"In 2021, for instance, he called for more research into treatments such as ivermectin, noting that it was already in clinical trials to test its effectiveness against a number of viruses, including SARS-CoV-2. The drug was subsequently shown to be ineffective against the coronavirus."

Uh, no it wasn't, you lying pieces of dogshite filth. The people that promoted this lie, including especially the mainstream media, have blood on their hands. To hell with them all.

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Yes. We're all tired of being Charlie Brown and all the politicians being Lucy holding the football.......Mr Paul. So you go and prosecute all of them you can - and if you need help, listen to the new great premier of Alberta and Kari Lake in Arizona and that Supreme Court judge in New York. Follow their lead Senator Paul.

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Let’s hope you win . And those evil people don’t try and corrupt the election please WIN .

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If Republicans win the Senate back. Then they will have teeth in the game. Then they Rand, Ron Johnson have to go after Fauci and friends. And we need to hold their feet to the fire.

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I'm soooo tired of our #wefled congress pursuing truth in policy and justice as a partisan matter. Where would we be without #judicialwatch filing #foia requests to get to the bottom of anything. It's a maddening existence in the world of coverups.

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Don't hold your breath -- Fauci has been doxxing people off for yrs and he fills his role.

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Not holding my breath. We need men of God whom bend only their knee to Him and not man in order to put fear in men for their fear in God.

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Given the place our country is at right now, on the brink and running out of diesel fuel will bring a new level of chaos our country much less the entire globe has never seen, that will bring people to their knees. If they refuse to turn to God, there will not be any answers for them. If our politicians continue to sit on their hands and not take action then they are are complicit & criminally negligent as far as many of us are concerned. Biden is also stating the “radical maga republicans” are going to interfere with the election. What are democrats planning on when they lose the majority? More accusations of a false insurrection? Hearings and investigations will become a useless waste of time and taxpayer dollars when people can’t even put food on their table. Fauci and the rest of the elite will be shielded from legal action as the next major catastrophe gets under way and it will become a complete distraction. So as much as we want them rounded up and thrown in a gulag, I don’t see it happening. The only answer is that it’s in God’s hands.

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I would like to think Republicans like Paul would do what they saying during campaign season, but……

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What did Congressional GOPers accomplish with their gazillion investigations and hearings on HRC? Hmmm? Chair warmers like Rand Paul need to be replaced with actual doers. Congress has no prosecutorial powers, but they're the only ones with the power to clean out or eliminate the compromised departments and agencies. They can stop US funding going to the 300 biolabs worldwide which have been doing this type of dangerous research and probably shut down the majority of them. IMO that's what they should be focused on.

Asking for more documents from Fauci does nothing. We already know he's a bad actor. Impeaching Biden, Garland, Mayorkas or whoever does nothing. Even if the Senate has enough votes to remove them does nothing. Multiple layers below them are also rotten.

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Very well said, an analysis that cuts to the chase.

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Don’t hold your breath. Politicians aren’t going to change this.

Sorry, but let’s be real.

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True, but rand paul and Ron johnson will give it their best!

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

And more power to them.

But when has a congressional inquiry ever resulted in real accountability? Just one example will do.

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Aw c’mon... there are lots of examples. Of course they are all prior to 1830.

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The cabal used Covid to destroy freedom as we knew it. So it depends on what world they want to live in when all is said and done. And there will be new skin in the game coming into office who want these criminals to be punished. No more dog and pony show hearings. Criminal charges need to be filed.

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Don't count on it.

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#wefled US Congress 99%

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If you help him win? Sorry, not buying his bullshit. He will not do anything. Most members in Congress own stock in Big Pharma.

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Ta da as well as military/war machine.

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If I had a dollar for every time I heard the Republicans state they are going to hold people accountable. I'd be as rich as Bill Gates. Actions speak louder than words. The thing is Ron Paul does hold fraudci accountable. However, that's as far as it gets. It will take the Supreme Court to end most of this insanity. If we are lucky they will rule in favor of the constitution.

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I don't know if I trust him to get anything done!!!

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Rand, "Botched" is a weak word to include in a statement of the worst crime against humanity.

Try serious Criminal Negligence!

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He never pushes far enough. IF the R's win (and I have my doubt with ballot tampering) they BETTER DO SOMETHING or else they are done for ever!

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

More of the same tripe -- wash, rinse, repeat and it goes on ad infinitum why it takes several terms/lifetime career. Maybe accomplish something once initial culling figures (10-15%?) have been reached. Not blaming RP - it's a big club.

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Didn’t he approve skipping animal testing? I can’t remember the details. ( my head swims at times these daze)

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No, researchers actually did animal testing using this tech for around 20 years. Due to poor outcomes, they couldn't secure approval to move on to human trials. Under Obama, the GOP-controlled Congress created laws which enabled everything that happened.

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I've lost faith in Sen Rand Paul. He's grifted on some of these fund-raising talking points. Although I appreciate his persistence on Fauci, I also see his arguments as inefficient and not resulting in indictments! He knows more than he speaks about. Right!!??

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