Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Forgiveness and prison time can go together. That would be appropriate. Forgiveness does not mean there will be no consequences for criminals.

There's also a legal concept called "Criminal negligence." That happens when a person is so profoundly ignorant that it causes harm in others due to their inactions. I.e. being very stupid has a cost. Their lack of doing their own research is criminal. Thus criminal negligence.

Most of the studies are free. I have some of them. Cost of acquiring the study is not the problem here.

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I wish I could put 10 likes on this reply

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Forgiveness and repentance go hand in hand. Atonement and retribution are further considerations. Does she offer to atone? No. she claims we need to "forgive one another." Unadulterated bullschitt. There was only one vicious, cunning, fear precipitating, economy and societal shattering narrative coupled to the orchestrated drive to jab everyone.

She is trying to manufacture an Orwellian memory hole.

The Bown Uni professor exhibits virtue signalling at its repulsive finest in a puff piece delivered by a predictable media platform.

It gets very hard to conceal a tsunami of death and sickness after a deliberate, orchestrated vicious and continuing assault on humanity.

They're starting to run for the proverbial hills.

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As they run for the hills, we'll get out the flame-throwers.

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and the knitting needles and yarn.

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Ooh - last minute Halloween costume!

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Actually, that seems a very good point. They may come for the guns but I don't see any edicts against flame throwers.

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I don't have a gun, it identifies as a cordless .44 caliber hole punch.

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Hammer are the new self protection if you do not have alternatives.

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They'll get none of mine.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

And the axes and pitchforks-- oh, and don't forget the hammers-- soon we'll be ordered to turn in every hammer we own as we now know that hammers are deadly weapons ;-)

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Agreed she is not actually asking for true amnesty. It is more of a counterfeit; superficially having the appearance of amnesty but lacking the essential spirit and twisting several key elements of amnesty.

I saw someone post on twitter that the hamburgler wants hamburger theft amnesty.

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They won't be able to run far enough.

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They are a-skeered!

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Exactly! I feel no remorse coming from Emily Oster, just a self-serving, mewling plea to save their own cowardly hides. No apologies, no standing up and owning their complicity, even if it was misguided. The way I see it, I'm an ordinary citizen, not a "journalist" with access to global information at their fingertips. They KNEW, as well as I did. No forgiveness. Those at the top should be put to death. The media who knowingly aided and abetted, the same.

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"self-serving, mewling plea to save their own cowardly hides."

Priceless & perfect.

With you on all you wrote including the all important Nuremberg 2.0

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Thank you. For some reason, my like button doesn't seem to work, but I liked your comment. Nuremberg, for sure! These people opened up a can of worms we'll be fighting for years to come and they need to face consequences or they will continue to wield illegitimate power over us.

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Thank you. For some reason, my like button doesn't seem to work, but I liked your comment. Nuremberg, for sure! These people opened up a can of worms we'll be fighting for years to come and they need to face consequences or they will continue to wield illegitimate power over us.

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It's up to 279 likes now if that's any consolation! :-)

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You are a better person than I am.

I spend countless hours looking at both sides, reading from both sides, time I could spend with my family or my son. But I do it FOR THEM. They are healthy, unvaxxed, and ALIVE.

They - those that want forgiveness that agreed with mandates and people losing their jobs, those that masked their kids 8 hours a day, those that encouraged ratting out other humans - could have done the same. Shame on them. They failed as adults, as free thinking individuals, as parents, as caregivers, and as humans.

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I did as well in the beginning. I thought maybe I’m not as smart as I think I am. I proved myself wrong, I am as smart as I think I am. Sorry for the cocky attitude but I am ANGRY.

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I wasn't aware of how stupid the vast majority of educated people are until this scam. The willing ignorance, and refusal to look any further is really something. I constantly "debate" with my university educated friends on this, providing the, ample evidence, and they are smart enough to nitpick and say "not conclusive" ignoring the totality of evidence, or "that's also a symptom of covid not the vaccine". They are quick to trot out the "conspiracy theory" line.

My less "educated" (indoctrinated) friends who work in outdoor jobs, like ski instructors and the likes all agree that it's one massive scam.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

The “educated” are the WORST. My daughter was invited to a Costume party this weekend but a MANDATORY COVID test was necessary before entering! She didn’t go of course but can you imagine? WTF has happened? I thought higher education was a place for critical thinking.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

Ha ha ha ha ha...critical thinking. Where o where did critical thinking go....?!

I *think* (but don't quote me on this) that critical thinking used to reside in many people's brains - all over the world! However, the longer people kept believing BS from their govts and other organisations, instead of thinking for themselves, most populations' critical thinking skills went down the gurgler.

And I also *think* (but don't quote me on this, either) that people's reliance on said governmental and other organisational 'systems' have allowed them to be become sloppy in their judgement and thus their critical thinking skills dwindled.

Perhaps critical thinking only abounds when people are actually FREE to think and live...

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The public library in Berkeley still requires masks.

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And plenty of Universities still require covid jabs! :-(

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Education has been replaced by indoctrination and “right thinking”. We live in a clown world.

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Until thinking was replaced by feeling.

Using your brain is being replaced in colleges with using your heart.

Today, almost all young adults say, I feel that… or I feel we should…. Instead of I think.

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It's sadly been a LOOOONG time since critical thinking has actually been practiced in those places, lol.

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Yet, people sit sardined on airplanes no masks, no proof of shots, no PCR tests. And other people out there are still scared out if their wits. SMH

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If you are vulnerable, choose to wear a mask. If you are afraid, wear a mask. If you have been jabbed, especially you wear a mask. If you are a rational person, young, healthy and unvaxed, you have no more worry about wuflu than getting hit by lightning is concerning. My belief is that leftists don’t believe in God, and life everlasting. Therefore they cling desperately to this existence, believing that life, is one and done.

I’m getting there, I’m older with several co-morbiditys, heart attacks and I have had pneumonia twice. I don’t worry about wuflu. I’ve had it twice and both times were little more than feeling off for a day, and not smelling anything for 2 weeks the first time. I know several actions and old, safe drugs like Ivermectin that can help protect me if I do get sick. Thank you for taking time to like and reply to my comment

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Those who work with their hands spend time in the real world, academics live in their own heads.

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Better than living in OUR heads, I say. I poop in their shoes.

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Poverty taught me everything I need to know.

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That, should be a bumper sticker!

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

My little family is college educated and we work with our hands, too...built our own house, husband actually is a lead foreman for carpenters at a boatworks after giving up law since he couldn't stand the corruption. He worked hard for that position, starting at the bottom, and continues to work hard daily. Don't discount everyone. That's like saying because someone's skin is a different color they are idiots or a vegetarian, etc. Plenty of people with all levels of experience see the truth. The key is to find them and prop one another up.

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IMO, the 'educated' class is insecure -- few of them build anything tangible, so they get little affirmation outside of the admiration/respect of other 'educated' people. So, they are very vulnerable to group think.

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You speak of a vast group of people as if they're all the same!

That's like racism.

I know plenty of educated people who are like me: questioning, curious, do our research, due diligence, are open to being wrong, and don't always NEED anything "tangible," if I understand what you mean by that.

But I object to such a blanket assumption about people who like educating themselves... Don't paint me with that brush of "vulnerable to group think." Woof!

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Well, they can forget living in MINE. I charge big bucks for that.

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I think it's not being stupid, I think it's COWARDICE.

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Yes, agree. Many people have habitulized cowardice to the point where they view it as normal. Well, it may be normal now but it's still wrong.

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Yep, normal if you're a coward, but... yuck.

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"Cowardice saves lives!"

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

"that's also a symptom of covid not the vaccine"

This is a good example why the non existance of "covid" is so very important. Accepting the existance of 'the virus' is like the thin edge of the wedge. If you grant them that much you have lost as the history of 'vaccination' has shown. "safer vaccines", "early treatment", "choice" etc. etc. are not new arguments but have been doing the rounds for over 200 years with persistantly ineffective results.

Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Mark Bailey, and Dr. Kevin Corbett on the (mind-)controlled opposition in the 'freedom community' being the real obstacle to ending the medical tyranny by addressing the fundamental cause of it (excerpt from Team No Virus on Planned Illusion with Jimuphy):


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I totally concur!!!!!!!

"Covid" might be a bioweapon, it might be heavy metals + EMF's, it might just be heavy duty EMF's, like 5G.

But it ain't no stinkin' VIRUS, and I believe that in my bones, as it were.

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Do tell us what formed the basis of the Chinese Sinopharm, Indian Covaxin or French Valneva vaccines, if it was not a weakened or inactivated virus. i.e. as opposed to the 'genetic' products from Pfizer, Moderna, AZ and J&J.

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The trouble is that they DID release something that is a bioweapon. It's concertconcert'sconvenient to call it a virus. I make sure to mention it as a weapon to keep a distinction. It still makes you sink.

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What if what was "released" was RADIATION?

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Try reading Dr. Mark Bailey's paper "A Farewell to Virology". Your beliefs might change a bit. It does matter that the question of whether viruses exist to make people sick is a very important aspect of the whole scam. All the other fu----y would not be so easily accepted by human beings, even the ones who think they are so intelligent.

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You mean the bioweapon

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I don't know if I'm exceptionally smart.

I just think that a lot of people are stupid and/or intellectually lazy.

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There's a personality trait called "openness" too many lack.

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Interesting comment. I've taken The Big 5 Personality Assessment have scored high on openness.

What's funny is that I score single digits (out of 100) on agreeableness.

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I'm high on both agreeableness and openness. The past 3 years have been painful!

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You ARE smart, and you are not intellectually lazy. Presto. ^_^

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I am smart enough to know how dumb I am.

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I was scared at first. By April 2020 I could see the data and I got angry.

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Moi, aussi.

I don't want to HURT them, physically. I just want them to feel like shit, and have no money, like I STILL don't have.

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They have physically hurt and killed people.

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And continue to do so. Her article implicitly suggests that it's all over. It is far from over!

Colleges and universities are still demanding the students play mRNA roulette with potential myocarditis and death in order to attend their corrupt institutions that are collecting millions (in some cases billions) to endanger their students' lives. The CDC has opened the door for states to force school children to be injected with deadly experimental jabs (and states such as NY will jump at the chance to further please Big Pharma by doing so). Parents are still being pressured by doctors and health departments to inject this poison into their children and babies. Many are still out of work and/or can't find jobs because they have wisely refused to be "vaccinated". Hospitals are still killing people with the CDC's deadly protocols in order to collect big money from the government, while refusing life saving treatment to people who aren't jabbed.

We aren't even close to a situation in which amnesty would be appropriate, and if Oster's article is any indication of the mindset of those who have inflicted this hell on society, we won't be there any time soon.

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Uh... yeah. I know. I don't want to be like them. It's not healthy to be like them.

That doesn't mean they should not be punished.

Do you understand? Is it really that hard to think someone could be punished without physically torturing them? Because that's what THEY do.

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Jail time is good.

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No one is suggesting torture! I think lethal injection is humane and very apropos. I am not psychotic, I'm kind and compassionate, I cry easily, I donate regularly to the Disabled Vets and St. Judes. These people knowingly joined forces with the most evil of villains...Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Tedros, Walensky, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari...the media needs to face consequences, bc without their complicity, this "pandemic" would never have gotten off the ground.

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You're missing an incredible opportunity if you're willing to forgive and forget. This was insanity on a global scale, aided and abetted by a very knowing and willing media. These people are psychotic. They need to be eliminated or things will never improve. In deference to your wishes, there are many ways to accomplish this, without inflicting pain. OK, maybe I'm being tongue-in-cheek, but I stand by my comment.

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3 Up arrows.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

When I heard about warp speed, I didn’t think that sounded good. Then the shots rolled out and I was leery , so I started trying to find out about them. What I found out didn’t make me want to take them. I was shocked that people were willing to have this new kind of technology that had never been successful injected into them. I really think some people still don’t understand how this crap works or how little it was tested. They just trusted authorities and were scared and did it. They’d had lots of shots before and didn’t see this as any different.

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People say the poison death jabs are an intelligence test. I don't think that's it.

It's a test of trust and/or compliance.

I failed. Unfortunately, many people I know passed. :(

/I don't buy new cars because they're filled with bugs, why would I put untested tech in my body?

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I do think a LOT of people, particularly older folks, conditioned to get "flu shots" and all that sort of garbage, don't get online and do research the way some younger folks do... They watch the news on MSM and still believe it's "true." My elderly parents are always quoting what they "heard on the news." Walter Cronkite died a LONG time ago, but that trust is still there.

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There's been no evidence that this is mRNA technology. They've made it very clear they are willing to lie, obfuscate, all kinds of nonsense to keep us all confused and fighting with each other. What DOES seem to be quite clear is that there are quite a bit of heavy metals in the jabs, including mercury, graphene, and lots of aluminum... among other disgusting "adjuvants." Toxic soup shots, is a good way to think of it. They don't NEED mRNA (I don't think they have anything resembling the know-how or even any idea what the hell they're talking about for that) to take us out, the heavy metals are enough. And if you add EMF's to that, bingo: You see Dead People.

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You said it, sister.

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We want to believe that there are at least two sides to every issue but often there aren't. Example: safe and effective. Let's start with safe. Show me the proof. How long was it studied, on what was it studied, etc. Now, effective. What endpoints were studied: limiting disease and of what severity, transmission etc. There were no reasonable answers given and still are none therefore there is only one side: show me the data and until then, no go.

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I still don't understand how anyone with piece of a working mind and a tiny desire to use it (that's probably the problem) could've bought the "safe and effective" lie--it's just such obvious BS! And I need no studies or outside info to make that determination. There was nothing about the whole of the entire situation to make it meet the common sense requirement that it was safe or effective.

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Me neither!

As far as I know the moment people really started dying, was in the twee weeks after they were injected the 'covid vaccine'. Especially the elderly died massively, and almost immediately. 'Corona' was the reason for that... and it kept on repeating on and on: injection 'corona vaccine' and, within two weeks, people died. They said 'Corona caused it' every time it occurred like this, which was very often in very few time.

Then I realised that there was something seriously wrong whit me, or with everybody else.

Nobody wandered if the people who were dying -right- after they were injected the brandnew mra vaccine, were really dying of covid, nor investigated if the vaccine caused it.

To me it looked like everybody had signed an agreement not to doubt the covid vaccines 'no matter what' and even not talk a single word about it, maybe not even think about possible harm and killing the vaccines could cause to people nor that nobody needs them. And if they needed them, there had rose a hugh problem anyway, because they didn't prevent nothing at all. The agreement probably held the rule: See no evil/hear no evil.

And almost everbody on this planned signed the agreement, not because of proof, which there simply wasn't, but only because proof of the save and effective totally lacked, everybody comitted theirselves just because of 'believing'...

And in my opinion, the only thing I could 'believe' was what I could conclude from facts that were present indeed: not being tested, complely new technique and extreme hurry for the reason that people where dying, but when looking at the statics, people didn't die at a rate that justified any hurry at all.

I missed 'the-covid-believing-vaccines-blindly-and-deaf-always-no-matter-what-happens'- agreement, nor the reason why anybody would commit themselves to it.

So until now I am about the only person who doesn't commit, while still lacking any reason at all for the ignorant hypnotised completely idiot attitude of almost everbody on our planet.

And it is lonely, scary, dangerous....I really hate it actually and I am not a hatefull person at all..

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You aren't alone. My whole family see it and passed...my husband begging two daydays awayfrom being fired for being non-compliant. Thankfully, last minute reprieve saved his job, but if you are ill or dead, you won't be working, right? So we were passing on the poison anyway.

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Thank you so much for your comment. Especially the 'you are not alone part..;-)

It is hard for you too...and so it is for your family...

The very good thing about your comment is that you do have a very smart and brave husband, and it looks like so are you...

I guess as long you all passing on the poison, and I do too, we stay strong, and we both aren't alone!

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You're really not alone.

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Thank you so much

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The jabs are full of graphene. Graphene is activated with EMF's.

Oddly enough, some 80% of 5G towers are located near old folks' facilities.


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I wish that this surprised me, but it doesn't. I actually do believe it, and you of course, immedeately!

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Well, the reality is that there are many people that are stupid. I have had colleagues wearing insignia with "Covid vaccinated" written in bold and they were clearly proud of their stupidity. They are still masked and unhappy that I am not jabbed. The problem with people like this is that there are MANY of them and that is how the mandates got traction. They are not satisfied to stuff themselves - they expect everyone else to do the same and get mad when they see resistance to their stupidity.

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Nailed it!

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Lazy and cowardly. Boom.

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Yep, lots of people like that to add the stupid ones (though they are not mutually exclusive).

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

My whole point even at the beginning of this was why was it needed? Anyone could look at the percentage of mortality and make a rational decision. I also recognized that they were crashing the economy for some reason. I just could not figure what that reason was at the time

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The economy is crashing itself... fiat currency, much, much financial fuckery and finagling, since we went off the Gold Standard in the 70's, and really, since we were tricked into having the Federal Reserve installed in 1913, which took away our sovereignty and gave it to... you guessed it, private banks. It's been a slow shit show ever since, with a few little tiny bright spots, and a lot of WAR, WAR, WAR, to help the thieves continue to raid the wealth of America, and to go around stomping other countries for their wealth, until now the end is nigh and they can't hide it, the pensions are about to end, Soc Sec has been stolen, and the Oligarchs behind the Oligarchs behind the curtain are trying to cull the herd of "talking cows" so they can control us all with microchips and AI so they can all (all maybe 200 families, give or take) can live like the GODS they believe themselves to be.

Time for a serious reality check, and an END to how this shit can happen to begin with!!!!!!!! Time for a New Paradigm, and without any damn oligarchs.

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So that the self-inflicted recession could be pinned on Trump, imho.

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It can't - the pipeline was the first stroke of Biden (Xiden)'s pen. That was the beginning of the downward slope. People see what happened.

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For big pharma it is "safe" for them to lie because they have "effectively" pulled the wool over billions of eyes of billions of humans who blindly accept every word they say as truth and honesty. See how S & E really works?

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I don't think that wool is going to hold up to the fire ultimately...and once it catches...

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No increase in all-cause mortality is the only viable endpoint.

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2022 has overtaken both 2020 and 2021 in Europe


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For new vaccines/drugs, yes.

Childhood vaccines have been around since the late 60's, so our data now wouldnt show a signal year to year because the deaths are already "built in." Am I missing something? 🤔

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Covid vaccines way more lethal than any prior vaccine. The lnp/mRNA or lnp/DNA shots have a thousand ways to kill, depending where the spike ends up. Totally new technology, much more destructive.

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Probably. But based on what? Our data from previous vaccines is lacking. Trials predominantly used a meningitis vaccine as the placebo control. Data has been fraudulent in testing efficacy even (Merck MMR Vax). RFK Jr was given an internal memo regarding vaccines causing autism and what steps Pharma needed to take to cover it up. Yet another instance of us not taking into account the countless kids/adults with autism in the equation. SIDS is never (almost never?) tagged as a vaccine death, so how many babies died as a result of the dozens of doses they get before they are 1 year old? Those deaths aren't included in vaccine-caused deaths.. Plus, in terms of percentages, because the sheer number of Covid jabs given over the past 2 years, it would seem the Covid vaccines are worse. But are they? I dont think we'll ever know UNLESS someone starts digging deep now and collects accurate data from childhood vaccines.

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There is some debate about there being any mRNA anything. Heavy metals, like graphene oxide, combined with EMF's, equals death.

There is a HUGE push to confuse us, get us fighting about what's what, and keep us busy with misleads and lies... But I don't KNOW this, I just tend to believe certain information over other. Anyway, it's a lot of fuckery and we all can agree on THAT-- it's killing millions and millions, maybe billions in the end, over the entire world. THAT is pure EVIL and must be stopped.

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They didn't want you to know the answers for 75 years.

It doesn't stop infection, transmission, and "No randomized trial has ever demonstrated reductions in hospitalizations and deaths as a primary or secondary outcome. ... the vaccines incapacitate ~25% of recipients for a few days and send 7-8% to the hospital acutely sick as shown in 2022 from the CDC V-safe data forced into public view by legal action."

~ https://open.substack.com/pub/petermcculloughmd/p/arterial-shower-of-blood-clots-for?r=ft46p&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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I've seen the data, and it negates everything, EVERYTHING, we've been told by the "authorities." Because misdirection, seeding confusion, outright lies, and obfuscation has been, and still is being, used to keep us from putting the spotlight where it belongs. And it ain't on Russia, and it ain't on China. It's on the DOD/DARPA, Big Pharma and Big Fauxxi, and Big Oligarchy Rat Bastard Psycho Eugenicist Scumbags. Dat's where.

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They are definitely going toward the end post, though, because their end post is the decline in population. I think they're on schedule or even ahead.

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Crazy thing is the whole population issue is BS, or at least misrepresented.

The real threat we face is because across the developed world populations are aging and decreasing. Yet the talking heads give the impression the problem is too many people and too much pollution, falsely referring to CO2 as a pollutant?

Something is fucky.

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Btw, if we did everything in our power to go "green," we would make less than 1 degree difference. China, on the other hand... Nothing will be accomplished unless China quits polluting the atmosphere. Cleaner ways to do things is needed, not a stopping of fossil fuels.

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You are totally right. People have NOT been having families - they see how evil things are and are feeling the effects of the birth control pills in the drinking water. Might be why guys are not being born with the amount of male hormone they need to develop for life? The top half is heavy (elderly, sick) and they need to find money to support the rest. That's part of what is driving the getting rid of the elderly and medically fragile - if they are gone, they can take the money they would have given out (especially for those who contributed for decades) and re-allocate. And if we didn't have CO2, the trees would die. Greta G. should be made to NEVER fly anywhere nor take anything other than a sailboat or a bike to anywhere. Idiots, the lot.

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Those questions don’t further the narrative, so they were not studied.

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They had plenty of time to investigate and research during Lockdown. Just like we did.

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And after two weeks of masks, gloves and going along with something that went against my grain, I took them off, never to wear again. NOTHING made sense, I had to research and find and make my own sense. It was a sham from the very start. My adult children didn’t agree, so we went 2 1/2 years with face time and not being with grands! Couldn’t reason with them or believers of the crap. When a friend told me her son in law was contact tracing at a school, I cut her off. Didn’t want to hear this nonsense! Walked unmasked in the park every day, and people went way around us because we didn’t mask! I still see an occasional person alone in a car wearing a mask! Have lost “friends”thru this holacaust. Most are jabbed and boosted two or three times! Criminals should be held accountable. But will they be? Dr. Reiner Feullmich in Europe, with drs and lawyers from around the world, is holding Crimes Agains5 Humanity trials. Why no news of this? I’m a bit off the beaten path here, but glad to get this out! Thanks!

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Nancy, you just wrote my “story” too! (Except for the friend and her son in law)….thanks for sharing. Nothing makes sense anymore! I believe we are living in the “end times”…as in the days of Noah. I am a Bible believing Christian, and I encourage everyone to get right with the Lord. Revelation 19-21 tell us of God’s plan for eternity. This present satanic evil will be defeated PTL.

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I’m sorry that you are having these experiences also! Agreed that nothing makes s3ns3 anymore. I believe DJT was chosen and anointed by God to lead us through this,as He chose David. Remember, God wins! As were Jewish and believe in Jesus, another thing for our families to think we’re very weird about. You might be interested in checking out Dave on the X22Report and possibly Noah, at We love Trump! Never miss a day with them. Noah is a news letter. X22 we listen to part b with dinner nightly.

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I suppose stopping them from committing further atrocities asap is the most important thing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUgrCtCqBEM

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Actually my biggest beef is with Trump, Hannity,...Afer all the available information from top doctors, they still follow the midget lying POS Fauci. Totally ignoring their supporters who are anti-vaxers.

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Didn’t realize DJT is still following the elf. Haven’t read about that. He brought in Dr. Scott Adams and was hoping he’d follow him.

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I was at the theatre yesterday with my daughter and you would not believe how many people were masked. The most infuriating are the child abusers. The IN YOUR FACE ignorant people who are keeping themselves enslaved and taking their children with them…I could SCREAM

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

Didn't you just say you took your daughter to a theatre where there was masksers? How about the theatre sees if they can make ends meet with only maskers money?


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I hear you. Even the pictures of masked children on websites (like our local climbing gym) drives me nuts. Why advertise that you, the owner of the business, is an idiot and that the parents of the children are clueless? *internally screaming*

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NO! Prison time wasn't the ultimate sentence in the Nuremberg trials nor should it be in the next. Crimes against humanity require real justice.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

NO! Forgiveness either. "I killed your family, your unborn children, your coworkers; I altered your genes and shortened your lifespan; and my offshore account has X million dollars. Sorry."

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

The only issue I can foresee with what you have said is that seemingly SO many people are involved in this evil that the very people who could bring others to justice need to be brought there, themselves.

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If so many receive the "ultimate sentences", then Billy Bob Gates will be thrilled! Less carbon breathers!

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Wouldn't you think he should be counted among st those receiving sentences; whatever that might be?

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ABSOLUTELY! But he shouldn't mind! It's all for the "greater good"! :)

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Not so sure. He's a selfish XXXX. The rules about carbon don't apply to him and his few friends.

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Abso-freakin- lutely!!

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Yes, this time the rot was spread out so wide that it will be hard to find the honest judges and prosecutors.

Life sentence for every life taken to run sequentially seems fair, capital punishment is not that enlightened but the penalties must reach those above the public figures that we have seen so far.

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"capital punishment is not that enlightened "

I respect and appreciate your personal views on that matter. Mine would tell me that while capital punishment should never be used as a means of vengeance; if, after deliberation that conclusion is arrived upon, if it fits the crime than so be it.

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Given the number of deaths that have been the result of this scam I would disagree on the capital punishment.

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You're right, which is why We The People must exact vengeance ourselves. This is our sacred duty.

Never Forgive!

Never Forget!

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The question here would be if and when enough people come to the realization that you just so aptly stated.

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You and I and thousands of others must help 60 million people come to these realizations.

If we succeed, Attila, armed with our Lists, will lead our Huns, and they will sweep OUR country clean from Sea To Shining Sea!

Never Forget! Never Forgive!

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True. Problem being is that those who elected to receive 'vaccines' are going to be difficult to try and persuade to do something when they learn they might very well be endangered. They're likely to be angry at those who did not.

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I agree.

Convictions and prison time for those who perpetrated these crimes are the appropriate response.

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Or perhaps...more stringent??

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You might want to re-read what I wrote. Or maybe you didn't mean to reply to me.

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Yes- an uninformed populace is an active enemy of democracy.

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And the Atlantic and all of its media peers actively played coverup throughout.

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The majority shareholder of The Atlantic is Steve Jobs's widow. Laurene Powell Jobs.

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One big nest of self-satisfied foulness.

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They sucked.

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The Atlantic. The NYT. Washington Post. Boston Globe. CNN. NBC. ABC. And thousands more. And of course, Twitter and Facebook and Google. That's just the media. Then we have the Deep State, starting with CDC, NIH, and FDA. Then we have the FBI. And military leaders. And federal, state and local governments. And school boards. And CEO's of large, medium and some small companies. And doctors and hospitals. And on and on and on. Millions.

Depending on the severity of the crimes: Noose. Firing Squad. Guillotine. Rack. Stake.

Never Forget! Never Forgive!

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Another thing... for many years, I worked on the technical side of tv news. When I left, I stopped watching all local news.

Then I got Roku and stopped watching cable news.

Turn. It. Off.

It's the best thing you can do. You can read whatever you want online, and not have to sit through their propaganda programming.

Key word is programming.

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Atlantic Media is owned by billionaire Laurene Powell-Jobs, who is also a director at the globalist Council on Foreign Relations. See chart showing CFR media control: https://swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/

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Is that you Tom J?

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What happens next must serve as deterrence for eons.

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Exactly. The one redeeming feature partially absolving our rotten "leaders" would be if our own government belatedly exposed how rotten our own government is. That's what's supposed to happen with our system of "checks and balances." Congress is supposed to provide oversight and accountability to the agencies it created and funds. Or the Courts. Or the executive branch. Or the Fourth Estate. But they are all captured by now. So that's the hard lesson the public must absorb. But how are they going to get this lesson? The sheriff, prosecutors, judge and the local investigative journalists are all among the groups that have to be exposed and convicted.

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Nothing anybody (including me) has ever said puts it as succinctly and correctly as what you just said.

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ITS A WAR AGAINST MANKIND... 'elites' won't stop until population reduction goals are met

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The deed is done. We’re just waiting for the results now.

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I noticed there was an air of desperation about the mandates and threats. Like there was some deadline to meet. So glad they did NOT meet the quotas here in the US. At least not in Real America.

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I was disappointed at how pathetic people were here in Spain.

"We want 70% vaccinated" the implication being that we would go back to normal (though I correctly noticed they never actually said that). Then it changed to "we want 90% vaccinated". They got close but didn't mange that.

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Yes- remember President Brandon: “I’m running out of patience!( with people not getting vaxxed). His handlers knew the shots would be soon proven both ineffective and dangerous.

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I don't believe the deed is done yet at all. mRNA will be the technology used for all future vaccinations. I just read that Pfizer has 25,000 guinea pigs walking among us that have already been injected with an mRNA seasonal flu vaccine.

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We've got to hold these hearings although the country will be stunned and mortified by the truths they learn. But this has to happen if we are going to ever drain the swamp. And we HAVE to drain the swamp if our kids and grandkids are going to have any chance at a decent quality of life in coming decades. All of these woke, obtuse, corrupt leaders and institutions have to be exposed and then fully purged. Otherwise, these people are going to lead everyone over a cliff. They've already about got us there, but they aren't done.

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Many will refuse to believe, I constantly post facts on facebook but it's always labelled conspiracy or gets countered with some incredibly negligible nitpick, or "fact check".

"“If there is hope, it must lie in the proles" not in the brainwashed middle classes.

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Forgiveness is surely predicated on repentance, while atonement and retribution are additional further matters to consider. A fashionable faux-apology, always without an offer of restitution, is pecksniffian virtue signalling at its finest. It is an art form these days.

They (WEF, BMGF, Wellcome, BigPharma, WHO, CEPI) are all STILL AT IT.

CEPI have funded Clover BioPharmaceuticals to develop a novel trimeric AL2O3 adjuvant mRNA "vaccine," with 15 billion shots scheduled for delivery in 2026.

There is simply NO intention to stop this any time soon. Ask the WHO currently trying to secretly impose international health regulations for their definition of "pandemic" ... nothing more than scantily clad tyranny with mandated jabs, the refusal of which will exclude you from accessing medical treatment, or going to the supermarket. Currently, in New Zealand such measures sit on a State ladder of coercion and are deemed "ethical."

Globally, we all remain in the depths of societal insanity from which there is as yet, no recovery in sight.

It and 'they' will need to be stopped. All of them. And that's a very tall order.

The professor of economics demonstrated zero ability to execute in time learning and research, as indeed her Atlantic puff piece testifies. This appears as lamentable as it is manifestly culpable for someone in her tenured position at Brown.

No, what she shows is that virtue signalling is alive and well in smug Leftist academe and its media mouthpieces.

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Everybody 'likes' this comment. Wow ! I guess this polite discussion is how people feel about this ? Where's the FURY... the RAGE ! These people tried to KILL us. And now lets talk about amnesty. It's Kumbaya time folks ? Not for me. The unvaccinated were this close to getting vaxxed or being put in internment camps. In Australia, citizens were ganged up on by groups of police and FORCE VAXXED !!!! Never forget this. We were very close to a totalitarian take over.

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I do not think that anyone reading Igor's Substack is OK with no accountability. My guess is that the level of anger depends on the level of abuse one received as a result of this scamdemic and I, for one, am not going to move on. The crimes were unparalleled and I am all for the punishment to fit the crime. In Oz, I have seen (not heard) things that defy belief but I have not heard or seen any forced jabbing. I think that the place was close enough to accepting it but there was some spark of realization that if they go there, then all options were on the table for the ones on the receiving end. Hence they did not go there as far as I know. The danger of a totalitarian take over is not gone and people need to wake before they end up as being lifelong serfs to a bunch of lunatics.

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In NZ, as a mandated clinician, I walked. The need for redress is strong.

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Very sorry to hear that you had to walk away. I was very fortunate that had leave available and I too was ready to walk when they pushed for the jab here in West Oz. They kept the mandate in place for about 6 months and then they gave up. I do not work in Health and as far as I can tell, the mandate for Health workers is still in place - yes, the locals are that stupid to keep expecting the Health workers to keep taking more jabs. My hope is that what happened in Alberta, Canada will be replicated around the world. However, for that to happen, I think that the Red Dalek aka Jacinta needs to go first because in my opinion that creature is pure evil and will not back off to that extent. All the best to you and soon they will beg you to come back because you are un-jabbed.

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I know WA well, from Broome to Albany. A former good friend and consultant, UWA prof of int. medicine & PhD (retd) rushed to take all the shots. Utterly, utterly incomprehensible. The policy will eventually devolve into last man standing. Meanwhile, Jabcinda is a blight on our landscape and, as you say, the embodiment of evil. Her political days are probably numbered unless they throw the election, which seems a possibility given WEF skullduggery knows no bounds.

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At my workplace you need to have a PhD to hold a position. In my section, out of 130 staff, only one other said no to the jabs. The majority rushed to get them and I know of at least five that have been injured permanently (heart) and a number of others spent time in hospital after the jabs. You would think that these people would be educated enough to ask basic questions about the whole jabbing scheme. Nothing, just blind compliance. I used to think the majority of these people would be critical thinkers - quite clearly that is not the case which is incomprehensible. If these people cannot muster enough brain cells to question such lunacy what can one expect from the rest of the population?

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To be honest after seeing the media go ballistic in their coverage of the "hunt" for the aboriginal youths that escaped the Covid detention in spite of the fact that they were healthy, it is possible that worse happened. I too look forward to see the demented scum that pushed for the mandate at my workplace pay the price for their murderous behaviour. It was not a surprise that they pushed through the mandate as the one in charge is some real piece of work. The difference between her and a Dalek is that she is physically still human to some extent. I applied for an exemption and it was turned down within the day with clear message that either I get the jab or I lose my job. Fortunately, I had leave available so I took time off to consider my legal options. The mandate was dropped once the parents of students from overseas started legal action against the uni. The new approach is that it was all done to ensure everyone's safety but my fight is just starting. I have no intention of going along and pretend that it was all a mistake.

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Best of luck for you too. In my case I am not at all conflicted. This was done with the intent to destroy all those who resisted and the only way to prevent a repeat is for these monsters, because they are monsters, is to be held accountable. Hopefully, the legal system will deliver a suitable "reward" for what they have done.

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No, "everybody" does not "like" the comment.

Righteous anger is due. Retribution and atonement are due.


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Well said. We're still not out of the woods.

No amnesty for Nuremberg crimes.

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Can you point me in the direction where I can find the laws that would be applied and who would apply them? The US system of government is designed for a lack of accountability by those who are in control either directly or indirectly (by delegation of authority). You must do something egregious, meaning, stepped on the wrong toes, to suffer any consequences. As a private citizen, you have no standing in court to bring forth much of what is discussed. Some of the "legal" people mouthing off are what are called "controlled opposition", no different than the squaring off of R's and D's. between each other. You will have to fix "the system" before getting any "justice", whatever that will mean.

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

There is no “I have read your comment and you make several good points” or “I appreciate your prospective” button. The like button Indicates the comment has been read or acknowledged. As I culled through the numerous responses I see plenty of indignation and anger and disgust a d fury. If you look at other posts many impolite things are said. So, I think we are good here.

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Why spill bloody rage on your keyboard? What does it accomplish. I have a steady burn that won't go out. The thugs that shoved the vaccines on people and are STILL doing it? They deserve to pay for it. And the people around me who thought it was fair to stick unvaxxed in concentration camps, or subject young men to myocarditis, I won't forget.

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"A steady burn that won't go out" - brilliant description. I feel the same.

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Can you point me in the direction where I can find the laws that would be applied and who would apply them? The US system of government is designed for a lack of accountability by those who are in control either directly or indirectly by delegation of authority. You must do something egregious, meaning, stepped on the wrong toes, to suffer any consequences. As a private citizen, you have no standing in court to bring forth much of what is discussed. Some of the "legal" people mouthing off are what are called "controlled opposition", no different than the squaring off of R's and D's.. You will have to fix "the system" before getting any "justice", whatever that will mean.

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"Everybody 'likes' this comment. Wow ! I guess this polite discussion is how people feel about this ? Where's the FURY..."

Igor kinda put his thumb on the scale by saying he wished he could like it 10 times. A truth and reconciliation commission would just be a whitewash, Igor. I for one want to see Nuremberg tribunals for the perps.

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deletedNov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022
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There were and are, I imagine, videos of citizens being swarmed by Australian police and force vaxxed. I also saw a video of a child being forcibly removed from her mother to be force vaxxed. I'm sure this was the norm ? I get my info from a friend who has relatives in Australia.

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This was not negligence. This was done with intent. The secrecy and indemnity that was demanded by the big Harma was precisely because they knew how awful the jabs were. Their own testing showed a total failure of the jabs and these tests were biased to make the jabs look like they worked. They could not get the jabs to work even for 28 days! Who knows what the effects are after 5 years? So far the damage has been massive and to add insult to injury, the jabs were paid with tax payer money and they still push new jabs. No forgiveness. PERIOD.

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Sorry but no forgiveness is warranted. What they have done to kids and old people is blasphemous and they need to pay for the horror they inflicted on those that needed protection most.

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I’m not sure they are capable though.

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They are definitely not capable - it takes a really sick creature to do what they did. The isolation of the old people and masking and social distancing imposed on kids were sadistic and evil. They knew the measures were absurd and did not provide any benefit. How so many people went along with it is depressing. I kept my son from going to school as long as they had the mask diktat here because it was meant to condition kids to accept abuse without question. Parents should have been up in arms about it but only a handful at the school raised any objection. Pathetic.

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The focal point for retribution must be Anthony Fauci. His role in suppressing honest reporting and research as well as effective therapeutics makes him a good place to start.

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He has a bigger body count than Josef Mengele.

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I find his evil staggering. And it's not over yet with the NIH and CDC still under his thumb.

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

under their thumb more like it. they would have got rid of fauci decades ago if he wasn't a good employee.

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He's an effective pharma whore who somehow controls who gets funded at universities or govt labs. My own personal theory is that he cut a deal with Satan about forty years ago and that's opened doors for him. It doesn't exonerate the flunkies who bend over and take what he dishes out for their miserable paychecks and grant money. They're all dogs from hell.

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Many, many times over.

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He is very example of what happens if one "moves on". Read up on his handling of AIDS - it was a trail run for COVID. The evil of this creature has no bounds. That is why true justice is imperative and everyone involved in the horror needs to be held accountable.

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Read about his attempted destruction of Peter Duesberg, it is utterly sickening. Duesberg is a hero for refusing to roll over

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Yeah, that is what psychopaths do. It is absolutely astounding that he has been in the position at the NIH for so long. Should have been in prison after the AIDS fiasco.

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I think Collins should stand with him.

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He sure fooled Billy Graham's son. A lot of people will die from trusting the untrustworthy. Gullibility can kill.

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Absolutely. He is pure evil too.

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A lot of doctors are guilty of criminal negligence. But it remains to be seen how many will die from their own profound ignorance.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

At least 80 previously healthy doctors in canada have died over the last year- see both Steve Kirsch substack and Mark Crispin Miller substack. Most just “died suddenly”, or “cause of death unknown”. All of those doctors had multiple “cupcakes” (mRNA injections) Thecovidblog.com also shows several cases of SADS doctors.

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those in power created modern medicine then trapped doctors into serving the control system at risk of losing their incomes so they wouldn't be able to eat, cloth their families and pay off their student debt, etc... system also isolates everyone so most thing they stand alone and so standing up is like showing up for a firing squad... of course the psychopaths among them had a welcomed killing field... so we need a balanced justice system to resolve this... exposing the extent of this so every citizen of the world sees this and reparations are made for all the damaged people and all those murdered... its a very big project

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Literally every industry and institution operate inside this Luciferian control model.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

you can get free clothes in the charity shop. are you really suggesting some minor financial challenges justifies any of this? A doctor could get a new job pretty easy even if it was for a lower wage. Dr Kaufman for example doesn't seem to be having any financial difficulties: https://odysee.com/@AussieFighter:8/Dr.-Andrew-Kaufman---Do-Viruses-Really-Exist--amp--Can-They-Be-Transmitted:3

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is that what I am saying?

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"Forgiveness and prison time can go together." Ha ha well said.

If you ask me, even the dead can be forgiven.

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I have no problem with forgiveness, so long as it's given posthumously.

Lock and Load!

Never Forget! Never Forgive!

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Yes, I'll forgive from beside their graves.

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Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022

Completely agree. I would add that this is also a case of willful blindness, which is also a legal concept, which I believe involves even greater culpability than criminal negligence. Absolutely, it fits the bill for Oster, whose expertise and access to information make it certain that her "ignorance" was intentional.

Whatever her reasons for willfully refusing to see what was plainly visible and blindingly obvious to anyone in her position--a pusillanimous need to fit in among her brainwashed circle, narcissistic ambition in the corrupt worlds of academia and journalism, pleasure in wielding social power--she must be held accountable.

Her arrogant, entitled demand (thinly veiled as a "request") to be let off scot free, when this is far from over, and while serious, deadly, harms are still being committed over this country and the world, without so much as a weak apology, is insulting to anyone with a conscience.

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In fact, she is advocating for school mandates in the article!!

A Midwestern Doctor : "much of this article was intentionally deceptive. What I am more surprised by is the degree of a lack of insight the author shows into the mistakes that were made. I should note that this is very common behavior you will observe from those who have been influenced by cults or cult like groups."

~ https://open.substack.com/pub/amidwesterndoctor/p/dissecting-the-deceptive-plea-for?r=ft46p&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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Excellent comment...

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" a legal concept called "Criminal negligence." There's another one called "Duty of Care". However, citing ignorance as a cause of criminal negligence seems to absolve those who were not negligent but deliberately culpable in their acts.

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As doctors are losing credentials for speaking the truth ethically, these people want clemency from duty of care, obligation of being a decent human and do no harm, and competent consumers of medical literature.

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Seems pretty clear by now that the DOD is behind it but who controls them? Trilaterals, Bilderbergers, WEFsters. *Those* individuals, along with their top functionaries Gates, Fauci, et al, after a fair trial of course, if found guilty (no doubt) should be sentenced to life in a supermax with exercise being the digging of *25* (not 15) million graves (so far). This will not excuse others further down the criminal chain: media, doctors, etc.

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"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?"



the above quote is from Gerontion, one of the other poems in The Waste Land and other poems:


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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

Oh that was a perfect quote...it needs the entire poem:

After such knowledge, what forgiveness? Think now

History has many cunning passages, contrived corridors

And issues, deceives with whispering ambitions,

Guides us by vanities. Think now

She gives when our attention is distracted

And what she gives, gives with such supple confusions

That the giving famishes the craving. Gives too late

What’s not believed in, or if still believed,

In memory only, reconsidered passion. Gives too soon

Into weak hands, what’s thought can be dispensed with

Till the refusal propagates a fear. Think

Neither fear nor courage saves us. Unnatural vices

Are fathered by our heroism. Virtues

Are forced upon us by our impudent crimes.

These tears are shaken from the wrath-bearing tree.”

― T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land and Other Poems

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Goodreads had the quote attributed to The Waste Land and other poems, so I guess it was one of the other poems, called Gerontion, also by Eliot:


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I love it anyway. TS Eliot had so many good poems...they kinda stick in your brain for a long time....

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found this analysis interesting:


apparently he wrote it in the summer of 1919 when the treaty of Versailles was happening, a lot of parallels to WW1 and now.

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and many people are just part of the mob... and some sort of shock therapy might wake the up or not..

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a good work camp to drive home the point that you can't act stupidly would do them and us a lot of good.... that's just for being a source of pressure that influenced others to accept the jab... if they actual jabbed someone... well more serious consequences for sure

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Add community service and making amends in kind as much as possible.

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Truth and reconciliation.

Massive lawsuits and bankruptcies.

Also, a lot of career changes due to permanently revoked credentials, and deep institutional reform -- some agencies should be headed straight for the rubbish bin.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

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whitewash, rinse, repeat, global warming, what next?

a few career changes, no problem for the perps

Truth and reconciliation a la South Africa which preserved its neoliberalism?


Nuremberg 2.0!

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Is that like "Nuremberg, but for reals this time"? I guess I'd be in favor of that.


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no such thing for mass murder. They knew they were lying, and *so many* people died for taking their 'advice'.

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Good point

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Nothing short of extirpation.

Never Forget! Never Forgive!

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I'll never forget there was survey conducted last year in which a majority of Democratic respondents indicated they support taking children away from their parents if the parents do not vaccinate them against covid. There are a hundred other examples of demonization that we were subjected to, but that one always stood out to me.

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Yes, it was a Rasmussen survey. Democrats were in favor of locking the unvaxxed in their homes for life, sending them to camps and taking away their children and they STILL want these things today so the professor at the Atlantic needs to sit down.

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I think all this needs to be remembered and televised...so that it will never happen again.

we said never again after the holocaust...but did the exact same things over and over.

The unvaxxed were the yellow starred.

they were the diseased ones...spreading covid (typhus) everywhere.

They needed to be banned from decent society.

locke up in their ghettos (homes) , their shops and businesses closed...

They built quarantine camps in Australia..and maybe here for all we know...Hochul in NY

is gonna try again for this...warrantless arrests, no proof of infection or exposure...


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Exactly. Covid helped me understand better how the Holocaust actually happened. The parallels are stunning.

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and yet, when you said as much to "friends," they screamed that you had gone too far this time, no one was putting the unvaccinated in ovens and anyway, the unvaccinated were choosing to die by refusing the life saving shot.

someone actually said this to me when i brought up the words of an actual holocaust survivor who pointed out the similarities.

you know how we're all supposed to respect everyone's "lived experience?" but i guess not the lived experience of a holocaust survivor who can draw parallels.

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Exactly this. I could never wrap my head around how supposedly normal people could suddenly morph into pure evil and perform atrocities to their fellow humans even children, but now I fully understand.

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That was my thought as this mess unfolds. It's really not over yet. The vaxnazis are still on the march.

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the federal emergency has not been lifted, 11 Dem governors still have it in place; many of those also have camps and contracts for staffing them

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A Fascist is someone who forces things, like lockdowns, social distancing, masks and needles. The left refuses to define the word, simply implying it means REALLY bad man.

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Survey where they showed the more jabbed you were, the more likely you were to support the media's narrative about the war in Ukraine-- that Putin is committing war crimes & we are obligated to get involved.

---- LINK 1----

How vaccination status might predict views on the Russian invasion of Ukraine - Project PROTECH


The study concludes the results point “to the highly corrosive influences of disinformation.”

“This is definitely a new and bluntly insidious force that’s contributing to polarization and disinformation and poor decision-making. And it doesn’t seem to be going away. Things are getting worse,” said Graves. “I don’t think this is because those people had an ingrained sympathy to the Russians. They’re reading this online, they’re consuming this from the same sources that were giving them the anti-vax stuff.”

The EKOS survey comes out at a time when some of the loudest anti-vaccine voices that supported the Ottawa occupation are pushing disinformation about the Ukraine war over social media channels that reach tens of thousands of people.

----LINK 2 (Raw Survey)----

Public Attitudes to Ukraine Conflict by Vaccine Acceptance « EKOS Politics



March 23, 2022 at 12:56 pm · Reply

who are “vaccine refusers”? what percentage of unvaccinated are “vaccine refusers”?

Alex S.

March 23, 2022 at 3:58 pm · Reply

Common link: Could it be that these same people that didn’t want to turn our lives upside-down because of the virus and don’t want to take a rushed vaccine also don’t want to stumble into WORLD WAR THREE?


March 23, 2022 at 6:01 pm · Reply

could it be the same people that fell for the media bullshit and believed a bacteria covered rag and an experimental MRNA shot could save them from a 99.7% survival rate disease are the same people falling for yet another blitz of media propaganda.

Half of those people are still to this day wearing masks to help protect pregnant Ukrainian men from climate change…

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I've always said the COVID nonsense comes down to how much TV you watch & how much of it you actually believe.

If you keep falling for The Current Thing over and over again, and are sick of getting burned-- maybe it's time to consider walking away from the TV.

You will likely be better informed with less of their highly-polished, manipulative bullcrap they call "News".

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Yep, life was normal in 2020 and 2021 if you didn’t watch TV except some weirdos shut down all the schools and businesses for some reason and other weirdos donned masks. But nobody was dropping dead in the streets and life otherwise went on like normal.

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I think that would make a good survey.

I think you would see correlation become causation..P value .00001

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I updated the survey, if you're curious.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

I haven't watched tv (and especially the news) since Feb 2020.

I will never go back.

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Clearly the most susceptible to propaganda. I would guess the most easy people to hypnotize.

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They are literally under a spell. I can say that because I used to be under it, too-- when I was a teen.

I was only able to break the spell once I moved out of my parents house and got away from the living room TV, which was always on for "background noise".

They don't even realize they are drowning in garbage. At least I had no idea, until I was able to snap out of it.

Now I am basically allergic to watching television. Pharma commercials send me into a rage.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

how do you know the results of the survey are true???

it is probably done by same people who write at atalantic ...

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How? Life experience that is how. I have seen things in Oz that I could never think were possible. Just the enforcement of the rules required a sadistic nature that far too many people were happy to demonstrate. Abusing old women for going to get some fresh air? You think that the cops who did that would bat an eyelid at taking kids away? Nope, the results were accurate I am afraid.

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Dunno if true, but that story is well known.

In actuality, I'd be surprised if NOT true

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It always is that way - the "inclusive & compassionate" ones are the worst of the worst. The red states need to pay attention to these despicable imbeciles because they migrate from blue states to the red ones and try to f%^k up those places too.

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OMG, how very true! Let’s leave them no possible mitigation of their pain, and inflict upon them and all their hired protectors , physical abuse and torment. Let them become Mandated Organ Donors, and Blood Donors too, even if jabbed. Let them become Mandated Household Assistants to clean up and tidy up after the injured and the elderly. Let their daughters be used as Mandated Body Servants for the sick and infirm ,or their sons if that is your given proclivity. And let their children be taken away and given to be raised by the hardworking realistic bedrock salt of the earth types who get up at 5:00 AM to get our civilization running each day without thanks or respect.

Yes, let’s despoil and use the very bodies of the useless intellectual classes, the Wokesters and the Social Justice Warriors, the sojourners on Martha’s Vinyard and the Hampton’s and Aspen and... well, you know, the thing...

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The left truly are evil, while thinking they are virtuous.

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That is just silly because in Australia and the UK it was the right wing government pushing the death jabs. Evil doesn’t follow politics it is everywhere. We need to inform ourselves not just blindly follow what the “right” or “left” are saying.

Independent scientist were warning us very early on that a vaccine developed so quickly was dangerous.

History told us that mandates forcing people to inject medicines is a weapon used by dangerous groups seeking control.

Science tells us that one cure never work for us all.

Biology tells us that viruses follow laws of nature and do not benefit from killing their host.

Natural immunity has been our best defence for millennia.


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In general, the statement is true - I survived socialism and it is a nightmare for most that live in it. The left has been for a long time responsible for the worst horrors inflicted on hundreds of millions and the reason why so many suffered is that the left is ideologically driven. They have no God, no belief in humanity, no respect for history and culture. The only thing that matters to them is what the left doctrine says and they will destroy anyone and anything that resists or is even perceived to resist. The world needs to wake to the reality that for those on the left are relentless and no compromises are possible.

The Covid scamdemic is one of the few rare cases in which the left joined forces with another group of psychopaths (some of which claim to be on the right) that want total control of the world. Not much of a surprise as both groups want more or less the same thing. The difference is that the left has some ideology.

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I think it has something to do with rejecting God, or at least something greater than yourself. In AA, it's more difficult to stay sober if you don't believe in something greater than yourself (be it so little as a doorknob!)

Christians ( many others too) realize that people are at heart very flawed creatures. Liberals believe the exact opposite, they think religion keeps them from becoming God,and blame it for everything.

I didn't read "Lord of the Flies" but I believe if you look around the world, especially primitive societies, you can see some real savagery. Eskimos (supposedly) put their elderly onto ice floes because they take much more effort than younger to keep alive.

I think realizing the possibility of God (or at least something greater than yourself) helps keep people at least a little humble. Liberals of course want no restrictions on humans at all

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You could look at the Chinese Communist party who are determined atheist's to and wonder if atheism is be what allows the to perform genocide, also to chop people up (without anesthesia reportedly) to sell their organs, while denying anything of the sort.

Somebody said you can judge a tree by the fruit it makes.

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100% correct - that is why they are driven to get their way and are successful overall in inflicting massive damage on the world. Normal people just cannot understand their mentality and give way when they should be pushing back all the way.

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ha! my next door neighbor said the exact same thing to me on the phone in june of 2021. only at that point, vaccines weren't "approved" yet for children. he was advocating taking children away from their parents if the parents refused the vaccine for themselves!

i specify that we were on the phone- he couldn't see any facial expressions that might have betrayed me and made my on going life as his neighbor a hell on earth.

he adores me; i approach him with a guarded wariness.

he is a doctor and just the other day, he told me that he had just gotten his bi-valent booster. he did say this time that, since the vaccines don't stop transmission, it really was an individual's choice to get vaccinated or not.

so he has changed his tune, seeking a kind of amnesty for all the terrible things he wished on people and that he unknowingly wished on me

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well, that was brilliant! thank you.

i hope that gets sent to the Atlantic along with thousands of angry letters of protest

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Oh, it has, along with 34,310 other angry comments:


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Does he know you haven't taken the shot? Just curious. I wouldn't hesitate to lie about to avoid this type of scrutiny, you know he would tell the rest of the neighbors if/when he knows. I'm in a situation where nobody knows and nobody asks. Just about everybody I know has gotten the shot, just a cousin and her children have not (although she got the andreno virus one, not the mRNA one, he children recieved nothing, and one has had COVID. Other cousin is a nurse and a believer in medical technology I'm sure her kids have gotten it now.

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no he doesn't know and i'm not volunteering the information. he did say one day "well, at least you and john are intelligent and got vaccinated." i don't know why he made that assumption since i have never said a word to him about the vaccines one way or the other. he was surprised that i knew about the jacobson 1905 decision. as a doctor and an attorney, he believes that his knowledge of things is higher level than most other poor sods.

he knows that i lost my job of 40 years but thinks it was over CRT and DEI and to be honest, my feelings on those things and my refusal to participate in quota hiring and race huckster sensitivity training would probably have cost me the position but we never got that far. the vaccine issue was sufficient for the Spoleto Arts Festival in Charleston, SC to boot out their single longest term and most devoted staff member.

i've only had a few people ask me directly. my BF and i have a rehearsed answer. "well, they gave it to us old folks first." since i'm 69 and he's 74, we can let them make their own assumption without having to lie

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Ditto my sister.

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That’s so disgusting.

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That was a gobsmacker, wasn't it?

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Tell the dead they are forgiven, they can come back?

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darn good point

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People who didn't get the ineffective vacx should get double back pay.

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Double back pay financed by the ones who forced them out of their jobs, NOT the general public.

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Yea, and never pay personal income taxes ever again.

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Truth be told, we, ALL of us, need to go on a Tax Strike and render unto Caeser the same middle finger we show to Biden.

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I could give you the names of the people I know who are guilty of doing that...just for starters. Oh, and they can all afford to pay, as their tyrannical actions only financially hurt others, not themselves.

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Yeah, isn't funny how that worked out for them.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

Yes, they always have a priest give full forgiveness before a hanging. And. “Tell the dead they are forgiven..” would be a great Clint Eastwood movie title.(or samurai movie)

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The priest isn't giving out any forgiveness to the one who doesn't ask for it; it doesn't work the way you think.

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Priests don’t have the power to forgive, only GOD has that power.

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That's correct; the priest who gives absolution is acting on God's behalf. (John 20:21-23)

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

To each their own, but I don’t need a flawed earthly man between me and my relationship with GOD.

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They're worried but still don't want to apologise.

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I knew a guy who was accused of harassing a student at the university where he taught. Though his harassment stopped at creepiness (and not touching or flashing) he was guilty of sexually fawning over her. But in the inquiry, he told me that he used his superior verbal skills to make the student look like a liar, and that his strategy was “deny, deny, deny.” He got off with a warning and the student ended up changing schools. In the mind of sociopaths, an apology is tantamount to admitting wrong-doing and opens up their fragile egos to acknowledging that deep down, they are bad human beings. Don’t expect any apologies…expect “deny, deny, deny.”

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It's deny, deny, counter-accuse, deny. Note how the Atlantic article has a bit about the fake bleach story. That's the counter-accusation since they pretended that Trump told people to inject bleach and drink fish tank cleaner.

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Yep. I don’t remember too much about the bleach thing other than hearing that perhaps one human had tried it, but members of my own family (narrative followers) made snide comments about Trump telling people to inject it. I was not a Trump fan, but I’ve come to realize that the media massively misrepresented everything he said.

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That's all we've gotten so far.

This thing in the Atlantic (pretty far left thought leader rag) is a glimmer of... something else.

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Yep, typical narcissistic behavior. Psychopaths, all of them.

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Being a narcissist means never having to say “I’m sorry”

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They'll say that they are sorry although they don't mean it, they can simulate humanity very well

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

And this tone of voice that she writes in -- subtitle to the article: "My Family Goes Hiking, which is what all trendy people do now who never would have done it before." (nausea).

We can read this "amnesty" using the same tone of voice as, "There may be light redness and pain at the injection site." Manipulative and condescending, written by someone who is not smart enough to realize that her audience has more prowess.

Off-topic life tip: When city hikers go Instagramming their way through our national parks and happen to remark about a bear, the park employees are Legally Required to find and kill that animal (edit: and her cubs!) to protect the Invasive species.

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I tried to find that rule for the park rangers. Couldn't find it. Do you remember where you read it? Is it new?

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There are secret rules that the public isn't told. Another one is employees are not allowed to talk about or answer questions about the environment or climate change, despite centuries-old trees toppling over by the hundreds and uncontrollable fires raging at unprecedented number.

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They must be busy in Alaska. You cannot swat the bears off there.

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Except for Danielle Smith who is a shining light. An apology to the unjabbed and offering their jobs back.

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Of course. The only way they know is double down.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

"We didn’t know."

Err...some of us DID know.

What really happened was: YOU DIDN'T LISTEN.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

Absolutely and even worse: they actively persecuted voices that tried to offer a different perspective, a different analysis and inconvenient facts. They shut alternative voices down wherever and whenever they could.

But now they say, "We didn't know."

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Well, too bad for them. Have fun with all that spike in your ovaries and sperm.

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I knew in Feb 2020 when they found the HIV sequence GP120 in the viral genome. I knew it was 100% man made at that point.

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Me too. Funny that paper disappeard from the web for a long time.

I knew also there was a cure when Didier Raoult (he is world famous, BTW, the best Doctor in the world for African parasites...known about him since I was a young adult) and when he said HCQ and Azithromycin or Doxy., I knew there was also a cure. AND a preventative.

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I have not learned or heard enough about this fact. My take is that you're saying that it's pretty much impossible for an HIV sequence to find its way _naturally_ into an animal derived coronavirus. Or something like that. Is that more or less right?

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Yes. It set off huge huge alarms in my head.

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Mine too. And that furin cleavage site, when someone put up a list of all the covid viruses...that furin cleavage (bunch of GAGGAP) stuffed into the Cov-2 virus and totally missing in every other one...

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

Yes, exactly. That was the confirmation for me.

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Not only that but they screeched at people to sTaY hOme

Blood on their hands

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And her four year old was screeching at others on the trail. She trained them well.

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Many did listen but were happy to go along with the lunacy and preach to the "antivaxxers" that they deserve to be punished for their resistance to the jabs. I have way too many examples here in Oz.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Oops we killed 15 million people and implemented a mass surveillance control grid. Will you please forgive us?

If you do we will give you extra mealworm rations.

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You're assuming they will admit it. They never will.

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Pace Ed Dowd.

As Ed points out from his decades on Wall Street: Fraudster CEOs NEVER admit guilt. They do the opposite. They double down until they are brought down.

We do NOT need to be virtue-signaling "niceness". We need to seek justice to honor and avenge the millions needlessly killed or maimed. Otherwise we will continue to face the new strategems of these coordinated psychopaths, as we are already seeing with the manufactured energy "crisis", manufactured food "crisis", manufactured escalating crime "crisis", etc.

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I'm a big fan of Ed Dowd, and have heard him say this in several interviews. I agree completely with the assessment.

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And we will do it again if you "move on".

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We only pointed out the Jews to German armies coming thru our town to collect them. We didn't actually gas them. Plus, the Jews bore some blame. They had businesses that charged for for and clothing etc. and that really ground our gears. How about amnesty on both sides. They were greedy and we were doing our duty. We needn't speak of it anymore. Who knew it would come to this? We were all guessing. We guessed wrong. Sorrypants.

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I don't know who Emily is but she clearly bought into the whole middle-class hysterical panic back in early 2020. She made nice little face masks from old bandanas which, if she has an ounce of intelligence, she must have known deep down were going to do nothing other than impede breathing and scare her kids. She and her family wore them to impress on others that *they* were better people for showing how much they cared about others and all that other crap the media was pouring out. Seems to me she is trying to apologise for having been a nasty smug little cow who caused great misery and fear to others (including her own child) by hysterically (and probably enjoyably) acting like she believed all the nonsense. She wants us to feel sorry for her now that she's got to the stage of realising she's on the wrong side of history. Well, she can take a long walk off a short pier. With her mask firmly attached.

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Emily is not the worst Covid criminal, the Atlantic picked her as author for a reason

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Is this the soft start of the next psy op campaign - the one where they say sorry we didn't mean it, we all say that's okay, forgive them and we all pretend it never happened?

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In a month or so the left will be blaming "alt-right far right [white] supremacists" for the pandemic and the lockdowns and the clot shots.

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they are certainly gonna try. espcially if there is a red wave...everything, from the lockdowns to the jabs to the ruined economy and inflation will be blamed on those white supremist Trump supporters.

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"Kumbaya" is #3 on my list of Mass Formation Breakout Variants.

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you always make me laugh.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

Trying to soften and blur the picture before elections. Then as soon as the vote is over, out come the digital IDs with mandatory vax status.

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Bird, I hope you are wrong but I fear you are right... This was just the trial run - next time they will be ready.

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It's the classic abuse cycle.

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I'd like to hear Ed Yong plead for forgiveness.

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She has a lot of fans for this book on pregnancy expecting better which OMG says pregnant women can have SUSHi so it’s stunning and brave (even though she tells them to inject themselves with liability-free pharmaceutical products)

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It’s freakonomics dumbed and normied down for the post Trump era

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Emily is the very definition of a useful idiot. Still that is not an excuse and she can join all the imbeciles who went all in for this scam to face a court of law.

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I think you have the truth of her here.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

If its in The Atlantic, its misinformation.

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And hatred. I have never seen so much hatred as I have seen in The Atlantic, though it does seem that a number of publications are vying for the title.

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deletedOct 31, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022
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Yeah, we need Tshirts: "Proud Misinformer".

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Steve Kirsch wears it with pride, as I do with anti-vaxxer these days. It annoyed me at first, but I own it now. I point out to clotties how they are boosting with a vaccine for the 2019 strain in 2022.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The Atlantic is a horrible group of lying scumbags. The editors should be prosecuted and the organization tossed into a volcano.

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One of too many such groups. The Pravda editors would have been ashamed to publish the stuff these dirt bags publish on a regular basis. Their propaganda is so bad, it is not even funny.

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Atlantic was criminal. One of the worst.

Here's my deal... If you publically urged for coercing vax,

You get Nuremberg trial and if convicted, you get to choose your clothes for your hanging....

Rather than drab green...

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Did the bitch even offer to hand over bribery $ to horribly maimed little children.

Press is essential... When they turn whore for mass murderers, are future as country could be over.


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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The healing can start after the heads of Big Pharma and national "medical experts" are locked up for their crimes against humanity.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

They want to be forgiven for whatever we might think they need forgiveness for...hence the deliberate vagueness. They are not sorry for what they did. They can't even bring themselves to say what it is they did. Blanket amnesty without having to be specific. If it doesn't work to repair relationships, then it doesn't work here. The perpetrator will always repeat his/her transgressions as long as the victim accepts such vague "apologies". Be specific.

Looks completely politically driven.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I love how her Twitter bio says:

"Unapologetically data-driven".

What data, the $ in her bank account for selling out her fellow citizens?

To me, sounds like someone is getting a little worried about civil lawsuits...

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She wouldn't know data if you put it in a brown paper bag for her.

Did she even look at the Pfizer data from their trials? Ask her.

I bet the answer is no...she just listened to the experts and thought that was data.

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"Unapologetically data-driven"

"Hiking with my family"

These are just trinket narcissistic trendy phrases. Whatever low-IQ trend flits around the corner next, it will be on her bio. Folks, here we have an example of a human without a spine: in stark contrast to how you all described yourselves in Igor's article from this morning.

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My younger sister is already starting singing Kumbaya...everyone, she tells me, should be allowed to choose.....Yeah, but we weren't allowed were we? We were forced to choose, jab or job.

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Everyone should be allowed to choose

a shot that has high capability of causing lasting neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration

and infertility. And extensive loss of functional lung tissue.

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the "unapologetic" part is true

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

No amnesty no forgiveness no mercy

Will read whole story later.

So we fucked you over.

Now that the red Tsunami is about to begin

We are going to get ahead of the narrative make atonement’s for our Sins.

Nope no Amnesty no Forgiveness!!

Babies children mothers dads grandparents all dead and you lied.

Sorry ain’t buying your last minute change of heart to save your assess

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I think the pertinent question is: why were I, and many others like me, with no scientific, epidemiological, immunological, etc training, able to discern the truth when those whose business it was to know it somehow didn't? Why did they persistently ignore us, censor us, villify us, fire us? The problem is not that they "didn't know", it's that they didn't want to know. They were willfully ignorant.

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Exactly this! They were willfully ignorant and belligerent to the facts staring them in the face. The box the stupid blue surgical masks that we were forced to wear clearly had stamped on the side of it in March of 2020 "DOES NOT STOP SPREAD OR PREVENT VIRUSES". I have a picture of the disclaimer somewhere in my camera roll.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Exactly. An apology isn't a true apology if one does not recognize they are at fault, specifically for what, genuinely and personally expresses it to those they harmed, and how they plan to "right the wrong" and/or people are held accountable



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I do not want their insincere apology -- I want this to NEVER happen again for hundreds of years

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I want retribution and punishment.

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Me too.

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Well first we need it to stop happening NOW.

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Yes indeed it is still happening in a big way.

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Never again. Period. It should not have happened ever. People with deep pockets, power/money grabbing, ego feeding, grandiose control freaks without regard to others.

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Lee this was our own government...backed up by the bioweapon DOD, DARPA, HHS, etc....this was LONG PLANNED and in every Western Democracy the same laws were quietly passed in the dead of night.

This was our own governments using OUR OWN MONEY to do this to us...of course, helped by the insidiuous public/Private networks now found to be running us still.l

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There are so many people involved, some more guilty than others.

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Never again, ever!

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I do not want an apology - I want to see justice done for the millions killed and injured.

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My point is an apology signifies a self admission of fault, but just saying I'm sorry is not enough. It is a step in the right direction, but by no means does this mean they are off the hook or that anyone is even required to forgive or forget.

The vast majority will likely not apologize. But at least apologizing builds the case on both sides that wrong was done.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

It's not an apology -- it's a strategy, timed for the elections and because the Truth is gaining momentum.

Edit: this comes right after Twitter is opened up to real intelligent people instead of Bots and propagandists.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

just a mistake ...

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Seems to be echoing Walensky

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