
The criminals are colluding.

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The ones who would need it most will never read anything written here .Incentives like giving a free burger to take shots may work here too .Offer a free ice creme and they may come .

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This jab is dangerous to ALL living things. All.

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They both are! These are death shots! All parents need to refuse to subject their children to this death shot and to taking anymore ‘vaccines’. BIG PHARMA can’t be trusted on any drugs they make! Not after being guilty of producing the poisonous death shots that have killed millions of people worldwide. Children have been injured for decades with those ‘vaccines’ but the medical community ignores that fact and continues to push them on children and they continue to lie to parents. I’m a retired RN and I don’t trust the corrupt medical community who have been bought off by BIG PHARMA.

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Obviously both. They co-ordinated their moves and did a good job convincing the unsuspecting sheeple go take the jabs.

People are waking up. This is why these criminals are demanding the jabs be a part of the criminal yearly jab scam for children.

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No, the majority are still asleep. They want to add these shots to the children's schedule because this will give Big Pharma blanket immunity per an old law. The injured can successfully win lawsuits for FDA-approved vaccines not on that schedule. Adults keep throwing children under the bus rather than focus on replacing almost everyone in Congress so we can eliminate all their harmful legislation which was typically passed without being read.

The main component of these jabs is the same or similar (or instructions to make it) as what has been spread. Dr. A claims young children have a near zero risk for the latter. Okay, then the same must be true for the former. Cannot have it both ways.

The reason so many continue supporting these shots is because they or someone they know have been harmed by the spread or shed versions. Per a recent US Census Bureau's Household Pulse Survey, ~29% of infectees have been suffering symptoms three months or longer. Around 4 million have been severely impaired. A recent study showed there has been a 72% increase in type 1 diabetes diagnosis in infected 18 yo and younger. Who knows which version (injected, spread, or shed) these young people actually had. In 2020, the spread version was triggering new diabetes as well as a very wide range of other health problems in some amount of people.


If everyone who has had any part in this movie was imprisoned immediately, spreading would end very quickly. It's all manmade.

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"No, the majority are still asleep."

Unfortunately, this is the case, thus the only immunity will continue to be the Pharma racket immune from any liability.

Some people have a brain.

Most Americans have a tv instead, probably multiple television screens. If it is on tv, it must be real and must be true.

They watch programs, thus they become programmed.

Critical thinking? Not happening.

What should happen, but won't, along this tv line of thought, is people need massive exposure to how tv 'programs' are actually produced. In other words, instead of viewing what is termed 'the talent', they need to see the camera crews, stage managers, editing rooms, script writing process, etc. It is a stretch, however some might wake up to how contrived and scripted-in-advance the whole process of 'tv' which they use instead of the brain they own from birth actually works.

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Never take any shots ,liability or not .No liability win will bring you back if you are dead .The medical networks are now the most dangerous outfits ,equal to a shooting war .,the same number of dead .

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It did not take me two years to wake up .I was awake from day one ,always do the opposite of what our masters demand and you are going in the right direction .I hope that some sleepwalkers who finally wake up, don't spend another two years rubbing their yes

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The FDA, Pfizer, and Moderna all need to be investigated with a primary focus on NIAID and it’s connections to Moderna and Pfizer.

NIAID is Fauci’s personal kingdom and power base. He and his wife have far too much control over it.

Moderna is a secretive company with a weird history and

Pfizer has a bad track record with regulators (until Covid came along).

There are far to many unanswered questions about this whole mess.

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Pfizer had a bad track record until covid came along ? It is more likely until large bribery payments came along .The dead don't talk ,all the rest. of us must shut up .

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The Pfizer comment was supposed to be tongue-in-cheek. Sorry if it didn’t come off that way.....

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I couldn't sleep last night after watching Robert Kennedy Jr's newly released documentary. Why isn't Fauci arrested for crimes against humanity? Why is Bill Gates not arrested for the millions of Africans that he has injured or murdered? If Republicans take the House and the Senate this fall, they better do some serious investigations of the CDC, NIH, FDA and Big Pharma and send these criminals to jail. I don't have much confidence that anything will change. They're all in the pocket of Big Pharma.

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Congress doesn't have prosecutorial powers. Last time I checked, Dems control the Executive Branch which does. State AGs and lower-level prosecutors also have this power. High-profile people are typically not held accountable because they're followers of Satan who rules this world. Good people haven't organized themselves well enough to put other good people with spines of steel in positions to make it happen.

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I couldn’t agree more. We are living through the WORST Sci-fi Movie EVER!

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The ACIP meeting today was beyond disturbing. They discuss us like herd animals. They repeat the “safe and effective” mantra while displaying their obviously flawed data. But the CDC will push it forward into the states, and many will believe the propoganda. This is far from over. They proved it today.

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A nice well made gallows with multiple nooses, say, a dozen, would do nicely.

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Jail? Never!

The Guillotine.

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The FDA and the criminals at the top of Big Pharma are co-conspirators, as are their willing accomplices at the CDC, NIH/NIAID, et al. Just stating the obvious here

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When election outcomes show us to be a minority (30-50%) in any locale, remember this -- blacks are 10-12% of the population, while queers (born, not identifying) are 4-5%; trannies (genuine) are 0.1%. Native Americans are 1%. We protect all their rights, and far more, giving them all sorts of goodies. So don't worry if we're not 51%! Demand our rights, all our rights; and if need be, shoot to kill.

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Lock them all up, including Fauci and the rest of the "experts" who pushed these death shots.

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We need to jail all of them, all CEOs of Big Pharma and Big Tech and Big Media, politicians, doctors and nurses who've been pressuring people to get injected.

Problem is, people keep going along with all this.

Will they ever be held accountable? I don't think so. Back in the 70s, David Sencer, head of the CDC, pretty much got away with what he did.

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Jail? You're rather kind considering the enormity of the crimes. Public gallows live on every outlet would be more inline with the crimes.

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Yes, but my fear is that they will never be held accountable for their very serious crimes. Now, they're injecting babies. These people are so sick that it's beyond comprehension.

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Landsberg Prison 2 June 1948. Difficult to locate film/video. This is one reason I want it done in a very public manner.

Your concern/fear has some basis. Unfortunately this is moving along quite slow resulting in more innocent victims. Still have hope truth will find a way.

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Both need to be jailed together with multiple gov. officials. But its not going to happen, because the entire system is corrupt including judiciary

Mengeles From the FDA Mass Murder Advisory Committee Discuss Clinical Trials for Babies: A 17-Month-Old Baby Received a Second Dose Despite Multiple Seizures From the First

Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social and environmental - David Foreman


" These are the darkest, most difficult days in human history. We are facing the end of freedom and the end of the awesome wonder of the independent, human spirit."

Dr.Vernon Coleman: This Is What’s Going To Happen Next


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The vax does not prevent transmission. Anyone applying mandates or coercion, thus not protecting the control group - those not getting shots - is not following good science and is at fault.

The control group MUST be protected, not coerced.


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Moderna stands for modified mRNA. It's right in our face! Bastards!

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