You know, there are a number of doctors who have sacrificed a lot for us.

This is a reminder to me that I need to step up and do my best to spread truth about what's really going on.

(That is what I'm trying to do, though I can be doing a better, more consistent job at doing so.)

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I have found that the public are not receptive to discussing these bio weopons. But are responsive when I discuss what 6uild 6ack 6etter will mean to their freedom with digital, programmable currency and plans to make cash illegal/invalid. Also receptive when I tell them what they’re teaching at preschool/elementary levels.

It’s so sad that I can’t get through to them but I believe it’s an ego protective device. No one likes to admit they’ve been had.

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Yes, I think you're right that no one likes to admit that they've been had, as discussed in this article: https://ashmedai.substack.com/p/the-cdcs-wicked-decision-to-add-the

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I want the truth to come out, but unfortunately, there are only 2 ways I can see it come out:

1. Massive death--so much so that people cannot ignore it, and then the disclosure about these shots, and/or:

2. A disclosure of the undisclosed ingredients in these shots.

It's too bad so much damage has to occur first, but the truth has to come out; we can't go on like this.

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I hope it comes to a head around the end of the year 2024. Clif High has spoken to that time period, and some are theorizing that if Trump runs in 2024, they may then try to blame the vaccine failure on him.

I don't know how long people can have this toxin inside their bodies.

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Aah but after the war once they were exposed to how wrong, unethical, illegal and immoral the nation’s actions were they experienced guilt.

That guilt was still palpable in the 1980’s in West Germany. Some have remarked that reunification with the unrepentant East removed those feelings of guilt from the entire nation.

What is clear is that 75 years later they re-enacted the same ‘health’ policies with unjabbed as the new unclean.

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True. I was met with hostility when I merely pointed to a Finnish study saying deaths were overstated.

"Who cares about Finland!?" was the shocking response.

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Pfft, "Who cares about Finland..." as if the biology of people in Finland is different from others elsewhere.

The mental gymnastics some of these people perform is just outrageous.

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It’s as if we are yelling at them warnings of the evil going on - like Cassandra- and they don’t listen. In fact, they simply repeat the abusers most recent sound bites.

I’ve sent studies showing relationship between V and cancer to relative now with aggressive skin cancer (mild form >20 years ago) and STILL will go for bivalent.

It’s as if they’re under a spell.

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deletedNov 5, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022
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I know this isn't the point but I am kind of glad that the fox lived another day.

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Does she have a givesendgo?

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let me talk to her, I will reply openly to that...

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Pls do. We send to support people who put their lives on the line to protect our humanity.

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Doesn't matter: Chrystia will only steal it.

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Tell her to hang on. The truth is coming out little by little and so are increased deaths internationally, from this vaccine. She shouldn’t pay a dime until she absolutely is forced. Her & Dr McCullough both need accounts set up for people to give money for attorney fees. They are heroes! 👍

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This is just sick. There is no justice in Canada anymore.

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Canada is a lost cause.

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So the judge defended and awarded the murderers?

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Paul, we need to have one safe place to donate to the honest doctors who are stripped of their licenses. The regulatory agencies who issue Licenses are not authorized to give or rescind licenses. They have taken liberties to dominate the profession illegally.

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The FDA has illegally told Dr.s they can’t prescribe Ivermectin, an approved safe drug, for their patients with Covid. That’s unprecedented & criminal. This one decision has killed more people than the vaccines have saved. Vaccines should never have been approved for EU.

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Agree!! Our daughter is a family practice PA and was forced, along with her supervising physician, to go before a disciplinary board in late summer 2021, for the crime of prescribing ivermectin. It’s criminal what the healthcare corporations’ “powers that be” have done to all of us.

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That is outrageous and it happens all the time.

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Or Mandated !

Criminal reckless endangerment…

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Vaxtermination©®™ has killed more than it has saved.

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If you haven't seen it yet, there is a good post on the corruption in the CPSO, specifically, and also CPSA. I last found it on Dr. Mark Trozzi's website <drtrozzi.org> .

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Nov 4, 2022·edited Nov 4, 2022

The Dark Truth of America's Federation Of State Medical Boards

September 24th, 20222,536 views

FreeNZ @FreeNZ

Is the FSMB the "enforcement arm" for Big Pharma? Few doctors realise that FSMB directives from this private US organisation have influenced how medicine has been practised around the world since 1913.

Why is there not more openness about such an influential body? What gives this secretive organisation the right to rule over doctors and the public, and even influence our New Zealand Medical Council policies, through their international arm?

And why, in 2022, are they now beginning a big push for censorship of health protocols and ideas and freedoms, through their manipulated claims of "disinformation & misinformation"?

In this crucial interview, a brave and caring doctor, who loves his profession, shares what he knows for the greater public good and to help doctors around the world to be able to practice without threats and coercion.

To Support FreeNZ Media: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/supportfreenz

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"Leave" Best buy a piece of Florida asap.

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Absolutely shocking and heartbreaking to see the great Dr Gill in this situation. Im so disgusted that this has happened to her. 🤬

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She is a wonderful Dr. I’m so sad about what is happening and I wish I could help her.

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My goodness.... who tf was the judge to comment on this doctor's knowledge?? She is being proved right on a daily basis and via recent Pfizer CMO European Commission statements that the Vax does not stop covid nor transmission! Clearly 'she ain't in the club' referred to by George Carlin: "It's a big club and you ain't in it", hence her fail by what is a bias from the 'judge'... how big was the sandwich bag he was given??

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So sorry.

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Watch “The Explainers” videos in the linked article--full on State propaganda and psyops

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"There is no softer pillow than a clear conscience".

No money can buy a clear conscience...

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