In relation to the video featuring Allan Savory, and as someone with a background in Theoretical Physics, I found the following so astute:

“When we read scientific literature written in the 70s, liberal, left, and right, we’re immersed in a world of openly honest people. They can be mistaken, say untrue things, but they are all genuinely dedicated to the logos. And then there’s some kind of frontier, when they all started to lie, which in my opinion is connected to a shift of liberals to the left. Suddenly, Western society began to become very stupid; it became narrower and narrower.“

Alexander Dugin (31 August 2017):


• Fascinating interview with Russia’s conservative philosophy icon Alexander Dugin


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Good post. Fascism is a loose term based on the perspective of those using it, especially currently when words are twisted to suit the intent of the users. Fascism is not favored by one economic system over another and can occur in "Communist" or "Capitalist" systems. Fascism is not engendered by the economic system but by the old eternal false dream of a paradise. "If we only can have fascism to control the people then we can have a paradise of our dreams." This helps explain why China at times appears to be the darlings of the "globalists" exemplified by the governments of the West and East now in the pockets of the WEF. It seems Fascism is the product of the human mind not whether that mind is in the West or East. It can and does arise anywhere. As the American founding ancestors understood it is always and perpetually a threat to those who wish "dangerous freedom over peaceful tyranny."

IMHO the baby boomers who resisted the mainstream order in the sixties were reacting against a mental reality demonstrated by their parents (who had after all won against fascism, lol). That the government, the corporations, the institutions, and older "wiser" generations did not go along with the new generation's desire for freedom is exactly what you would expect from these bastions of the social order. That the baby boomers lost is understood. We are all still losing.

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Oct 27, 2022·edited Oct 27, 2022

Wasn't it WW1 that was supposed to be the war to end all wars?

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Oct 27, 2022·edited Oct 27, 2022

Sorry if it's off topic but

Putin just participated in Valdai discussion forum and the theme of this year's forum was

"The World After Hegemony: Justice and Security for All"


"Ahead is the most dangerous, unpredictable and at the same time important decade since WW2" -Putin

RIA Novosti: Putin said that there are problems of excessive centralization in Russia and that he is a supporter of decentralization: "The Constitutional Court has already been moved to St. Petersburg, there are plans for the Supreme Court, we will do it without haste"


😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦 woah

RIA Novosti: "Putin said he considers it possible to create a single humanitarian and economic space from Lisbon to Vladivostok: Hope is the one that dies last"


Wow 😦 wow, speechless

I was losing hope a bit especially with the problems that were uncovered during the mobilization process but what Putin said gave me a lot of hope.

WE WILL LIVE IN THE ABUNDANT FUTURE 😭😭😭 can't be any other way 😭😭😭😭😭

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Suggest you drop your inappropriate use of the term fascism:


and stop falling for the Marxist banksters' demonization of Hitler by learning what he actually accomplished:



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People talk glibly about ‘fascism’ – what is ‘fascism’ … ?

(BTW – Michael Lowry is correct – it was WWI)

I have come across a number of (conflicting] definitions of ‘fascism’ and so I did some research - from Dave McGowan’s “Understanding the F Word” to Sir Oswald Mosley’s “Fascism: 100 Questions Asked and Answered”

From Mosley (100 Questions) …


1. challenged the expert dogma whereby the fabric of **international capitalism** was considered of more importance than the individual and collective well-being of the workers of Britain.

2. challenged the corrupt working of the **so-called democratic system**, whereby party machines with colossal monetary resources were enabled to establish "caucus-regimes" utterly unrepresentative of any of the integral social elements in the country.

3. challenged the **so-called "free press"** dominated by millionaire company-promoters who were themselves subordinate to the great financial and advertising interests on whom their revenue depended.

4. dared to challenge the covert but all pervading influence of [one particular powerful lobby group] on the life of the community.

In his autobiography “My Life”, Mosley writes

Page 55

“Then came the strangest experience. I found myself quite alone in the middle of the great square, spellbound for a moment by the enduring vision. Many of the glories of that architecture were already in ruins, and entirely in flames. Noble buildings collapsed in a sad fatigue born not of centuries but of a moment of bitterness, like a child's house of cards under a wanton hand, as heavy shells descended in direct hits. Too young for full consciousness, I yet felt some premonition of the sorrow: **what the Europeans were capable of doing to each other; the waste, the tragic absurdity**.”

Page 98

When we married, the question arose of how Cimmie should deal with the money inherited from her American mother, who came from the Leiter family, which had amassed a considerable fortune in real estate. Years later they were stated by my political opponents to be Jewish, but when I was in America with Cimmie in 1924 this was never suggested. They were then reputed to be Dutch immigrants, and those I saw were big, blond, blue-eyed people. The rumour probably arose from the founder of the fortune being called Levi Leiter, but these Old Testament names are as common in the Welsh valleys as they are in Holland. The thought that they were Jews appeared in that period never to have occurred to anyone, but the story was freely circulated in England during the thirties, when **I found myself in conflict with certain Jewish interests, for the clear but transient reason that I was trying to stop the outbreak of the Second World War**. Needless to say, if Cimmie had been half-Jewish it would not have made the slightest difference either in my attitude to her or in **my political action in opposing anyone, Jew or Gentile, who in my view was agitating in favour of war**.

The best definition is given by Mosley in his autobiography:

[On Fascism Morality … ]

“And in our morality—and I think possibly I can claim that it is the only public morality in which private practice altogether coincides with public protestation—... the one single test of any moral question is whether it impedes or destroys in any way the power of the individual to serve the State [/Community]. He must answer the questions: "Does this action injure the nation? Does it injure other members of the nation? Does it injure my own ability to serve the nation?" And if the answer is clear on all those questions, the individual has absolute liberty to do as he will; and that confers upon the individual by far the greatest measure of freedom under the State which any system ... or any religious authority has ever conferred.”

[These are almost the very words of President Putin – and General Secretary Xi Jinping]

Mosley’s opposition to the international capitalist parasites and warmongering profiteers operating out of London and New York, to the corrupt press and hence corruption of the very democratic system itself, the degradation of all accepted values of decency and morality within a society, and in particular his activism for peace landed him in gaol.

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Great article as usual and an eye opener.

Just one thing though, Allan Savory, a little info.

I know he comes across as impressive, however you may not be aware he was not in the National Parks in Rhodesia for very long. BTW there are stories and claims that Savory killed over 40,000 Ellies, That is total BS. Allan Savory was in Parks only very briefly, and that was long before Ellie culling had even started anyway.

I have that first hand from someone unfortunately now deceased (Vax), passed in Aug 2021, was involved with the culling. He helped to established the infrastructure of the Gonarezhou National Park and was Chief Warden there for years. That same person was a personal friend of a ranger in the National Parks, Clem Coetzee, that was the first individual who proved that Elephant Herds could be relocated without being culled by capture and release.

I was introduced by him to Clem Coetzee a number of years ago when he was helping Clem doing game capture and relocation in Triangle near Chiredzi in the lowveld of Zimbabwe. My friends wife is still alive and a personal friend and still lives in Zimbabwe. I was engaged to my wife there at Victoria falls on the 1980's.

When he was developing his ecological theories etc., his ideas were radical and met with fierce disbelief initially. We now know that the carrying capacity is directly related to the degradation of the environment by Elephants, in restricted game parks and culling is unfortunately necessary.

It did not help Savory's image or reputation when, at the start of independence in Zim when a man's politics was the measure of the man, that Savory was deep in with Robert Mugabe and ZANU PF and that did NOT endear him to very many Zimbabweans!! . Savory was an acolyte of Robert Mugabe so that should tell you a little more about his character.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

While you chase each other's 'tails'.. they are enjoying the show. Labels are irrelevant, it's about power. Divide and conquer:


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Yes, War is a labor round-up for the nations within its maul.

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West european countries are in frustration their empires have disappeared, especilly Englands. The U.S. has not won a war in 75 years in spite of the fact that it has the biggest military budget in the world. U.S. has friends on both ends of the Asian continent, Israel & South Korea. U.S. has over 700 military bases all over the world. NATO has not nor will it ever have Ukraine in it's ranks. Another frustration.

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