
Above all else doubt a man who hides his values beneath a veneer of science when examining human affairs. Beneath his supposed objectivity too often lurks hateful and even murderous attitudes towards the humans he is studying. ~ Peter R. Breggin MD

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May 4Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

So true. You can smell the sociopathy from a mile away. 😁 Thank you for your tireless, continuing support of the "humane" race.

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Oh, yes! 💖

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Very thoughtful in depth thoughts! Thanks for continuing to clarify truthfulness / integrity

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Mass Formation should be taken metaphorically. A philosophy. Truth is relative to the observer. No human, no science know what is the Ultimate Truth. Few thousands of years ago, a Greek philosopher, Socrates, famously declared , I paraphrase "I know that I know nothing" Still valid today. All is ideas, no Ultimate Truth.

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Are you able to interview Mark Horowitz (Psychiatrist) on his withdrawal from antidepressants if you think he is trustworthy please? https://markhorowitz.org/

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

At first glance Mark Horowitz looks like one of the good guys and he probably is! However he is "an academic psychiatrist." Academic psychiatry focuses on enhancing education, developing curriculum, and establishing training programs. Dr. Horowitz's specific area of interest is in how to safely stop all commonly used psychiatric drugs.

Amazingly enough Dr. Breggin has done work in the exact same area that Mark Horowitz is interested in! The TITLE of Dr. Breggin's book is: Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and their Families . . . It is available on Amazon.

Here are some more excellent short videos by Dr. Breggin.


More good links.


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Also, academic psychiatry focuses on ensuring they are in lockstep with peer-reviewed work in their professional publications to look good in the public eye! That is all coming to an end in the real world!

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I know those guys that's their way for coping with the "terror of the situation" we are all facing. You may find some grounds with Desmet in both sincerely checking about the global enslavement situation, and how his tribe may be subjected, in the end, to something similar too. They are on the same boat than you at such level. You may want to both stick to your tribes, even if fundamentally antagonistic but at least there may be some common goal in that sense. It's not about settling your house next to his. I understand you are trying to express things with the above post, in a huge sincerity. He may not hear it.

In any case regarding the enslavement topic, I'd say that any tribe should benefit from "basic independance" and "basic freedom", "basic free will", before any further considerations. We may notice some tribes who are never free, not free, and it would be easy to point the finger at them. Such tribe is not in some learning process, has zero chance to positively grow and prove anything. They are easily "bad people" but whole point is the people owning them for negative purposes. Those are the first to be dismissed.

Such enslaved tribes ought to find their true meaning out there, to understand what their true template and road is. Otherwise, they will believe what their "masters" tell them, as their role in this life. They would discover that their actual road is something completely different. The 360° may be hard to do, but coming in contact with one's own true nature and purpose would at least provide some "lift".

Truly embrassing your own purpose out there would make you automatically respected by God. Somehow, you may claim for your "place". But overall it's not about claiming for a room but "being" yourself. Positive consequences are so that one may prefer to check around, after it happens. Goal is to "be", first, sincerely. "Wanting for a part of the cake" will not get you there. This is something which would happen automatically once you become indispensable to God.

Whatever Desmet's tribe is, what he says, I hear you. Those guys have a different approach to the evil out there. This is why you may feel that they are condescendents, or else. After all, it may just be the "barrier of the tribes" so it may be good preserving it. I feel it's positive you guys even have a room for talking. How come such thing ever happened :) It may work for you to express him your real pains, sufferings and griefs, I mean how you experience it and to ask him how he experiences it. You would certainly see things differently. Eh! This is because he's from another tribe, a different nature, so his system is different than yours. Need to find a way for understanding each others, it would be as if you were speaking a different language, somwhow.

It may be frustrating to not get echo because you seem sincere. I suppose, stay patient and look for constructive exchanges as you do. I noticed how you have done that with the mention of the Malone 25 millions stuffs. Seems Desmet's tribe does not react much to suffering, or differently. May be useful to check how he sees it, etc. I suppose they dismiss suffering as a principle and that they have a way to deal with it. Some tribe spec. We, taking it in the face, are 100% of the time "bottle at the sea". Even if he's at some other vantage point and even lecturing you, do as you can and you surely have your own priorities.

Good luck! Greetings!

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Well said Dr. Breggin. As usual you define the core problem and the "Intellectualism" which seeks to distract from it. Bravo.

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Desmet and Malone have both made names for themselves during the global Covid scam. They like the attention and woefully lack the courage to stand toe-to-toe with the real predators that you’ve correctly identified. Unless they get the guts to call out the predators for what they are, they’re nothing but grifters. Keep up the good work Dr. Breggin.

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

EXACTLY!!! Great comment, Curtis.

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Dr. Malone works tirelessly calling out the perps. So easy to judge negatively. The fact they are in the spotlight is neither here nor there, except to those who resent it.

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I’ve heard Malone a 100X and met him in person. He’s never demonstrated the moral courage Dr. Breggin has, nor has he directly targeted the global predators with trenchant accusations. He usually conveys weakness with his carefully crafted political speak. Shows no real conviction and until he does he’s nothing but a grifter.

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Have you read his articles which point to the various string pullers? Dr. Malone has been speaking out for years. Perhaps he doesn't have a rubber neck, but I don't understand the criticism, he has done more than most, certainly more than me.

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May 3·edited May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

It's called "limited hangout." Malone is quite good at it. This is not to say he hasn't a lot of expertise. BUT I did not see him come out after the Rogan interview, where he pushed the mass psychosis phrase knowing the audience it would garner. IMO that was deliberate and got a lot of press with no push back: now it is a phrase used everywhere without people understanding the underlying meaning.

"A Limited Hangout is a tactic used in media relations, perception management, politics, and information management. It involves the release of previously hidden information to prevent a greater exposure of more important details. This technique is often associated with intelligence agencies and involves a release or “mea culpa” type of confession of only part of a set of previously hidden sensitive information. By doing so, the entity releasing the information appears to be “coming clean” and acting with integrity, but in reality, they are protecting a deeper operation and those who could be exposed if the whole truth came out."

We now see this happening as some vaccine makers acknowledge some of the damages their products cause.

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So you are saying he is controlled opposition? What is his motive? Does he really strike you as insincere? I think you are reading too much into it, I don't think he is boxing that clever.

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May 4Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

You could be right. I initially thought Malone was great and was eager to hear what he had to say. The man has great expertise. It has been over time, however, that I came to question his motives and actions. It was pushing the notion of mass psychosis on Rogan that nailed it for me along with his vicious law suit against the Breggins.

You asked about an agenda. While I don't think this is Malone's, there definately has been one, conceived after the genome was mapped: And advanced forms of biological warfare that can target "specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool." page 60


According to Michael Nehls' book, The Indoctrinated Mind, the mRNA jabs damage the hippocampus, which is the seat of identity and memory. The jab, along with incessant propaganda and fear porn, has resulted in serious changes in people. He backs his ideas with many studies and references. I highly recommend the book.

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May 4Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Malone’s agenda is economic and having to do with power…he’s the ultimate Grifter, taking advantage of a period of time where he can come off as the ‘all knowing, all seeing one’, based upon his vast experience of many years with Big Pharma and The Defense Department.

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I didn’t say Malone hasn’t done some good, he has. He simply falls far short of what he’s capable of — and he knows it. That’s my evaluation based on 2-3 years of observation and research. I was banned from LI long before he was and I’m not a MD. He’s capable of redeeming himself, but I doubt he’ll do anything to change my mind. His lawsuit against Dr. Breggin was absolutely disgusting.

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

A recent essay by Sasha Latypova regarding Malone's various claims and denials was illuminating. She has a Substack and the article was just a few days ago. Comments were overwhelmingly positive. Latypova goes far beyond your moderate criticisms, by the way.

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Yes an excellent SL Substack on Dr. Bob!

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What is he capable of? He has vaccine damage, he has a nervous constitution, there is more to a person then pure intellect, which can be hindrances. He explained his point of view, and I understood it at the time.

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I’m glad you mentioned Malone has vaccine damage — he called it ‘Long-Covid’ in writing to me. The same guy who knew mRNA jabs were unproven and unsafe. He also knew the sordid history of numerous failures of the Coronavirus conventional vaccines. Anyone so bold and brazen to sue Dr. Breggin should never be enabled.

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May 4Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Not so fast..... Robert Malone's Travelling Partner Reveals He Was NOT Vaccinated in 2021

We all knew Sly Malone's 'vaccination' claim was bollocks https://anthonycolpo.substack.com/p/robert-malones-travelling-partner

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Malone published with another author on March 2020 that the mRNA shots were problematic long before they became widely available. Yet he took it? With his expertise? Puleeze. Papers that get published are written long before they go out.

"Prior studies involving vaccine candidates for FCoV SARS-CoV-1 and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) demonstrate vaccination-induced antibody-dependent enhancement of disease (ADE), …"


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His so called ‘vaxx injury’ is now under scrutiny in certain circles…he may not have even got the Jabs, and has made all that s**t up about his vaxx injury.

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Yes, that was what I felt Dr. Bob has always been…an opportunistic Grifter! He reminds me of that actor who played “The Most Interesting Man in the World” in a long running ad campaign for Dos Equis beer. 😉😆

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Malone works tirelessly when it comes to badmouthing, condemning, and suing people who have questions why he didn’t expose the dangers of mRNA technology. He raked in the cash while HIS contribution to the vaccine allowed the toxins to even pass the blood-brain barrier and travel throughout the body. It would have been nice to know that it didn’t just stay in your arm.

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This is why I don't understand why some Canadian freedom doctors think we'll of Malone. How can anything he says or does be trustworthy?

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He is trustworthy, not a saint, never met one.

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Great comment, C. Anderson!

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Did he rake in cash have you proof or is that an assumption.

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He works tirelessly to protect his royalties and those who provide them. CYA it's called.

There are none so blind as those who WILL not see. Precisely what Dr. Breggins said about the abused slave mentality ..jabbed "slaves" protect their abusers (killers) at any cost. They have to, or admit that they have, in effect, aided in their early demise by the abusers they worship.


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Are you certain he is getting a lot of money in royalties?

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Are you certain he’s not?

If so, please provide your evidence.

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If you listen to his interviews on Epoch Times, you will come across his claims that he did not receive millions of dollars. He also claims that his main source of income is his substack. I would put more store in hearing it from the horse's mouth, than a stranger making critical assumptions.

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In the case of Dr. Bob, “out of the horse’s mouth” is actually more like “out of the horse’s ass”. 😉

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Dr. Bob’s money doesn’t at all come from his piddly Substack. How naive you are. He has long-standing ‘financial relationships’ with Big Pharma and the various DOD ‘agencies. How do you think he got his “horse farm in Virginia”? What’s this “gentleman farmer from Virginia” BS, he refer to? He’s had these ‘financial relationships’ long before the Scamdemic. And they run deep and wide. He’s just used his ‘insider status’ towards his own self centered, narcissistic ends, now.

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What’s your deal with ‘defending’ Dr. Bob?

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What is the deal with the viciousness toward him? It seems to be rooted in his use of the concept 'mass formation psychosis' put forth by Matthias Desmet who drew from Gustave Le Bon. The whole thing is mind-boggling to me. Over reaction to say the least.

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But why would he want to sue?

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He has written about it on his sub stack and explained his point of view. I think you could find it again. Personally, I believe he is not an emotionally resilient person and also is suffering health problems from the shots, so he is deeply affected by what is written and said about him. I think his intentions are above board, and due to prior abuse that he has experienced in his career, where he ended up having a 'breakdown' he is now defensive when he feels attacked.

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That is possible, and some of his writing about when he and his wife began, do resonate but if you’d been abused and suffered I think you’d think twice about perpetrating that. I do think he has some credibility issues, maybe that why he hit out in defence - that would be a better explanation than thinking perhaps he is captured

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Not trying to hold your feet to the fire, just for my own edification so I will do more research, where are there credibility issues?

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Credibility issue: he knew the jab was bad, he claims he took it anyway. the dates and places he "took it" are variable.

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He makes a big deal of his achievements and claims to fame, in a sort of ‘the lady doth protest too much’ way, which in my opinion reveals that he feels his credibility is being undermined by others in the field. For this reason I feel he is vulnerable to being compromised.

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May 4·edited May 4

He appears to have a vulnerable personality and has decompensed previously in response to stressors. Plus, numerous case reports exist of psychosis following mRNA covid vaccination. This could potentially explain his apparent querulous or litigious paranoia.

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Possibly, yes. Also, perhaps he feels psychologically conflicted, but is stuck due to prior involvements.

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Dr. Malone publishes a lot of good information. Since he was an insider for too many years he may be reluctant to speak out more forcefully on the great harm being done. Hard to understand some of the conflict, when closing ranks is the only way to stop this march to hades! Has he signed non-disclosure agreements that are a issue?

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whole different type of comments more balanced, by the readers of Matthias Desmet's new article, can't remember which substack I read it on though

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I have read through most of the comments. Why so much hate toward him? I don't get it. Mark 10:18 And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone. Was he wrong?

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I wish he would read all these comments and reply.

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Bless you both, Drs. Peter and Ginger Breggin!

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Wow wow wow…brilliant.

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Dr. B… brilliant. Well done!

We ARE in an abusive relationship - the 99+% versus the 0.01% - and it is long past time to call out our abusers and free ourselves from them.

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It is more than abuse; we have been exposed to a 'killing machine' that is still in operation, and although the killing cabal is known, they have not been brought to justice yet.

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Yes Rita! I couldn’t get past the Desmet threat as it just isn’t about the Breggins. It is a warning to all who don’t comply: Dr. Breggin wrote “You warned me, perhaps threatened me, in an early letter you wrote to me in the public square that my blaming the elite is “a recipe for self-destruction.””

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Thank you for this wonderful open letter!!

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Standing with you Dr. Breggin — we have all had WAY more than enough of narcissists who insist on argument instead of dialogue and laying blame on others and entangling others in endless meaningless debates. Thank you for bringing real issues to bear and into the light, and for staying true, strong and free. 🙏♥️🙏

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May 3·edited May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Resounding Applause...👏👏👏👏 BRAVO!👏👏👏👏 BRAVO! 👏👏👏👏

Especially, that last invitation to discuss this business through more 'Public Discussions'...Couldn't have been more beautifully wrote and as clear as a ringing aria!👏👏👏👏

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Well put, sir. Well put. Cross-posted.

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Since the FDA approved Seldane in the early 1990’s as the first prescription drug to be advertised to the consumer because it was non-drowsy, and would save lives it opened the door to consumer Rx advertising! So for 30 years American consumers have been inundated with consumer advertising, stating Rx drugs are good for you! Therefore, it is very easy to induce mass psychosis to convince the consumer that whatever the FDA says is good for you! They spent big bucks to create Covid compliance! Miss direction by Desmit is either out of ignorance or planned propaganda to keep the RNA push alive that has now classified humans as lab rats. By the way, Seldane was removed from the prescription drug market because it caused many many deaths! Death induced by RX drugs is ignored and RNA injections is the most gross example! Do not comply!

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May 3·edited May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

"Mass psychosis" is a false description: Psychotics can't tell reality from fantasy. If people get bad or false information, that doesn't make them psychotic, just indoctrinated. When they get good information, they can tell the difference though admittedly it is painful to find you got it wrong and some resist it. But that, too, doesn't make them psychotic.

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Really good explanation.thank you

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

great writing! thank you!

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Amazing insight into the nonsense of blaming the victims! Using Oedipus complex to blame children who had abuse and blaming “society” because it is suicidal to distract from the predators is wicked.

Thank you for exposing it..

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Seems to be the theme here, victim blaming.

We know victimizers are liars as well as being predators. The question is why would a presumably innocent human (Desmet, Malone, etc.) possessing a conscience ever try to shield these reprobates?

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Seriously Bridget? It is because they, Desmet and Malone, agree with the theory of excessive population. They are Malthusians. They believe in “culling the herd.” Kind of like a late abortion. Blunt, but when you think the earth is dying because of too many people, you become willing to do all kinds of immoral acts. These are truly dangerous people.

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Yes, find out what these so called freedom people think about 'overpopulation'. I understand both Malone and Kirch subscribe to that overpopulation viewpoint. Interesting thT those who do, do not volunteer to be the first to exit this life.

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

You’re right. It was a rhetorical attribution to them…having a conscience 🫠

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"but when you think the earth is dying because of too many people," ... so, you too are a Malthusian

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May 4Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

controlled opposition can be very insidious. they start off saying things that make you think they're on your side, untill they win rapport and trust. then they gradually try to lead the public astray. They will often say things that sound true, but are ever so slightly off the mark. then the controlled op agent keeps moving people further and further away from the truth once people start following the "half truth". It's an ancient sheep herding technique

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May 4·edited May 4Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Good example about the sheep.

Because nearly all information is curated to tell a false narrative, people are hungry for the truth. Then people talk of being "red pilled" or "waking up." I did this myself. But there is so much more information still withheld. Also there is running out the clock, which is what they hope to do, so feeding bits of truth serves that purpose. A counter narrative is not going to help us get at the truth.

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Excellent response...brilliant rebuttal! TY

All the very best to you both...

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Native tribes also would execute the psychopathic sociopaths with likely extreme prejudice. Even in ancient societies even politicians were if not killed then ostracized.

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It is my understanding that some native nations also did not beat their children.

On another note; I was privileged to grow up on diverse small farms in the Heartland before it became Big Ag. We were taught from a very early age compassion for the animals we raised and also for our domesticated dogs, cats and horses. It used to be called Animal Husbandry. When animals got sick beyond the possibility of recovery, and or dogs went 'mad' , with compassion and love we had to put them down before they could become a larger threat to the herd, the farm.

Stephen, your point is right on. I've been asking for years - Isn't it well past the point when we should be acting in self defense against the genocidal actions of the psychopathic globalist elites?

Mad dogs gotta be put down. But, by whom and how is the deeper question.

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Animal Husbandry

My Grandfather and others in my family were ranchers. I was fortunate to spend time with them when I was young so I can relate. They too had the same compassion you referred to.

Excellent analogy on your point.

Side point.

The story of Old Yeller still makes me cry, even as an old man.

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

many many ways to 'put-down' a psychopath - - showing up to a school board meeting and having psypath schoolboard members walk out bc they can't defend their position on 'pronoun protocols' , etc - - attending / rejecting town meeting to 'defund police' - - voting down 'homo-marriage' / LGTBQ codicil additions to your local Church Membership Covenant . . . . . we can all try 2 b Breggins in our own special way , expending our lives pursuing freedom or, if must be, 'dying w our boots on' . .......shalom to all

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May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Having worked with farmers and ranchers and whose family has agriculture roots in NE Poland I do know what you mean. When communism was introduced it was as bad as our corporatism

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May 3·edited May 3Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

The Global Deletes believe we are the mad dog that needs to be euthanized.

Specifically, they profess that about 15/16’s of the world’s population needs to die in order for them to reach their stated target of 500 million globally- “in balance with nature.”

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