Anyone with half a brain has already lost trust.

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Break out the trumpets and pom poms! A politician actually looked at data and was truthful.

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Just released! “Died Suddenly” documentary


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Don't watch this unless you've got an hour and 8 minutes as you won't be able to stop watching-Thanks

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Thanks for sending this link. It's a MUST SEE today --now.

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Lost trust! Does not matter what political parrty these "politicians" are on, they sent their citizens down the river!

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...and then what happened was...

Andrew Bridgen gets suspended for "lobbying infractions".

Conservation Party MP, Sir David Ames was the government's greatest opponent to this horror show and then what happened was...

David Ames gets murdered.

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Mike's comment should be pinned.

We should have a substack or at least a recurring post to honor those murdered by the cult

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Add to that at least two African heads of state who didn’t buy into the hype and anyone else who gets in their way.

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I think it was four, with a failed attempt on a fifth.

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Astrid Stuckelberger mentioned the sort of criminality that's facilitated this, what I consider to be the Fourth Reich.

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I think they are pulling out all the stops.

I believe they have threatened people's families.

The silence... I'd expect a sizeable number of Republicans, some dems to fight this extremely aggressively.

So to... Much of medical community.

Many are brainwashed... But solid 30 percent are not.

Where are they?

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It's a dam. Dams stand in place for a long time. But they also weaken over time. When a weak dam has too much water behind it there's too much pressure on the dam and cracks begin to shear through the dam. More cracks appear and join together forming structural weakness. When enough of these cracks have crossed, the dam fails.

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Someone said, I think they've overplayed their hands.

And expect defectors when individuals realize cult won't protect them

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Little Matty Hancock presently a contestant in I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Nuremberg 2.0, must be pondering when he gets thrown under the bus.

His relationship with Klaus Schwab goes way back. Back to when Matty was Minister for Digital before becoming Health Secretary.

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Yes. Precisely. The damn is crumbling. Let's survive guarantee some survive it.

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Yes, it was observed by many rigidly suppressed commentators that this is the Fourth Reich promoted by the World Economic Forum and associates. Virtually all world governments, corporations, institutions - including the world's MS media, medical, educational, economic forces. This was (and is) a top down take over.

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...and the minds of the majority.

That's the scary part. For me at least. Not a lot of men in our trenches, brother.

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Not nearly enough for certain. The majority has a great deal of catching up to do.

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Remember this KW and if you know Latin, be great to translate it.

Always outnumbered. Never outgunned!

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John 15:13.

4 African leaders, 1 Caribbean leaders, Rosa

https://usdaynews.com/celebrities/celebrity-death/rosa-koire-death-cause/ sure


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Kary Mullis I would strongly bet.

He was brutal on Fauchi and pcr used in way it was used

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Representative Jim Jordan has a social media account on Gettr. If you have one you can post this & tag him. I tag him quite often. He doesn’t reply ( he’s pretty busy) so I’m not sure how or if he sees the tagged information. Maybe staff sees it & shows him what they think are important. I don’t have Twitter so I’m not sure if he’s on there but you could send him a message with a link, if he is & you are. I suppose worst case you could use snail mail or call his office & ask his staff how to get it to him.

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Have posted to him, a call probably makes sense. Thanks for your thoughts

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we need so so many more like him!

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Wonder how long before the medical cartel and the media takes this politician down for daring to speak out.

Perhaps they could send him to Canada to be treated by the physcians in Ontario. According to the College of Physcians in Ontario, vaccine denial is an illness and drugs are available to assuage you of your unscientific views of this amazing product and could be made available soon. Kind of makes me think of Lobotomy in the old days. I give him 24 hours to survive the political backlash.

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Omg - poor Canada. It's like something you'd watch on a dystopic Netflix show.

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It's not a vaccine. It's a bioweapon. Semantics create perceptions. Between censorship, lying, a medical profession which focuses on pharmaceutical profits which treat diseases instead of prevention, and a learned laziness of dependency, most citizens do not have the information or drive to stay healthy.

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Gosh, all those people are really sllooooowwwww. The vaccines must have turned their brains to mush.

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I’ve noticed it seems to kill their empathy.

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Without heroes like Dr A this wouldn’t be possible. Heroic docs keep pushing and pushing so reality can’t be ignored. Sadly the same observations by lay people people are ignored on a daily basis though they are suppose to represent us. 🤣🤣

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Nov 22, 2022·edited Nov 22, 2022

a little late. The trust was gone the moment they said lockdown.

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Many still consider each of these odd deaths to be an “anecdote”. My question continues to be: How many “anecdotes” form a “signal”? No one ever answers it.

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Only an idiot or a co-conspirator would ignore the correlation between vaccine uptake and increase in excess deaths. However, most in government are ignoring it and they generally are not idiots. Hmmm.

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There are a few. Are they the only ones not bought off or worse blackmailed?

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No trust whatsoever!

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