The criminal impairment of adaptive and innate immunity in children by the bioweapons. These genocidal maniacs must be held to accountability. Whatever it takes.

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They knew exactly what they were doing

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And will continue to do it.

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VAIDS hath arrived.

And will be met with the full force of -- more boosters!

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Masks shall be our savior once again!

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Wow...that’s kind of a downer. 😂

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These days I don’t have a problem being “depressed”. I don’t even listen to music anymore. The only thing that helps is God, nature and sunshine. I cannot stand people anymore, with the exception of the ones I can count on one hand (I think I was always like this, though). It’s funny, when I was younger, I wasn’t like this, what gives? Lol…

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By now, those still "covid ignorant" are so by choice.

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Yea, I think you are right. I think once these illnesses hit the news MORE parents will shoot their kids abd themselves. A pandemic of the ignorant and, sadly, stupid.

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I’m no historian but I read somewhere after Japan invaded China the widows committed suicide in huge numbers

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Oh forgot about the young people,

The ones who March around in Ninja outfits raiding stores and starting fires

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I doubt they’d notice we were invaded. They’d be too busy on Tik Tok (a ChiCom app.).

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Don't they do all of that already?

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They will say it's because of the UN-vaxxed......this is their way of instituting forced/mandatory vaccination...mark my words......

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Over my dead body will I take a shot.

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I agree.....but this is what is coming down the pike.... I bet the WEF countries will be the first..... https://gettr.com/search?q=mandatory%2520vaccinations

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Brilliant meme

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So true.....love it!!!!!!!!!!

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So true. So true. 😔

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That’s a good one.

So true......

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It’s illegal in the United States to force a EUA product on anyone. But it’s not stopping FYB.

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It's not EUA anymore since it's been added to the child hood vaccines....also, nothing is illegal anymore unless they say so and it benefits them......have you seen this...... https://gettr.com/post/p1vl3frebcf

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It is still an EUA, they don’t have an FDA approved product. It has never been produced.

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Oct 26, 2022·edited Oct 26, 2022

Well, many people thought that mandates would never happen since these were EUA products but they did...... I understand what you are saying...I am on your side.....

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It hasn’t been added to the childhoods vaccine list. It was a recommendation. Many States are refusing to add it. This is all illegal. Eric Adams is an outlaw if he ignores the court. He will be sued again and again until it goes to the Supreme Court.

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I hope you are right...nothing surprises me these days...

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But the Supreme Court did.

Biden as president can order the armed forces to be vaxxed, and for some reason he can force health care workers to be vaxxed, but he cannot force it on the general public.

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The Supreme Court rules that Joe Biden is commander-in-chief. Three ...


I found this on Freespoke, a new search engine that doesn't censor viewpoints and respects privacy. Check it out: Freespoke.com

In a sane world, with a competent, sane President, one would have no disagreement with this. Biden is not sane, he is not running the country, we don’t really know who the Commander in Chief really is. Our whole Constitutional system is upended. Three (& possibly 4) Justices dissented, one didn’t make their decision known. But the fact remains, even if the Supreme Court has no business interjecting over the Commander in Chief, we don’t really have one. So where. Does that leave us. Justice Alito said in his dissent that it should have to be proved that a disease is really disruptive, that the required injections really work to treat it, essentially he said PROVE IT. We all know that this is not a deadly disease, especially in military age people, in fact it’s causing more death & harm to the military than Covid ever would. So some ‘body’ or authority has to step in & save our best & brightest. Attorney Tom Renz has proven & has been trying to get to a court that will listen, all these harms, adverse reactions some permanent) & deaths. He has documented this before Senator Ron Johnson’s hearings.

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Come on Jewish American Princess, you know you want it.

BTW I'm going to visit the USD 500M Russian superyacht our country has given mooring rights to in my city Cape Town.

Perhaps I can have some caviar, washed down with Alize Swarovski Studded Vodka and a lapdance.

Nazdaroviah Amerikanski ;))

The US and EU tried to bully South Africa into telling the oligarch yacht owner to take a u-turn.

SA Prez Ramafuck said:"fuck you, the Lion of Africa will not be bullied by shithead duplicitous hyena US, EU and UK leaders who have their own D-grade porno agenda. Ehlathini, akukho mithetho (In the jungle, there are no rules).

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It takes a JSAP to imagine he recognizes a JAP. What woke you up? Haven’t heard from you in a long time.

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Shalom Leslie,

I was schnitzeled in the Negev, but since I saw your burning bush again, I may well be on the path to finding the ark of the covenant.

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I agree with you but that's not what they have planned for us....mandatory vaccines are already being disguised, as we speak.... for adults now...not just kids.....I am not saying they will be successful but they are serious about this......

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Not to mention all the fallout from these kids being forced to wear muzzles all day long in school and on the busses and while doing sports. How can the idiot "authorities" possibly think that there would be no terrible health consequences from that? It's reprehensibly criminal, and every damn enforcer of such torture should be jailed for the rest of his or her natural life.

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It’s the vaccines stupid!!

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It seems to me that this leads to a "colony" collapse. I do not see how societies do not break down due to high levels of illness, disability and death.

This is all too shocking

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Dr. Suneel Dhand says ALL data in the US is "rubbish" This "tripledemic" sounds like another of their nudge unit, pump it through the mainstream, scaremongering words. I'm not saying it isn't true, just that I don't believe an fbombing thing they say ever. I'd believe it if a physician of integrity, one of all 20 or 30 of them on the earth, saw it with their own eyes.

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https://www.wnd.com/2022/10/top-med-journal-fda-silent-vaccine-danger-signals-data/ It’s starting to come out in other countries! What’s wrong with the United States government? The DOD is behind all of this. Bioweapon research & development.

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Dr. John Campbell on YouTube had a video addressing this article recently. It was excellent.

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I would say to the vaxed;

So you are vaxed knowing full well there are side effects & deaths but ask yourself; are the side effects from virus or from the vaccines? Either way, you got side effects unlike us unvaxed:)

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I talked to someone yesterday in the PICU that I used to work in before I retired last December. She said it is off the chain busy. The census has been full for a month straight. Every time they have an empty bed in the PICU, it is filled by an infant or child waiting in the pediatric emergency room. She said there have been lots of very sick babies with RSV that are on ventilators. Neonatal ICU also super busy.

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Do you remember when they said we have to flatten the curve to keep the hospitals safely running and then later we found out that most hospitals were empty and nurse and doctors were dancing in the corridors. And now its coming full circle. Horrific turn about.

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Can't like, appalled, disgusted.

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I’m shocked but sadly not surprised. Would like to know about the latest sub variants please. My plumber just came back a few days ago from from England with bad C-19. He is 4x vaxed. He sounded crook on the phone. He told me that his wife collapsed before he went. She went to hospital, tested positive to C-19 there, then was kicked out in her bed clothes to be picked up outside. This is my newly built local NSW hospital. There is a forthcoming NSW state election in March. We will be demanding answers.

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How do I convince the vaxed that it's the vax not the virus?

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Honestly, I believe it’s impossible.

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Get them to watch the real anthony fauci movie. It's very very powerful

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Their attention span wouldn’t last that long. I just tell them “what if you’re wrong? How will you look in history?”

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the depopulation agenda is working

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A friend told us today that in all her years of teaching, she has NEVER seen so many kids out sick in the month of October.

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