Kids are in the hospital because of the injections. Their immune systems damaged! Just saw an article yesterday. Children’s Hospital reporting unprecedented amounts of children coming in with supposedly the sniffles and a common cold but then in 24 hours can’t breathe. The injection is killing our kids. 

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Evil freakin liars. They have no idea of the magnitude of damage done to our kids from lockdowns. I’m sure most of us here who have school aged kids can attest to that

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Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb secretly pressed Twitter to censor me days before Twitter suspended my account last year

After White House pressure failed to force Twitter to ban me immediately, Gottlieb, who was in contact with federal officials, stepped in; I will be suing him, Pfizer, and the Biden Administration

Alex Berenson

Oct 14



On August 24, 2021, Dr. Scott Gottlieb sent an urgent email about my reporting to a contact at Twitter.

Gottlieb is the former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, a close colleague of many federal officials - and a senior board member of Pfizer, which has made $70 billion selling mRNA vaccines.

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Birx, the mass murderer in a scarf. You know they paid $59k or so to make Ms. Wallensky more persuasive. scientific Truth doesn't need to persuade

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Excellent interview on the Stew Peters show Dr Paul... you are an incredible daily truth warrior speaking out from the beginning...


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This is heartbreaking.

Society has failed to protect the elderly & the children.

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Yes, well said. We failed to protect the elderly & the children.

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The CDC and FDA are two of the most worthless agencies on the planet, bar none. Both are directly tied to the big pharma medical tyranny machine which takes no prisoners. You trust in them, you increase your chances of dying before your time. Nuff said.

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Incorrect. They are worth their weights in gold. Just not to us.

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I wasn't a part of this. I'm not in We... I told everyone: don't fucking kill my nieces and neohews. Very wide audience.

I did it a second time.

I'm guilty of a lot. No blame in this mass murder for me.

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I live in Tennessee and we never locked down and wore face diapers.

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Kids who were forced to take a jab that didn’t work. This is evil. Florida is doing it right.

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There were doctors that said early on that lockdowns would have this exact affect on children. Thankfully, I saw their YouTube vids before YouTube pulled them down.

Now, a question. Is this result unintended or intentional?

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Lock them up and throw away the key! Jail is to good for mass murder's, who raped our world from proper early treatment drugs and replaced it with ReimdesaFEAR and ventilator death guaranteed in less than 10 Days, collect the Covid-19 half a million Dollars for killing patients in hospitals and move on to the next victim?

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