I just checked out Lynda Barry's Syllabus from my local library. Wow. Just wow. It's incredible. And speaking of movie special effects, I rewatched 2001 last night and I had to understand how they did some of the special effects, especially the Discovery interiors where the inside of the ship is a ring and the layout curves in the shape of the ring. The device they build to film that is impressive.

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I recently completed my collection of Lynda's four works on creativity. I read them years ago, but wanted to re-read (and know I will read them yet again). She's been one of my favorite comic artists since I discovered her work in the Seattle Rocket back in the 80's.

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Thanks for the call out of Ellsworth Kelly's postcards. I am not familiar with his work, but it looks like someone I would want to know more about.

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Ditto on Top Gun 2. I rarely want to see anything in the theater, but I’m thinking of going to see it again if it’s still playing.

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I'm with you on Top Gun: Maverick. I was surprised by how much I loved that movie. I'm ready to watch it again.

I hope things get smoother for you soon!

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