This was one of the best things I've read - and it also made me remember to update my payment details for my subscription - well worth it. Thank you for bringing a smile to my face during these incredibly stressful times with your vivid description of Nancy Pelosi's amazing strength and grace. I believe there are more of us than there are of them and from NJ I am working to help other states turn blue.

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Nancy is one in a million, there’s no question about that. But, are you telling me that we really can’t find a woman along her lines who can be put up? Are you telling me that we have to settle for “good enough” forever? Will we die without ever getting the opportunity to witness a female president? Time to rise up sisters, it’s now or never.

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Dear Z&..., What about Gretchen Whitmer from Michigan? Or Stacey Abrams from Georgia? Or Amy Klobuchar from Minnesota? Or Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts? Or Maize Hirono from Hawaii? Let’s start envisioning the first woman president in US history....I was so excited to vote from Florida for Hilary and want to live to see Madam President in the White House! Dream Big and Dream Blue and Dream Madam President.....

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Thanks for telling the “Nancy Pelosi” story of fortitude and heroism in only the way that you can do it, Mike! Another great read—- spurring us all to even greater action against the forces that would try and obliterate our great democracy. We need more “Nancy’s” - especially one to be President!

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We have an emergency in Wisconsin! Madman Ron Johnson has pulled ahead with a vicious campaign of lies. His return to the Senate would be a disaster. Michael, please help Mandela Barnes turn it around!

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I heard a clip (from last nite?) debate and when asked to say something complimentary re the other, Barnes said Johnson was a family man n he respected that. Then when it came to Johnson, he said something he respected about Barnes, but then launched into some negative bullshit and the audience booed and the Moderator took him to task. Saw it on Majority Report. Hope that helps Barnes. Showed class, while Johnson showed he's an ass.

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The 'Nancy Pelosis' of tomorrow are being raised today... talk to your girls. Make them KNOW, deep in their hearts, that they can aspire to emulate that lovely lady. Love them, lift them, and keep them supported. We'll have a woman Prez eventually, even if it comes after my lifetime, and I will be so proud!

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Again, Thank you, thank you, Michael for fighting the Good Fight ! Praise for Nancy Pelosi !

Yes, I can FEEL Trump and his cronies’ FEAR.

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The hearings far surpassed the best "who dunit" I've ever seen! And the bestest part is that these women don't need our accolades or constantly need their egos stroked. How refreshing! How so like any woman who knows her worth. Tsunami? Oh yeah!

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Real courage is hard to find. Pelosi epitomizes it daily. I’m proud she’s ours. I’m also proud your ours, too, Michael.

On a related note, FoxNews.com currently has no stories related to yesterday’s hearing. It’s as if it never happened.

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You outdid yourself on this one Michael. The visuals are stunning, I can just picture the movie spin off with Nancy in armor tearing through a wall of demonstrators to get to Trumpy as he cowers in a corner of Maro Lago and there he is over the knee of Liz Cheney being spanked.

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The best image! Women do get the job done, even while dancing backwards!

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The women in politics have shined during this nightmare. Nancy has bigger stones than most republican males.

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Yes, because only creatures with testicles stand up for what is right.

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In reference to Pelosi taking taking charge @ Base, context means something.

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Nancy has a uterus and took charge. Context does indeed mean something.

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Pelosi is my hero, has always been my idol….always. She is at the top of my ‘most admired’ women list. Glad she got recognized to the world yesterday. Might I also add how calm she was under pressure? Joan of Arc. A legend. An incredible mind and fast thinker. Lady Liberty. Forever Freedom. God saved our country that day with the incredible contribution of this one woman! Nobility has never known the day!!!

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YES! Walk like a Pelosi!

I would love to see the entire recording, though this one made me cry. Seeing Nancy's

calm and focus is beyond words, but you found them for us!

Thank you Mike!

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Let us take a moment of silence to recall when Nancy ripped up tRump's lying SOTU speech, with an elegant smile on her face. She is da BOSS. Always has been.

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Yeah, well for some time now my favorite congressperson is AOC. Nancy is my second favorite.

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Booo. Fuck Elon.

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???? I don't get it (don't like Elon, but don't get your comment)

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Tesla driving, Elon supporting “environmentalist’s” who believe in disposable planet theory lack intelligence due to their over inflated ego’s which is the main cause behind their entire facade.

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Thank you Michael for posting the link for the full hearing. I missed it yesterday.

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How we allowed traitor Trump to make America the laughing stock of the world is beyond belief. 🙄

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It is. I grew up in NYC and everyone knew he was a grifter and in bed w the mafia. NY did NOT vote for the rump fire, because we knew what he is.

I still have trouble believing this has happened to our beautiful country.

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I’m glad so many NYC’er moved to SoFla and hope they all vote 🗳

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Palm Beach County elections office said there have been 4,300 new voter registrations. Since the primary was held in August, officials said close to 30,000 people have signed up to vote. 🗳 #IVoted

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made me chuckle... in agreement!

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“Southern Wall Street” now.

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