Thanks for including us ARTISTS in your title—we’re the first to get budget cuts, the first to be dropped in school curriculums, the first to be feared for “creative behavior!” But hell we’re Headlined by YOU— we are the movers and shakers, the ones fighting for free expression and the ones who VOTE!

So thanks Mike for always bringing home the reality- ARTISTS and all— in your own whimsical way!

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True true. Guns and ammo gets a blank check. But anything on the humanities side, that always is on the chopping block. sigh.

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Thanks for this ongoing effort Michael. I'm also glad that the J6 committee is meeting again starting today so we all remember that the magat-driven other side tried to steal an election and our democratic rights. Shame on them. Early-vote them down. We want to keep our democracy for our kids and beyond.

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Dropbox Date Night!

I’d love to see this trending 💞🇺🇸

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Hi Mike,

Thanks for all of this. Please add Nevada to the list of states where voting is underway. Their online voting tool was easy to use.


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And I voted by mail in Florida 😎

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Always love what Michael Moore has to say! So grateful 🥹 to the blessings he brings to our country and planet. I am a Catholic and let’s just put it this way ~ he has “the heart of Mary”. God bless you, Michael!!!💕🥰

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Yes, Amy thank you, God bless Michael !! And Buddha blessings too !!! I like that - he has “the Heart of Mary” ☮️🌎🌈💙🙏🏼

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Thank you, Carol. And we must all….

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Michel, will you go on a voting date with me?

Please check yes or no.

Yes ________ No _________

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Me too please, just for the company because I VOTED TODAY 🎶🏁

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I’m not sure if I can share my date night Shelly. You might need to schedule a separate one. If he’s going to be dating around, I think that I’ll need to cancel the date altogether.

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If you can’t vote with the one you love, then love the one you vote with 🎶🎸🎹🎵🗳🥰

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Vote with the one I love who is the one that I love who I voted with.

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You are my antidepressant, Michael. I post your Tsunami missals of hope on my FB page with over 2,000 followers. Thank you.

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I can't wait to vote! But one subject that does not come up often enough is actually increasing what Health Care providers are paid from Medicare and Medicaid. I have been turned down so often by doctors and psychotherapists, Physical Therapists etc. who do not now accept Medicare and especially Medicaid. Also, auto insurance here in Colorado used to include health care for injuries from auto accidents. A Republican Gov. signed away "No Fault" insurance, causing many Health Care providers to go out of business, and Emergency Room visits were often not covered, leaving victims in a lot of debt. Meanwhile, these Insurance companies, like State Farm, have become Billion dollar entities, treating us victims like we are criminals for making a claim.......and we have been cheated out of money for claims, because they have not increased with inflation since 1994...........such cheats.

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One more reason to re-elect Polis.

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It is crazy for Trump supporters to vote against so many benefits like pensions and healthcare, but it is because they are crazy enough to believe in Jesus. They love to pray to the 6'3" white guy with classic features and light eyes and dark blonde hair. They think Trump is a Jesus guy except that he is fat. That's the 21st Century update: they are fat too.

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I love you Joan. “They think Trump is a Jesus guy, but he’s fat”. But also, it ain’t Jesus’ fault he’s so good people wanted to follow him. Look what people do to people who they claim to love and honor. Socrates ring any bells? Kill what makes us uncomfortable, but then base our entire system on said persons’ ideals.

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One can believe in Jesus and still vote. I don't see a problem with that.

However Jesus definitely was not blonde or had blue eyes, he was from the Middle East not from Norway or Sweden.

The main issue here is not Jesus, the main issue here is to have a party who uses the religion as a tool to fool and control the people for the benefits of a few and to remain in power no matter what. This was done already in other places and other times.

Through the history of the humankind in all countries one group (the rich and the powerful) has always controlled, dominated and imposed its view of the world to other groups. This has always been wrong and created many problems and suffering. Men look for power and forget that we all have a very short time in this world. The question is why no try to make this a better place to live without exploiting and abusing other people, taking care of this planet at the same time.

The Trump supporters have a lot of fear and fear causes many other negative emotions.

I believe some of them will change, some not. I hope the majority one day realize how fake was everything that they were told.

In the meantime we all that can (believers or not) let's vote and keep the wrong party away from power. It's perfectly fine that an atheist and believer go together and vote to preserve the democracy and keep their beliefs or no beliefs to themselves.

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Both parties pray to a guy who looks like them and not the dirty little jew who has been prosecuted for thousands of years. Nancy Pelosi and President Biden talk about this jc god who is from Scandinavia and never even existed. The first politician who tells the truth will set an example for telling the truth. By the end of this century, religion will be dead, but why do we have to be led by liars and phonies regardless of their party?

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The problem is which party is more dangerous to the common people and the planet?

For me it's clear. One party who wants to destroy what is left of democracy.

In my case I will never vote for that party.

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Who is Beloved Uncle Bob?

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He’s a real dick, but we still love him.

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Vegans roaming everywhere- hilarious. I grew up in Michigan. GR. Apples. Venison. The lakes. But if I wanted to be respected in my field and get paid a decent salary I had to move away. I was told my husband and I weren’t really married because we didn’t have children. That was the 90’s. I hope Michiganders show up and fight the racist, sexist, homophobic element; but from my experience, the majority of Michigan is not enlightened. I live in California now with the vegans. I can’t help Michigan. I hope hope hope you are right.

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You CAN still help Michigan! Write letters, send postcards, texts, and post on social media. And send money to campaigns!!

My grandson is at university in MI. I sent him a link to register there.

Post that link everywhere! For every state in the union. Some places too late but MI deadline is (i think) Oct 23. https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote

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“Election denier” feels awfully stuck in the past. We need a better term for people maneuvering to potentially scuttle the next election. “Anti-democrats” falls short for a couple of reasons. Maybe “anti-republicans?” - Olivier Knox WAPO

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I believe the word you’re looking for is Fascist.

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Anti Republican traitors 😉

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Love your energy

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Dear Mike, I adore you and have seen every movie of yours. You are always right. I am attempting to listen to your 44 days of podcasts why the Democrats will win. I subscribe I looked on various podcasts platforms and I cannot play it. I don't want to read it. PLEASE tell me how to play your podcasts ASA!

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Thank you

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Some concerned people who are much smarter than I have suggested that we PAUSE democracy and install a group of SIX people with degrees in law and economics and philosophy and enable these geniuses to make all the decisions. King Solomon a wise man returns. All the politicians would have to find other jobs. Of course, this won't happen, but obviously, elsewhere frustrated citizens are trying out a ruler.

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