

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Three years ago, I even told some people, including a sister, I would not be seeing them, because they were Covid-19 vaxxed; and, I did not want to take the chance of them shedding in my presence. I've occasionally sent them articles on shedding, including this recent one, where during the last minute of the interview, a cardiac nurse explains how she determined that even the HR department at the hospital where she works knows that shedding is a real threat to one's health:

COVID Nurses Speak Out - (including on the reality of shedding)


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Yup...several reported on this fairly early like Karen Kingston, Dr. Tenpenny, and others. Fortunately (I guess), I was estranged from anyone who was vaxxed because I wasn't lol. They still don't get that the vax is what gives them what they wouldn't have gotten without it.

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23


Agreed. I have at least one sibling in that category who was even a dean at a state school where s/he set up a school medical library. S/he's likely vaxxed (I'm not going to specifically ask, but the push-back I get, whenever I send a relevant email, says everything. S/he will even quote Snopes or Politico to me. (Yikes!) - But, I will not stop sending material and I will not dumb down what I do send. S/he either pulls her/his head out of her/his butt; or, s/he lives with the consequences. Sadly, after more than three years of warning people, I no longer have much patience with them. Some of them (one is a presumably intelligent CPA) are even hostile to the idea that they could have been wrong to get jabbed. I've given up on them. This is Reiner Fuellmich's suggestion: that one has to finally let such people go; and, I've finally arrived at that point of agreement with him.

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I have too friend, I have given up on those who are still ignoring the truth staring them in the face. Last fall I did have a good but very uncomfortable talk with my sister and her husband. They do know that something is very wrong but the poison flows within them with two shots (I don't think they took any boosters). They are at least aware but it is very uncomfortable to talk to them about what is happening. Basically they admit that it is happening but grow quiet very quickly. Many other friends also "know" but they just decide to act like it never happened. I guess if you "forgot" that you took the poison, you'll be fine... Meanwhile young adults keep dropping like flies around them/us.

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23

Some new ick made the rounds and differed from all the flu/cold/viruses I had ever encountered:/

I am an expert on the Chinese import made in America : major bummer.

Am not vaxed and had such brain fog that I didn’t dose myself correctly with all the right meds. Did I mention I teach high school math?

Am unusually healthy (no need for doctors visits in 30+ years other than injuries and a blasted tick. But that ro was special—and I have long covid>__<

Ideas on what I got if not a pathogen? If it were 5G then why did my friend get ‘it’at the same time when she did not live near me?

I get the virus debate but if not that then what??

BTW have you seen George Web’s stack on this? He outed them before even the Italian debacle...less than a month into the Plandemic he outed their plan. Respect for that.

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23

Dr. David Martin hypothesized that a "spike protein" toxin was aerosolized and spread by, perhaps, U.S. intelligence agencies. The reason he appears to believe this is that he was able to predict globally, exactly where SARS-Cov-2/(Covid-19) coronavirus disease cases would appear should there be a "plandemic". He explained this during the following interview with Brian Rose:

Dr. David E Martin - London Real With Brian Rose On A Manufactured Illusion!


Another possibility was advanced by Dr. Bryan Ardis who says the certain snake venom toxic peptides cause the same symptoms, including loss of taste and smell associated with the alleged Covid-19 disease; and, these venom peptide toxins are continually being synthesize globally in labs and are readily available in aerosols on the market. The interesting thing about the venom hypothesis is that venoms are very stable throughout a wide range of temperature, thus they don't degrade easily.

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Unique experiences of sickness are par for living. I had some week-long nasty illnesses in my youth. Guess if I had that in April 2020 I’d assume it was covid too.

Re: long covid, whatever that may be, there are many reasons for humans nowadays to have perpetual torpor and brain fog. I’d check your neural function, your vagus nerve in particular, and of course all the basics (sleep, quality food, etc.)

And no, 5G doesn’t help

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Re the tick, here's a must watch. There is no Lyme, and it's not a germ/bug/bioweapon as propaganda would have you believe: https://www.bitchute.com/video/yJf7b11gds7K/ Antibiotics CAUSE more issues... (and keep you coming back! $$$$).

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Perhaps the rollout of 5G caused flu like symptoms and that gave authorities reason for promoting the vackseen.?

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I'm pretty sure there were a number of things involved in the supposed outbreak, including weather manipulation/chem trails, food manipulation, even just fear porn over the years about what was bad to eat (like red meat rather than processed/fast foods), etc. for the global depopulation plan. Big rabbit hole, but in nutshell 5G is definitely not our friend and there's no need for it - not faster, just invades differently and harsher than 2.4G, nothing better about it. There has been a plan for this hoax for decades and certain things that were supposed to happen by 2015, 2020, 2025, 2030, etc. for total global dominance over all nations. We're 4 years behind, so everything got fast-tracked in prep for 2021 roll-out. And they just had to make sure a certain someone wasn't elected again ;).

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Good point. Except they have been working on gain of function for H5N1 and bird flus since 2018! Evil subhumans!

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You have not followed the controversy about this, have you?

If you like to read, I recommend this post https://viroliegy.com/2022/04/07/gain-of-fiction/ by Mike Stone.

The entire viroliegy site is a monumental work of debunking virology. Also on substack.

If you like videos, I recommend https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/gain-of-function-gaslighting:8

and https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/gain-of-function-garbage:c

by the Sam and Mark Bailey.

These people are very serious. If they are correct, then humanity has been enslaved by a geopolitical fantasy, the germ theory of disease, and its effects are everywhere, most notably in all the mental and spiritual strife that affects so many people.

Thus, I think that asking the scientific question "is contagious disease is a real phenomenon?" and learning which view is the correct one (the majoritarian view, or the minoritarian view) can be a major source of healing, and a great help for the future of humanity.

Sadly, most people will never ask that question. It's too frightening to think that all the horrors of the last 200 years have been caused by a delusional belief in the existence of pathogens. All politics and all wars since the French Revolution are related to this huge impulse to make people fear each other, and keep them divided and hating each other, to the point of mass violence. And the idea of contagious disease has been one of the main components of this political strategy of terrorism, that almost everyone accepts as fundamentally true. Unquestionable. It's a sad state of affairs.

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Yesterday, Judicial Watch: FBI records found Fauci Agency Funded Gain of Function.... and many know that Fauci and Obama contributed American taxpayer dollars to the Wuhan Lab. The CCP intends to use biowarfare to take over America...and very ignorant people in our government are helping them. The CCP would eliminate them too.

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Apr 27Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Obama ordered Fauci to stop all gain of function research in 2015 and little weasel just moved the project to Wuhan in defiance of Presidential Order.

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Who bought a home in Washington, D.C., when his term was ended? He is most likely in the White House pulling Biden's strings.

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Don't even try giving Obama a pass. Years prior to him ordering Fauci and signing the EO, he actually went to the labs and said they were doing great work and were safe. He only did it as a coverup because people were looking into them and he needed that to be sidetracked. He also needed the EO to make sure the labs here, Wuhan and in Ukraine could continue their gain-of-function work without being found out. When Trump won, he knew he would keep the EO in place and that anything that happened would come back on Trump not him. Now we're finding out a whole lot more about what Obama put in place.

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23

Yes. Everyone should read the 2003 speech to heads of the CCP by former Chinese Defense Minister General Chi HaoTian, where he suggests China should kill most U.S. citizens first via biological warfare before killing every last American man, woman and child (except for those Native Americans who originated from China), in order to repopulate the U.S with native Chinese to farm U.S. farm land for food for China.

"War Is Not Far from Us and Is the Midwife of the Chinese Century"


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Keep an eye on Gordon G. Chang, Renewing America and there's a few others related that are working together to get source info out. They're not all ignorant, some are involved.

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Apr 23Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Thank you for mentioning this. In December 2019, when I first read about the new mystery flu in China, I did a few hours of internet research and read this and a few other articles written by researchers at the Wuhan lab. I found several articles in the public domain, going back years, not even behind a paywall. It was NOT hidden. They were PROUDLY creating new chimeric coronaviruses and boasting about their techniques and results. For four years i have been telling people this but this is the first time I have seen anyone write about it. Well done.

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Dear Kev: Thank you very much. We address this study, and similar studies done in the timeframes leading up to 2020, as well as details about the gain of function work on coronaviruses etc at length and with extensive documentation in our book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey.

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This only feeds the fear of future pandemics.

Think why China would be cool letting western govt people into their labs....


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Yes. Professor of law, Francis Boyle, who drafted the "Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989", started explaining on Info Wars during early at least as early as March, 2020, that the synthesized SARS "spike protein" is a biological weapon. Boyle's explanation used four scientific articles, one of which was the 2015 Nature Medicine article. Boyle was blackballed by the MSM, which is why he had to present his explanations via Info Wars, which he did several times. I first viewed one of these presentations in January of 2021 on YouTube; but, then YouTube, which is controlled by the CIA's Google deleted that particular Boyle's Info Wars presentation and I cannot find that particular one again. But here is an earlier one where Boyle talks about the Nature Medicine (calls it "Nat. Med.") as the second paper he presents:

Francis Boyle Coronavirus Wuhan Biological Weapon The Truth Interview (jason Liosatos)


and earlier in March 5th, 2020:

Dr. Francis Boyle Full Interview: Coronavirus Is An Offensive Bioweapon


and a very short explanation of HIV being engineered into SARS:



There are additional Boyld presentations on Bitchute, Rumble, etc.

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And what if the virus or engineered and weaponized pathogen was released on purpose or accidentally escaped from secretary Nuland’s Russian ethnic elimination and CIA sponsored secret Ukraine bio labs? What if the bio lab SC2 virus and that what was released on the world population, or released on certain areas, countries or hotspot were totally different? What if the patho escaped from a BSL2 security lab when it was supposed to be developed in a highly secured BSL4? Was Fr. Boyle’s prediction in 2000 that the neocons decided that the R&D of biochemical weapons no longer have a defensive function but an offensive, and that….a biochemical war can and must be won! Was his prediction also thin air that the cia and darpa are the greatest threat for the survival of mankind and for world peace?

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Enemies within...yes. Could it have been released from just about anywhere Fauci, CIA, Nuland, et al set up...yes. I think it has been established this has been planned for decades and there are a lot of bad actors involved. I do believe this was really slotted for no earlier than 2025 or 2030 though. Trump interrupted and they moved early to remove him. Even Obama said he thinks he was too early. They didn't expect the American public to be so knowledgeable or diligent...thought they were far enough along with their mind control/propaganda. In some respects they were through EDU, dismemberment of the family unit, etc., but too many elders existed that had passed down enough it was too early. They thought exterminating elders first would remove that hoop, problem was the way they went about it was very suspect.

What needs to happen is all need to be investigated, indicted, and removed from service in government or any health/medical capacity. We need some brave congress and court actions to take place NOW! This is a humanity issue, not political.

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I’m not American, but from where I live they also talk about men becoming pregnant in the near future, and women making rendezvous with a practitioner to implant not silicon breast but a penis. I pray to god everyday and I’m not even religious, that the new generation, the younger ones will wake up from meta and AI, and the zombificators and sleepwalkers like neuralink and other mind control, are they and we capable of escaping the 5 eyes and who knows how many more eyes internet?

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How can there be proof? No virus has every been isolated.

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No proof of any isolation?……Fauci’s bank account every time going up instead of going down with such retarded remarks. Who cares about never isolated, how much is his monthly income? 2 times or several times that of former forever indicted and stigmatized Trump.

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It’s never been isolated because it doesn’t exist. The whole germ theory is a hoax. Once we abandon the disproven germ theory, that will be the end of viruses, virology, vaccines, and the vaccine industry.. It could lead to end of pharmaceutical drugs and the industry.

I love the idea. It’s a fantastic psy op that has been perpetrated on Americans. It is a very big con job. We’ve been fooled. Sadly, more than 70% of Americans don’t question authority. They just obey.

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still viruses exist and have been categorised and isolated since 1954, but they are absolutely not capable of spreading, infecting huge masses and by no way causing pandemics. SC2 is not a virus, it’s engineered, a weaponised artefact.

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Are you referring to Enders, et al, who claimed they isolated the polio virus?

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No absolutely not. My information mostly comes from before 2020 the pandemics. I cannot explain why suddenly viruses ceased to exist while they were not an issue for 400 years, and that progressing from the start they were identified, classified and linked according all their diseases. I quote from a book from 2004….The Disturbing Story Of The Government’s Secret Germ Laboratory - Lab 257 pag 67….Dr. Bachrach and Dr. S. Breese had successfully photographed a virus using an electronic microscope. Technology had been introduced in 1945, results were disappointing and photographic detail was difficult, if not impossible. But recently (1954) metallic shadowing helped add dimension and clarity to specimens, after an untold number of miscues, snapped a crisp image on a plate glas negative. For the first time in 443 years since it was first diagnosed and described by the Italian monk Hieronymus Frascastorius, one of the smallest creatures known to mankind, the foot-and-mouth disease virus, could be seen in striking detail. The micrographs revealed something never before witnessed: a spherically shaped grey ball, ONE-MILLIONTH OF AN INCH IN DIAMETER AND EVEN SMALLER THAN THE TINY POLIO VIRUS…..Besides all this I find it very suspicious that the Chinese CDC Director talks about the none isolation, did he mean not yet isolated and why If cannot be isolated, why this doublespeak???

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Enders’ fake polio virus isolation was 1953. He never isolated an pathogenic microbe. He made soup with snot from a patient they claimed was infected. They added all kinds of crazy toxic crap and used that as the vaccine. Their study had no control group. Polio was a total scam. The death rate had declined in the previous decades as arsenic was eliminated from farming practices along with DDT.

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Please see Dissolving Illusions by Dr. Suzanne Humphries, graph 12.1.

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23

My *guess* is that most people here figured this info out four years ago.

Virus shows up in wet market near level four biolab where Chinese and Americans work together doing gain of function work.

Not a big leap to go to:

Virus was released from level four biolab where Chinese and Americans work together doing gain of function work.

Future spoiler: Biolabs in Ukraine doing gain of function work are the reason that we're funding that war.

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It is good that you were able to talk with them. At the very least; and , I hope that's the case with those I've spoken with (any way...that's been my intention); perhaps they won't go get another jab (the CDC is now pushing a sixth).

One other possibility you may have considered is that there are various detoxing methods to help clear these people's systems of toxins, including parasites. One is zeolite for heavy metals, including graphene. There are other detox protocols. For parasites, I'd go to Dr. Lee Merritt's website.

I'm not jabbed; I ignorantly had one flu jab maybe 30 years ago at the urging of my mom, but no more since. I'll never have another vaxx.

I also have not had Covid nor the flu; but, I'm considering doing a zeolite detox and a parasite detox, since I easily could have taken in heavy metals and parasites over the years via means other than jabs. I'll do one detox at a time to monitor my body's response. In the meantime, I'm collecting detox protocol info to study.

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Understanding the mindset of the Chinese is necessary. The Chinese government is a dictatorship; set up to control the people. The people must obey without question the authority of the government; enforced by its military. This soulless entity of government is based on its might; not its right. It controls through force. It is the antithesis of a moral governance, which would govern intelligently and compassionately to care for the needs of the governed.

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It’s impossible to understand ever the mindset of the Chinese, they are everything except Judea-Christian which is also a repressive mindset, we cannot enter their mindset because ours is too chauvinistic and propagandistic. Note that all Chinese are not communist, and that there are Chinese who even love their dictatorship, just read M. Desmet of his visit to Rumania, you should read en feel what we have lost, empathy.

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Individually, I care about people of every nationality and color, but I understand the mindset of those who run these countries. Where there is no kind of spiritual connection...there is no regard for the people. They are viewed by the leaders as, there to support the government. Many today don't even know what the word ethics mean. Ethics mean that you don't take advantage of anyone . I never joined any religious group, but went everywhere to learn how people worship. i even visited a Black Christian Holy Roller Church in Connecticut in Greenwich one time back in 1980 or 1981.

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First the west is no more or less spiritual than the east, both are through and through materialistic. Now I quote an extract from M. Desmet paragraph from Aldous Huxley’s book A BRAVE NEW WORLD. “By means of ever more effective methods of Mind Manipulation, the democracies will change their nature,………to a New Totalitarianism. Democracy and Freedom will be the theme of every broadcast and editorial. Meanwhile the ruling oligarchy and it’s highly trained soldiers, police and thought-manufacturers and mind-manipulators wil QUIETLY run the shows as they see fit.

China truly has a problem, but no less than the (same) problems we have in our western democracies.

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Agreed! It appears the whole world is run by psychopaths out to exterminate humanity. In doing this, they rake in multi- billions dispensing deadly products. if they can't destroy enough people this way, they bathe the world in radiation and promote warfare... more money in their coffers. What will they do for entertainment, when there is nothing left?

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You are the prey but also to quote Jesus in the Naq Hamadi…..in such a poverty (meaning our body-mind-soul?) he has laid down his Kingdom, and in many religions there’s evidence we are, or can transcend ourselves not in the least a transhuman AI or algorithm, but as a human we can be all Jesus or a light that shines from within. Appo Dheepo Bhava, Buddha be a light onto yourself.

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You are the prey but also to quote Jesus in the Naq Hamadi…..in such a poverty (meaning our body-mind-soul?) he has laid down his Kingdom, and in many religions there’s evidence we are, or can transcend ourselves not in the least a transhuman AI or algorithm, but as a human we can be all Jesus or a light that shines from within. Appo Dheepo Bhava, Buddha be a light onto yourself.

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You are the prey but also to quote Jesus in the Naq Hamadi…..in such a poverty (meaning our body-mind-soul?) he has laid down his Kingdom, and in many religions there’s evidence we are, or can transcend ourselves not in the least a transhuman AI or algorithm, but as a human we can be all Jesus or a light that shines from within. Appo Dheepo Bhava, Buddha be a light onto yourself.

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Speaking of the Chinese people...that's not necessarily true anymore. Many are Judea-Christian, they just worship with family/friends at home in private - no phones, etc.. I have a friend who came here in 2015 and she is and her entire family at home is Christian. The fact they have to abide by the CCP absolutely doesn't mean they are communist, nor does it mean they love their dictatorship. They may have come to rely on it and strive for professions that are favorable to the CCP, but they don't like the loss of freedom. There are 400 million CCP and 1.4 Billion Chinese, some of which are the Uyghurs (slaves). There's been a couple of movements in China... one was Tiananmen Square which was a disaster, but currently it is the New China movement toward removing the communist party. It is very easy to understand the majority mindset of the Lao Bejing and their culture and spiritual connection, which far predates the communist regimes. There's even a dance group touring the U.S. that the CCP is trying to put a stop to. I agree we have become spoiled enough to think that can't happen here, but it's here. Understanding what the Chinese mindset is to me means, understand how they fell, to understand how it can and is happening here.

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Please try to live up with it, some Chinese are proud to be Chinese my daughter in law is Chinese, some like Communism and are proud of it, just like Russians want to be Russians or North Koreans want to be NK, or Afghanistan’s or former Vietcong, you name it. But for the average of Americans to be non American it’s a pain in the A.. unacceptable but explain when Chinese are catholic it’s OK but not when they’re Commies it’s not OK! Many don’t give a damn to be neither Catholic nor Communist but to have a life that is worth living.

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What? Of course anyone from any nation are proud of their country and culture. The average human does not like communism...they may just not know any different because they never lived in times without it, but there are enough Chinese who did or they learned of it through family. Only the 400 million CCP members are proud of it and a lot of them don't even know what is happening to Chinese people outside of their

I disagree...most Americans are proud being American also. "But for the average of Americans to be non American it's a pain in the A...not sure what you mean by that? If you mean communism is unacceptable, you are correct. It's not what this nation should accept if we believe in our founding and what it represents. Are you advocating for communism here?

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Mmmmmmm…..difficult subject to put our teeth in deeper. Communism is a disease as much as is Capitalism, the first makes everyone equally poor thinking everyone is indeed equal and rich which we are not, everyone has different qualities and opportunities. Capitalism at the source is perfect, free enterprise and everyone can thrive according to his own qualities, but what we see now is the degeneration and collapse of all capitalist countries. Former French President Hollande was asked by Chinese Communist leader Xi Jingping how many people were living in France, Hollande exaggerated a bit and said 80 million, to which Xi answered, would France survive as a country with 1,4 billion as a democracy? Xi added it would fall apart without a regime that is repressive, and to that I say for China and other countries some form of dictatorship is an unavoidable necessity. By the way how long till China catches up with the welfare in the US and surpasses it by far, 2030, 2040, 2050…..

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Sorry...communism does not "make everyone equally poor, nor thinking indeed equal and rich." You're even saying you know the difference. It's propaganda of the regime and people are on to it. Capitalism is only degenerated by the threat of an Authoritarian government in collusion with big business using unethical means to grow to the point their is no capitalism to be had by the people. Xi obviously thinks he has the answers. But we are a Republic...there's a difference that the powers that be are trying to overcome. They will NOT. Yeah we slept too long, but this is exactly what needs to be fixed. China is actually in a freefall economically...even though we helped them go from Obama's deemed last nation stance to first. That was a huge mistake that I believe Trump had under control. Big government = welfare for all and is the control factor. Are you kidding? China has plans for US...to feed their people. We are onto the games.

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...outside of their realm or knowledge as being shielded by the communist. Sorry I didn't finish that sentence.

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This is old news that I found in 3/2020 and shared far and wide...FB of course shadow banned it for most and others ignored or dismissed me entirely... Imagine that all of this disaster could have been avoided...do you know that Pres Trump didn't even know about Event 201??? This country is a disaster and it has been run by morons for so long. The evil ones do what they want right in the open and laugh along the way because nobody seems to give a fuck. IT SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE BUT HERE WE ARE...IT ALL COULD HAVE BEEN STOPPED.

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I agree, and there were others who found this, other docs, patents, several events and meetings had occurred prior to 3/2020, but their voices were drummed out also. Even later finds were. It was obviously a concerted effort that had been planned, for later date, nonetheless planned and moved up. Heck in early December 2019 I was listening to Warroom Pandemic and one of the co-hosts at the time said 'I think a pandemic is going to be released'. They continued reporting and I was checking into all the info and saving myself. Yes I found out Trump didn't know that...they kept a lot from him as a sitting President!! I can't think of his name right now, but the guy who first reported he found documents indicating a pandemic had to go underground and I haven't heard about him in a very long time.

YES...IT COULD HAVE BEEN STOPPED and they are still messing around :(. By now you'd think we'd be hearing Gitmo was being filled and "off with their heads". Praying there's a strategy to fixing/removing the DS/Big Government issues! We're toast if not.

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Its mind boggling that we were collaborating with China, of all countries! But also fiddling with bio weapon viruses is just unconscionable.

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In 2014 Obama ended Gain of Function research at US labs. That’s how it was reported at the time, however what the executive order did was order that GoF research be moved outside of the US territory. It did not prevent US biotechnology companies or academic research institutions from continuing the research, it simply forced them to outsource the physical plant and partner with overseas labs and institutions. This was all part of the plan the led to 2020 in my opinion. It was no bug. It was a feature.

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The virus and the jab campaigns are very arguably depicted in John's vision of the First Horseman of the Apocalypse.

The other Horsemen are equally in evidence. So more than the plandemic has been carefully gamed out. I ask that you consider my arguments as being an indicator of what time it is on the End Times Countdown clock.

Second Horseman, the war that looms along with the mayhem that accompanies.

Third Horseman, the destruction of economies that is ongoing as well as food shortages, which are developing.

Fourth Horseman, well, read the essay.


Offered as an explanation for the feeling of unreality we're all experiencing and an indicator of the validity of the the Bible. And so that you may make choices accordingly.

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Under the Biden Administration, we Americans are financing our own demise!

Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher

Los Altos Hillls, CA



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Professor Hamamoto on Patreon just posted a lawsuit involving Malone that was thrown out. He's worth subscribing to and that is an understatement.

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Hi Gayle-- do you have a link to that column?

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I do not. His patreon channel specifically has a video on a specific individual you might be interested in. All should be under Professor Hamamoto. I will try to send you the link.

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Thank you Gayle, I appreciate it ~ Ginger

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