If the so-called vaccines, whether or not administered by direct injection or administered through breast milk, kill children including infants, things may not end well for the jab pushers. Those who coerced the jabs should keep in mind that there is not much lower on the totem pole than a child killer.

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Yet idiots are sayuing things like "tiny amount in breast milk", "insignificant to babies".

Er no, THEY said this WOULD NOT happen so either they are shit and don't know what they are doing or they lied.

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Same exact logic was used to push 3, 4 and 5 booster shots after 2 failed…wishful thinking. No science, no data…just wishful thinking that babies could benefit from “passive” immunization. And the same result…babies died.

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How will it be determined whether the mRNA transmitted to babies will transfect to perpetually manufacture spike proteins.?

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Dr Naomi Wolf speaks about this and where and when the injections were made. https://mole.substack.com/p/vax_danger_2022-09-29-killjab. Look under top story. VAX_DANGER (2022-09-29) Thru [killJAB]

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The vectors used genetically are new parasites engineered for the transfection cycle in the DNA modification by the mRNA they carry. The problem is, they don't stop growing and are not treated easily. Heck, we are not even addressing them except for a few smart Doctors who had already rejected allopathic concensus modern medicine/pharma. There is no end in sight to the corruption of the human genome and the human body.

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