
So correct - even MSNBC emphasizing the negative. You used to be a frequent guest. Why not get back on there? Lets see you with Nicole Wallace, or make sure the women get out to vote by being on with Andrea Mitchell and Rachel. They support your views - they need to join the tsunami!

You voice is so needed -

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I tend not to watch much media and lately even less. I do get an analysis every morning from Heather Cox Richardson whom is a historian and puts things of today in historical context in order to understand why things are the way they are today and I find it useful. In my head I have all kinds of alarms about the way these republicans in power or trying to get into power with their rhetoric and support of Putin and all the other dictators of the world, so un-American. I just hope there are more people like me, more people that understand that if these people are given positions of power it is over for our democracy. All the signs are there, you just need eyes and ears open, wide open to see. Vote Blue!

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Thanks Salon! That’s how I found out about your Midterm Tsunami of Truths and hopefully, you will get many more mainstream media outlets on board to attract people like me. You are so right. I was hopeful for a tsunami, but very discouraged that it would ever happen. I even said as much when I went to the Democratic booth at the State Fair here in Oklahoma, one of those deep red states. But like you, she convinced me that we not only had a chance, but that we’re going to see a huge upset here in the state. Because of her and people like you, I will vote. Well, I would anyway…and you can bet it won’t be for any of the 147 of which about 4 or 5 are from my state!

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And thanks Michael

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Yes! And thanks Michael!

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Thank you Michael!💙🌊💙

Thank you Salon!

Wake up America!🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

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You give me hope to carry on! Let's roll.

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Here's why I take heart--the mainstream media didn't cover Michael's trump prediction, either. I remember my blood running cold when I watched Michael on Real Time predicting a trump win, but of course I deluded myself and waited anxiously for our first female president. You are so right about Boise, Idaho--I remember smiling big at the teenager's win because I lived in Boise from 1984 to 2005 and omg is Idaho red. Boise has small pockets of blue, but don't kid yourself, that place is no beacon on the hill. And Kansas! Friend from Kansas (who I suspect is quietly anti-choice) did the big debate thing with me--why aren't you willing to leave it to the states??? You mean the states that put abortion referendums on the ballot in the middle of summer? But Kansas came through! Another big smile. I shut down a Politicology podcast last night with "Decision Desk HQ"--enough already with the tired, "tried and true" pollsters. Get a real job. AND VOTE.

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Go MIKE !!! Roe, Roe the VOTE....Thank you Michael. Keep up the GoodFight !!

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Thank you Salon!

Making more people aware of Michael Moore and his work to make sure the Truth is known!

Everyone should find the Truth! Do not listen to the naysayers!

The blue wave gathers strength day by day!

It will be a tidal wave!

Vote as if your life depended on it! There are some wacko republicans who want to kill anyone who disagrees with them!

News outlets report what will bring in the money!

Find your own truths! It is quite easy, just do the work!

Just my opinion


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This was amazing!! Thank you for sharing Michael!

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Thank you Michael Moore! I have read every one of you Tsunami Of Truth's and use them as talking points when discussing this upcoming election. Every single day you give me hope and the courage to keep having these important discussions with potential voters. I don't know what I would do without you at this time!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!

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Strong, wonderful article by Salon. Hope prevails. Bless you Michael

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Thank you Michael Moore and Salon for bringing up my spirits. I always thought Roe would be the key but like a lot of people keep hearing how the polls have tightened up. I felt Kansas and the special election were an indicator that was not being covered. But reading these posts really brighten my day. I already voted for women’s rights in Texas and hope everyone else votes too.

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I'm in Texas too. You're not alone. A good number of D billboards already up in my neighborhood.

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I missed you yesterday! I'm doing my part by writing 120 Texans, 120 Georgians and 120 Floridians to encourage them to vote regardless of negative Nancy punditry. If a 70 year old lady can do that, you'll can too! Thanks, Mike!

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You go Jen! I’m 65 and offering rides to the elderly in my mother’s senior living apartment building to the polls. Mostly women who are dumbstruck by the SCOTUS ruling on abortion.

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Awesome! On PBS News-hour, Politics Monday their discussions are leaning more toward Democrats performing better in the Midterms, but they are still so cautious. I live in Denver, CO and I hope for the Best. Robert Reich listed on Twitter eight in the running, and that if we win 7 of these, finally there will be unobstructed real change for the better. This must happen!

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It's been said repeatedly that elections are 'all about the economy, stupid.' I prefer to believe it's all about the issues. We win on the issues. All of them.

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Mike, I think Mohammed bin Salman may think you're right about November. The Intercept broke a story that MBS cut oil production in order to spike gas prices and sabotage the Democrats one month before the midterms. Your take on that?

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