Lancet is one of my favorite papers.

I just wish it was more absorbent.

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

ha, love it. It's like no longer using the NY Times as a fish wrapper, would not want to insult the fish

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Ah that is GOOD!!!

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Better than good, I'm hoping it's the beginning of the end for these demons and the insanity they have forced on us.

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I suppose we could say:

There was the gold standard.

There is the Evening Standard

And now we have the Bog Standard, a.k.a. The Lancet.

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We have the receipts.

Never forget. No amnesty.

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There seems to be a growing trend to re write history.

It won’t work.

A criminal is a criminal regardless of what they say ……when caught…..

None of these players wanted to even discuss the findings at the time and embarked on calling those with different views covidiots/ covid deniers etc which I have been called .

I for one now want vengeance as the global/ personal damage done is incalculable

It’s genocide.

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Controlled by Big Pharma. Money bribery works 97% of the time.

If these people had a backbone and stayed with Truth, they might have lost some money, but kept their soul.

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And the dirt from a few visits to Epstein island will keep the 3% under control.

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Is there a way that Lancet and their editors and the authors of the paper could be charged with contributing to the deaths many thousands (millions?) possibly by a coalition of state attorney generals? Or alternatively, or in addition, could class action civil lawsuits be filed for huge amounts (billions as in the ongoing Alex Jones lawsuits) on behalf of the people who were harmed by the suppression of HCQ?

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I second that motion.

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Many, if not most, of the so-called prestigious journals of medical science research were already on shaky ground vis a vis their credibility before the Covid scam. The last ~3 yrs made the case for their fall from grace that much more obvious & convincing. Whether they were willing dupes for the blatantly fraudulent HCQ "study" or just plain dopes is immaterial imho. "Brought to you by Pfizer" et al is the real reason for their demise, they were pretty much ALL all in on the coup and now, 2+ yrs after their formal retraction, they mean less than nothing to those of us with a few still-functioning brain cells. They had a good run, too good of a run perhaps, now they are simply done...

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At this point of the continued insanity, I don't think anyone still pushing this shit can say they are innocent dupes. As you said they are all in the same coup now and I'm sure, are fully aware of the damage they have done. I like how you say. they mean less than nothing to those of us who have functioning brain cells. Anything they say at this point will only be an attempt to save their asses from the consequences of being held accountable for what they know they have done.

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Sadly, med. students in at least Japan and, if the few I have had contact with in the States are any indication, meds students in the states are still be taught this Faucing manure. They probably will never even learn of this retraction. As retracted papers have long been cited after retraction, this one will most likely be as well. As someone else here stated, peer reviewed journals have been not living up to their reputations for quite some time before the panic.

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After 3 years? Too little too late. Scrap them.

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We knew it was a coverup, why take something that is very cheap and works when the drug company can charge $1000.00 for a drug that they know will kill your kidney or liver and probably you, and it doesn't work to get you better. The problem was the FDA became complicit and wouldn't let doctors or pharmacists give you the drug. They are all responsible!

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A sad state. Who is attaching free speech?

Who is the fascist, the tyrant, the prince of lies?

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Take your choice. Even the silent ones were/are liars because they kept quiet.

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I am glad I am not the only one with thirty tabs open all at once ... my husband can't stand it!

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Lancet executives know who provides them with an enhanced lifestyle. They don't bite the hand that feeds them. It's reported that around 80% of all medical research papers submitted for publication have been massage for positive spin. Dr. Marcia Angell who wrote the book "The Truth about the Drug companies " nailed the deceit. She was a long time Editor of NEJM and got fed up with the lies! Washington politicians sit on their hands and do NOTHING about the great harm that has been done and will be done by the mRNA! They know who feeds them also.

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This is from June 2020?

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Yes ~ actual retraction notice from Lancet is dated 6-05-20.

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Everything is a lie!

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Nothing new. They've played the game over and over for years.

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Thank You Dr. Risch! God Bless You!

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