There is a little problem of mass euthanasia ...not JUST euthanasia. Torture to death in hospitals. And shots. People died. People disabled. Lots if them. Yes, a criminal regime. Safe and effective? Why the Republicans don’t talk about it? I am guessing. How can the reporter ask “Why is that?” How can these MASSIVE war crimes go unreported? Make believe it never happened? Will we see the right people deposed in public? Reported by MSM?

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

Cruel and unusual punishment. The patient's only crime for which they were denied due process and unconscionably punished was to suffer a positive test result on a negligently and sometimes maliciously administrated overcycled PCR test. Then there is the matter of imposing the said over cycled PCR test with guilty knowledge by hospital administrators conspiring in an industry-wide effort to maximally harvest COVID patients for excessive fees, reimbursements, bonuses and other financial rewards from the overcycled PCR test results defaming the patient as having PCR-confirmed COVID.

They knew or should have known. This was done with guilty knowledge of wrongdoing when the standard of known or should have known is applied objectively to a de facto conspiracy to monetize the use of overcycled PCR to conclusively diagnose active retroviral disease.

Beyond the democide and overt hospicide orchestrated by hospital administrators as might be operated by fiat of prevarication and the withholding of reasonable informed patient consent, is the exploitation of defamation of the subject patient and the monetization of their defamation to fully exploit the opportunity for financial fraud and subsequent reward.

Then we have the RICO issue regarding the industry-wide conspiracy and predatory scheme to be reimbursed and bonused for the sale of unnecessary services based upon the malicious overcycling of PCR and the monetization of fraudulent use of the said PCR result that animates a significant part of the overall RICO scheme being conducted by the domestic community of hospital administrations presiding over the harvested deaths of innocents entrusted to their custody and care.

They knew or should have known.

When did a willfully, wildly overcycled PCR test ever conclusively diagnose a retroviral infection?

Where are the criminal proceedings? Why not begin with economic community of hospital administrators and their executive medical cohorts, the medical school bureaucrats and the network of institutions that built this trough for the pigs to feed?

Behind the "hero theater" grave and shameful things were inflicted upon the innocent patient.

I don't think I'm alone in my opinions and concerns as stated above. That's how it looks to this American. Until there's compelling evidence to the contrary, we need to pursue the overcycled PCR scandal and its monetization and avenge the innocent dead who may have been harvested by fiat of apparently corrupt hospital policy dictum.

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Very correct analysis but nothing will ever be likely done to hold anyone accountable, especially with the widespread failures of the judicial system; the root of the problem was embedded decades ago when the "soul" of America was lost to widespread corruption , not only in politics and economics, but within society as a whole; it is not about "mass formation" or hypnosis but mass complicity in support of a status-quo where it was now normal to expect lies and deception and propaganda as an accepted part of everyday life.

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As I remember my grandmother saying many years ago:

"A liar is the worst of all. Even a murderer can hide behind a liar."

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Trump is shooting straight. The media is the criminal protection arm of the deep state. Not only are they working with the cia who stage false flags to "try" and take America's 2nd amendment rights but they are only talking heads who all say the same AP Associated Press propaganda in unison for their paycheck. The AP cabal owned media is no count, unless it's lies people want to hear. This is why the country is so splintered and divided...because of them. I hope they will become undone very soon.

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Two peas in a pod….Father and son



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I think people here are mis-reading this headline. Dr. Alexander is not attacking Trump or calling him a criminal.

Listen to the video clip. Trump is telling the truth.

If no one has figured it out yet, there is a criminal mafia running governments, and there is also a group of white hats working to break them financially and take away their power and ability to kill off 90% of the population.

Trump IS white hat.

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If so, why is he also the “Warp Speed” death jab guy?

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Trump was the one telling people he used hydroxychloroquine and zinc and it worked. Were you aware that they were going to lock down the world for 5-7 years while they developed a vax? Well there would have been way more people dead from that. He was lied to by Tony Fauci and Deborah Birx. Trump turned that stuff around. Trump is not evil like Bourla, Fauci, Walensky, Birx. He has helped the people in my opinion. Who lied to you and told you it was safe and effective all day every day? The mainstream lockstep media. They lied and brainwashed the people into believing them.

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Yes, Fauci and the rest, along with the mainstream media, are vicious liars.

And, yes, Trump pushed for alternate, sane treatments. But why hasn’t Trump admitted the vaxxes are injurious and lethal?

Instead he’s still pushing them.

Answer me that.

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Case of the pot calling the kettle black

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Typical Trump comment--lots of words; lots of attacks, absolutely no information. He is simply a master of deflection and emotional manipulation without any substance. Goddess knows why anyone would trust him!

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Trump is right about Biden and his son.

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Brilliant! Another non-information vacant attack. Meaningless. If you have something to say of substance do, otherwise why waste the energy.

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You haven’t read much about what Biden’s done over the years have you…..

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Why don’t you research it? All the information is out there.

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Whatever the person's politics, the common profile of a virulent Trump hater seems to be centered around this: a disciplined conviction to not know certain things.

That seems to be the defining characteristic of identity politics in general.

Very hard to reason with someone who has no intention of being reasonable.

Even harder still when their politics becomes their identity.

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Are you compensated for the role of Substack's troll?

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What more is needed than the contents of the laptop - which is now widely available??

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Right and so much more....

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Blathering in ignorance doesn't work for you Tanya. We live in this country and we know what is going on. We do Trust Trump because he is working to Take America Back from the side you seem to be "for"...the criminal side who lies, cheats, steals, and murders innocent people.

Are you from France by any chance?

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Agree.... JOE tells us to eat store brand foods. I'm sure he ate store brand foods growing up.

But, when he started with his lies, cheating, and stealing from our Great Country he NEVER looked back.

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Really? Without any substance. Have you looked around our Country, especially in the

Corrupt White House and DC where most of the creatures hangout? Now, that's where you

will definitely find the whatever you call them with definitely NO substance.

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I can think of a lot of things about Biden to criticize but none of them are illegal. What are your complaints with proof. I am tired of these vacant attacks that say nothing but support an anger for no reason other than to be angry.

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You don't want to do the work. That's understandable. It's a deep and ugly place to go.

Demanding others do it for you is less so.

As for what is or is not illegal in re Biden, Inc., and the syndicate machine politics of permanent Washington DC politics, you can't possibly know what you say you know.

They tell you who to hate for a reason.

I tend to trust the irony of things. Sometimes the asshole is the good guy.

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It depends on who the AH is....If it's JOE, he definitely isn't the good guy and

never was and never will be

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

And the irony rule still applies. Dirty Joe's a good guy in the eyes of the beltway predators with a criminal value system. He's been Dirty Joe for a long, long time, as is so much of Delaware politics.

If Philadelphia was a state it would almost be Delaware.

They want us to hate Trump for a reason.

Better to keep an open mind and measure the motives. Biden is stinking, dirty rich. He sucks up every penny of his presidential salary.

Trump donated his 100%. Didn't keep a penny of what the taxpayers paid him.

That really says it all about who's who.

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Agree. I grew up in Pennsylvania. I never knew just how corrupt politics were in my

home State. JOE gets rich by selling our Country out. The Bidens are the lowest of lows

who think they really are somebody :-(

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Take 10 min and browse the laptop! You’ll want to edit your comment...

In case you don’t know where to find it:https://bidenlaptopreport.marcopolousa.org/report_viewer/#p=1

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Watch this quick video on how to search for people involved with Hunter https://youtu.be/-5fhhSHcs3Q

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Perpetual state of denial - I’m familiar with that!

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I thought open borders policy is treason.

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deletedNov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022
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Very well stated! Enough? He could go on...

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you have quite the temper.. :)

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The pot calling the kettle Black

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