Ok people, this is it, this is the final stretch. do not look away from the target for one second. do not listen, read, pay attention to anything that can potentially discourage you. if you have teenagers of voting age, you must register them and take them to the polls, this is for their future. if you have women in your family of voting ages, make sure they are registered and that they are voting, offer a ride if you are close by. these midterms are so important, so essential, everyone must vote. they will try anything and everything to distract and discourage you, do not let them. I understand some things will give you a visceral reaction but use that to make you even more determined. Critical thinking in this environment is essential, they count on people not having critical thinking, they count on people to listen to their propaganda and getting either discouraged or making them vote for things that work against them. VOTE! VOTE BLUE

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Yep!! thanks for sharing

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Oct 27, 2022·edited Oct 27, 2022

Clarence Thomas needs to be IMPEACHED. So much corruption.

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Oct 27, 2022·edited Oct 27, 2022

Women are going to right the ship. Moms who are single-handedly raising children produced by sperm-donor men who walked away. Young women who are climbing the corporate ladder who want to choose when or if they become mothers. Women (like me) who remember life before the 1970s Women's Movement.

Here's an example. 1971. As a bride, temporarily moved to Muncie, Indiana, and went to get a library card. Librarian filled out my card "Mrs. (husband's name.)" I told her I wanted a card in my own name. Told her that in Ohio, I've had a card in my own name since the 4th grade. She refused "You said you don't have a place of employment. We have to have someone who can be responsible for your fines and lost books." I stood there dumbstruck.

If Repubs get their way, these sort of humiliations could become routine.

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AMERICA 💙 PLEASE HELP... Clara here again...WE ..the other part of the world, need your suport....

What is happening to us?

Briefly... going back to 1964....(born in 1948 ) recently arrived as a white British immigrant to the United Kingdom...... without any sexual éducation....(other than anatomy lessons, which to us referred to some species on the moon ) our Victoriana parents were far too embarrassed to expand on the subject....hence RAPE......

YES....AND impregnated........yes even then empathatical doctors had to falcify document to do a " clearance ".

Fast forward to 1984 when after marrying a Frenchmen of Greek origine and li ing in France, having two boys and understanding that as far as the husband and family were concerned French letters were discusting and pills were forbidden by their religion and that my role was to produce without any help from the former.....

I decided .......to go alone...I don't remember how I averted the hail and brimstone from Governement laws and oppressive family to see a doctor and ask for a sterilsation.....no they said... only after 3 children and 37 years old ....I was 35.. but that is what I wanted... the doctor lied and falcified the documents , the husband was dragged by force to sign.......

PLEASE. PLEASE. AMERICA.... don't take all your grandchildren down that road again.....they really don't deserve it..

No man has the right to decide what a woman can do with their bodies

Wait until we decide what the men can do with their bodies...AND THEIR OPINIONS.

What you..... AMERICA ....decides has an influence on us abroad.

Clara from France.

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We’re working on it Clara! Millions of us are actively engaged in getting voters educated and to the polls!

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Well done and merci beaucoup

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What I like about your tsunami of truth, is it’s so logical, so reasonable and written like a true cheerleader for human rights. But it needs more Press- more exposure to the real world we are living in. For others to hear beyond this forum! I hope it is getting out there!?(beyond Daily Kos?)

Why do we wake every morning and feel this is all surreal! To think women would lose total control over their bodily autonomy is inconceivable (forgive the pun.)

We of an older age fought for these rights - that’s it’s hard to believe the fight continues,

The other night I was dining with a 20 yr old college student and her 22 year old sibling. They were angry “at us, the older generation for fucking up their country!” I calmly (after a glass of wine explained to her some history — and how important their vote was to start to right the ship here! That there are basically two parties- and tho we deserve some of the blame for often being “snowflakes!” To look

Elsewhere for true blame. They are angry about so much: in this country from human rights to pollution.

All we can do is talk the talk, convince others , Calmly , sanely, to vote.

Tho we are all angry about sCOTUS and we know what’s coming— we have to fight fascist rule over us all.

Thanks for gift of HOPE and sustained energy, Michael!

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Oct 27, 2022·edited Oct 27, 2022

Funny that Thomas didn't include Loving vs. Virginia on his list...what a careful, small-minded eejit lawyer he is (I still can't believe that it took until 1967 for L vs VA to become law! I was 13 by that time.).

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Of course absent Loving he could not be married to his white wife in Virginia

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Well, folks as always - Prepare for the worst and hope for the best! #Ivoted 🗳

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Individual Americans, and different religions, have many different ideas -- traditional and eccentric -- on personhood, when "life begins" and abortion and contraception.

But most Americans (outside the South, at least), as I suspect Republicans will learn in less than 2 weeks, are in agreement about the importance of separating of church and state. No one wants to be forced to abandoned their own freedom of conscience to government enforced religious decrees. And most are rightly skeptical of politicians who claim they want to and will rule in their personal God's name rather than serve in their constituents' interests.

Here's why I think Michael's prediction is most likely correct:

My currently blue state, Washington, was mostly a swing state until the election of 1996 when the Christian Right (which had been growing in influence in the state Republican Party since 1988 -- when they helped give the Party's presidential primary vote to Pat Robertson) gained enough power to nominate an extremist gubernatorial candidate promising to govern according to God's wishes. The result? Democrats won every statewide office except one. In race after race the margins almost exactly matched the vote count of the Libertarian candidate -- helping the Libertarians gain 20% of the total vote and qualify, for the first (and last) time, as a "major" party.

Who were all these new Libertarians? Republicans and Republican-leaning Independents who, with a handy alternative, weren't yet ready to vote for a Democrat but definitely would not vote for religious extremism. The first couple of election cycles after '96 were extremely close and contentious; requiring re-counts and accompanied by accusations of and investigations into voter fraud, etc. But nonetheless the Republican Party had lost the trust of the voters and have not regained it since. Over time many of '96's temporary Libertarians have become comfortable Democrats.

Since then I've always expected the national party to eventually make the same mistake as the state party did; hand the party and the presidential nomination over to the Christian Nationalists and reap the same kind of rejection on a national scale.

In fact, I thought that would happen in 2016. But along came Trump; happy to sell his shriveled soul to the Christian Nationalists, giving them anything and everything they wanted, BUT with a history and presentation that made many voters think he'd never do what the religious right wanted. And would never be someone they would support. They of course were wrong on both counts.

Now, the Northwest is the most unchurched region of the country. And Washington state has many more libertarian than you probably will find anywhere else -- enough that, even without being a major party, they could put forward candidates for everyone of those statewide races in '96. So a national rejection will play out differently.

But, while dissatisfied Republicans and Independents won't have be able to vote their disapproval, in the same way nationally, I think they are likely, as they did with the abortion vote in Kansas, to abandon the GOP in one way or another that works in the Democrats' favor.

Perhaps voting for other third parties, not voting at all, holding their noses and actually giving the Dems their vote, or some combination of all that and more.

Despite their hysterical hyping of the issue, affluent white male GOP's strategists have made the mistake, I think, of thinking the abortion issue is just about unimportant women choosing to have an abortion or not, and of little importance. to them -- because, to them, it isn't of any real importance.

They missed that it is about the most essential, profound and personal freedoms. And about survival itself. Bodily freedom and survival. Freedom of conscience, freedom from and of religion (especially someone else's religion). Economic freedom and survival. The freedom and sanctity of one's family, and most of all, both your own and your families' survival. The physical well-being and survival of those who depend on you -- children, elders, partners for whom you have responsibility. The survival of important relationships. And the survival of important dreams and ambitions -- both your own and those of others you love

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Well said. It comes down to individual liberty and human rights. Right to free speech, religious beliefs, to love and marry your person of choice, right to privacy/sex, and what one can do with their own body, etc. I believe these rights should not be infringed on unless they infringe on the rights of others. Some people think their beliefs are just, especially on religious grounds, that should be followed by others. What they don’t realize is that then justifies someone else imposing their beliefs on them. Only when they realize that’s not right will we all be able to enjoy individual liberty.

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I sure hope Mike is right. His beliefs keep me strong against the constant drumbeat of the red wave. Some one please tell me why the Dem Senate did not force a vote of Same Sex Marriage before the election? To say they will have the votes after is insane thinking! They should have exposed the threat to contraception & same sex marraige even if they failed - At least we would have everyone on the record. The Democrats never cease to amaze me at blowing the opportunites to stand tall and strong. And I am a Democrat - frustrated and scared.

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In a world where oxymoron’s rule. Crucify a person and then say that he died for our sins because a singular white male god in the sky wanted to donate his only son specifically for that purpose? Talk about lacking logic. I don’t care if you are a mere mortal or a god, we protect our children. I just can’t wrap my mind around god being pleased by murder in general, let alone the murder of his only son, whether he’s immortal or not. Take all of that into consideration , not even touching on what came before, and why Christianity came into existence as the most powerful weapon used to colonize the face of this planet, and explain to me how it makes sense that the white men in power then decide to base their entire societal model on their “love” for a made up god and his so called son. That’s all that this stuff is folks. Tell me Hesiod is any less credible. “Myth” versus “religion”, give me a break. Grasping at straws.

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Clarence Thomas was mute the entire time he's been on the Bench until Roe. Suddenly he speaks and I wish he had stayed mute. I was a nurse in the late 60s working with an "underground" network of heath care professionals who helped young women terminate an; unwanted pregnancy in a safe, clean environment rather than risk their lives with "backstreet butchers." People with money will always have access to abortion regardless of the law. We sent these young women on a Greyhound bus to doctors in Missouri who would help them. The procedure and round-trip transportation cost $125. That doesn't sound like a lot of money today but in the 70s it was. We were very pleased at the outcome of Roe. But once again we're in the dark days of women's reproductive health. We need to fight as never before to get as many women and men that don't agree with Roe to VOTE. Our only chance now is to have Congress pass legislation to end this issue once and for all. We know this will NEVER happen while Republicans are in charge. I never thought I'd say this but I'm now glad I had a hysterectomy,

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I've just subscribed to "Mike's tsunami of truth" after watching Mike on Bill Maher a few weeks ago. Mike gave me such hope that we could actually take the House and Senate in two weeks. However, after the polls came out last week, I now am concerned. I like the optimism that I'm seeing on this site though. I've donated, gone door to door and not sure what else to do. I live in Michigan and having Wackadoodles, like Gibbs, running for Senate is absolutely terrifying. Please tell me the polls are wrong! Crossing fingers at this point.

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don’t breathe by the polls. When I stopped doing that I became more resolved and peaceful.

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Most importantly please do not listen to the negative - debbie downer media droning on "what happens if we lose the house" or "watching closely (2) Key states that are in a tight race that could make or break the senate". Is there a method to their madness? Is this some attempt to scare voters straight? I know I am going to vote as well as many others in my community and elsewhere. I know others that aren't sure in which case I remind them of what happens when the GOP "Friends of Hitler" get into office - Katy bar the door - Good Bye Democracy! I am simply amazed at how much cognitive dissonance there is in this Country!! and just how very sad it is they are not voting in their best interest! VOTE BLUE!!!!

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Inneresting (& very funny!) that Clarence Thomas left Loving vs. Virginia (1967) off his list...encoding marriage between the "races"... how convenient for him! what an eejit, small-minded little lawyer he is.

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When I talk to my anti-abortion, anti-sex education, anti-birth control friends I ask them if they realize that soon we will have 8 billion people on this planet that CANNOT sustain that. And, as we all are aware you can't fool Mother Nature. And, as the indigenous people have always known, the joke is on us who fail to heed the signs. It's all connected. These power-hungry politicians would have us squabbling over their stupidity, thinking we won't see the bigger picture, come together and rise above this rubbish to make our voices heard. And that is your VOTE! and your power.

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There is only one way to prevent us from truly becoming the prequel to ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’: vote. We must encourage everyone we know to vote. We must call everyone we know, and even some we don’t, to ask them to vote. We must drive people to the polls. We must do everything we can to produce the greatest turnout ever for an election. We need millions to say, with confidence: ‘We reject your fear, your head-in-the-sand bullshit. Enough of your antiquated, self-serving, anti-democratic, anti-American views. Your days are done.’ Then we celebrate!

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