You should check out La Quinta Columna they have found side interesting things also. Since there’s not such a high demand now we should be able to look at them right? They are intentionally killing people.

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Anyone can fact check this, I'm a crane operator and i did. Its all real.

I'm unvaxxed yet have crap in my blood.

Did my vaxx injured brother in law, 3 moderna, ill on second hurt on third. What we found was disturbing.

Then i did a mate, 2 pfizer no adverse reaction at the time but always sivk since. One word, appalling.

You want the photos Paul you can have them

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I have shedding problems here. Thanks for comment

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That is SCARY! These poor souls are shedding on us! Those who are not jabbed like my bf and I, have started using protocols to protect ourselves! I also have a zeolite spray for metals. And NO FLU JAB!

Pray to your Father for His loving protection! It’s going to get real bumpy the next few years!

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Prayers & supplements & the latest research since the evildoers are hiding everything about protection from us. I can only imagine what the world will look like in 2 or 3 years from now. God knows we were made for time like this, so keep your faith strong!

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Dirty stinking Shedders.

People are shedding toes.

Make them all wear mask.

Round them up and put them in work camps.

They are lepers.

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The jabbed ARE the bio weapon.

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Holy crap

You might be right

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Sadly I agree, totally a weapon.

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Ya think? Lol! Now we have to protect ourselves from them. Literally

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What you said, maybe in jest makes sense. The vaxxed are going to be the never ending story.

The media is trying to discount this.

When they are calling it a conspiracy theory, watch out.


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Nov 16, 2022·edited Nov 16, 2022

I didn’t say it in jest. I meant it and I mean it. As the months go on, you’ll start seeing the ramifications of the jabbed people. You can sue the DOD. And I don’t own a television or deal with ANY msm. It’s an utter joke that people watch it. The joke’s on them.

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Yet they treat unjabbed like lepers . So ironic!

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Time to flip the script.

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Thanks for sharing

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No problems, we're all one and in this together if you want our photos let me know. I watched and read studies from all around the world. Brazil, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, USA and decided to fact check it myself with new equipment theres no hiding it. My brother in laws blod has what ccan only be described as a chip in it and the red blood cells are stacking like rolls of coins. My mate went twice and first time the red blood cells were the same and the second we found a chip thing and a clot or parasite assembling itself





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(My internet is acting up, I will look soon as possible) Appreciate your sharing.

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What method did you use to test your blood? Thank you 🙏🏻

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Live blood analysis using dark field microscopy

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Live blood analysis using dark field microscopy, was about 130.

You need to see someone with newer equipment though

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Interesting. I wonder how they know if what they’re seeing in tge blood is graphene oxide? Is there any other test the average person could do to assess their graphene oxide levels? (A question for you but also for anyone else on here who might know!)

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It looks weird but idk if its Graphene.

The chip looking tging and a clot assembling it self is terrible

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yes, definitely. Hard to even believe. Is there a way to post your pictures?? If more people could test themselves and see their GO levels for themselves a lot of skeptics would come around. I mean...how the *** else would it have gotten there...?!?

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Not sure here. I sent them on the telegram app to a bloke in the UK. Its anonymous, just go into the settings if you're worried and give me your telegram address and I'll send them with a breakdown on what each photo is.

Have examples of the shedding i.e. moderna, pfizer novavacs abd Astrazeneca.

Also both my mate and brother in laws have what can only be described as a chip but who knows.

My mate has a parasite or maybe one of the clits assembling itself in the blood. Trust me this is not an exaggeration

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Curious did u get Covid infection? THAT may be reason and not other jabbed folk.. SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Found in the Human Nucleus


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Had bleeding in menopause after helping elderly vaccinated family member . He had a rough year and I’m here to help my elders. I think I got Covid just before lockdown, no tests were available yet.

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I had covid 6 months before. Checked my blood the first time and had a little moderna shedding and a little covid(his interpretation of what he worked outbover the rollout.

Second test was terrible, much worse, had fibres growing in my blood and some if the red blood cells looked cooked. Pfizer shedding this time, I had to do some rat test, did a little frequency healing and stopoed ivermectin.

Third time I only paid for half an hour and couldn't get much blood done. Heaps of shedding from astra zenica, novavacs, some pfizer but no fibres. You can see the red blood cells being compressed against the shedding though

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How can they see which vaccine it was in simple blood test? Which doc made you pay and encourage energy healing? A naturopath? That whole frequency stuff is new age 🚩... be careful!

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If you are on telegram etc I'll send you the photos?

He had 30years experience and its just what he slowly pieced together on the rollout using his observation and noticing a pattern.

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😢🤯😡 I think this happened to my husband’s blood and subsequent passing. Hurt his immune system which was already compromised by his asthma and getting pneumonia easier. And not able to get enough oxygen to the rest of his body.

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Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022

I'm so sorry, hun. Same here w/r to my husband. Smoker since his teens, talked into one jab of Moderna on May 9 this year by his know-it-all-yet-know-nothing doc, got pneumonia (I did, too) in early August of this year, and dead on Aug 27 at 70 yo - I think he had at least 5, maybe 10, more years in him before that. And, I thought I'd go before him due to my obesity and extreme sedentary lifestyle, lol. The Run-Death-Is-Near (Remdesivir) "treatment" the hospital forced on him during his first visit in mid-Aug I'm sure didn't help matters, only sped his demise during his second hospital visit a week after his first release. Steve Kirsch, and others, have run stats and come up with an average death timeframe of 5 months for most folks after being jabbed - and, the more jabs, the quicker the demise, on average. His substack is free to subscribe to. THIS IS GENOCIDE.

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I am sorry for your loss. I hope you are gathering all of your husbands treatment paperwork. I expect class action lawsuits in the future bc of treatments or non treatments.

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Thank you! Yes, I've already requested and received the paperwork documenting all his "treatments" since and including his May 9 appointment. I haven't garnered the courage needed to look at them yet, but I've got them. And, yes - there will be lawsuits, lawsuits aplenty!!! I don't know that I'll join one, but it's also not out of my mind. I'm sooooo looking forward to when these psychos are forced to face what they've done. As we say here in Wyoming, a good old fashioned hanging party!

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So, almost everyone has died then, right? The vast majority have been programmed to think like preschoolers. The only causes for everything happening must be either the COVID shots per one side or a mutating bug per the other side. No one can be saved.

From what I've been seeing, the vast majority of jabbed don't develop reactions soon after a dose. Something else typically happens between the jab and whatever reactions. They're commonly being shed on by other jabbed, taking another vaccine, taking various drugs, and/or ignoring symptoms.

The spread, shed, and injected versions of the agent trigger thousands of wide-ranging reactions. Almost all the other vaccines trigger hundreds to thousands. Almost all drugs, chronic stress, EMR, and some other things do the same, but the reaction numbers are much lower.

Some doctors treating infected (jabbed/non-jabbed), Long COVID (jabbed/non-jabbed), and injected injured say all their patients have been testing positive for blood clots. These are leading to a small subset of the other problems. Some radiologists have been saying pneumonia diagnoses from this agent are actually tiny blood clots. Some people can clear these while others cannot on their own.

IMO demonic/moronic doctors and nurses have been playing a major role in what's been happening. Rather than treating your husband for blood clots, he apparently was prescribed a drug that damages the kidney and whatever else. Good luck going after the real killers when they're following the gov dictated protocol.

Over the past few months, I've been following various people who were diagnosed with rare and/or aggressive cancers that appeared starting in 2020. Very few have made sense to me. It looks like blood clots have been misdiagnosed and mistreated as cancers. I've come across many cases where people in their 50s and older have been euthanized.

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For the most part my wife and I have been able to avoid contact with the jabbed, however she has a daughter that had a boyfriend who was jabbed. They have a child together and the child spends time with the father. The father was with her daughter for a while after being jabbed but are now separated. I still am worrying about shedding as the wife hugs the daughter when they go home. I can't help but wonder how many will die that are not jabbed just from shedding, if this is happening. I have mentioned this to the wife but don't know if it really has sunk in. May the evil burn in hell if there is such a place or at least be imprisoned for life at the very least.

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It’s nearly impossible to not be around the jabbed. I just beat cancer in August and I’m healthy (59 y/o). We’re having my bf’s family over-all jabbed. I really don’t want this poison anywhere near me. I think self-preservation kicks in at some point. This beats a sci-fi movie.

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Congratulations on beating cancer, you are one of the lucky ones. I know what you mean when you say self-preservation kicks in. I survived hospital covid protocols after developing pneumonia. I was treated and released the first time but because emergency medication screw up, for which they are doing everything they can to coverup their mistake so they can forget about it. I was unable to get the medication I needed. It was not long, and I was back in the same hospital. Because I was coughing too bad to have an MRI done, they put me under and on a ventilator supposedly for one day. A week later I woke up unable to move and so weak I could not even old a toothbrush. I lost a horrible amount of weight from 220lbs down to 169lbs. My wife was told I was going to die, even after coming out of coma they told her to get things in order. I guess I was not dying fast enough as one night I woke up struggling to breath and saw the doctor almost running from me. A nurse asked him twice what you did what did you do as she saw him leaving the room. When a patient is in distress the doctor is supposed to come running to you not away from you. I know he tried to kill me. I heard they get cash incentive for reporting covid infection and even more if the person dies. I tried to get my phone to call my wife by calling to it, both my hands were tied down and could not have used it anyway, only to realize it was not there. I shouted 911 over and over until police showed up. I could see them through several glass walls, but they could not hear me. When they left the doctor came and told me they would not be back, I think the nurses becoming aware kept anything else from happening to me. While in ICU they still told my wife to get things in order as I still was not going to make it. Thank God she was looking out for me as she could see why I was not going to make it; they were letting me die, no water and no food. She said to give me a feed tube, I said yes please still in brain fog and even though they did not think it was a good idea I got one. Slowly and painfully, I began to recover over next months, until I was sent to a rehab hospital to learn to walk again. This was the worst nightmare situation I have ever been in. I and they thought I would be on an oxygen tank for the rest of my life, I still don't breathe very well especially when trying to exert myself but I'm no longer on full time oxygen. We both know of the improper medical treatment for covid patients in hospitals and knowing made it even scarier. I never once, while in hospital either time, test positive for covid but was still treated as if I did. Neither my wife nor I are jabbed, we personally know too many people harmed by the, as you say poison jabs. I tell as many people as I can about the big pharma Rockefeller collusion that changed medicine from healing to only treating symptoms with drugs made from oil that do not heal. It only makes mountains of money for evil immoral people not caring weather people die from toxic drugs and from afflictions not being healed. I say again congratulations on beating cancer may you stay heathy and positive. Good luck in the future.

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Jesus Christ in Heaven! God’s Hand saved you. I have NO DOUBT! And His precious, strong angels. I believe that God worked through your wife-LOVE!

I was in the hospital for 3 days in August and was scared of THE HOSPITAL, not the cancer. The day before I was admitted, I printed out a state Advanced Directive, and I had it notarized: NO vaccines, NO transfusions, NO Remdesivir, NO ventilator!

I understand the feeling of being helpless. I also know the power of PRAYER. I brought my Bible with me.

The monsters in the “medical cartel” will be answering to a force unequalled and supernatural.

Your story and your words really touched my heart and soul. Thank you for sharing that with me, Dennis. May God and His angels guide you, and keep you and your wife protected under His care.

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I’m so sorry for your loss. For future reference zinc + ionophores helps to lesson the length of time and symptoms of pneumonia. It works on many RNA viruses as well: corona, influenza, polio and even Ebola. You can find this info on pubmed by searching zinc + ionophores!! Imagine if everyone knew this we could #BankruptPharma 😉

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John O'Looney Funeral Director discussing how hospitals are bypassing the services of Funeral Homes by delivering babies 6-8 at a time directly to the crematoriums so the hospital itself is listed as the provider of funeral services. This way they are cutting out the embalming and preparation services for open coffins etc and removing the deceased babies from the hospitals covertly, directly to be cremated.

from 15:00 timestamp;


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Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022

I believe he (or possibly another Funeral Director who has spoken out) also mentions that if the hospital records that the baby was stillborn, as opposed to a live birth and subsequent death, they may bypass autopsy. A bit foggy, but I believe this is near what has been suggested - and, of course, the hospital may be "manipulating" that information on a death cert. because, well ... SCIENCE ! (and likely, by "request")

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I understand hospitals get cash incentives to report covid infected patients and even more for reporting covid deaths. I have no problem believing immoral hospital administration would report to their best interest for more money. In a democratic state, I can't remember at the moment which one, a senator told hospitals not to worry if they lost records. I have a feeling we may never truly know the true number of deaths if every does not report what they know. I'm sure if they are bypassing autopsy's they are getting paid well for that lie. May they burn in hell if there is such a place.

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This whole business could be called a death cult, or more specifically a suicide or homicide cult depending on what activities are being engaged in. I know that this was all pre planned but I still find it hard to believe that so many who must know keep perpetuating such evil.

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I too find all of this very hard to believe. Does the technology even exist for nanobots constructing microcircuits in our body. It all sounds like a B rated sci fi movie.

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Apparently it does, given the huge white clots pulled out by embalmers, analyzed as comprising lots of conductive metals and paucity of organic building-block elements. I admit I was skeptical at first, in part because I didn’t know the technology was that advanced. I’m not sure what precise term should be applied, but it is beyond horrific.

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2018 https://youtu.be/6IwZXa6GIgE add this with https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/smart-dust-for-spying-purposes-developed-by-darpa-for-us-military.612114/

Then there’s this https://duckduckgo.com/?q=graphene+oxide+self+assembling&ia=web

If this is what they are allowing us to know just imagine where this tech is now.

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Good lord. I almost didn’t click on your links, but sweet christ! Those are...sobering. How did you become aware of these?? What are good sources for finding more out about GO? TIA.

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Sorry for late reply. How I became aware was Stew Peters show had Karen Kingston on and she mentioned GO, I had seen videos of people that were having seizures or convulsions after taking the jab. The people who has this reaction was also having vertigo, loss of taste/smell and extreme fatigue. I myself had this happen to me back in 2017. My doctor had no clue what was going on. I spent several years going to all kinds of different specialists who had no answers also. So I just put into search graphene oxide medical uses. I use DuckDuckGo search never google. It popped up GO and contrast dye for MRI’s. It just so happens that in 2017 I had my first MRI w/contrast dye. All the ones before never used a contrast dye. Watching those injured from the shot was like watching myself and listening to them talk about how their doctors treated them was the same. I heard the exact diagnosis word for word from my doctor and ALL those “specialists”. Here’s a link to a bunch of links. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=graphene+oxide+studies&ia=web

I’ve lost all faith in the medical field they are not educated they are indoctrinated. No offense to the good doctor who’s page we are on. He is one of the few good ones. He’s open minded and he can admit to mistakes. Hope this helps!!

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Nov 20, 2022·edited Nov 20, 2022

Wow. That list of studies is telling. Study 3 and 4 - ‘GO particles are toxic and damage blood cells as well as lung tissue’....Studies 1 and 2 - ‘We’re excited about studying how to use GO in vaccines’. !!!!


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I have emailed the link to this video to all I can. To see the government here in Canada still pushing this poison on the population tells me that even though the truth is coming out, they only care about the money and killing of the people. If we are hearing of the horrors surrounding babies, I know they know. The government here must be paying funeral homes to keep the number of babies dying or dead under the radar. If so, they have to held accountable for helping keep the dangers secret. I doubt very much that they and the government are not aware of what the dangers and harm this jab is doing. I see how they are making it harder to grow food by making it so there will little fertilizer for the farmers. They are again stealing money for the carbon lie. Never in the history of the carbon tax did any change happen as far as reducing e missions. All it does is drive the cost of everything up. Anyone wanting to see can see it's just another money grab. If the Trudeau government has their way, we will be censored, have our bank accounts frozen and imprisoned for speaking out against what is happening, as happens in North Korea. They also execute people for talking against the government I hear. After seeing the cyborg meat puppet, John Fetterman, as Benny Johnson calls him, get elected in the USA, I'm sure fraudulently, I can't help but wonder if the same thing will happen here in Canada with Trudeau. God help us.

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After over 70 years of growing use, we still do not know with 100% certainty what is in ANY vaccine or exactly what they do to the body. Instead we are told to shut up, trust them without question and blindly accept the ageless lie...safe and effective. That is the perfect marketing ploy for pushing useless and deadly drugs.

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Centralized adverse reporting databases show almost all vaccines trigger hundreds to many thousands of wide-ranging adverse reactions. It's amazing they captured this because the vast majority of the population doesn't know these exist. The doctors, who do know, have been reluctant to submit.

Over the past two years, various people have been encouraging the injured after receiving the COVID shots to submit reports but not for any of the others. So, the data is skewed.

These have been screwing up bodies in some way starting with the first one in the early 1800s. In a Feb 2020, Dr. Larry Palevsky testified about the negative impact prior shots have been having on American children and adults. He didn't check the US adverse reporting database to see it's worse.


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It’s not easy to assess what is seen under the microscope, but it’s not really that hard to figure out, it’s harming people and any real functionality is yet to be proven. They fake it hoping they would make it.

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It’s likely there are multiple experiments ongoing simultaneously monitoring data of the millions of human subjects who’ve exposed to various concoctions of mRNA serums. These lab findings are critical to learning about the depth and breadth of the grand experimental intervention.

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Dr Alexander, I'm so suprised that you're a Doctor who is willing to go that far into the technology aspect of the vax ingredients. There was plenty of damage and inefficacy reported at the medical level, this already was big and devestating. Thank you! you're about the only "leading doctor" who is going that far!!!!I've been aware of the biotech aspect of it since the start. Way back, at the onset of lockdowns a scientist named Celeste warned a handful of followers of the new "nano gel" they were planning on releasing soon. Anyone speaking of this was ready for a tinfoil or strainer hat !. 'want to go deeper in that direction? sensitive souls abstain. I've listened to Karen Kingston interviews lately (also Kingston Report on Rumble. Thank you again to dig into the other demonic dimension of these shots.

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Not only the demonic shot but the evil virus itself!SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Found in the Human Nucleus


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So scientists have asked govt people for explanations and they are being ignored? Wow what ever happened to vaccinated citizens knocking on their front door and telling them what will happen if they don’t do their jobs and review the findings and then speak out honestly about what they see.

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Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022

Honestly, I'm not sure that nanocircuits are really in the jibby jab juice... I've looked at minerals and rocks under the microscope (Geoscientist here), and some of things that have been "identified" by others (not necessarily this scientist, as the article didn't show anything) as being nanocircuits do have a geometric form, but look like tiny crystals to me, and did not have the characteristics I'd expect for tiny electronics thingys. But then, I'm not a tiny electronics thingys expert.

But, what I'm thinking about at the moment is the whitish, stringy "clots" that are being found in bodies - corpses - during embalming and autopsies. The article I linked below mentions fibrin - could these whitish, stringy "clots" be composed of fibrin???

Mike Adams had analyzed one or more of these "clots" and found interesting data - https://naturalnews.com/2022-08-17-elemental-analysis-results-released-vaccine-clot-composition-not-blood-clots.html

Does anyone know if the possibility that these whitish, fibrous "clots" are composed of fibrin has been looked at, and how it was looked at or determined???



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IMO Dr. Robin Wakeling, a New Zealand scientist, had the best explanation on the Pfizer vial contents and jabbed blood. He saw the same structures in an Afluria flu vial.

Part 1: https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/nz-scientist-examines-pfizer-jab-under-the-microscope:6

Part 2: https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/pfizer-injected-blood-under-the-microscope:6

Your side of the shot issue has been programmed to blame everything on COVID shots and mRNA. You all have been programmed to ignore everything that happened before the mid-Dec 2020 rollout. This prevents the narrative repetitively hammered daily into your brains from falling apart.

The spread, shed, and injected versions of this agent trigger many thousands of adverse reactions. They include acute conditions, chronic conditions, and allegedly contagious/infectious diseases. Almost all the prior vaccines trigger hundreds up to many thousands. Almost all drugs, chronic stress, EMR, and some other things do the same, but the reaction numbers are much lower.

Starting in the early 1800s after Americans were pressured into taking the first vaccine existing, rare, and previously non-existent conditions started rising at an alarming rate. Don't look at long-term trend lines just the past two years.

I think the long clots are indeed fibrin. It's supposed to form a meshwork containing various cells to control bleeding. Eventually, the clot is supposed to turn into granulation tissue then into scar tissue. Fibrinolysis is supposed to break down the fibrin to prevent excess accumulation.

IMO the people with the monster blood clots have been overproducing fibrin and not arranging it correctly. They have been underproducing plasmin (an enzyme produced by the liver) or some other factor needed for fibrinolysis. What can cause this? Oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, chronic pain, liver dysfunction, thyroid dysfunction, and auto-antibodies. Maybe some other things.

The agent regardless of form induces oxidative stress. If that's not stopped, it progresses to inflammation. If that's not stopped, it progresses to blood clots and whatever other issues are experienced. A lot of people end up suffering chronic pain from nerve damage or something else.

Many years before 2020 a former neighbor of mine told me he suffered recurring monster blood clots. If I remember correctly, doctors had to remove them from his body every three months. I have no idea how rare or common this was before in the population.

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Let's not say they are stupid, many didn't have access to substacks ..and time to research all this.. lets stay humble cuz guess what, like I've said from very beginning, we unjabbed infected shouldn't boast, we ain't out of woods either.. that should keep us all humble, God isn't smiling upon us and frowning on the jabbed.. we possibly in hot mess if maybe to a lesser degree.. but I ain't celebrating " natural" infection..

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deletedNov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022
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Majority of seniors don't read substack or these silenced voices.. they listen to their own trusted docs n media and that's majority of young too.. didn't help everyone going against the narrative was called anti science n anti vaxx etc no kidding in such confusion they sided with popular opinion of countless docs n scientists round world saying it was safe. That goes with any vax we all took n believed were for best interest. Despite opposing views why didn't majority listen to them but instead we all called them anti vax crazies.. that's the hard facts.. we all listened to vax experts n docs and believed them for decades.. should they in turn mock us n call us stupid and say there was enough evidence for us lazy fools to have known with doing little research? Over decades.. unlike Covid frenzy of mere two years to figure it all out.. let's not condemn .. infected may also be in some danger , time will tell.. it's time for empathy for even those that got jabbed n mocked us.. someone's gotta raise higher.. let that be the unjabbed as we love the jabbed n help them with known Rx. All this ain't there fault .. Covid did not catch God off guard.. this is all proceeding as He allows it.. let's stop blaming mere jabbed people and rightly

put blame on fauci n company is my point .. devil would love to see division amongst fam n friends.. let rise higher !✌️

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Nice people, these jab pushers. So kind. However ... I found the following excerpt and article while flicking through Spectator Australia in response to your post Dr Alsxander:

" ‘I would argue that Covid does kill some of the right people. The anti-vaxxers/maskers are dying in legions,’ tweeted Julie Powell last month. Powell made her name writing a potty-mouthed blog about cooking every recipe in Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking which was made into a film starring Meryl Streep as the much more likeable Childs. Powell is the latest person to vent her spleen on the unvaccinated only to die – in her case, ‘suddenly and unexpectedly’ on 26 October of cardiac arrest aged 49. Was it bad luck? Her recent battle with Covid? A vaccine injury? Or Covid karma for her cruel jibes?

Vaccine zealots attacking the unvaccinated have been a feature of the pandemic. ‘Mocking anti-vaxxers’ deaths is ghoulish, yes – but necessary’, wrote Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Michael Hiltzik in the LA Times in January after the death of Republican Kelly Ernby – an unvaccinated critic of vaccine mandates. Those who ‘deliberately flouted sober medical advice by refusing a vaccine known to reduce the risk of serious disease from the virus, including the risk to others, and end up in the hospital or the grave can be viewed as receiving their just deserts’, Hiltzik moralised. In fact, Ernby died at home of a blood clot while gardening not on a ventilator in hospital but for Hiltzik it didn’t matter, it was a ‘teachable’ moment."

Covid karma’s gonna get ya. Is demonising the unvaccinated a health hazard?


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Any unvaxxed going to the hospital (with covid complications) goes in the "don't give a damn " ward, and the staff will push the Run-death-is-near asap. That's a fact. Also, for this reason, anyone thinking they are way above catching it should at least prepare medication and/or supplements, and make an adjustment in food choices to bypass any hospital visit. My opinion.

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I agree with you. I was reading about the Australian billionaire mining magnate and anti-vaxxer politician Clive Palmer. He is a huge man like Chris Christie and he caught the Delta variant and developed pneumonia and went to hospital. It was thought that he was going to die. Upon arrival at the hospital he was told they were admitting him immediately and were going to place him on a ventilator. He responded "That won't be happening" and left. He got the doctors who treated Trump in as consultants so his usual doctors could videoconference with them. After treatment with ivermectin, and no remdesivir, he made a rapid recovery.

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To find Unredacted Pfizer Vaccines Contracts : https://www.citizen.org/article/pfizers-power/

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WOW! Thank you for sharing this!

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I think I watched a video that the doctor showed Maria Zeee on her channel, and it looked so crazy, little arms assembling things!

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Makiah Freeman wrote about this in her blog The Freedom Articles a long time ago, based on research by a European doctor. But of course the doctor was “discredited”. I’m glad something positive has been done to fight the narrative in Australia. I was horrified by the totalitarian controls enacted there.


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This is an outstanding summary.

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This needs to be explored more deeply, and it will be. The whole C0v!d PsyOp lie does not go far, because reality is our strongest ally.

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