Look, everyone here knows this. 15 percent of the populace is on SSRIs and 20 percent on psych drugs. SSRIs are the root of these trends. Would this be a thing without them? I doubt it.

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And there was just a solid studied released that showed the SSRI theory doesn’t hold water. Increase Vitamin D3 intake and Omega-3.

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Eat more animal based products (I'm not carnivore, but that should work), no refined carbs/sugar, and no seed oils. That's what I did during covid lockdown as I made all from scratch and my state didn't really lockdown. Felt great! having some problems keeping it up, but doing better.

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Did the same starting a bit before 2020

Feeling great

60 no meds and moving around fine. Would like to do some labs soon but refuse to step in or near a hospital or health clinic.

Their just there to get you jabbed up or hopped up on nasty meds!

Did keto for a couple years and then decided to try carni

Saw Dr Shawn Baker in Rogans podcast and decided to give it a go 🥩


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The infamous Joe Rogan / Shawn Baker episode. Did it for me too! 🥩 heals!

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Same as far as my approach to Covid/lockdowns. Actually have been carnivore for going on four (4) years and it’s honestly been a lifesaver.

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Coincidentally, I noticed a lessening of depression after I started taking 4000 IU of D3 with K2 to protect against COVID.

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... and the vaxxed shedding spike proteins.

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...and B6

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Just read up on lithium supplements for bi polar especially manic... i take a micro dose nightly and it works well for anxiety.

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It's right there in the inserts, "...Homicidal and Suicidal ideation...".

What percentage of our Mass Shooters were on these Psych meds? Weren't Kleebold and Harris patients of Dr. Louis Jollyn "Jolly" West?

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You raise a very good point. I wonder if there are “blue whales” working to encourage potential mass shooters? I’d bet $1,000 there are.

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LOL they're called FBI.

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Mass shooters are usually suicidal. I wouldn’t put anything past the FBI.

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yes I would agree

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Yes, I think Harris' prescriptions were changed -- I want to say his Luvox was doubled? -- three days before the shooting. I went back to re-visit this and discovered that so much of the SSRI evidence and debate that I remember from the Columbine era has been scrubbed off the internet.

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Check out amidwesterndoctor.substack.com. He has a series of articles on side effects of SSRI's

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I suspect mass shooters have minders --- agents --- they are identified by doctors as easily influenced... jammed full of drugs and coaxed into opening fire

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Like the Unibomber???

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Also wouldn't be surprising if they are starting to use avatars. Robot humans, with Hollywood masking etc. with video gaming target potential. How else do you get a right on target shot 100% of the time. Dry runs for " managing " the population by the gov agencies. Asshole murderers is what they are.

That is why it takes the " police " an hour to get them out of the school etc. and no one ever sees or examines the dead killers body etc. They have actor/actress stand in parent(s) or acquaintance. It is almost getting old the story and it's slight variations.

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I’ve always believed that. But don’t discount MK Ultra program! They can be programmed and given a trigger, which can cause killer behavior!

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SSRI's ruined my life in every way possible. Angry and bitter to this day.

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Benzodiazepines here. I'm with you.

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Check out FLCCC Autophagy Protocol for some ideas to pursue https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols/i-recover/

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I’m sorry that happened. I have the opposite experience. A mild dose ssri pulled me out of depressive thought habits because I felt better. Got off them eventually and have stayed clear of depression. Perhaps these powerful drugs need to be used more cautiously, and certainly the downsides have not been adequately studied.

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Have you tried a naturopathic dr? If you can find one that takes insurance. They migh5 be able to help. Or a cardiologist that understands and treats Dysautonomia. Good luck. Keep trying.

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It's the wasted years. No naturopath will get them back. Pushing 50. Been in the mental system since I was barely an adult. Managed to escape 5 years ago and successfully tapered off. But it's too late for life.

25 years and nothing to show for it. I obeyed the doctors implicitly and they did nothing but lie and lie and lie while poisoning and gaslighting me. Warning my parents about how crazy "my brain disease" was making me. Never their precious drugs.

I sincerely hope they die from the clot shot very soon. The only justice I can hope for. Happiness and love are impossible for me now.

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I'm sorry this happened to you, but it is never too late to live the rest of your life. you have the rest of your life to live. 50 is not too late for life, as long as you now have your health.

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Thanks, but I wanted a family. I could have had one if my doctor hadn't lied. Huge disappointment and I will always be lonely. No hope.

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So sorry. It’s just absolutely disgusting these psychiatrists. Going through this right now with a loved one. 7 years so far. He keeps going off meds cold turkey. Took us five years to find Dr. Peter Breggin and learning about the addictive ness to the brain of these psych meds. Psychiatrists never inform people of this. Just read Peter Gotsche’s book too that was published this year.

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find a good woman with kids and dedicate your life to the pursuit

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I’m so sorry you had to go through this. I’ve been out of work for 40 years, family always telling me I was mental, nuts, etc. Finally I was properly diagnosed with Dysautonomia. It’s been a rough road and I’m kind of glad I’m old and it will soon end. But I exercise daily, eat right and take fistfuls of vitamins along with Amotryptoline(can’t spell). And I know I’m not and n3ver was crazy! I feel you. With two masters degrees I spent my life surviving. Never too late for some kind of life. Good luck.💙

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The soul doesn't die. You have eternity ahead of you. Live well and prosper.

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Nov 29, 2022·edited Nov 30, 2022

50 is young.

Fight this problem.

There are tricks you can try to put yourself in a better state.

Such as choose some healthy thing you like and force yourself to do it every day. It can be --- making your bed --- each time you see it throughout the day it will give you a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment because you overcame and were able to do it. Also gives a visual sense of order and aesthetics.

Just thought of another idea ;everyday pick a wildflower or some object of beauty, depending on where you live and put it in a vase with water or on display. You can regard it with satisfaction throughout the day. It is an accomplishment. It can be as simple as a stone or layered rock or a shell or a leaf fallen from a tree in the fall ( you can do the thing where you sandwich it between wax paper and go over it with an iron - cloth on top first of course - to preserve it. Choose something of interest or that gives you an oz of lift.

If you feel better after a walk, force yourself to go for a walk everyday. If you are not in chronic pain all day, be glad that you are not. Others are.


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The latest clinical evidence is that SSRI's do not do anything good and indeed cause great harm to the patients and society. But again make a lot of money for Big Pharma.

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How did doctors come to give up their integrity, independence, and their practice built up over many years? Now people will increasingly seek alternate forms of health management, only going to a doctor in a crisis. It'll take decades to rebuild that trust. This coming collapse of medicine as a real career was done by doctors themselves. In 10 years most doctors will be bureaucrats serving Big Pharma. Maybe a similar dystopian unraveling is happening in other professions.

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A pill is as good as the dr prescribing it

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The brain chemical imbalance montra is no different than the six foot social distancing rule. Both were completely made up and sold to Doctors who sold it to the public.

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Yes! I read this study too. Spot on.

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and many of the mass shooters in our country were on big pharma mind altering psychotropic drugs

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I doubt trans surgery is helping prevent suicides and you used your substack to advertise the services of a trans surgeon.

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Can you provide proof, dear bot?

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I am not a bot. Enjoy your 'top' surgery with link above.

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I just went and read the comments on that substack. It is fairly obvious in the comments that Yoho is not in agreement with the plastic surgeon he interviewed. I did not listen to the interview; it would have angered me.

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just found it. Not sure I want to listen.

It could ruin my day. I seem to be vulnerable to some information, as stated above (50 year old murder case) ugh.

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Uhhh, bruham, that's on a different substack.

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Yes the substack of the commentor that I replied to.

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Nov 29, 2022·edited Nov 29, 2022

No. I come from New Zealand where we have historically suffered very high young male suicide rates which has been exacerbated by unhinged political manipulations post Plandemic. SSRI are not really a major factor there.

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I'm Canadian. It shocks me how similar Canada, Oz, and NZ have been in our surrender to the jab fascists. I suspect suicide levels are similar as well. I've lived in Thailand for 15+ years & I really don't recognize Canada any more. Plus all 3 are very 'left', and atheist, which encourage the normalizing of horrific dysphoric thinking.

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There is such a spirit of cynical exploitation behind everything that big pharma and the AMA produces. They are a bunch of Satanic murdering cucks. I recommend pot. How many drugs do you not need if you've got the one drug that you do need? Smoke it, eat it, stick it in a stew. It's not killing you like psych meds or fucking beta blockers is it? No it ain't. The government that wants to kill you forbids it for a reason. Because it's good for you.

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Psych meds also cause weight gain, and sexual dysfunction, dulls emotions, lethargy, etc…so many side effects. And they are addictive to the brain. Most evil meds ever. Can’t stop them cold turkey. Withdrawals are anxiety, agitation, irritation, restlessness, insomnia, etc. And no detox facilities for them. Have to very slowly taper off of them. Takes months to years. Books by Dr. Peter Breggin and Peter Gotzsche on psych meds and how to safely taper off of them. Other books to read are: ANATOMY OF AN EPIDEMIC & MAD IN AMERICA by Robert Whitaker.

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I would like to respectfully disagree with you.

I think there is a lot of awfulness in the world right now and a lot of pressure has been put on kids especially over the past few years.

I think that SSRIs are just a way of monetising that sadness and getting a profit from it not that SSRIs are causing it.

But I don't know, it is just my thought process.,

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Forgot to add, my local council was proud of this -


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Odd timing for me as I was perusing UK COVID campaigns just yesterday. They are dark and dystopian and absolutely despicable.

All best.

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I knew you were looking so I posted these for you to see!! (Only joking)

I only found out about this particular campaign after a friend's 11 year old asked me "if Nanny H dies, is it my fault for going out?"

And these bastards wonder why kids are getting depressed.

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They don't care if children suffer; it's horrendous. Insurrection.

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I would agree.

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Easy to say this, but people with mental issues self-select into taking SSRIs. There's a chicken-egg problem with this analysis.

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People are not educated about psych meds. Just like waxxines… NO TRUE INFORMED CONSENT of the harms they can cause. People are not told before starting them how they are addictive to the brain. Complicated to stop them, especially abruptly.

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Wonder if the bright minds in psychiatry, psychology and social work realize that by active pursuing/supporting this option they are eliminating the need for their very profession?

Those who think suicide is a viable option will choose to do it and those who feel it is a sin will avoid the very professions supporting it. Either way the population who pursue psychological treatments will shrink, probably substantially.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

OMG!!! I had no idea about the blue whale symbol.....how horrific.....

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I heard about it before and was SO put off by the sleek video with a blue whale

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I found that video extremely hard to watch. Having lost several family members to suicide I am appalled that a company would seek to profit from this kind of death which goes far beyond just the person who took their own life. It irreparably damages the family forever. Losing someone to suicide is not something you recover from. Ever.

What is happening in Canada is evil in its purest form especially now that they are openly targeting children in so many ways--forced Covid shots, genital mutilation, abortion, and now seeking to euthanize them as if they are injured dogs. In fact, I suspect injured dogs in Canada get better care than depressed overmedicated children.

I'm not sure what the solution to this is for Canadian parents other than getting your child out of the current government educational/indoctrination system, getting them off social media and away from technology, and raising them in a holistic, natural environment with homeschooling, producing your own food, natural meds, no vaccines etc...and keeping them far away from the current socialized medical system.

I am an adult, and this is how I try to live my life but believe me, it takes lots of sacrifice and work. You lose friends. You lose conveniences. You learn to be away from people and society more. Your life becomes a parallel to the world around you. You see it everyday but you are no longer part of it. This is not easy for young people. Sadly, I don't believe many people/parents are willing or able to live in this somewhat agrarian manner and children will continue to suffer. Maybe one day, there will be actual parallel societies and communities in existence. That is where I'll want to be.

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Video made my skin crawl. The people glorifying this stuff are absolute demonic sickos.

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I fear satanism will be mainstream across the West in a decade. I listen to East European music a fair bit (Hauser, Dragojevic, et al), and people need such soul-restoring input. The West has fallen off a cliff culturally, it's dying. All this dystopian decline are symptoms of that.

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I don't disagree at all.

Covid revealed the truth of how our government and civil society operate. Any allegiance to truth or remaining moral authority was drained from the body politic long ago but it's only the past 3 years I've come to see it.

It led me to reject atheism and recommit myself to Jesus Christ and the God of the Bible. I know which side I'm on now––it's not The Science or political parties.

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Nov 29, 2022·edited Nov 29, 2022

Hear you loud and clear. Taking the rainbow and making it a symbol of evil to symbolize abomination wasn't enough. Now, evil is using peaceful animals of the deep to symbolize evil, too!!! REVOLTING, LOATHSOME AND ABSOLUTELY SATANIC.

Eugenics began in the UK and travelled here before going to Eastern EU with Hitler and the Germans providing the Nazi Death Ideology. The rise of the 'Culture of Death' that began with Roe vs. Wade in the 70's leading to the recent 'Assisted Suicide on Demand' gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, "What goes around comes around." Had no clue where the 'Baby Murder in the Womb' began or who suggested and fought for it until the modern time but did know 'Assisted Suicide' would enter the mental fray in time.

The 'Greatest Generation' thought they had won WW2 and saved the planet. They didn't KNOW about the survival of 'The Death Culture' in their time and perhaps, that was a mercy from God as that horrific war cost the whole Global society dearly. This is what we get for not holding the EVIL financing both sides of WW2 accountable and allowing the UK/U.S. Nazis to bring the German Nazi's here to North America after WW2. AGAIN, WE MUST FIGHT.

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🙌 --- I can only imagine my Dad, his friends, other relatives, and people in society in general, from that generation, being so distraught from what has become of our world. --- I saw a video of a WWII vet earlier this year at a celebration of some sort, crying because of what was going on at that point. I cried, because I felt so bad for how he felt.

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😢 heartbreaking

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That's why every single war is totally useless! And definitely totally useless for the cannon fodder average joe because he will stay under tyranny even if he wins or lose. He fights for the rulers not for the average people.

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As my Dad would have said, "It's Hell on wheels."

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When Rahm Emmanuel was mayor of Chicago, when Obummer was in power, he said everybody over 75 shoukd be dead because they were useless. Well, here we are! I’m 78!

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I believe that was his brother Ezekiel Emanuel who said that.

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Yes and their father was an israeli terrorist, a grinning gurning, racist murdering fanatic in the Irgun.

Reminds me of Chrystia Freeland actually: same archaic family hatreds made modern, seemingly.

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Actually it was Ezekiel Emmanuel, Rahm’s brother, who was one of the architects of Obamacare. Vile people. I take solace in that God will deal with them.

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Ezekiel Emmanuel is more known for this gift to humanity…

…the “Complete Lives System”

Where infants value hasn’t been established yet by “collective” money and therefore, along with worn out useless non-productive humans, they are provided limits resources for healthcare and encouraged to die quickly, for the common good, or be slowly squeezed to death by the altruistic State…

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Zeke Emmanuel is one of Biden’s Covid advisors.

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Nov 29, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022

Advisor on how to murder people. Just like the Nazi Doctors.

We need to spread the word that this is what they are doing like Dr. Mengele ( Fraudci ) that he is trying to exit stage left and probably run and defend from behind the scenes.

$ 100 says he gets a very secluded get away with one way in and one way out with a big gate and lots of guards. That means we need some pissed off landscapers, chefs, housekeepers or visiting contractors to "interview " him under duress.

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This sounds like the script of a Hollywood movie but seems strangely appropriate for where we have reached. I'm imagining there will be no end of takers for one of those visiting 'jobs' in the compound. Who knows, maybe someone with a sh*t ton of $$$ will seek revenge for the destruction of a loved one or child and we will see mysterious 'cleaning up' start happening.

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I enjoy your not useless comments

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He is an arrogent insipid Libtard. He has an evil brother also.

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Thank you, Francis Galton was unknown to me until you mentioned the English origin of the word (the principle of it having been enacted across the universe from the beginning of time of course.) A half cousin of Darwin, inspired by his discoveries and of course the simple idea that if animals were bred to produce stronger, more productive beasts, why should men and women not choose to do the same?

An agnostic or atheist, obviously.

For many years grants were given to scientists to find the autistic genes, and the hope clearly was that this would enable abortion, saving governments many millions in benefits, as with Down Syndrome. I was pressurised to take a Down Syndrome identifying blood test, then pressurised again (I refused) to have a needle inserted into the amniotic sac to check, a procedure more likely to abort the baby than the likelihood of Downs. By the second pregnancy I refused all procedures including scans, because I realised the point of them.

This law in Canada would enable the deaths of many autistic children, who have high likelihood of suicide in any event, getting round the failure to find the autistic gene. Anxious children will be very easily persuaded to death. That this is being brought in by Trudeau, the jab fanatic, adds weight to the claims that the jabs are about depopulation.

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I refused the tests, too. I just said it would not change the course of the pregnancy...besides, I know too many folks with Downs. We need them

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One of the main concerns with Down's is possible heart problems.

Whilst scary sounding, they can easily be monitored and if needed treated today.

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Most also don’t realize that Charles Darwin promoted white supremacy & eugenics in his book, “The Descent of Man” (1871) Hitler was apparently an avid fan of this diabolical man’s writings. According to some accounts, Darwin’s young daughter died & he became very bitter toward God.

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I’m sorry but the Nazi’s are not the ones pushing the trans stuff. They are not sexualizing children. They are not pushing the COVID shots. They are not pushing this suicide.

Nazi’s have zero power. You are mad at the wrong people.

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There's a lot to respond to and I won't respond to everything. I will say that the Nuremberg Trials were a complete joke. Muh holocost was a complete joke. It wasn't even called that until the 1970's.

Our schools are and have been indoctrination factories. For a lot longer than most people realize or are willing to accept. I was indoctrinated, you probably were too. The world is upside down. What you were "taught" is upside down. None of it is real. I don't want to do this whole thing on Igor's platform, so I'll keep it at that. There are sacred cows that cannot be kicked.

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Wait, what evil uses the rainbow as a symbol? I missed that one.

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Oh right, i call it the BLTs

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You forgot &πβ&√ ...

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Oops! Thanks! 😏

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The LGBTQ rainbow has only 6 colors

GOD’s rainbow has 7.

Interestingly, in numerology, the number 6 is for man, the number 7 is for God.

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666 is the number of a man. 6 is the day Man was created. Three times repeated as though Man were triune like God.

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Interesting, I hadn't heard that before. Yes, six falls short.


Gilbert Baker's first flag had eight colors -- trying to do Nature one better? Or to compete with Easter (eighth day)?


No mention of the rainbow as a symbol of God's covenant with Noah and every living creature for all future generations that "the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh." No matter the iniquity, sin was going to be dealt with in new way.

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I noticed it in the video and wondered what it was about, but figured it was a trademark image for the company (about which I know nothing). I can't express how horrific I find this. I thought the video was ghastly enough but this adds a dimension that is almost unbearable to contemplate.

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Me, too..... uugh... I went to Simon's once, in Quebec City and bought a reusable bag that I will be throwing out....not even going to donate it.....I don't want Simon's to get free publicity from that.....

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Is it a clothing store?

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yes, a dept store..

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Sadly, this could make people (people are stupid) want to destroy real blue whales, because of what "they stand for." What we need is more people wanting whales (real ones) dead.

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Nope. I don't blame the whale. Not its fault how people abuse it symbolically.

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I hope you meant what we DON’T need is more people wanting real whales dead. Or is it sarcasm.

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Only white whales like Moby Dick because of their white privilege. Blue whales are victims. Does that clear things up for ya? 😉

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Captain Ahab was an SJW? That explains his unhinged behavior.

Worth noting, Ahab never killed Moby Dick. Just tying himself to the whale so he got dragged under and drowned.

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I hope so too!

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So you’re worried about the whales, not the kids.

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Even illuminati groups on instagram which you can join, it seems instagram has no conscience or breaks...joe pedesta, elephant etc also had a site on insta... complete with all the code names they are using. O yes, and the artists with their pronouns as well. This is indeed horrific.

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It's like every day I learn some horrific thing mentally ill people on the internet came up with.

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They tried to take us out with the spike protein injections, now they're trying this. Man, a guy just can't catch a break in 2022. But if we survived the next level global totalitarian psy-ops of 2020-2022 we can survive anything. I ain't afraid of no Schwabs.

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That's the spirit. A major tool of these bastards is Demoralization.

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They use obvious over-the-top lies. Nothing demoralizes like the authorities stating blatant falsehoods and everyone nods along with it. Best example: the White House press person said the illegal alien crisis is a problem created by the GOP. Yet everyone knows the wide-open border, 10 million illegals this year, being bussed across the country to small towns. And she went on with even crazier elaborations. This is a kind of existential lying that compromises even the concept of truth. Sit back & laugh at such cynical upside-downism. Then calmly unpack it chapter & verse. Laugh at these minions.

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I cross post memes. That's very powerful

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Very good! Demoralization a strong topol of these psychos

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Yeah, honestly, I read this and was just, for fuck's sake can we stop with the insanity, for like, a mere day?

Life: Nope.

But I agree. SOME of us are only getting stronger, and clearer eyed about how to fight, with every next lunacy.

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What doesn't break you, makes you stronger.

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Schwab may have a demon. God is greater & I shall live to see the demise of this evil male & his ilk. His power & $$$ shall come to naught & will not save his wretched soul filled with self- will if he does not come to repentance.

Repentance is a beautiful thing.

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He'll spend eternity as an anal Schwab...

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

This really seems to me like there is a Satanic plan going on.

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You know, I am resisting this conclusion, but it also looks like that to me

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It's all out the open now. Look at Balenciaga and the girl who was behind styling little children in pedophilic situations in their ads. Her Instagram is nothing but open pedophilia, BDSM with children, child rape, child abduction, Satan and Luciferian worship. It's all right there out in the open with countless well-known people in fashion cheering her posts.

The rot is deep and at this point, I believe there are far more people who have given themselves over the Satan than we could ever know and the majority of them are in positions of power. They are no longer hiding who and what they are.

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Just 3 generations of aggressive atheism did this. 4 generations of repressive Soviet atheism didn't destroy Russian faith, but in the West it has.

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We don't currently have to dig very deep for further confirmation. This horror show from Balenciaga is telling in and of itself.

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Utilitarianism is satanic.

Satanism always moves to child sacrifice.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I would be wary of opening the door to suicide exceptions - i.e., painful cancer. In that event, hospice will help you all the way and by continuing to administer drugs to match your pain your body will shut down on its own without you having to sign up for a death pod. ;) Not that it's perfect but if we want to avoid all pain in life we'd best not be born - which puts us back to the death cult at the beginning of life.

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absolutely correct. I have lost a few friends to cancer (heartbreaking) but their last days were comforting for them, no anxiety or fear.

This is an entirely different matter and it is heart wrenching

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As someone who has lost family to suicide, I fully agree. Suicide leaves a trail of tears for family and friends that NEVER eases. Trust me. Never. Hospice at home or elsewhere where the family can help transition the person to the next realm doesn't leave the family with the never ending pain of why?! Why did he do this? Why didn't I stop this? Why didn't I notice his depression? etc... Those questions never go away and often metastasize over time leaving family, friends and loved ones as depressed as the person who took their life.

Unpopular opinion, but suicide is fundamentally a selfish act when you think about it as the person taking their own life is only acting on behalf of the self, often without regard for those left behind.

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I'm so sorry ... life can be so doggone painful... as I read your comment I was only thinking of my own self departed family members... but then I started thinking of friends/acquaintances .... I know about 4 times as many who suicided vs covided... we have a pandemic of sorrow and despair. It seems covid has been used to kill compassion, and as our humanity gets stripped away, what happens to our mentally fragile? .......Yes, it does feel very selfish. While a person close to me was going through hard times that's exactly what I told them - that they certainly have the power to take their life, but look at me and know that you, while thinking only of yourself, will be hurting me for the rest of my life, me and all those who love you... that your current suffering may very well be short lived but you would condemn the rest of us to lifetime of sorrow. I asked them to think of that every time they were tempted.... that person is still walking the earth, thankfully.... but in that moment when things are so so dark, I don't know that they can even think, more like a spirit of darkness consumes their minds...and then as you said, we are left with the why why why?..... it's just very very sad ..... I was happy to see depression being more openly talked about these past years as I thought it would make people feel less stigmatized, more accepted and willing to talk or get help.. but now it seems like we're going toward craziness where anyone who has admitted to depression will be on the "useless" list and encouraged to become compost -- Oregon-isticly. The only weapon I think we have against this death culture is Truth, Light and Love handed out with touch, smiles and laughter.

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Bravo. I couldn't agree more.

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It's the act of a deluded self that wants to escape the apparent (false) certainty of life being utterly futile & without value. Those false beliefs are what satanic practises are all about: to destroy from the inside out.

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Imagine for instance your family don't give a shit and you have literally no-one.

No hope, no future.

And the same family expressed serious disapppointment that your prior major suicide attempt only resulted in a fractured spine.

Would you still feel that way?

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That's horrible. I suppose my comment doesn't apply to someone taking their life who essentially has no family as I am speaking as a family member who very much loved the people I lost to suicide. I can only speak from experience. The people I lost had families who loved and cared for them including their own children. I can't begin to understand their pain or why they did it and I don't ever expect to but then again they can never understand the pain of those left behind.

I hope the person your are referencing here finds love and happiness away from their uncaring family. Love doesn't always come from blood sadly and sometimes we have to create our own "found" families.

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I am talking about myself, sorry I didn't explain that too well.

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Very sorry to read this.

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Yes Sadie! Let the soul and physical body separate naturally in death. Suicide is not natural.

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It's not - but I do admit that I can't relate to the mental depths of dark despair that overtake the severely depressed. I feel only sorrow for them. Promoting this as if it were just like going for a walk on the beach is angering me. Do I have to grab the kids and stash them in a cave? Every day it seems there is something else they need to be protected from. Perhaps I'll move to the global south where there are more things to harm the body but maybe less to harm the soul. (insert "gone crazy" emoji here)

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I would accept being euthanised today if I could but live in the UK.

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I don't know your situation but I will pray for you. I hope you are able to find some joy in this life and not despair.

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Thank you so much for your comment, Sadie🌹🌻🌸

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Thank you, Igor, for presenting this difficult topic. As we know, the idea of population reduction is rampant among a certain class of people steeped in eugenics. This idea has been pushed into the mainstream by slowly moving the Overton window. It's now up to us to take a stand on this monstrous movement.

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Nov 29, 2022·edited Nov 29, 2022

more like targeted.

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source: satan

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There you go. His long century.

Too long, I say

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look into the plague in 1400s ... these things have been going on forever.

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Thank you! I was going to write about China's history and I will definitely link to your posts.

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I never knew. Thank you so much for sharing this tragic and frightening information.

Kids are so vulnerable. This is really heartbreaking. I think more people need to know about this. I am certainly shocked and horrified.

Now more than ever, kids are enduring abuse and neglect.

thank you Igor for sharing.

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Demonic: Canadian Retailer Simons Promotes Assisted Suicide In New Ad Campaign


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I was going to post a link to this story. You beat me to it.

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This is simply more of the same from the left.

Ask a teenager today and they are being taught that they will grow old in a world where the leading cause of death is the climate. Seriously, they are no longer being taught that there will be a future and the only thing they learn about the past is that they are oppressors. They are being taught to believe the world will only improve by their deaths and the deaths of millions of others because their existence is "killing the planet".

They aren't even bright enough to realize that those saying such things have no intention of reducing the population by killing themselves, only that "others" must die so they can live "a better life".

If you don't believe it possible this is happening just look back a little over a year ago when the left largely came out and advocated for the unvaccinated to be denied medical care. Not just care if they became infected covid but any medical care. Get hit by a bus, show up at the ER and you don't have a vaccine card they would be perfectly fine with wheeling you into a corner to die.

The left cares nothing for you and would prefer you just go quietly into the night, when they really move for population control openly, they are going to find it really inconvenient that they gave up their guns because they will be the first to be visited for depopulation.

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Culture of Death

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Yes, any group of people who plant their flag on maintaining the continued abortion of babies for votes as certainly guilty of being a culture of death.

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Perhaps the worst thing, of a very bad lot, about the total narrative control by the left (which just a giant useful idiot factory), is what the have done to completely demolish any type of good education. The results are tragic but predictable.

What is also scary is the sheer evil genius they are employing with all of this.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

This is beyond sick.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The internet has become such a terrible influence on the more vulnerable of people. It’s been a force multiplier for the most evil among us.

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W … I … T … A … F … ?!!!

Don’t forget—“Soylent Green” is set in 2022. I referenced thanatoriums and “the decision to end one’s life of artificially induced despondency under the government’s aegis” in my third essay back in June 2021:

• “Dr. Mengelfauci: Pinocchio, Puppeteer, or Both?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dr-mengelfauci-pinocchio-puppeteer)

Jacques Attali has been predicting that “Euthanasia will be one of the essential instruments of our future societies in all cases” for decades. See the extensive quotes I compiled from his 1981 Michel Salomon interview in this piece:

• “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier)

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Even in dystopian books like "This Perfect Day" by Ira Levin, which was first published in 1970, when people reach a certain age they are euthanased - and are OK with it! :-\

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Thank you for reminding me about that story, Robyn! It’s in my audiobook library, but I haven’t had a chance to listen to it yet.

“Logan’s Run,” predicted it, too.

The Malthusian-modeling philanthropaths (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams) have been trying to normalize euthanasia for ages.

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And yet where do we find euthanasia in any other lifeforms? OK, sure, some male spiders and octopuses let themselves get eaten after mating...but lifeforms otherwise deliberately popping themselves off in an untimely fashion is pretty well unheard of!

Sometimes Sci-Fi or just plain old fiction should remain exactly as that, not become a new 'reality' (or more likely, a 'dystopia'...). And yet humans just love to imagine it, don't they?! Humans are a weird bunch of lifeforms, that's all I can say!

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Romans 1 - “professing themselves wise, they became fools”

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I wonder how Attali feels about it now?

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I notice he hasn’t offed himself, even though he’s well past the 60/65-year point at which he said people cost more to society than they provide 🤔

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Perhaps the ol’ ...for thee, but not for me routine ;)

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We just watched Soylent Green again and saw that it was set in 2022! Looking forward to reading your essay on this.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Every soul is valuable, in ways simply not measurable by a corporate standard tied to profit by which every facet of life seems to run. When I taught at a quasi ivy league school, signs were up in common areas to ‘take control of your life’, make plans. But these slogans were tied to certain types of success. Parents sometimes reinforce this by overvaluing certain careers. Young people are often lost, because the world today is not giving them a chance to achieve much but ‘scraping by.’

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Yes, this is the angle--how are you USEFUL? Just like menu trees have delimited the available choices, I'm sure there will soon (CBDC-tied) be an approved list of ways a person can be 'benefitting-the-collective' officially USEFUL. And if they cannot check one or more of those appropriate boxes, well....why are you taking up air, space, energy resources, land, food?

Just like reading--it is not enough to be entertained by it, are you LEARNING EMPATHY from it?

Like math--are you enjoying the beauty of equations, or is that self-indulgent because you are not using them to SAVE THE PLANET.

I used to teach too, at a safety school. I think I'd be better than ever at teaching "Critical Thinking" lol, but of course, they only want jabbed instructors. Because they are so diverse and inclusive.

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True. those ‘jabbed instructors’ already proved they are obedient slaves. They are safe to hire to make sure no one ever thinks the wrong thoughts. I don’t teach anymore... the short version is I was not pc. I’m sure the parents shelling out 50k a year liked me but the ‘catholic university’ did not.

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Worse than that say you comforted a grieving person for an hour would that be worth nothing but making money on dodgy trades on Bitcoin for hour be worth everything?

What is really important?

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A very sensible post. Well done here, Igor.

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PS: I've just tweeted the link. I have very few followers but some of them have a broader reach.

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