"The institution of political parties appears to be an almost unmixed evil. They are bad in principle, and in practice their impact is noxious. The abolition of parties would prove almost wholly beneficial. It would be a highly legitimate initiative in principle, and in practice could only have a good effect. "


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Thank you for sharing this article! This is one of the most interesting things I’ve read in a while. A French woman in 1957. WOW I bet she was a bad ass.

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Yes!!! I have been saying this about political parties for about 5 years and then I stumbled on to her and thought, "wow, someone beat me to it"....it is fascinating that a woman back in the day believed in this idea that I think we need to really consider today.... we can only hope....

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Totally agree!!! McCarthy & McConnell both involved. We need new leaders in the House & Senate.

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Strange, there's 8 FBI cars outside my house

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Definitely so.

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Nov 22, 2022·edited Nov 22, 2022

So sensible really. So simple.

Why else would Republican and Democrat machine politicians come together in what we call The Uniparty? Why indeed?

To clandestinely steal; to divert government assets; to convert government assets. Is this not the game?

Is this not how they steal?

Is not all crime rooted in theft; theft of value; theft of trust; theft of life?

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And this returns us the crimes of the depraved covidians as directed by The New Imperials:

"Theft of value. Theft of trust. Theft of life."

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Nov 22, 2022·edited Nov 22, 2022

Just like I said.. It has always been a money laundering operation.. It did not just start with FTX and Ukraine.. Its been going on for a long time... These people in Congress do not represent us, maybe one day the American will stop letting them play the divide and conquer game of the American people, by any means necessary.. They appeal to the worse in us, and we run with it and proud to run with it..

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Afghanistan was also a money laundering operation.

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They need to pull down the middle class. What better way than to tax us for a war.

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Of course the Ukraines . 4 Bio Labs there as well for laundering $

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The researcher, "Clandestine", found more than 4 US funded bioweapons labs in Ukraine.

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Another thing to note in connection between FTX & the low dose Ivermectin study it funded,

The NIH used the same low dose “established” in the Together trial.

Dr Michael Goodwin composed an article regarding the NIH lack of integrity in the C19 Google Group.

Mentions the FLCCC response:


The Fix was in!

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Tax dollars at work, is what that is. Sick.

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Out of the Afghanistan war/er Bank slush fund into the Ukraine bank. Don't forget the pharma covid slush fund. And even bigger the green slush fund. Trudeau net worth from 10 million to 385 million in 2 years. What's his higher paying job. That he manages alongside running (ruining) the country? He should be hauled in front of parliament for treason. He is serving another master to great profit. Who is it.

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Klaus Schwab penetrated Trudeau's "cabinet."

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Yes of course we know. But the question is framed for the dolts that need to understand your wealth going up in that magnitude is a conflict of interest. Always lead your audience to answer the question themselves. I want this question going to the Canadian public so they muddle through. And answer just like you.

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If enough politicians were taking part then expect no investigation or a sham investigation. If only one is caught then throwing him or her to the wolves is perfectly acceptable. Anything to protect the herd and the herd is nasty organization.

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We need a list of all those who received donations from Bankman Fried. All the democrat and Republican snakes on one list. We should give them all a honorary badge of shame.

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File a FOIA, and follow the money.

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China Mitch got money.

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Evil Anti Americans !!!

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Evil !!!

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Who pays it all back to the taxpayers and goes to jail?

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Nothing will ever happen to any of them. But when they meet their maker they will have an express ticket to burn in hell for eternity.

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