Geeze, what a bloody circus!

Reporting from the ancient Lanna kingdom in the north of old Siam... aka Chiang mai, Thailand.

Over here in Thailand the Sinovac was the initial and most widely available 'vaccine' for quite a while.

One village to the north of me was even giving people a raffle ticket when they went for their jab where they could win a cow is drown. One cow awarded each week for six weeks.

Then there was some outrage amongst some Thai people because the American expats were getting access to the 'new and improved' Pfizer jab via their embassy. If the Yanks (I'm Canadian. Yes, you are allowed to cry for the state of my nation of origin!) are getting it, then it must be the best, right, so we want THAT one. Then the Pfizer made some deal with the devil here and it became available for everyone. For many months it appeared that the gov't was resisting letting the big P into the country. i can imagine that this might have had something to do with the things the gov't would have had to capitulate to to let the stuff in, but I can't really know for certain on that. In the end, the gov't, I guess, bent to the pressure and let the blessed Pfizer and Moderna come in.

So there was a time when some were saying the Sinavac(and soon Sinopharm as well) was better, not that nasty mRNA and others saying the opposite. Some thought that the Sino was more dangerous and others, the pfz/mod the more deadly. I think, to date, Thailand has given out 4 billion baht in compensation for vaccine injuries. As on aside, it appears that over the almost 3 years of corona madness the suicide rate increased almost 6 fold in Thailand.

One friend got a shot of S'Pharm and ended up in the hospital with massive convulsions and almost bit off the thumb of his wife in the process. On a few occasions, a person in the village where I live, upon hearing that I wasn't going anywhere near those damn inoculations, literally jumped back away from me. Not any more mind, I think that most, even in the small mountain villages, know that the jig is up. I don't know anyone that got more than the 2 initial and then the 1 booster. As though to say, 'We did our 'duty', now go piss off.'

And now this, not particularly surprising, news on the Sinovac stuff.

House of cards, na!

Thanks, Paul for your continuing stick-to-it-ness!

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Thanks for the inside track into Thailand. I was in Chiang Mai last in 2009. A lovely place.

I maintain the truth will be undeniable by say 2030.

Then all the carnage, as with thalidomide which took 10 years to manifest, will have surfaced.

Best of luck to you ;))

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I suspect that your thoughts on the matter are, or at least, will be pretty close to spot on. Alas.

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Cancer causing jabs? Shocker, right?🙄

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Mechanism of leukemia caused by vaccines:

Role of anti-carbonic anhydrase 2 antibodies induced by vaccine antigens, in the etiology of acute myeloid leukemia and other malignancies


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All the countries want to genocide their own populations. No other explanation for this.

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Would be nice if we could get that clarity here in the West about covid drug damage!

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Poison is poison. Soon there will be reports of skyrocketing cancer rates in Russia from the Sputnik jabs.

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Widespread Sputnik jab in Mexico too.

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Good. I hope they made all their military take their damn shots.

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Hi Bandit,

You've always impressed me with your posts, but this one came as a surprise.

Why would you wish hurt or suffering on any other human being?

The Chinese leadership I can well understand, but not on individual citizens, or even their military forces.

Everyone is however entitled to his/her own views.

I hope you're doing well.


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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

Thank-you for the compliment, Barry!

If their military is taken out, look at how many people may be able to breathe a sigh of relief. Taiwan, US, Ugyhers (Obviously I can't spell that word, but hope you know who I'm talking about.), Hong Kong, Australia (seems to be getting creeped out by them.), all the South Sea islands, Japan.... If the rest of the population is also injured, the military cannot be refilled.

They take the shot "for the greater good."

I'm not saying I'm right, but these are my thoughts.

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Hi Bandit,

You reply quickly.

What time is it there on your side? You working late?

I cannot say anyone, other than those living in China, has any idea of what happens on the ground there.

The media source of all things anti-China is the same mainstream media source which says: "safe and effective mRNA shots".

That's the thing which makes me laugh about people on this substack bulletin board, even about its creator, Dr Alexander.

Dr Alexander: "it's all fucking lies - the mainstream media, especially about my hero Donald "JC" Trump. But hey, fuck China and their fentanyl factories poisoning our innocent addicted Americans and Canadians, who are just looking for a cheap and altruistic hit. Those yellow fuckers are murdering our children - literally ramming liquid fentanyl down their throats with forceps and chasing it with cheap Chinese slave-labour-sweat-shop-manufactured-poisonous-coca-cola-knock-offs".

Cherry picking a storyline for convenience is not very smart.

PS I will ask my female Chinese client, who has now returned to the Peoples' Republic of China from South Africa, after having stayed and worked in SA for 12 years, about what is really going on there. Being an educated and open minded individual, her first-hand knowledge will be “best evidence” as they say in the whoring circles of trial lawyering.

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I stay up late, yes. I'm in the US Eastern time section. Right this second, it's 07:52 am.

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The pushers can take all of the jabs, inactivated virus, mRNA, viral vector, and protein subunit and shove them where the sun don't shine. Having said that, if there was a gun to my head and I had to take a jab and could choose I'd choose one of the Chinese jabs like Sinopharm or Sinovac. I have no doubt they may cause leukaemia but they still appear to be vastly superior to anything we have in the West.

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I have to pause my substack for a while will post.. my email and junk mail and now I got a note about Substack being blocked from something a bar code. this is not what I am on substack for: HANG IN THERE.. doing great. will be back.

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I couldn't help noticing the date on the publication; Mar. 8. 2022.

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China is a corrupt and criminal govt. and Xi just appointed himself third time empire; I have a personal issue with CHINA. what will they do with all the top secret land they bought up near our top secret military bases? and now the primate facility in Fla.? and the Pork production plants and land in VIRGINIA where I live where crop land is being used for "wires" or some kind of high listening facility? I already emailed my representative. (s) and posted..

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So much for “traditional” vaccines being better than the mRNA trash!

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They dont mind loss of a few million here and there. Remember they directly murdered at least 70 million from communism.

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Sounds like bs to me.

They don't report mistakes

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Good ol spike proteins.

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