This is all true-but do you think voting for Democrats will remedy this horrific situation? I have been a Democrat all my life, but after Oct. 7th I hesitate to support a Democratic party that coddles antisemites. The Republicans have been shining a light on the rot of antisemitism at elite universities and at this inflection point I am considering supporting them. How about you?

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You're preaching to the choir. There is a pernicious, malignant, evil, philosophical darkness that has descended on our Republic & it may be too late to eradicate it. The dysfunctional Biden administration with its perversion of the justice department adds to the problem.

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Amazingly, Alan, there is a candidate and a political party who stand firmly against these things. They are a party that supports Western Civilization, Israel, and the Judeo-Christian-Natural-Law philosophy that America was founded on. But you've said publicly and repeatedly that you will not vote for this party or for this candidate.

I get that you think Donald Trump is an ass and a deeply flawed person. I do too. But unless you're willing to vote against this liberal-totalitarian crap being pushed by the Democrats, you are complicit in it.

Solzhenitsyn is correct that "the line between good and evil runs through every human heart". But sometimes, it also runs between groups of people. This is an election in which the line between good and evil could not be more firmly on display. If you are voting for the party that celebrates beheading babies in the name of Allah, you are assisting evil.

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Sadly, the Jewish students had to leave, what cowards run NY! The State of New York has become a shit hole!

US Attorney General Merrick Garland and Pretendent Joe-Bama are cowards and have further exacerbated Jew hatred across America. Federal troops should be sent to the campus and open the campus for all students.

I remember when the Attorney General of the US, Robert Kennedy sent Federal Marshalls to escort James Meredith to class. Remember, when Democrats were for civil rights and that equality for all were their values? On September 1962, Attorney General Kennedy sent US Marshals and troops to Oxford, Mississippi to enforce a federal court order admitting the first African American student - James Meredith - to the University of Mississippi.

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Great idea! Why not send in Federal Marshalls to clean out the hateful, threatening, antisemitic cesspool campuses, if the administrations won’t/can’t do it. And why are Jews being told to leave campuses “for their own safety?” Are we now becoming “Jews with trembling knees?”

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January 6th was a demonstration that got a little too exuberant, not an "insurrection" as Democrats would like everyone to believe. At the time I saw AntiFa agitators trying to whip up the crowd, and Pelosi refused to honor Trump's request for increased security for the obvious reason, to create the "fantasy" of an insurrection. Of course Democrats across the board ignored the wild summer of BLM Democrat fueled hate riots that killed dozens and destroyed over 1,00 businesses. If you want chaos, vote Democrat, they will not disappoint you.

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

"For Israel was not created in order to disappear-Israel will endure and flourish. It is the child of hope and the home of the brave. It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success. It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom; and no area of the world has ever had and overabundance of democracy and freedom."

(John F. Kennedy, ZoA convention, New York, NY 8/26/1960)

Passover 2024: May Israel swiftly break the bondage of those trying to destroy it. May Passover be forever a joy in our hearts! (HT)

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This "Let there be no mistake about the fact that January 6 was extremely dangerous to democracy..." makes me unsubscribe. PLEEEEEASSE. Democrats have questioned every election they've ever lost. Their Deep State did everything it could to cripple the validly-elected (but continually questioned as being validly-elected) President Trump. Riots shut down major cities and killed numerous people. But let's ignore all that in the "extremely dangerous to democracy" January 6.

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Welcome to the American cultural revolution. These students are the new red guard: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/struggle-session-parody-3bodyproblem-harvard

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

If former President Trump is found guilty could Judge Merchan immediately send Trump to prison pending sentencing? Am I correct to assume that the US Supreme Court could not hear an appeal of this pre-sentence imprisonment until after the NY Appellate Division and the NY Court of Appeals ruled on the issue? Could the New York courts keep Trump in prison past election day before the US Supreme Court could rule on the detention?

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

In the marketplace of ideas, we are of course free to discuss one of the greatest travesties of American justice, the failure to indict Alan Dershowitz on the basis of accusations of serial underage child rape. According to one document released last December, there were serial child rapes , 6 in number for one underage girl in interstate locations creating federal as well as State criminal jurisdiction. The statute of limitations is inapplicasble for the suspected pedophilia, Jeffrey had a stable of girls, all underage, whom he groomed and kept drugged to keep them docile. Alan Dershowitz sued every whistleblowing girl for defamation when she complained of his sexual abuse. Then he sued every attorney whom represented the girls. The rich and influential with access to Epstein can afford to be litigious.. Sara Ransomme issued a sworn deposition even describing Dershowitz's unathletic, geriatric looking body. The description reads like a Stephen King creation. She specified Dershowitz's involvement in a threesome. If you remember the love scene in Zefferelli's Romeo & Juliet, well it was not like that. Did she lie? This is a matter for a jury to decide. Dershowitz himself lies routinely, claiming endlessly his settlement with Giuffre "exonerated" him. He knows well that it did not. Giuffre specifically stated publically that her civil case settlement with Dershowitz did not "exonerate" him from criminal charges. A New Yorker feature article on Dershowitz reveals Dershowitz's machinations in negotiating the civil settlement. Dershowitz got his insurer to offer Giuffre a million dollars to drop her lawsuit and not testify in civil court about her accusations. He also arranged for his insurer to pay him 50K so he could announce to NYT that he had been paid money in the settlement.. The accusations against Dershowitz and insider knowledge congruent with his apparently platonic love affair (Vanity Fair feature article 2003) with Epstein himself both scream out for an indictment.. So here we can discuss how money and influence exempts Dershowitz from prosecution. But the money and influence come at least in part from Epstein himself, the man whom Dershowitz loved and protected for almost 2 decades. Can American justice not be reformed so that suspected guilty rich and influential people are actually indicted and prosecuted.?. The love story is unlikely to be the basis for a Hollywood movie and should not exempt Dershowitz from punishment for going well beyond attorney services in work and play and into suspected crime with Mr Epstein. .

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100%. Already are.

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You still don’t know that the FBI and Pelosi were behind Jan 6.

Trump supporters are non violent.

The very very right fringe isn’t half as bad as the entire Biden administration.

I can’t believe you don’t know that by now.

I can’t even read this because your title is so wrong.

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Could be worse than 9/11, Pearl Harbor, 1814 — combined! And definitely worse than being blown to bits in Gaza, or being 5 and shot in the head by a sniper, then buried in mass grave. Those poor elite students and professors. Will they ever survive the trauma of witnessing people protest genocide and ethnic cleansing? It’s all too horrible to contemplate.

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