and the relentless push on the radio is a "news story" framed as a cheerful conversation between the female and male trusted radio voices about the overwhelmed pediatric ER departments, followed by a strong urging to get your bivalent booster and also there is a disturbing "low uptake" in children being vaxxed and boosted (implication being that if more people would jab their children, then fewer children would be sick right now). And then follow that "news story" with a Pfizer ad.

The messaging really is constant and total propaganda BS.

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And the kicker is that our tax dollars are in every way paying for them to propagandize to us.

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A major BS campaign. But how else can big pharma market their junk if they don't lie?

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surprised that they haven’t already started advertising the RSV injections… this is becoming too predictable 🤡

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CVS sent my daughter an invite to participate in an mRNA flu vaccine trial. I am so upset. This medical experimentation on young people is just beyond evil.

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Soon? Three are supposedly in trials.

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Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022

there was a song waaay back in the 60s called "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?". The same line ended every verse and the song itself... "When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn....."

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So prophetic! And, it won’t be global warming that gets them. 💔

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Still like the Searcher's version the best.

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I first heard the Kingston Trio recording in '62 or '63 I believe, I was just a kid but it moved me even then and made a big impression. Pete Seeger's tune was covered by many others after of course, Peter, Paul & Mary, the Searchers, others as well. Certainly rings true today doesn't it

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Amazing that people survived before vaccines. Maybe it was because their immune systems knew how to keep them alive.

There is no solid scientific based evidence that shows vaccines are a better choice. Just the opposite...your body dislikes foreign substances and poisons interrupting its logical functions.

All drugs are abnormal substances and this is why they result in mild to severe reactions. Normal substances like food food and water generally do not invoke such reactions.

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What about the annual flu shot? I’ve read so many views to stay away from that one too.

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Warning I’m vax injured 1 Pfizer, months later I was convinced the flu shot was same as previously- result Wes the adverse Pfizer problems ramped up- never again.

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Why would anyone need a seasonal flu shot since that has virtually disappeared over the last 2 years?

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In the past two days it has been reported that so far this season there has been 1,600 deaths. Plus hospitals are becoming over whelmed.

I’ve always gotten the shot but speculation is that it also contains some amount of the Covid vaccine. Basically, I no longer have faith in the CDC or the FDA. Or for that matter, the White House.

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And for good reason!

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As far as the vaccines, I haven’t got any. I have PAD (peripheral artery disease)and the vaccine could cause blood clots. Not taking a chance. Plus I had Covid-19.

Every year they come out with the flu shot and the strain being injected into us is not the strain of flu circulating that year. I’m just done with all of it.

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Thank you for speaking truth to these false narratives.

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Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022

Moms used to know this. Those who over-protected their babies had several years of early elementary school illness ahead of them. It happened to my SIL’s kid. She kept him too sterile as a baby.

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I pity the fool who seeks enlightenment from main stream media.

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Doctor Paul? You touched mine and my husbands heart. Then inflamed it with the same righteous anger you carry. We first saw you with the trucker convoy in D.C., and have been following ever since. Your brave, and convey a sense of integrity, that is rare indeed. Thank you for writing your book. Thank you for yelling loudly! We are listening!! 🇺🇸🙏🏼

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The worse gov’t scam ever!!!

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Bags at 70 I’m 100% with everything you’re saying

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Right now in Ontario Canada, teachers are pushing for masking children. Here's something I've learned from teachers through the years and I wonder if this is not a hidden reason . . . read on.

A few years ago, my aunt (teacher mid-school) told me that when a child was too rambunctious in class, immediately teachers got the child put on meds (e.g. ritaline). SO I WONDER if masking the kids makes them more docile in class? I bet it does. MASK THEM so that they conform - they get quiet - perhaps it's a substitute for medicating children for attentiveness in class. Just an observation.

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That may be part of it but it’s more the control they have over children. Remember, they are brainwashing our children to be Socialist leaders!

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