Keep speaking the truth.

Bless you.

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Despite the UK and other country's lawmakers ALL being "sold a bill of goods", their mass formation uptake illustrates the inept servitude and lack of diligent critical thinking skills; such is almost more abhorrent to me than those who got the fat $$$ for looking the other way.

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The mass formation uptake, which I agree happened in spades, may have also been heavily influenced by the personal greed of the "leaders" who stood to gain from the Covid scam.

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Absolutely, yes! Pukeworthy.

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May I post a link to Dr Roger Hodkinson, pathologist, Canada speaking about the current deaths and potential deaths from the CV19 shot. 3 minutes. https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=kZup7jVZ5poDa25NGrQz5TiXkDz0HJKhblg7&fbclid=IwAR1Cp7kIKLawplkPvYwqavLZCqHVNVjz_e2uYhtMJE5WarUZqmEGPTf4qKE

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Thanks for sharing this brief segment with Dr. Roger Hodkinson speaking with Ann Vandersteel. I have enormous respect for Dr. H, both his medical/academic expertise & integrity, as well as his passionate dedication to sharing the truth for the benefit of all humanity. Very few realize the scope of death and injury that are the early legacy of this crime against the world's population, fewer still can even begin to wrap their head around such evil and pure malevolence of this magnitude, myself included

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Great respect for the brave truth-tellers among us...they lead by their brilliant example.

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Excellent interview. Echoes from my past education and some of the good Dr’s I’ve had the honor of working with. I have trouble now with some of these same physicians who push Covid shots. Never made sense to me until I learned about mass formation psychosis. Even then I can’t wrap my head everything that’s happened. Thank you once again Dr Alexander, Professor. Iv’e

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Hello to you all! On May 13th there will be an international event for all of those who suffered from this horrendous last few years. The most visible victims are the ones dead or maimed by the shots and those who died from untreated cv or other infections and diseases, who did not fit well to the narrative.

But there are many of us who suffered in various ways - discrimination, insults, being outcast from the workplace, public life and places, or simply put in repeated lockdowns.

Could you please share if there is anything planned in your country / region / town? It would be interesting and we still have the time to use and improve creative ideas, so that it could not get silenced and would not go unnoticed.

Thank you all!

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To: Michael Yeadon,

They are using a code. It's simple. It's part of their very old Playbook. please solve. Luv u, me. 🦋

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I’ve learned a lot.

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