Just more proof that the GOP only cares about power. For crying out loud, who really thinks this brain dead bozo is qualified to sit in the Senate? He can't even string together a noun and a verb. But he will vote as directed by Leonard Leo and Moscow Mitch, and nothing else matters.

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Brain dead bozo--exactly! and the puppeteers you name, Leo and Moscow Mitch, again--exactly!

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Walker was never the sharpest knife in the drawer, but it seems obvious to me that he needs to be evaluated for CTE. As a player he took more than a few shots to the head, it had to have left him damaged.

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We ought not mock him but he is so obnoxious and insufferable that one just cannot help oneself.

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I feel sorry for him. He's being badly exploited by the old angry white men that rule the Senate and the RSCC and he doesn't even seem to know it. Hell, one of them actually said "We need him in the Senate because he will vote the way we tell him to."

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I know you are right Peter. But what I also see is a potent and dread weapon willing to be wielded by powerful men with criminal intentions.

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I don't think the CTE comment is a joke. Listen to him speak. He's not right in the head. Not to mention his violent past with his family, this man does not belong in a position of power.

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In addition to whatever damage caused by CTE, it appears that he is also certifiably, mentally ill. He is far from qualified, which makes this whole exercise akin to some macabre RW joke, but they're serious.

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Walker has been diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. He clearly has problems with cognition. He needs to be in a TBI clinic and psychiatric care, not running for Senate.

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Got a link?

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Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022

How does such a supposedly mentally ill individual be deemed suitable to be a member of the US Senate? This is terrifying. It doesn't matter if the therapist is also bonkers; what matters is Walker's obvious lunacy.

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Prezactly. He is a dangerous weapon in the hands of unscrupulous men.

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Yes, but people seem to think Walker is simply stupid at worst. Putting someone like him in the US Senate is just incomprehensible. Walker is mentally ill.

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They need useful idiots, and ostensible proof that black candidates mean they're not racists, even though Walker is just a useful idiot to them. He's dumber than a box of doorknobs regardless of his race, and it's too late to replace him on the ticket.

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I mean when you look at Trumps families it’s easy to understand why the GOP stance on family is the way it is.

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"This election is about the future of the country. Herschel Walker will make things better,"

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! He's going to what? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! How? Hahahahahahahahahaha!

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Oh the irony! Hard to imagine this being the case considering he can’t string together a coherent sentence.

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Indeed. Monsieur Walker would be hard pressed to apply mustard to a sandwich without assistance.

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I guess if you don't laugh hysterically, you'll just commit suicide over how awful the politics are

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OK? I don't want to live in THIS world. I want a BETTER world for EVERYONE dammit! If you're a RW'r, there's space for you too. Just stay in your damn lane OK?

Don't come veering over here now. Bad behavior will be punished.

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When a party has sold its soul to power, this is the kind of behavior that you get. Instead of walking away from an idiotic candidate, the current GQP goes after the messenger. Let's face it; the GQP chose a candidate that will do what he's told and he comes with a Black face. How absolutely craven.

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Funny how the GOP is very vocal when it comes to controlling women's bodies but dead silent when it comes to violence against women, particularly domestic violence.

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same thing, baby

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I think Republicans have a playbook for situations such as with Walker...distract, deny, project, attack, and lie, lie, lie. Rinse, repeat.

It would be funny if it weren’t so sad and terrifying.

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In terms of Herschel Walker, I've already gone on record as saying that if GA voters elect him to represent us, I'm going to move to NM or CA. I trust Grisham and Newson to protect my rights and those of my children and grandchildren. Kemp and Raffensberger are bad enough. I can't tolerate Walker. Herschel Walker was an outstanding athlete who deserves the loyalty of GA fans, but he does not have the moral fiber, cognitive capacity, and language to serve in the US Senate. The GOP is doubling down on electing a puppet and the citizens of GA will be the collateral damage. No me. Not my family.

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Just another thought I had after reading Joseph’s comment…not only does the Republican Party blindly support absolute abortion bans, it fails absolutely to support LIVING children and the families that they come from with basic needs. Remember, the most Republican states spend the least on social needs of its citizens according to

America’s Health Rankings website. So…who do they think will take care of all these children?

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Oh my, another lie laden dismissal of the truth by Reptillian Republicans.

Of course they point to the victims as the problem.

It is plain to see that Herschel Walker is a very disturbed and sick man.

But the Reptiles only point to his son, Christian as the problem.

Of course he has problems, his young life and his mothers life have been threatened by his father.

But let’s remember his father, a clearly brain injured individual, is running for the Senate in Georgia.

The Republicans are back in their stance of see nothing , say nothing true, hear nothing.

But we have heard , we have seen, and we have said , this man is not fit for office . He needs medical intervention and treatment.

His family needs support not derision.

Pull back the curtain, expose the truth and deal with it. Don’t ignore it.

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Standard GOP response to facts they don't like--just deny them. Poof, problem solved.

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Magical thinking solves everything!

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The Georgia Republicans swarmed Herschel's head with prayer in photos to make it all better and ok to vote for him. For sure:

Lying, Cheating and Stealing has been removed from the 10 Commandments to satisfy the Evangelical Right and the GOP.

Another version of smoking gun on 5th Ave. Walker has been covered by the Trump cloak and on to victory they go.

Please PI readers do what you can to help Sen. Warnock in GA

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If we lived in a less partisan time, more people would be willing to admit that, objectively, Warnock is a much better candidate. Of course, my pet rock would be a better candidate than Walker.

This guy lies more than trump, ironically often about the same things. Whether it's donations to charities he didn't make, affairs he had, violence against wives, etc. The only thing we don't have is proof trump ever paid for an abortion. Walker lied about his time at UGA - he never graduated but said he did with honors. He said he trained at Quantico. And his certificate as a sheriff is like saying the wings I got when I was a kid on a plane made me a pilot.

Sadly, though, people in Georgia will still vote for this clown because he has an (R) after his name. In a less partisan time, Walker would get less than 10% of the vote.

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The right wing is chock full of self-serving lying demagogues. They can't be honest about anything. The only way they ever win is by lying and smearing their opponents. It's literally all they ever do. trump was the worst of all. So stupid and void of any actual ideas, all he could do was name call and it probably wasn't even him coming up with the dumb nicknames. Sure this guy threatened to kill his wife and child but that doesn't matter to the right. That actually makes him MORE favorable to them. He fits right in.

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Honestly, I don't trust that Elon Musk will protect Twitter users from some extreme interpretation of the first amendment. So when the sale is final, and after the midterms, I'm going to need another platform for sharing news and ideas. I've chosen Popular Information.

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Ugh, not another republican disaster that will make me cringe and wish I hadn’t read the full disgusting details only to find out the creep was elected anyway. I am now over my limit on clearly despicable male Republican candidates/appointees who have done nothing but harm to the other half of the population and that is saying nothing about the harm they are doing to our democracy they say they care about.

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So according to the GOP, Walker will make our nation “better”. Their values must be very perverted.

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