A family member died in childbirth last night, a perfectly healthy young woman. 😥 My BIL’s sister died last week of an aggressive cancer they just diagnosed a month ago. What the heck is going on?

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I'm sorry for your losses. Unfortunately, you are not alone. The cancer thing is insane. Very aggressive. My SIL went from healthy to stage 4 long cancer in the matter of a couple months. Within weeks in spread to her liver. It's heartbreaking and she doesn't see the connection. Fully jabbed and boosted. She found out about the cancer a few weeks after her 2nd dose. They now suspect it may have done to her bones now. We are awaiting results. I pray somehow these things get halted or no end in sight.

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I am so sorry to hear this. When will TPTB stop this madness? They need to pull these jabs from the market until we can figure out why this is happening.

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Aimee, I'm so sorry. The horrifying truth is that they know. They don't care about the misery the person suffers before death, the life altering pain and heartache of the survivors. This is bill gates of hell's wet dream. He thinks it's absolutely ok to destroy lives, I wish he'd start with his own.

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Yes, just as Teri stated. Watch the 2012 Olympic Games opening [ceremony], then watch the 1992 Barcelona Games opening [ceremony]. There is a reason [they] call [them ceremonies]. Right in your face, with [their rituals].

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I'm starting to think never. I really thought once the kids were impacted and the data was overwhelming it would do it. It hasn't! They aren't even close to it. Still pushing it all. Still lying. How do so many people continue to be so deceitful? I wish with all my heart we could figure out a way to stop it. It looks like it's gonna take some outside-the-box thinking. No mRNA jab should be released and these jabs need to be halted, like yesterday. Can an AG do something? Can citizens request a grand jury? I just don't know.

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This is all going toward the New World Order, the decrease in population to about 500 miillion is what I had read. Bill gates of hell is a eugenic proponent, he wants as many dead as possible by any means possible.

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I’m so sorry. Prayers for your family.

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Did they have the 💉?

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Yes. Not sure about boosters.

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So sorry. ❤️

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Our daughter is a family practice PA and said the saddest thing she is seeing are aggressive cancers in younger people (30s-40s). Just awful.

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I read that too. Younger and more aggressive.

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Oh dear God - that is gut wrenching. I am so so sorry

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I am very sorry. My sincere condolences ...

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That’s sad

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Covid jabs! That's what's going on!!!!!

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As Cristian Terhes (Romanian MEP) said this week, 'Why are the most vaccinated countries showing the most cases/deaths from covid '? He is a hero 👍

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Africa, Eastern Europe, India, Fla, Tx

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We should make hall of fame, Nuremburg list. Public, huge.

Let them know we know

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They’re all over gettr!

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If. NWO makes a move in Tulsa, Hot Springs, San Antonio....

They better make a move in towns outside Shanghai, guangdong,Hunan province.

Keep ccp frim sending goons over here.

Btw, foreign troops in undeclared war targeting Americans Not, repeat, not covered by Geneva convention.

Wild hogs here in Central TX hungry...

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All of my likes are thumbs ups of acknowledgement. I have no way to verify or deny your info, just saying thank you for posting!

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You can trust me😎😎😎😎

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So bad. Those hills were supposed to get progressively smaller. I recall them showing people those projected charts early on. They have all gotten larger! Every country. I hate these people. God forgive me but I do.

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I do too. And I hate that I hate them. I ask the Lord regularly to forgive me for my inability to overcome it.

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Give [them] nothing. Especially give [them] zero [hate. They live] on [hate]. If you are not a [spiritual failure] call on your helpers to get rid of the [hate].

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3 older relatives, 1 62 yr old friend died recently. 4 close people in 2 mo... Big numbers for me. I liked them, 2 a lot

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The mean ones live on.... Me.

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You don’t seem so bad, really. 🙂

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I'm screenshotting this, sending to my family😎😂😎😎😂

I dig ,really part


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Sorry. Sadly they are blind by what seems obvious to me! My mom wants a booster next week even though she had a minor stroke after 2nd shot.

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So sorry 😢

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It is appalling how totally deceived these people are.

It is beyond comprehension.

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Dear God. I’m speechless

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Destroyed immune systems

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Immune system fatigue.

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Our Los Angeles news is warning us of the coming increases in Covid and flu cases this winter and they keep urging everyone to get Covid jabs and flu shots. No thanks!

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This is so unbelievably terrifying. Pure evil got us here!

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yes, there is going to be more colds and flu due to NO HEAT OR FOOD BECAUSE OF THEIR WEF LEADERS--not coming to Canada.

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If I were in Germany, I'd probably be looking for somewhere warmer to spend the winter.

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I would say Germany is highly vaccinated and thats why we're seeing this, once people find out what was done to them there will be hell to pay.

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No. There will not be...until real hell is introduced.

These people will never give up their faith in the jab. At one point we will have to accept that fact.

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Excess mortality at 15 percent after the vaccine rollout, then down, then back up to 15 percent and then over 30 percent and then 20 percent. Still 14 percent right now. Something IS going on. Thanks for your great work!

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Cases as determined by what? The useless PCR testing? Without a reliable, vetted and standardized test, there are no covid cases.

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This is unfolding precisely as you, Geert, Jessica Rose, etc, predicted.. somehow this must be stopped... keep reaching out to our leaders... you never know when a staff member might get their ear.. which might be enough to make them reverse course.. keep at it.. we have to keep at it... the Tide is slowly turning

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As long as PCR is used to determine a case this nonsense will never end. There are literally dozens of causative reasons for illness, especially in cooler weather without an imaginary “virus” being the culprit. Excess mortality can partially be explained by so many people taking the useless and toxic jabs.

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