Sep 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I think there may be a simpler explanation for the mysterious pivot on Fauci. You don't have a history like his of being an authoritative dictator in your industry/field, and using your vast financial influence to bully and punish opponents into silence without creating enemies. Now that he has announced his retirement, and consequently his loss of power, there are going to be plenty of doctors and researchers with their knives out and looking to settle scores. They all know there is easy blood in the water, and even those who were on board with COVID issues will use it as a way to attack him over old grievances that have nothing to do with recent events.

Karma is rough.

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Great point

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Agreed. This man has a 40 year history of bullying medical professionals, destroying careers , lying and outright killing thousands of people thru his pushing of pharmaceutical poisons for profit. The chickens are coming home to roost and there is a big line up to get a pound of flesh out of him.

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Heard and read so much bad press about st. Fauci it is a treat review his horrible portfolio. Animal mistreatment and now human mistreatment. Ghastly

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A real concern is...who will be appointed to replace him? Never assume "things can't get any worse".

I had a dream that Biden was removed from office (I'll keep the method to myself, so as to not put another "x" in my social media profile), and Kamala was immediately installed as president and she picked Michael, I mean, Michele Obama as VP. After that, the avalanches of catastrophic proportions began in earnest, by way of martial law, Executive Orders, bringing old, unheard of laws to the forefront (2012 NDAA, 1991 HJ Res 104, FEMA's unbridled power under martial law, etc) and new laws quickly created by our treasonous Congress. I rarely remember my dreams, so this was quite disturbing. Regardless if my dream means anything, pray and pray some more. We're about to witness God's wrath.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

I agree. I predicted that the only way they would let Cuomo go would be if they had someone worse to replace him. We now have Hochul here in New York, she of the never ending states of emergency, who is doing all she can to institute the "quarantine" (i.e. detention) camps that the NYS legislature, corrupt as it is, couldn't even stomach, through the thoroughly corrupt health department, where she can unilaterally and without any due process toss anyone she deems a "danger to public health" for as long as she wants. Cuomo was just a corrupt thug. She appears to be a truly unhinged, power obsessed sociopath.

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I still have family in NY state and I agree, she is truly awful 😡

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She’ll probably get elected too

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It may turn out to be prophetic… Come Lord Jesus, come🙏

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As a corollary, I could see that happening under Newsom should Kamala resign, Biden appoints Newsom as VP, then Biden resigns due to health. Same result with no election.

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That was a nightmare!

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Yes. Now that he is on the way out, all the “lions” come out of hiding to attack him. Where have they been for the last 2 years?

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Maybe they were too busy protecting the Informed Consent that the AIDS orphans in NY from Fauci???

Nah, the "lions" only care about their pensions.

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At their brokers' offices, adding to their 401(k) funds.

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They had to follow the money or get cut off. Not a good excise! Cowards

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Yes and at the cost of millions of lives. Remdisiver was a killer not a treatment. Him and Gates are in bed together with the depopulation scheme! Fauci could only see $$$$$

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I agree. My experience with the “grants” system is indicates he has many thirsting for his blood.

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Nope. This is prepping the battle space for another run at the WHO treaty Xiden wants so bad.

Once our domestic public health is thoroughly trashed, the "clear solution" will be to follow the Marxist WHO non-doctor and his biggest donors, China and Gates.

NYT is the democrats' narrative engineers. They aren't and can't speak for scorned researchers already.

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Like you, I don't believe the cabal will ever give up and all this is but part of their larger agenda. If they create a vacuum, they only intend to fill it with something even more toxic. This is a plan they have been working on since the end of WWII and the Club of Rome. People like Klaus Schwab and Soros have been a part of it since the 1930's.

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Frankly, if DeSantis is the man I think he is, I hope he invests in a bullet proof vest.

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That made my blood run COLD!

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This is true. The goal, as Obama recited to the UN, is to obliterate the public's confidence in all forms of government. Once they do that, they'll have "no choice" but to restore "peace" by silencing the political dissenters (provided by 2012 NDAA) and institute the "solution" of the One World Government, so ALL nations can be equally oppressed. After all, as Obama also said before the UN, "the average man and woman are just too stupid to rule themselves". It won't be long before the anti-christ is revealed, as he will lead this.

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Anti Christ has been revealed....it's Billy boy.

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I don't believe BG fits the parameters laid out in the Bible for THE Antichrist, the Son of Perdition. The Bible says The Antichrist will come from the Middle East (maybe Turkey?), and is "fierce-looking" (ie, strong of countenance) and will be the leader of the one world government and the financial system and is worshipped. Interpretations of "the son of perdition" say that it is someone who claims to be a God-follower, yet their beliefs and actions are exactly opposite, or followed at one time, then denied God's mercy-Judas Iscariot). I believe the Antichrist will be someone associated or within the Vatican. The Bible does refer to many antichrists in the End Times, and BG certainly could be one of them.

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The current Pope leans left but he is too frail physically to be the Antichrist, IMO. Not too familiar with the rest of the Vatican cabal.

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Sep 13, 2022·edited Sep 13, 2022

"The current pope leans left??" He's a full on Luciferian as are the rest of the upper crust. Watch these. The 2nd in command is supposed to be the black pope. (PS-I didn't say the current pope was the Antichrist. He doesn't fit the characteristics I mentioned earlier, either.)



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Hmm yes, I don’t doubt they’re going to try this, but I am not sure how successful they’ll be. I think they missed their chance.

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Fauci's fall will be great because his pride was over the top! Truth does not change. When pride comes, then comes dishonor. . .the falseness of the treacherous will destroy them. Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling. (Prov. 11:2a, 3b, 16:18)

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I think you mean Fauci's HUBRIS, not pride. Pride is an order of magnitude too small to characterize his behavior and attitude. There's not a speck of humility in his whole persona. His fall should be spectacularly huge.

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Thank you for sharing this verse. I need as much information as I can get to PROVE I'm not crazy!!! The end is near.

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This is one of the "weakness's" of the the woke. They have no loyalty and will attack each other viciously. Look at the way they are now turning on Biden.

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He is a useful idiot who has lost his usefulness. Tptb are throwing him under the bus. Classic move.

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Deep legal Doo-doo for the Fauci Club - The SARS Patent Coup Explained - Dr. David Martin - https://tinyurl.com/yzx34eyn

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That is an interesting take and I daresay quite likely an accurate one.

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My, I hope you’re right! This makes great sense.

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Being a semi-fascist is still better than being a semi-conscious full blown idiot. I hope the little garden gnome gets crushed by a herd of reindeer. I guess that makes me a semi-dictator.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

It seems like 'fascist' is being applied to anyone who opposes the media empire of lies, or wants to defend western civilization.

Maybe the thousand dollar question is, "Is that really something new?"

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Then, I'm your Fascist Huckleberry.....100% safe and effective.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

I know. Anytime they don't like something its racist, sexist and fascist. They have no concept of what the words mean. They are projecting themselves onto you. I consider it a badge of honor. Lol

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They’re just trying to bully via name calling.

Remember: Sticks & Stones!

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That's what you are but what am I? Hahaha 😆 😂 I remember both of these phrases and saying them as a kid. I also stuck my tongue out too for emphasis. 😝 Great comebacks! ❤

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I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you!

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But it's not true. They're not fascist. They're bolshevist.

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That's why I've begun to wonder if they're actually right, and those things are actually essential components for defending western civilization. Not saying they are, but it has me wondering now.

I'm currently interested in the much maligned European history of the pre-nationalist era, before about 1500 AD. We had 10,000 different political units, a homogeneous racial stock, gold and silver currency, and mostly free trade and movement between principalities.

Hoppe's newly released audiobook "Economy, society and history" has some fascinating stuff on this period. Available as free mp3 download here https://mises.org/library/economy-society-and-history-audiobook-0

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I forget now who said it, but I recently saw someone say it's time to bring back the children's playground retort "I know you are but what am I?"

Fits these morons to a T.

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Another from the memory hole: "Takes one to know one!"

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I’m rubber and you’re glue. Everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you.

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Reminds me of Pee Wee Herman saying that in one of his movies. And Pee Wee would be the ideal person to tell these monsters that.

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Is "semi-fascist" like "semi-pregnant"?

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Semi-fascist means you once voted for Nelson Rockefeller.

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OMG!!! Love it! I needed that laugh!

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Is Covid over? The health care dictators in Florida’s largest city don’t think so. I was denied service due to my protesting their directive to wear a mask in order to have my annual wellness visit. I was denied access to my doctor of about a dozen years by a bullying staff member, whose name and position I will learn before this is over.

My doctor called me in the evening, having seen me on the schedule; but then no me. She said she asked the office staff why I didn’t show. They attempted to make light of it; ‘She came, but then she had to leave. And look, that frees up your time and you could go out for lunch!’

I’m not the first one this has happened to and my doctor is connecting the dots about why she is losing patients.

Change the C&C name if you want, but Covid is not in the rear view mirror for the jackboots.

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I had a dermatologist visit a couple weeks ago and walked in without a mask. The staff literally freaked out. I don't think their reaction would have been any more dramatic had I walked in with a drawn gun. Bottom line, I couldn't see the doctor or even stand in their waiting room until I put on a mask. Then in the exam room, the doctor told me I could take it off. But had to put it back on when I walked out. Sheer insanity. How long will they keep up this charade? The problem is, it's incredibly hard to find health care facilities that aren't insisting on masking. Very frustrating.

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UGH!! Mask theatre is what bothers me the most, I think. The only reason you had to wear the mask is because that doctor's staff is so psychologically damaged from 2 years of propaganda that they come undone at the sight of an uncovered face. That is ridiculous. Medicine will never recover from the Covid debacle.

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Speaking of masks and theater, read this account:

This is hilarious (and sad).

Broadway and the prisoners of Mask-aban


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Perfectly stated, hilarious and sad. I've always wanted to see something on Broadway, but likely now, will never visit New York.

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No sane person should visit NYC. Why give that thuggish administration a penny of tax revenue, from your own wallet?

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Thanks for this!! Great article.

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Looks like a bunch of Kool-aid drinkers!!! Never comply!

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Several times (a few too many) I spoke up in a store and thanked them for not making me where one and then they freaked out and said “oh no you have to have one one in here, I didn’t notice”🙄. I would just calmly leave. I literally couldn’t wear one more than a few seconds so I gave up wearing them a week after the mandates. I have a true medical condition, claustrophobia. I didn’t need anything bad enough to wear it, (although I suffered through one minute of having it over my mouth to purchase ice cream at a ice cream store in LIBERAL downtown Denver) Those 20 somethings are crazy!

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I feel your pain! When I put a mask on I immediately get anxious. I feel trapped and like I can't breathe. Imagine the children in school being stuck wearing masks almost non-stop!

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It’s almost criminal! They are suffocating them. They could care less and it’s a complete power trip.

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I can't imagine having true claustrophobia and wearing a mask - the few times I've worn them they make me FEEL like I have claustrophobia. It's the dehumanization which gets to me. I hate seeing "half-faces" and not being able to interact fully with a person. And then there's the whole sin of covering the Imago Dei - don't even get me started. And not to veer off too much in politics, but in the wake of this abusive, de-humanizing masking policy, we now have a President blithely condemning approximately half-the population as a threat to democracy.

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It is ridiculous. I wonder if these "healthcare" workers wear a mask non-stop once they leave the office?

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No, it's a power trip for them to be able to "rule" over others.

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I wonder if they wear them in the shower....

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I think many doctors must worry about getting reported somewhere. My ophthalmologist and I have had talks about all this covid theater and he thinks like I do. However, his office still has to maintain the appearance of masking because there are patients who are mask fanatics who would undoubtedly cause trouble for him. I was in there a couple of days ago, had to mask up to check in, and then when in his office talking to him we both had our masks off. What a joke all this is, I'm so sick of it all.

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I agree. I'm sure reimbursement is tied up with Covid compliance.

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Same thing at the dentist here in Massachusetts. Can't walk in the door without the mask, but then it's off for over a half hour while my teeth are getting cleaned 🙄

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Funny. Had my annual dental checkup in early August. Got a text message saying I would need to wear a mask. I replied that if I needed to mask maybe I would need to reschedule when the mask was not required. They replied asking if I wanted to cancel but I just let it be. My wife had an appointment also just prior to me and she is not wanting to push the subject so she masked going in. She let the hygienist know that I would not be wearing a mask. I went in for my appointment expecting pushback but no, the hygienist was waiting in the lobby and waived me thru. When I went back last week for my follow-up visit, had a small cavity, there was no longer a masking requirement. I know that the office was just doing that to pacify the Covidians even though I know that is not their position on all things C19 and vaccines. The hygienist also shared that she loved Mexico because you could go into any pharmacy and buy Ivermectin over the counter! Hopefully my refusal was some little piece of the change in this instance.

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What state are you in? I'm in Massachusetts and I believe we're still under directives from our fake Republican governor (and former health insurance CEO) Charlie Baker, to force masking in medical and dental facilities. He's the same stooge that ordered an outdoor masking mandate in November of 2020 in our state, no matter how socially distanced. I fled to Florida for the winter, and let him and all my state electeds know why. Recently, my governor announced that the m"NRA" injections had been the linchpin to end this pandemic. He's such a stooge. Even the Republicans in this state don't want him to run again. So he's not. But we're staring down his Democratic Attorney General pal, Maura Healy who will be much worse. If that's even possible. He forced injected all his state police and state workers and wouldn't even accept religious exemptions.

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The dentist is in Minnesota. They are a holistic dental practice and have always been against vaccines, mercury in your mouth and other such B.S. but being in the Hopkins suburb of Minneapolis I'm betting they had a hard time getting off the blue pill in this instance.

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My dentist is the same. 💕

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Compliant dentists are ridiculous. I fired my dentist in 2020 and got a new one across state lines. I detest mask theater. I am over due for an eye exam because I refuse to see my previous doctor, very nice lady, but I only see doctors willing to rebel against stupidity.

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I’ve gone to my dentist regularly and never put a mask on.

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Yes, I drove 30 miles past my former eye doctor who was over the top because she wouldn't even take my medical mask waver to see an eye doctor not requiring a mask! We must push back!

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my dentist actually got a lot of new patients during the first few months of shutdowns in MA because many dentists refused to see clients, even for emergencies. I admired her for that.

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My dentist is otherwise worth her weight in gold. My neighborhood in Boston is full of blue mask Nazis, and our governor is still ordering masks in medical and dental facilities, so I think she feels like she has to go along. Also, I take my mother, who has mid-stage Alzheimer's, to my dentist, and I can't be dragging her across state lines. But I applaud you standing up for your principles!! 🙌🙌🙌

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Same in CT ... I already told them i will not have my teeth cleaned if the masks are not done with.

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The whole Northeast is a horror show. It's where the true blue techno fascists reside.

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Recently had to jump through some state contractor hoops to reinstate my DL after moving back from the West Coast. Made an appointment with one such, only to be told "You must wear a mask."

Literally replied to maskhole: "Are you kidding me? I haven't worn a mask in years!"

I found another contractor instead.

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I want to start asking my doctors whether they're pushing COVID jabs or not. If they were and still are going along with the semi-socialist agenda of boosters into eternity, I'm switching doctors.

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I agree covid is not over for alot of us in blue states. My governor has had unchecked emergency powers for over 900 days now!!! Can you say - abuse of power? Our state is so corrupt I doubt we will be able to "vote" in a new governor this November. Anyone guess which state I am in yet? If you guessed New Mexico you might be right.

Multiplier suggestion- Mark Ronchetti for Governor!!

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Please go to jamesroguski.substack.com where you can easily email Congress and tell them to end the emergency. Flooding their inboxes is a noble goal. Thanks.

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Believe me when I tell you, it won't help at all.

Back in the 1980's I was a wet-behind the ears college student who won a position with a real-life US Senator's office.

Guess who was assigned to read constituent correspondence.

Seriously - they could not give a DAMN what you or I think, say or do. They're busy servicing the PACS and lobbyists.

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A year or two ago my husband wrote to our dementia addled state senator Dianne Feinstein about a topic related to veterans, and after a couple of months he got a very canned reply that related to an entirely different subject. Obviously neither she nor anyone else had really read his letter.

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I’ve been composing a letter in my head for days, to send to Kate Brown. It might make me feel better, but it won’t do any good.

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I emailed the entire Congress with a written message provided by James Roguski. It took a minute! Please check it out.

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I agree it’s futile. She/they do not care one bit about anybody but their own off shore bank accounts. I speak of Commie brownstain. But it would probably make you feel better that you stood up.

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In my head it devolves to using the F word a lot 🤣

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Same here!!! Nailed it 🎯 I didn’t know I had the capacity to use that word as much as I have since March 2020. 😂 😂 😱 😬

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I received a curt letter from our Congressman recently to the effect of "I received an automated communication from you via an online service, however, we ignore those. Please contact my office directly."

We will be ignoring him when election day gets here instead.

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Unfortunately, I'm currently represented by a true blue Congresswoman. There's no point.

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I emailed the ENTIRE Congress as well as my senators using the Roguski stack. It took a minute.

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I did it! Throw sand in the machinery; do not go quietly into that dark night. We can at least annoy the hell out of them! Ants ruin picnics and mosquitoes ruin everything.

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Well if you can get a decent number of people to email, it might at least be an annoyance to her, which would be something 😬

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Like I said, it is the entire Congress and the message is written for you. Please check it out at jamesroguski.substack.com. Think of it as a free multiplier. Roguski has been fighting the WHO health regulations which Biden is pushing to bring our country into its control. This is what we can do together to show that we see what they are doing.

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I would have guessed Washington State, except we can't try to elect a new governor for two more years. I wonder how many days the emergency power will be in effect by election day 2024? The Democrat led majority in the House and Senate failed to do even the slightest thing to check those powers in the last two legislative sessions.

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I am suffering too in Washington State under dictator inslee and our awful AG. Our legislature and senate representation is terrible. The only thing that got me through 2020 is my proximity to Idaho. God bless Idaho.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

Oh ... you have not yet been gifted with "ranked choice voting". Enjoy your elections while you can. And have a look at what just transpired in Alaska to see our future.

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It’s Oregon! Same exactly!

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And I’m in the Red state that everyone thinks is going to save the world! Too much of what DeSantis says is being ignored without consequence. Sounds pretty 🤩

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He's the only hope we have.

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Hi neighbor! We’re over in the Texas panhandle and USED to vacation in your beautiful state frequently. Of course we aren’t welcome there now, and haven’t been for over two years. I’m surprised that the NM economy isn’t suffering badly because of liberal policies. When will citizens wake up and see that liberals destroy everything!?!

I support your multiplier suggestion!

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I hear ya! I’m foregoing usual preventative screenings because I won’t muzzle up and I refuse to take a stupid phony covid test so they’ll do my screening. I know they don’t care and I’m only hurting myself, but it’s my way of standing against tyranny. The Lord has my days numbered and I trust Him with that number. I’m standing! I hope they all loose their patients and when they wonder why, I hope they aren’t too brainwashed to figure it out. 🙄

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And there will always be jackboots - THAT is what Covid has taught us.

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

Yesterday I went with my husband to a VA clinic to submit a prescription for glasses. It was total deja vu 2020 walking in there. We had no masks, and were met at the door by a masked door guard who handed us masks with a pair of tongs so she didn't have to touch them. I couldn't resist asking her how long this mask lunacy was going to continue since I wasn't seeing anyone with masks anywhere else and I had not worn a mask myself for 2 years now. She continued with her script, and said she had to ask me if I had felt sick lately, had any fever, yackety yack yack. I replied Nope, I hadn't had of that for 3 or 4 years at least. All the chairs in various waiting rooms were set up as in 2020, with every other one with tape across them so two people wouldn't have to sit next to each other and spread covid cooties. I was feeling incredibly annoyed and amped up by the whole charade, so I rebelled and walked around the whole place with the mask under my chin, daring anyone to challenge me about it. No one did. All the mask zombies appeared not to even notice my transgression and scurried about with their business, mostly looking at the floor. When we walked out of the building, we tossed the masks in the garbage can by the door. So the gooberment is going to carry this to the extremes as expected, not that I'm surprised.

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How dare they treat veterans, our heroes, so disrespectfully and callously. I thought the government dropped the mask mandate; so why would a government operated facility continue the sham? Because masks are demeaning, dehumanizing and a way to exert control.

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OMG! I had a bullying receptionist too! I ended up FLIPPING OUT and left. I wrote a letter to the doctor. I wasn't the only one who complained!!!!

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I complained on my patient portal, the supervisor called me. I told her I have zero faith in the system & the insurance company dictates everything, making the doctors little pawns for big pharma. It didn’t help but I felt better. I’d ditch the insurance dictated docs completely but I’m on disability. Have to go periodically just to keep my benefits. I have an integrative medicine doctor , out of pocket $$, for actual healing the last few years.

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I hear you. I'm on disability too! We have to jump through SOME hoops just to SURVIVE...

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I saw my primary care doc 2 wks ago. Mask required. I was ALONE in the large waiting room and had dropped my mask from one ear while I sat and read. A staff person at the front desk asked me to please put my mask back on. This is in FL! I guess any institution that takes Fed funding still has to push the dirty face rag mandate. Of course, all the clinic staff, docs, nurses, also wear them.

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My doctor said they cannot legally require wearing the mask and they cannot deny service. This is in Jacksonville, Florida. For future occasions I will whip out my phone and ask that they repeat the demand on film. They have ‘bouncers’ that they summon if you offer any resistance. I will demand to know name and position and a written copy of their policy. I will not be intimidated by being made a public spectacle and if they escort me out I’ll be nonresistent but proud.

We have to force their hand. They will not stop out of the goodness of their hearts. There is no goodness in their hearts. The jackboot that accosted me was enjoying her role way too much. She called me darling in a snarky condescending tone as if I were a dementia patient or something.

We have to act!

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You set the bar we all need to emulate. Call them out, document and then report to the FL dept of health.

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What I got just now from the Florida Department of Health after the torture one goes through these days with a phone call to a government agency;

was that yes, they can require a mask because they own the facility.

So who then is protected? Just those going to government facilities?

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Hmmm...as far as the mask thing goes I guess all we can do is push back and make a pain out of ourselves to them. Make them ask you for it. I used to do that back when everyone was wearing them. So I'd make them give me a mask and then I would walk into the store and shove it in my pocket. Got a lot of dirty looks but, hey, it's a free country...or use to be. It's so relaxed here in the panhandle now, I don't run into that anymore except at the medical labs where you give blood. Wierd, like they are still scared to death.

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Envy you being in the panhandle! I grew up 25 miles north of the beaches of South Walton. A two lane gravel highway (331 S.)led to Hwy 20 in Freeport, a short jag to the left, back on to 331. I don’t remember Hwy 98, but 30A was a little gravel road about one and a half lanes wide. There was almost nothing built on the beach side of the road. Maybe a mom & pop restaurant, I know there was one small motel. An occasional small cottage, usually cinder block would be across 30A. No parks or facilities. Except for the summer, you could park along the road and walk down between towering dunes to the beach. And you might not see another person on the whole visible stretch. I’m glad I got to see it that way. Work began on Grayson Beach State park in about 1966, I think. The construction went slow, seems like there was a long delay at one point. Maybe the state park put us on the map. So now 50 + years later, so changed.

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Thank you! I’m still a little in shock and need a next step.

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Their actions are illegal in FL. Print out the relevant statues so you know them. Then turn them in to AG Ashley Moody and Surgeon General Ladapo.

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Again, thank you. I am in retired ‘leave me the hell alone mode’ but I’m firing myself up to take some action.

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They are DeSantis' attack dogs.

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The doctors are being held hostage or something.

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Oh they mask up - only when there are people watching! I’ve caught so many with their muzzles down or off until someone walks in. Then they quickly put them up. 🙄 wow. It’s all for the cameras people! So over this theater.

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I had that happen at quest lab . Had to make an appointment, they were so “overwhelmed “. I was the only one there for 20 minutes.

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Quest is a disaster. Find another lab.

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Here in the Panhandle things are more relaxed. I even went into the hospital for a scan and no one questioned me about wearing a mask.

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I was born and raised in the Panhandle. When people ask where I’m from, I say Paradise. In the 50s and 60s it absolutely was. Still much better than most places, but now too crowded and developed.

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Every healthcare faculty I’ve been in lately has mask mandate signs everywhere. I just walk in and ignore them. If they persist I’ll take one and put it on my chin and take it off once I’m in the waiting room or in the exam room. I did this even in the largest hospital group in KC and no one said a word to me. Half the staff had their masks under their nose, hanging on an ear or completely off when they were behind the desk. It’s all a joke.

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Pure theatre. I wish we lived near each other, Julie Ann, because I like your gumption!

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But then you have the mask nazis who live to order people around. They have special staff to deal with reluctants.

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I’m thankful I haven’t had to deal with those!

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Please say names - don’t protect these offices. I realize fully that it’s prob not the doctor himself/herself but it’s the staff. Also never leave these places without writing, tweeting, emailing, FBing, etc. to let them know WHY you were denied service and how ridiculous it is. I would love a flyer to hand out/tape to the front door/tape to the bathroom stalls, etc that had all the hard core mask facts - like how more than a 3% gap makes it 0% effective - things like that. Stephen Petty needs to make stickers we can put everywhere - he’d make a fortune - ha!

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Ascension St. Vincent’s in Riverside.

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I’m in Lehigh Acres & looking for a new primary care doctor ( for disability. I have a real out of pocket doctor for actual healing)... the attitude in the office is unbearable. When I go in, I wipe down the door handle and iPad for check in, mask on my ear. The ladies who used to present a Christian attitude now only scowl and blank stares.

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Hahahah. You wipe down the door handle and iPad! 😂 I love it! They can’t even see their own hypocrisy!!!

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& I’ve had numerous autoimmune issues including psoriasis all over, my entire body is a germ catcher so I used to appear a bit germaphobic .

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They don’t! A few other patients did …

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, We need a new multiplier to keep the Gibson’s afloat until Oberlin College is forced to pay up. https://www.commonsense.news/p/will-i-ever-see-the-36-million-oberlin?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

I was just about to post this same suggestion after reading their heartbreaking story. Ordered my $42 tshirt & will wear it proudly. gibsonbakery.com (edited)

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I’m buying the shopping bag and using it everywhere!

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Actually, I bought the shopping bag and a grey baseball cap; going to wear it proudly to support true American spirit and grit. Go Gibson’s!

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You can order cookies and chocolates also on their site. Great idea to support them.

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Dana, thank you for sharing the link! I bought two Gibson’s t-shirts. I sent the story and your link to my sister in law in FL, and she bought t-shirts as well.

Oh! In the comments box i signed my note of prayer and God’s blessings with “From a member of the C&C Army.” 🪖

Spread the word! 🙏🏼❤️

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The link you provided does not work for me. I would like to buy a shirt also.

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Just bought my T-shirt, too. Thanks for the idea, Dana!


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Hmmm. Not sure why. Search “Gibsons Bakery” & you should find the website.

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Here is the correct link: https://gibsonbakery.com/

Your link has an s after gibson which is why it doesn't work.

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Thanks! Sorry for my error. Typing without my readers always gets me in trouble. 🙄

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Makes my blood boil!

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Thanks for link

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We must unite to not let them be closed by the woke!

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Ready to throw in whenever you can set it up!

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Me too!

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Adding my voice the multiplier choir :)

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Yes for the multiplier. And I bought a T-shirt and plan to wear it on all my Teams calls...

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I linked to this on yesterdays C&C. 👍

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Jeff, please do a multiplier for these hard-working Americans!

I’m in, Cyn. Thank you so much for sharing.

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Yes, please do a multiplier!! This is what the C & C army is all about. Giving a helping hand and holding them up. They have sacrificed so much, they need us to restore their hope.

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Ok...I'm new here. Is a multiplier like a "Pay it Forward" thing, like the movie, but with information and encouragement and especially compassion?

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A multiplier is when people within the group of Coffee & Covid donate monetarily to a cause, group, or individual of Jeff’s choosing that have stood up during the last 2 1/2 years in various ways. We have multiplied Moms for Liberty; the campaigns of Joe Harding, Ron Johnson, Harriet Hageman, Ron DeSantis; Dr. McCullough, Health Freedom Defense Fund, Feds for Medical Freedom, and Dr Simone Gold. We always donate in a number ending in 2, so that the recipient can see that it all came from one group of people. This also allows people to donate whatever they can - $2, $22, $52, 102, etc. The multiplier is two fold - it allows us to support those who are standing up in a tangible way and it also gives emotional support to the people/groups as they are often suffering for their standing up. It gives them the boost that there is an army of others behind them and to keep fighting! Hope this explanation helps!

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Thank you!

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This story broke my heart! Yes, a C&C multiplier for these people, please!

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I’m in, it’s the least I can do as a non woke alum!

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Sounds good to me!!

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

regarding the picture: just because there are "Top Secret" labels on top does not mean they are top secret. The FBI could have (probably did) simply grabbed one of the "Top Secret" props they brought with them and placed them on top of a file containing plans for new drapes in one of the rooms.

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Yup, cover sheets with classified markings on them aren't themselves classified. They are simply attached to the front and back of classified docs so they are easier to spot and one doesn't inadvertently leave them out or take them out of a secure facility.

They couldn't show the classified docs themselves (assuming they actually exist) so they set up a photo shoot of the next best thing. There are usually stacks of cover sheets around for easy access, next to printers and the like in closed areas. Anyone could have grabbed them. Note the cover sheets don't describe the contents (intentionally) but are supposed to only show the highest classification level within the attached docs.

This photo proves nothing but was solely intended to cause a media buzz.

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Photo doesn’t even prove the agents didn’t bring the docs with them. And what a carpet!

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How do we reeeealllly know where that photo was taken? Looks to me like a carpet Hillary would have in her Chappaqua shack (nudge nudge wink wink).

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

Note also that many of the cover sheets say "SCI" which stands for sensitive compartmented information. To view these docs one must be "read in" to the specific compartment in addition to having the generic secret or top secret clearance. This is an additional clearance that is limited to a much smaller subgroup. There is no generic SCI clearance, but a limited topic-specific clearance that allows one access to the "compartment" (i.e. a specific collection of classified info).

There are dozens of different SCI clearances. It just so happens that the FBI agents on this raid were read into the correct SCI compartment? If not they should not have been rifling through these documents and should have stopped immediately.

Unless, of course, they knew it had all been declassified previously or was phony to begin with.

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& why on earth did they need to ransack Melania’s wardrobe?!!??

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Maybe they thought one of J.Edgar Hoovers dresses were in there.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

"Of course, NPR is singing a different tune NOW, but if it weren’t for shifting principles, NPR wouldn’t have any principles at all." LOL!!!

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NPR is full blown woke and should be defunded...along with the US Department of Education

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Amen to that!!!

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Reminds me of the saying "if liberals didn't have double standards, they would have no standards at all."

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When they were crying after killary lost, it helped wake me up... I had been a faithful listener for years. No more.

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I used to love Prairie Home Companion until I got a whiff of Garrison Keillor’s political b.s. Back when I had a husband he would work on our vehicles outside on Saturday afternoons and have the radio on NPR. PHC was followed by Car Talk, whose attorneys were Dewey, Cheatem and Howe. Good fun. This nasty perversion that has swept our world has ruined so much fun.

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I had boxes of cassette tapes of Prarie home companion, listened with my Dad for years & later we’d talk about it on Sunday when I’d moved out.

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Such good fun! I was literally sick to my stomach to learn what a leftist G.K. was.

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Well the lefties got him in the end…he had to quit after they accused him of sexual assault.

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I did not know that! Trying not to enjoy it🙄

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I used to love Saturdays, and Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me, too! I still quote the Car Talk guys.

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Me too!

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Killary! Hahahaha! 😂

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I did love💕❤️that too!

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In 2004; (would have been ‘W’’s re-election, was it against that joke, Dukakis?) a lefty said something to me about the election still being up in the air (morning after)and I said ‘Where did you get that information? It was called for Bush hours ago.’ She said, ‘From NPR, just now in the car.’ And I said ‘Well, no wonder!’

Apparently the left was hoping, trying to create something they could work with to change the outcome.

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Was that against Al Gore? You know, the guy who invented the internet! 🤣

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So, I could never forget the hanging chads in Florida! That was 2000. George W. Bush was not at all first choice for Conservatives, but of course the GOPe rammed him through. Lots of concern about decline of the culture on the right. Sense of must win. And this crazy hyped up thing about Y2K. What would happen to computers after the clock struck midnight on December 31, 2000? Will all the world markets crash? So dumb. Always the fear mongering.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Whew! Thankfully, it has arrived! I can start my day!

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I start my work day with this blog too! It's really the only place I catch the news anymore. I figure if Jeff isn't covering it, then it is not that important... Plus it provides the comic relief.

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Coffee cheer!

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Yup. Me too! C&C is my news source and the highlight of my day!

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C&C, and The Last Refuge a/k/a Conservative Treehouse. ZeroHedge is also recommended (and stories there are very succinct).

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Even with all of these unexpected deaths of young people, carelessly, so many universities are still mandating boosters.

Pericarditis has been shown to peak at 18-20 years old after the shots. Did college mandates contribute to this peak???

College students need to start standing up for themselves and not just the parents. If not, i fear this ship has sailed.


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Yes, they must ALL refuse to be injected. It’s the only way to stop it.

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If a college mandates the clot shot, get an exemption without any hardships attached to it or don't go there. No school is that important to ruin your health over.

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My 20yr old niece stood her ground and said no! The only one in my family. I’m so shocked that it’s now normal for 20yr olds to have a cardiologist! Why aren’t these parents outraged and doing all they can to stop this? Another of my nieces, 21yr old, will have a cardiac ablation b/c her left ventricle is misfiring. Her mom thinks it’s caused by stress! Come the f$ck on! It takes all my willpower not to shout at her! If stress causes heart arrhythmias we’d all be dead. Ppl are annoyingly stupid.

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Good for her!! My older son also resisted and had to get tested frequently last year but it looks like they are done with that (stopped in the spring actually). It’s really criminal what these people have made our young people go through 😡🤬

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I feel your anger! I want to shout and jump up and down to get them to look and comprehend and actually process the facts!!!

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Oh my goodness, yes! It's as if having a cardiologist is the new accessory for a certain type of person or a sign of status. This is unbelievably warped.

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Just heard this morning that Berkley is now requiring students to have flu shots. The powers that be have no intention of relinquishing control.

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Yes. Indoors and outdoors masking unless you take the garbage every year flu shot. Berkeley has lost its mind. Why would anyone even consider a degree from this f’d up hole of expensive woke stupidity.

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And they are in the process of putting mRNA in the flu shots.

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In the process....translates to "already in there", in my opinion. The childhood MMR is now mRNA based and the move to switch all other childhood vaxes is "underway". I hope/pray parents of youngsters hear this and doctors stop romanticizing the "benefits" of vaccination.

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“romanticizing” ❤️

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War is as well to young people. After 9/11 for example.

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My nephews joined up then. Found out it was more than flag waving and getting the enemy—which often included children. They came back changed and not for the better in some ways. Old men start wars. It’s up to the young to die.

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Do you have a link to anything that shows they are adding mRNA to MMR, would love to show to those with children. Thank you

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

This isn't the one I read several months ago, but shows they are combining the MMR +Covid mRNA shot. The article itself is a bunch of fluff (MMR's 50 yr "safety" record 🙄), especially when you go to this link and see all the articles relating to MMR and autism.


List of ingredients -I have screenshots of a spreadsheet with each vaccine/ingredient list. It really is shocking. This website is referenced on those screenshots but I can find no spreadsheets there. I don't think I can post them here. I can send them to you (FB Messenger, email, text, somehow?) Here's the link to the "generalizing summary" explaining why some (not at all a complete list) of these ingredients are "necessary" in the vaccines.


Also search Rumble for MMR videos.

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Wonderful, appreciate your response. If you come across more you can message me

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It's been a while since I read that, let me look. I'll also look for a list of ingredients that childhood vaccines contain. That in itself, should stop any parent from jabbing their kids.

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Yup https://merylnass.substack.com/p/what-new-shots-are-coming-is-anybody

Covid is just the stepping stone for the flu, cancer, many others. Lyme disease is in phase 3 clinical trials.

People need to really start thinking about what they are putting into their bodies. Not just shots, but all drugs and medical procedures too. https://leemuller.substack.com/p/are-you-a-risk-taker

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AGREEEE!!! A friend’s wife ended up in hospital (3x poked) after a b12 shot in her booty. Sepsis, CHF, MRSA, lung clots… they think it all came from the abscess in her booty. So her body couldn’t fight off that infection. No more shots for me as long as I can.

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That thought crossed my mind. I thought it was TOO DIABOLICAL to even think they'd pull that BS! Now I know I have to think of myself as a science fiction writer and extend my mind to the craziest level ever to be a defensive medical consumer!! What if they already have trackers and slow releasing side effects in EVERY jab that has and will be given to the lambs off to slaughter?! Wait...that reminds me of the Holocaust and the gas chambers and.... A JAB is so much easier....

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I think it’s possibly been done already.

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You're right! I'm never getting a vaccine again!!

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I say if they REQUIRE a medical intervention, they need to be 100% responsible for any adverse effects.

Can’t we have some sort of legal agreement drawn up that students ask the college to sign, holding them responsible? Something like since they require the shots, they agree to guarantee the jabs are safe, and if any adverse events occur, the college takes full responsibility? Also they have to document the efficacy of the shots, show that they do what is claimed. And when they refuse to sign (because you know they will refuse), make a big deal about it wherever possible, on social media, any press or media who will talk about it. Make people start to question why they apparently are concerned enough about adverse effects that they refuse to take responsibility. I mean, if they’re so safe, what’s stopping them from signing such an agreement?

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Well, if the manufacturer of said vaccines are absolved from any liability for the outcome of their products, the ones requiring said products should think twice before requiring them, no? I've heard your idea before to be used against employers, but never heard the outcome. To be effective, it would probably need to be a slew of parents demanding the school(s) take financial responsibility for any of the many adverse reactions resulting from their medical treatment requirements. Including that list, from the official CDC website and stats from the VAERS website might prove beneficial.

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I agree. Unfortunately, I caved and got 2 BIOWEAPON SHOTS. Speaking of agreements, when I went to get my first JAB the pharmacy had people sign this excruciatingly long form, releasing them from any responsibility for negative side effects. I've worked in the legal field for years. When I read the legal-ease, I knew that many people had no f***ing clue what they were agreeing to and what they were in for.

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You have to “wake” them up first!

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They are all so....compliant. And I say that having 4 young adult children. I think the reasons are many and intertwined and we have a lot of work in front of us to break them out of the trance.

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Yeah, this is a whole different generation. Back in my day during the anti-Vietnam War protests, you couldn't keep the young people in line.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

All they want is status and material stuff. I don’t get it but I’m old. And I’m not exposed to the shit they watch either. Neighbors have numerous of plants displayed in all windows with grow lights and all their smart security cameras set up. With their smart water sensors and glass breaking sensors. I’m an 80yr old stuck in a 48yr old body. Bloody hell. Do they have a partner is cheating sensor too?

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Sadly, I think you're right, Kat. My husband and I have come to accept that as parents, we bought the lie that the MOST IMPORTANT THING to do for your children is to get them to college. We sent them to what we thought was a good public school (and for the most part it WAS - not so much anymore as our youngest is at a Catholic school now), supported them in every activity/sport and basically told them their only job was to get good grades. I mean, they are polite kids and gradually they are becoming functional adults, but they don't think very deeply about things and are just too willing to accept the dictates of the State and just "go along." As my one son said about the shot, "I just want my life back." Well, how is that working out?? I think my youngest - who was in 7th grade when the COVID nonsense started, is going to me our most non-conforming probably because his life was the most upended by the pandemic response.

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You’ve done your job!!! No control over what they consume… unfortunately. Perhaps they’ll wake up?

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Did college mandates contribute to this peak???.... Excellent deduction. Absolutely yes.

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Waiting for someone with bigger pull to pick this up. It needs to be called out. With ~40% going to college for 1-2 years at least, this could explain the peak.

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This is a good time to spread the message at jamesroguski.substack.com where Congress can easily be emailed to end the emergency. The WHO regs are also still in play.

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In light of the statistics, why are ANY media outlets still touting the leathal jab with a "Safe and Effective" assertion!!! I want to throw a brick through my tv screen when I see it on tv!! I guess I have ISSUES... Have you noticed how many happy children are in those commercials.

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You're expecting them to tell the truth? Now who's being silly? But I'll hand you a brick!

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Should be use a cinder block...?

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At this point why don't we just call it "Modernacarditis" and be done with it. It's "Pfizerific.".....Trademark pending.

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The stroke poke lol

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IMPORTANT COLLEGE news that hopefully we will NOT see replicated elsewhere...

On Aug 4, Wake Forest in NC, announced they're mandating the bi-valent booster (Aug 4...soak that in...seems like they have insider information or something):

"Public health advisors have recommended the university require this shot to strengthen herd immunity among the Wake Forest community. This new booster targets both the Omicron variant and the original COVID-19 strain in a single shot and is available to individuals four months after their first booster shot. More information about the requirement will be released as availability is determined."

(As an update, yesterday the 4 months after the last booster dose was reduced to 2 months...not kidding.)

I dug into Wake Forest some more and discovered this tidbit:

"The [Wake Forest] school of medicine is among the top of U.S. academic medical centers in total funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In the 2014 fiscal year, the school was awarded $193.4 million in research funding from federal and state agencies, industry and other sources."

Hmmmmm....are mandates still being funded rewarding this madness? Guess we'll hear more on that if the funding is still ongoing.

An additional aside: Wake Forest is also going to make a decision by Oct 1 if the flu shots will be mandated.


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You nailed it! 💰💰💰

From the url below: "Are health concerns the compelling reason for these dictates or is the lure of federal monies the real reason for these draconian measures?"


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Always follow the money.

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People need to sue these schools. Just tie them up with litigation. Again, I can't believe there aren't lawyers champing at the bit to represent multiple plaintiff's and start filing suits. It's now happening in NY with nursing homes - the Covid cases are coming...

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I would’ve thought we’d have a ton of civil & criminal law suits against these colleges and businesses. It’s sort of a bummer. I’m not sue happy. But, I can’t help but wonder why there aren’t. Fear for the lawyers I suppose. And most ordinary people don’t have the means or time to hire lawyers to do this. A lot of people struggle with being non-confrontational too. I heard that a lot for two years. “I just don’t like conflict and I don’t like attention being drawn to me” thus millions of people wore their muzzles to grocery stores. It was the easy way out even though they hated every minute of it and we’re forced to do it. Courage is contagious. If it weren’t for those who weren’t afraid, we’d still be locked down all over this country (instead of just parts of it).

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And I do understand people's non-confrontational stance - it is not comfortable being the focus (as I learned when I was an early non-mask person in my community). I don't think it would even take that many lawsuits. There are some great legal advocacy groups doing yeoman's work on these issues: Liberty Counsel, We the Patriots and Alliance Defending Freedom come to mind. We are monthly supporter of WTP, for what its worth and LC just had that huge $10million settlement in Illinois so hopefully there are more suits coming down the pipeline.

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We support Liberty Counsel and Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF). We were at an event at Hillsdale College, and I met an attorney for ADF. I asked him if he knew the status of the high-profile lawsuit involving Pastor John MacArthur and his church. He shook his head, looked down, and said, "There are so many lawsuits."

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Adding Werner Mendenhall to the list

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Yes. That reminded me of an incident I had last year. The mask mandates in San Diego had been rescinded and then it was implemented a week later or something. I had a return at Macys. I went in with no mask and it was a long winding line. Everyone was masked up and a couple of folks started on me, talking about me like I was not there and how I should wear a mask etc. The pointing fingers kind of stuff. Like I was 10 years old and being ostracized by my peers.

It was extreme pressure and my face was burning red but I acted like I did not hear them and was in my own oblivious world. I did not put on the mask. I would not succumb to those Karens.

However, after that I wore the mask because the shaming and put downs was just too much.

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I get it, Elizabeth. I've been there. My husband and I went to a grocery store in December 2021 (right before Omicron became dominant) and our lovely governor had re-instated the masking requirements statewide. Well, since we were together, my husband and I agreed to go in barefaced and as we walked down aisles, it was like parting the Red Sea. People dramatically walked around us, pointed as us and loudly talked about what should happen to non-maskers. We found one other woman in the store without a mask and it was like finding a long-lost relative. We all just smiled really big at each other and gave each other a thumbs-up.

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NC used to have (cheaper) southern Ivy League schools. Not anymore. They are woke, with UNC Chapel Hill being Ground Zero for covid tyranny.

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They are shooting themselves in the foot. Soon there will be a much smaller population to even go to college. Oh well! If you allow yourself to follow their mandates repeat after me - " A least I was vaccinated and boostered or it could have been worse. #ABV Bahh Bahh!" 🐑🐑

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That should be inscribed on a bunch of tombstones.

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From the UNC website: Mr Hotwirer, himself. That last part is the stinger-cross species transmission. Follow the money!

Ralph Baric, PhD


Department of Epidemiology


Most of the research in our laboratory has used coronaviruses as models to study the genetics of RNA virus transcription, replication, persistence, and cross species transmission.

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Why vaccinate for the original covid19 strain when it no longer exists?? That one died out long ago by mutating even faster through the original leaky vaccines. People need to wake up and think about what they're randomly injecting into their bodies.

Isn't the bi-valent shot the one they're not even doing ANY human trials on, just using mice data in order to obtain the EUA? AND, what are they waiting on in FDA approval of the first cv vaxes?? I know they'll lose the liability protection of the EUA, but how many others know that? Most still believe that cv shots ARE FDA approved, due to Mockingbird media's bait and switch story of the "Comirnaty" approval.

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Well said!!!

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The real goal is to mandate vaccines for all adults until the end. Yes, the end.

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Can’t lose those federal grants!

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You go to a new doctor and you see a Wake Forest diploma on the wall, RUN!

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I'm thinking twice, three, four times, and more, before going to *any* conventionally-trained doctor, and *I'm* a conventionally-trained doctor, but one who has been stunned and embarrassed for my profession in recent years.

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Very sad. Did they show their true colors or were they brainwashed like the general population was? If brainwashed you’d think they would have used their heads instead. 🤷‍♀️

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It remains a mystery to me. Some of my former colleagues have surprised me, to say the least.

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Maybe this is the next population subset to be tested with a "new variant" in their on-going gain of function research. Maybe we're just the lab rats now - literally.

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Maybe?? Human clinical trials for the first vaxes are still ongoing until Mar 2023 and beyond, according to Pfizer and Moderna's own websites.

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Omg, will it ever stop?

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Not until the people stand up and say NO!

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

Ohio University sent a threatening letter to a student who was observed in the classroom for not wearing a mask.

The letter states it's a violation of a university code and/or violation on law. Law? And basically if it happens again, and the student does not "comply", they can be suspended or expelled.

The letter is quite a read...find it here


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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

as a non American, i would say the only state I'd want to go to is Florida too

something to learn here for the other governors

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Dr. Mike Yeadon moved to FL from the UK...

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Is this true? I think Viva from Viva Frei (YouTuber) moved from Canada to Florida.

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He said that in a video interview I saw yesterday, and IF I heard him correctly, he's in contact with the FL Health Department.

Interview: https://gettr.com/streaming/p1jqaup318b

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Oh wow I didn’t know that!!! So awesome!! Florida is lucky to have him!!

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it is true, and im totally jealous!

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The Free State of Florida is the only place to be! Just watch out for the toilet pythons!

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🤣 what stops me from moving there … 🐍 … 🐜 … hurricanes. And humidity 😃. I bet my skin would be plumper there though, and you can’t beat DeSantis ❤️

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I love living in Florida in spite of the hurricanes (and snakes)! I look at hurricanes as God's way of replenishing our water (hopefully, we will never have low water levels) and gets us tough and ready for grid collapses (most of us have lived through weeks without electricity)! Snakes are God's little cleaner uppers. We can save on pest control!

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Same, also the price of real estate. And running there is 🥵🥵🥵

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Karen I can barely stand the humidity in NC anymore. I would move to FL too if it wasn’t worse down there! I ❤️ DeSantis

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Luckily I’ve only been on the east coast in late spring. Not bad at all. 😉 Super dry here.

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And Pelosi

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Which are the same species.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Great post. I can’t imagine how you will end the week.

While I agree with the essayist from the times; I would counter with: while the fuaci policy was a complete public health failure; it was successful in implementing the WEF and friends policies or at least testing them.

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Yes. Thank you. This was not an accident or failure. They did exactly what they wanted and there was/is an agenda. It failed, because half of America was awake or woke up and stood up! Their failure is that they did not get 100% compliance and surrender. What they will do is take THAT failure back to the drawing board. They will try again. They are not done. This is a war. They haven’t retreated. They are just taking their lumps and exposure. They’ll spin it and pivot or whatever evil does, and come at us again at some point.

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Yep, just waiting on Gates' and Biden's "next pandemic" they speak about.

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You are absolutely right Sunnydaze!!

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The MSM has pushed a lot of despicable things in the last few years, but "university student 'dies of joy'" takes the award for one of the most offensive headlines I've ever read in my long life. It makes my stomach turn.

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Especially with each passing day and the death of another young, vibrant, human. Hell is empty because all the demons are here.

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Yes but Jeff's comment "death by joy" is the most telling!! 😵‍💫

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff. You are the best!!

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I agree!

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In light of this recent idiotic move by the FBI/DoJ, President Trump needs to go scorched Earth on them now. Release the CCTV footage of the raid immediately.

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I'm thinking he's saving that holy grail for closer to midterms to combat whatever concoction they've cooked up to try to sway people their way...

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

Why just the CCTV footage? Release copies of the documents themselves. They are declassified because a sitting POTUS said they are. Two can play the scorched earth game, and control of Congress is the trophy, waiting in the end zone.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Yet another riveting bit of information! Thanks, Jeff!

Did you see that Newsom's inlaws donated $5,000 earlier this year to Ron Desantis'campaign? I bet Thanksgiving is going to be awkward in the Newsom home.

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