Millions of Americans have lost everything in the last two years because of the Fauci covid policies.

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

Well, that $12 million will be a start to compensating COVID victims’ families when it is found that he and Collins started this whole pandemic with their funding of gain-of-function research in NC, Wuhan, and (likely) other locations and then lied about it to cover it up.

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Yeah, I'm gonna call bullshit on that right now. That obviously includes only domestic, reported accounts. The accounts in the Caymans are many times that amount. Then again, he's a fucking retard, so who knows for certain?

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It pays to be an epic failure, serial killer, in the communist Democratic Party.

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Coincidence! Just like all those deaths and injuries post vaccination. But instead of 'bad luck' he got 'good luck'!

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That is only the reported gains. Most was no doubt shady back room under the table deals. The 12 million is just for for cover of his soon to be lavish retired lifestyle.

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tbh I doubt he can retire - he's too self obsessed to just go and fade into the background and enjoy his criminal reapings. I think he really believes that he is a God.

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True point.

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Naturally he capitalised on the pandemic! He's a politician after all! What was he supposed to do? Look after the tax payer deplorables who actually pay him? Huh! What a notion.

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You can’t take it with you, as they say. Eternal Pollyanna that I am, I have a vision of how and where Tony will spend the final moment of his retirement. Personal animosity aside, it’s important that a reckoning come to pass and quickly. We have had what is fair to be termed an “American Holocaust.” It is troubling that even our best Politicians don’t speak to this in direct language. There are always twists and turns. We’ll see.

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And now we know why he recently said all the restrictions were worth it. I lost 80% of my prepanic income and my cornered has been destroyed. How to I send him the bill?

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

His NIAID budget increased by over $700 million due to his plandemic. That is also his money, the money he uses to bribe, or to punish people, depending on his needs. Over $6 billion of our money goes to an evil man, each year, the money he pays his pharmaceutical co-conspirators.

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Big Pharma is Big Daddy to Fauci it is criminal and the American Public demands inquiry into sociopath Fauci’s dealings on EVERY level as his immorality knows no boundaries. While American’s were played he was counting his windfall at the expense of the people who pay his salary. Fauci needs to be called to answer to We the People for the years he has abused his power and harmed and killed with the movements of a psychopath. Calling himself sociopath is too generous! MSG God take care of Fauci as he will have to answer to him ultimately

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Squirmy little creatures like that know how to run a ledger.

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He should dedicate that to a charity to help the vaccine injured.

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Hell is for real and is forever.

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And that is not counting the Cayman Island account. Our whole medical care system is not just broken…it is deadly.

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We all knew he was profiting from the pandemic to keep things going as long as he did. He owns Moderna vaccine and other stuff, he is the one that pushed the drug that led to so many people dying from kidney failure (in the hospitals, that the hospitals used as their protocol, even while it kept killing the people,) vent them give them this drug and your dead!! He deserves to lose every asset, house, bank accounts, pensions etc, for killing all those thousands and then go to Gitmo for trial for crimes against humanity, can't trust that guy! Another evil, corrupt democrat!!

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