I have been following Senator Rennick for a while and when I saw this Substack I was immediately drawn in. I can honestly say that, I have never been so immersed in reading the comments for any Substack as I have been here. Thankyou to everyone who contributes an opinion. It gives me faith that we have a band of citizens that know what is happening and are fighting for everyone of us. My own story is rather long and full of pain with what I was subjected to because of the policies. I was caught out in the Philippines and unable to get home because of localised lockdowns. My eldest son died and being unable to attend your own child's funeral is devastating. After many months when restrictions eased I made it home through the help of DFAT. Only to be forced into detention for 15 days in a hotel room with no facilities. I couldn't wash my clothes or anything. There wasn't even a towel rail in the bathroom. As for the food, I won't go there. Things were that bad, I had a medical episode and was taken by ambulance under police escort to hospital where I was treated like I had the plague. You watch these scenarios in a good drama movie. You never expect to be the main character.

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Just-Russ, what a terribly sad story, my condolences on the loss of your son.

Absolutely appalling what has gone on the last three years, with people being shut out of their own country, and then imprisoned on their return.

And all this under the guise of a grossly disproportionate and ill-targeted response to a respiratory virus, with original pandemic response plans tossed aside.

Stunning what politicians, ‘health officers’, ‘health practitioners’, conflicted academics, and the mainstream media have been a party to - astonishing treachery against the people.

‘Our’ political systems and institutions have been hijacked - how has this happened?!

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Money. Truck loads of it from China, oligarchs and Intel criminals.

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Just-Ross, I am sorry you had to go through all that. My condolences for your son's death. It is horrible the way you've been treated.

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I am so sorry for your loss and for everything you had to endure. This is something that we must make sure NEVER happens again. Really my heart aches for your loss and what you had to go through.

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

This blokes a hero. I’ve been following his you tube for a while now. His subscriber numbers stopped going up. Shadow banned to the nines. Please subscribe to his YouTube guys and girls.

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There are three of them (to my knowledge) senators G.R., M.Roberts and A.Antic doing the very best for the last few years, consistently. I should add P.Hanson as well. I appreciate their effort. Absolutely shameful about the rest of them, happily doing the three monkeys, morally and otherwise corrupt imo.

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Thanks Runningonempty, for the suggestion. Though I can watch Rennicks YouTube, now that I do not have a gmail account, I can't 'like' it of course. He would do well to get another non-Youtube platform. (No, I do not want to create a burner account just for that, glad I am off gmail. Now for the world to catch up to using other mail platforms, including my credit union as well. The more the merrier.

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Senator Rennick has been one of the few shining lights in our national parliament. Together with Antic and now retired George Christiansen and ex liberal member Craig Kelly, they were the only members of the liberal party (a Conservative party in Australia) who had the spine to see and tell the truth. Add to them Roberts and Hanson from the One Nation Party. They were the only people who asked real questions and the only ones who introduced and voted for legislation to protect Australian citizens. History is told by the victors and I will fight to ensure history will remember these men and Ms Hanson as hero’s.

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Seeing as you're Down Under and have an affinity for meat, can you please get on this!!! mRNA FMD and Lumpy Skin livestock vaccines, goal to roll out August 2023, millions invested by NSW in US biotech firm. https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/about-us/media-centre/releases/2022/ministerial/nsw-fast-tracks-mrna-fmd-and-lumpy-skin-disease-vaccines I prefer my Aussie beef sans mRNA.

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FTA: "will protect Australia’s $28.7 billion livestock industry"

Really? Bet it destroys the livestock industry! A twofer: fight climate change and reduce human overpopulation at the same time.

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Yes this is frightening. I will review this but my initial feeling is; when all the livestock start dropping dead, the farmers will refuse the vaccine for their animals.

Let’s hope it never gets to that.

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022

I bet the government mandates it and kills cows who are not vaccinated or makes it illegal to sell unvaccinated cow meat. This is Australia after all we are talking about. There was never an authoritarian idea they didn't love and enact

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I would love to disagree with you, but I can't. I have thought exactly about this scenario ever since I first heard about the mRNA vaccines for cattle.

Animals vaccinated with mRNA will become inedible.

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This is not the stance of the MLA. They have stated that no cattle will be vaccinated unless the disease is in Australia. Jason Strong runs a very tight ship and is very aware that by introducing these types of vaccines, our export market is seriously threatened. There is too much money tied up in the livestock industry and they have far more sway than Toole who IMO is just that.

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Well that's about the best news I've heard in a while. And thank you for giving me some more keywords to search on. I can see now there is ongoing discussion on the subject. I still question the timeline of having mRNA vaccines for FMD and Lumpy Skin ready to go August 2023. Not sure how they plan to have long-term studies completed in a clearly short time period. My concern remains, what an mRNA type of vaccine would do to the animals which humans would later consume. If you hear more, can you update us?

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Just watched Jason Strong answer questions in legislative committee. Senator Roberts did most of the questioning. This from his channel. https://youtu.be/x2AwELN6XT8 I can see it's a tough crowd to please, very opposing views, but in my mind Strong is anything but strong. He came off totally weak. Proper cattle grazing contributes to the economy and to topsoil. He has a strong case if he would only attempt to present it. But he seems bent on also pleasing the climate alarmists who want to cut his throat. Hard to fathom cattle producers being pleased with his performance or weak messaging.

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Support them in upcoming elections!

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Listen to the vague and meandering way the "experts" respond to the questions. Just that alone should cause suspect. If they HAD reports and data, this is where they would cite it to actual study and specific outcomes. But it is the senator who is citing study and data to challenge this word salad from the "experts"; what does that tell you? The grift is so extreme on this topic. We should all be deeply concerned.

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Exactly. This is why these videos are so important. People need to see and hear this nonsense from the experts for themselves.

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022

It seems clear that they never bothered to look at and evaluate what was coming from CDC, Shizer etc. They've been following the script given at the start.

That is the only explanation since they can not possibly (no one can) be

that stupid and cognitively impaired.

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Of course they never bothered. Their only role is to trust the information they are fed and amplify it.

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The truth is that the “vaccines” are useless, worse - they are dangerous. Everyone was lied to about everything. Now we have to watch these parasites verbally slalom their way out of the crime. Watch in awe as no one gets justice and all those responsible get a bonus.

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Not on my watch!

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I want to be wrong but past performance indicates otherwise.

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Too late:

On 2 November 2020 Murphy was named Australian Capital Territory's Australian of the Year.

In June 2022, Murphy was appointed Companion of the Order of Australia in the 2022 Queen's Birthday Honours.

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Brendan Murphy lied to the Australian public in February 2021 when he said the Pfizer and AstraZeneca jabs have "gone through the normal, full range of regulatory approvals for our vaccines...we have been able to do the full, safe, regulatory approval...we have not cut any corners" and "...we decided that to get the confidence of the people in Australia, because we had no community transmission, we were not going to do anything other than our full normal registration process".

This was a lie, because both the Pfizer and AstraZeneca jabs had only been given 'provisional' approval by the TGA - this was NOT made clear to the Australian public.

'Provisional' approval means the TGA will be relying on manufacturer supplied data to judge the longer term efficacy and safety from ongoing clinical trials and post-market assessment. 'Post-market assessment' indicates people being vaccinated in the community are now part of the clinical trials assessing these vaccine products - have people been informed they are part of a vaccine clinical trial?

Have these people given their consent to being involved in a vaccine clinical trial with these provisionally approved vaccine products?

See my email to Brendan Murphy, challenging him about misleading the Australian public, dated 24 February 2021 - I haven't received a response: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2021/02/covid-19-vaccines-are-not-fully-approved-by-the-tga.pdf

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It's worse than that even. The TGA didn't even bother looking at the Pfizer trial data before they granted emergency use authorisation.


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Don't suppose you got a reply?

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No, I didn't receive a reply...surprise...

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If your in Queensland see if Senator Rennick can follow it up for you. Your local member could help but my guess they won’t be interested.

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Hi Ivo, I send my emails to Gerard Rennick, Alex Antic and Malcolm Roberts.

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And if you try pointing this out to people, they think it's a conspiracy theory. *face-palm*

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Brilliant job highlighting the ridiculousness of Australia's ongoing pandemic-response policy over your last few articles, Joel! Over a year ago, when I wrote to the CMO, the TGA, and ATAGI (among many others) I was labouring under the misapprehension that the people leading these organisations were competent and principled people who, when presented with valid, evidence-based concerns, would alter course. After years of work as a critical care nurse, I have to say I think it would have been hard for me to be more disappointed. These people are either the most wildly incompetent career bureaucrats in existence, or they are motivated entirely by self interest and have spent the last three years making decisions they thought would provide maximum personal advancement (Brendan Murphy has already received a substantial promotion), at the devastatingly serious expense of the Australian public. With every passing day I become more convinced it is the latter; surely nobody could simply be THAT stupid. The fact that they remain arrogantly (and inexplicably) committed to their mistakes suggests they are incapable of acknowledging they were/are wrong, nor are they capable of even a shred of empathy. Oh the bitter irony of 'public health' being administered by profoundly sick people.

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Unfortunately, promotions simply reinforce their illusion that they are right. I learned very early in my career (in capital markets) that institutions use titles and status as much as remuneration to "reward" certain behaviour. It's no different anywhere else? I think it's a mixture of everything you say - self-serving, gullible, self-absorbed, incompetent, lazy... The only thing I always struggle to identify in these people is evil intent to be honest. None of them appears smart enough to me to be an evil mastermind. Just stupid mainly.

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Perhaps I am oversimplifying it. I fleetingly felt relieved to see you say you think it is more likely stupidity than malice, but I'm not sure it matters if the results are equally as devastating. That's very interesting about the use of titles and status as subtle manipulation, too. It makes sense, and I think you're right that it likely works that way in all sectors and health is no exception. I think credentials can work like this, too. Even though it's not the workplace bestowing them, universities are now simply big businesses which will do virtually anything to avoid losing a paying customer. I worked with nurses with no postgraduate qualifications and those with Masters, and this distinction was not a reliable indicator of competence (in some cases it was quite the opposite). I think this same issue has been highlighted clearly since the beginning of the pandemic in regard to the so-called experts. Obviously you can have a Master of Public Health and still be completely clueless when it comes to creating effective and humane public health policy.

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Nov 25, 2022·edited Nov 25, 2022

formal education is proving itself to be worth less and less these days. for the vast majority, it only shows your ability to stick with something and give approved answers. it says nothing about a person's actual ability to think.

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Couldn't agree more, Steve. And that's coming from someone who has historically been a (relatively) high achiever within this model. When I've reflected on my actions during the pandemic and the covid-19 vaccine roll-out (especially with regard to mandates), I credit my parents with instilling my values and teaching me to think (critically) for myself. Despite neither finishing highschool, they're two of the smartest and most principled people I know. We don't agree on everything, but I'm so grateful they raised me to stand up for myself and others, even when it's not easy to do so.

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Maybe not with intent but profound immorality certainly defines evil. Knowledge of harm without active measures to protect is immoral in my mind.. My mum has a serious spinal cord injury from medical incompetence due to a lumbar puncture. So I feel like vaccinating children or pregnant women without sufficient testing -risking death or serious injury is profoundly immoral - irrelevant of the intent. I don’t believe that my mums injury was intentional but when you find out someone was filling in that day and you are advised not to have them again you cannot but help think, this never had to happen. She signed a form in good faith and when she said they had done something trying three times to get the needle in and couldn’t move her legs was told it was her other treatment. What is immoral is allowing someone or something without a strong safety record to proceed. Governments (not doctors) Forcing/ mandating medical procedures that have limited evidence and/or destroying peoples livelihoods is hard to fathom as anything but profoundly disturbing and one would hope they regret this overreach. Unfortunately, more likely they are seeking to justify and rebuff and undermine the courage, evidence and commitment shown by Rennick. I look forward to Murphys follow up /responses to all the things he was ‘suddenly’ unfamiliar with.

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I think you're absolutely right, on both counts. I'm so sorry for your mum's experience, you're right that it should not have happened.

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Thank you, it’s unbelievably difficult - she also broke her tibia/finish this year. To think some people believe she should not be treated bc she isn’t vaxEd blows my mind. I look forward, hope for a day when the world breathes more peace, not more and more fear and cruelty.

She really has overcome incredible odds for decades, so much so that she could write a book if it wasn’t so painful to revisit the numerous defining moments.

The point is, lives are changed and those around them in what many believe to be a simple moment, but for the injured or those who face death, there was and is nothing simple and everything complex.

These are the stories that need to be told, because behind each event that didn’t have to happen is a soul desperately seeking rest from a relentless struggle. It really is heartbreaking. We continue to fight for those who society is turning their backs on.

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Goodness, you and your mum have been through a lot. Your Mum sounds like an incredibly strong and inspiring person, although I am sincerely sorry she needed to be, after an experience which should never have happened. I can imagine she could write a book, but I can understand the trauma sustained makes revisiting her experience difficult. It sounds like you have been deeply affected too.

I share your dismay at the idea some people have questioned if unvaccinated people should be denied medical; to me this is truly unconscionable.

Your commitment to standing up for those who are being forgotten or ignored is really admirable. Your Mum is lucky to have an advocate like you.

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I'm highly suspicious of people with awards and trinkets now...are they being rewarded for serving those with vested interests?

As for titles - 'doctor', 'professor' - I don't use these titles addressing people now. Get rid of the titles and level the playing field. These people like to argue from 'authority', but we're finding out that so many of the supposed 'experts' have feet of clay.

It's been shocking to find out a lot of these people haven't a clue what they're talking about. And yet they're lording it over others, and taking action to interfere with people's free movement and association.

I've tried getting transparency for the so-called 'emergency' and the people running it, but no, they refuse to be accountable. See for example:

The Covid emergency and medical and scientific experts - email to Greg Hunt, Federal Health Minister, 23 July 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2021/07/the-covid-emergency-and-medical-and-scientific-experts.pdf

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Yup. Me too. I copied some text from Rennick's YT channel and deliberately removed Kelly's "Prof" title. He did not deserve that credential on the basis of his presentation in the video.

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

> nor are they capable of even a shred of empathy.

Classic sociopath/narcissist.

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Laine, what about the treacherous Scott Morrison?

Lots to consider about this piece of work...

See for example: Scott Morrison "a hypocrite and a liar" - informed consent and the Covid-19 jab rollout, 10 February 2022: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2022/02/scott-morrison-_a-hypocrite-and-a-liar_-informed-consent-and-the-covid-19-jab-rollout.pdf

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Absolutely! I wrote to him too. I did get a response from one of his underlings on his behalf, and she had the audacity to claim that covid-19 vaccination in Australia is "voluntary". When thousands of people had been dismissed from their jobs, banned from various social settings and had their vaccinated family and friends encouraged to exclude them from their gatherings too. These people are beyond contempt.

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Yes, the lie about vaccination being 'voluntary'...

So many people trapped by the mandates.

Wow! Mandated medical interventions, in a supposed 'free' country.

No-one's free if they haven't got personal autonomy and bodily integrity...

So many traitors in this country...the politicians, the 'health officers', the doctors, the academics, the media. They've wrecked this country - the discrimination against the critical thinking unjabbed with be a stain on Australia for evermore.

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I agree entirely, Elizabeth! If you don't mind me asking, where in Australia are you?

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I’m in Adelaide, South Australia.

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Lovely. I was selfishly hoping you might be in North Queensland, like me. :)

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It’s the grand pyramid scheme of abused trust. Almost nobody at the lower levels can conceive that the level above could be lying to them. And so the agenda gets implemented. Silently. Efficiently.

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Further to my previous comment, and on the subject of lying...

The former Morrison government in Australia lied to health practitioners when it told them they would have specific medical indemnity re administering the Covid jabs.

It's now been clarified by the Albanese government that health practitioners DO NOT have specific Covid medical indemnity under a government scheme. It's also been confirmed that "Informed consent should be obtained for every COVID-19 vaccination, as per usual consent procedures for other vaccinations".

This could get interesting as I very much suspect health practitioners have NOT been getting 'valid informed consent' before each jab, because people aren't being properly informed. For instance, why are so many people (including children) being called to have the defective jabs in the first place, when most people aren't at serious risk of Covid-19?

And then there's the jab mandates...so many people have been bullied to submit to the jabs under mandates...this means they're not giving 'voluntary' informed consent, i.e. without pressure, coercion or manipulation, as stipulated in The Australian Immunisation Handbook.

The health practitioners inserting the needle need to be warned about this, because they probably think they're covered, but they're NOT covered by a specific government Covid medical indemnity scheme...and they really need to think about the informed consent issue...because they're the person wielding the needle.

For more detail, please see my response to Australian Health Minister Mark Butler: Are health practitioners covered for indemnity insurance re the Covid jabs? 21 November 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2022/11/response-re_-are-health-practitioners-covered-for-indemnity-insurance-re-the-covid-jabs-.pdf

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They didn’t care less, my sister ticked she didn’t read the pamphlet, and was not made aware of the risks on her forms. They didn’t even read it. Just collected it, too busy jabbing everyone to notice.

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This is shocking, Ivo. I'm so sorry your sister has been treated this way, I hope she is okay. We also know people who did this, or who wrote on their form that they did not consent and that they were being coerced to keep their job. I am honestly dumbfounded that healthcare workers would proceed in situations like this, yet I know these examples are just a few of many.

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She wasn’t too fussed, she needed to get vaxxed to keep her job. She would have preferred not to but was mostly pissed that she had no real choice.

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Absolutely, that is understandable. She should never have been put in that situation by our governments.

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Totally agree, Elizabeth. But I would argue that healthcare workers should not need to be warned about this as it should be part of their regular practice. To see so many of my former colleagues fail to uphold the most basic standards of medical ethics has been a devastating disappointment. I am utterly ashamed that we have enabled and administered these grossly unethical policies and caused harm to many of the people we claim to care about and protect.

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I agree Laine, they should know...

But who is mainly giving the jabs? Nurses and pharmacists mainly do you think? And GPs?

It's been shocking to see health practitioners embrace giving these jabs, and failing to question this mass population jab rollout, against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people, particularly children.

The thing is, in Australia, there's been a concerted effort in recent years to shut down any questioning of vaccination policy, and of course the implementation of the No Jab, No Pay/No Play laws since January 2016. And now we've seen the No Jab concept being used for Covid jabs, e.g. No Jab, No Job.

They planned to cancel out of society people who wouldn't submit to the jabs, by barring them from work, from travel, from entertainment, from shopping...from life...

Is this not the most diabolical situation ever?!

And the medical profession went along with it all - how can these people be trusted for critical thinking?

The people in 'healthcare' now have been trained to be compliant and not to question - this is an extremely dangerous situation.

It's a disaster, a manufactured disaster...

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Agree wholeheartedly with your assessment here, Elizabeth; it is a terrifying situation we find ourselves in, especially if/when we have no choice but to access a healthcare system filled with compliant, unquestioning practitioners (and worse, some of whom think they are doing us a favour by usurping our right to informed consent and the right to refuse treatment!).

I do think that it has been primarily nurses administering the vaccines, and GPs and pharmacists to a lesser extent,

as you mentioned (just my thoughts, I don't have concrete numbers). Last year I also wrote to AHPRA and the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) about their role in supporting harmful pandemic-response policy and they replied in various tones of misdirection, including claiming it was the governments' policy and had nothing to do with them. How dare they?! When it is nurses (doctors, pharmacists, etc.) administering these vaccines without valid informed consent, it absolutely does concern AHPRA and the national boards. Honestly, these people embarrass themselves every time they open their mouths and/or respond in writing.

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Interesting that apparently the ‘health practitioners’ were happy to administer the needles when they thought they had Covid medical indemnity? What will people not do if they think they’re covered…?

Interesting how this will pan out now, particularly as it’s confirmed they have to get informed consent…yet how can they do that with the dodgy advice coming out of the government, and jab mandates - and with AHPRA threatening to de-register health practitioners who go against the Covid narrative?

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A prime example is part-time big pharma sceptic Dr Aseem Malhotra (he fully bought into the narrative in 2020/2021) now doing the alternative media rounds preaching how we’ve all been lied to (you don’t say...). Disgraceful character.

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I absolutely agree that many medical and healthcare staff were far too quick to make lofty promises regarding the covid-19 'vaccines' and should have been more cautious and discerning, but I think having these people realise their errors and speak up (Dr Nick Coatsworth comes to mind in Australia) is critical to shifting broader public opinion. I share your frustration in thinking "duh, we've been saying this from the start", but the more people who get on board and speak publicly (while admitting their mistakes and not trying to rewrite their pandemic history) the better. They're risking less in doing so now, but they are still the subject of vilification from the true believers so I don't think we should write them off completely.

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Maybe some but certainly not Malhotra. When sceptics (as he claims to be) were needed most in medicine, he utterly failed to stand up. He's still 100% invested in the 'pandemic' narrative – zero evidence of any pennies dropping there.

If you watch his many interviews you'll see that he never shows any passion or anger over what has happened, he's always very smooth, calm and collected, often smiling and joking. This should be a huge red flag. Compare him with Dr John Campbell who you can tell is seething with how much he's been deceived.

A few astonishing quotes from Malhotra in a single interview:

"I always act from a position of integrity. It wasn’t even conceivable, even people like Robert Malone, that this could do so much harm. many of my friends who didn’t take the vaccine made that decision on intuition, not evidence."

– This is narrative-following Malhotra talking. A completely ridiculous statement. He's supposed to be a highly trained and experienced doctor!

"What’s happened with the covid vaccine is not an anomaly. If you trace things back, this was almost predictable because of an increase in unchecked power."

– now we get sceptic Malhotra talking again.

The guy is all over the place. Doesn't deserve any 'hero' status.

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You make very valid points here, Martin; and thank you for sharing those quotes, too. The one in which he subtly disparages his friends for declining vaccination based on intuition, is particularly frustrating to me. The claim that the harms we're now seeing supposedly being inconceivable seems incredibly naive, too. For the record, I wouldn't use the word hero to describe him either.

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It's an outrageous thing for him to say. His lack of self-awareness is mind-blowing. Complete lack of contrition. I'm in the process of writing a full substack post on the curious flip-flopping of Dr Aseem Malhotra. There are more examples.

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Have a watch of this interview, and take special note how the interviewer (his friend James Freeman) is at pains to suggest in one of his 'questions' that AM has no need to apologise. Also note how AM craftily shoehorns the word "apologise" into his answer.


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Hmmm… Nick Coatsworth… I remember him in the ads with the ‘We’re not safe until we’re all safe’ theme…

And check out what he was saying in August 2020 - Coronavirus Australia: Deputy CMO Nick Coatsworth reveals possible restrictions for refusing vaccine: https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/coronavirus-australia-deputy-cmo-nick-coatsworth-reveals-possible-restrictions-for-refusing-vaccine/news-story/cdac44a40f36040128f585da696147cd

Although he has changed his tune…e.g. as reported in July 2022: Stop vaccine mandates NOW: Dr Nick Coatsworth reveals the two fatal flaws in 'no jab, no work' rules that prevent thousands of Aussies from working: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11000647/Dr-Nick-Coatsworth-demands-END-employer-Covid-19-vaccine-mandates.html

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Yes, his reversal was quite significant. I can remember being so angry whenever I'd see him quoted early on (in one interview he actually said the vaccines were "absolutely safe and effective" - literally no medication is "absolutely safe"). While his early views still cause me frustration, I was relieved to see him reverse course. I know not everyone will be so forgiving, but I think if a person has been featured in mainstream media promoting the vaccines, its a lot harder for those same outlets to then try to discredit the person as a right-wing extremist, antivax conspiracy theorist.

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'Informed consent' was absolutely impossible. Only blind consent.

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Over Here, Vallance and Whitty are nowhere to be seen, such as telling us about the excess deaths...So much for accredited Chief Scientific Advisor and Chief Medical Officer. Sinecures in the truest meaning of the word!

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I just nod my head at the nothing-new bullshit and lies coming from these leftist puppets. Whatever these turds say, you can most likely bet on the opposite being true. We live in la la land.

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022

They were appointed by our right wing party when they were in Government. Guess they were puppets of the right, now they’re puppets of the left. Senator Rennick is a member of the same party that appointed these clowns. To his credit he’s been calling them out for a long time. He possibly has more freedom now he’s in opposition.

Kudos to him and the other senators for pursuing this.

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Yup, Left / Right paradigm is useless now. It's Authoritarianism/Globalism vs Liberty/Localism.

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“The real division is not between conservatives and revolutionaries but between authoritarians and libertarians.”

― George Orwell

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Yup, it's about basic human decency and morality regardless political creed.

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We live with real facts in the real world, they live in la la land full of ga ga.

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It is easier to trick a fool than it is to convince a fool they have been tricked.

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The best salesman and the best bullshit win ha ha!

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Unvaccinated are likely to suffer - because Dr.Kelly will make sure they will!

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Re my recent email to Australian Health Minister Mark Butler re medical indemnity re Covid jabs for health practitioners, and informed consent, I've also forwarded this email to Kamran Abbasi, Editor in chief of The BMJ, noting this is a very serious situation at the heart of medical ethics and that it should be a priority topic on The BMJ, see: Health practitioners, Covid jabs and 'valid informed consent' - a medical ethics disaster, 21 November 2022: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2022/11/health-practitioners-covid-jabs-and-valid-informed-consent-a-medical-ethics-disaster.pdf

My email to Kamran Abbasi has also been copied to a number of key people, including Angus Dalgleish, a professor of oncology at St Georges, University of London.

Angus Dalgleish has responded to the email - please see his response below, he has given his permission for this to be shared:

Dear Kamran Abbasi,

I write in total support of Elizabeth Hart.

COVID no longer needs a vaccine programme given the average age of death of COVID in the UK is 82 and from all other causes 81 and falling.

The link with clots , myocarditis, heart attacks and strokes is now well accepted as is the link with myelitis and neuropathy.

( We predicted these side effects in our QRBD article Sorensen et all, 2020, as the blast analysis revealed 79% homologies to human epitopes, especially PF4 and myelin)

However, there is now another reason to halt all vaccine programmes.

As a practicing Oncologist I am seeing people with stable disease rapidly progress after being forced to have a booster, usually so they can travel.

Even my own family and colleagues are developing B cell based disease after the boosters, they describe being distinctly unwell a few days to weeks after the booster

With my brother in law developing leukaemia, my pharmacist NHL, a former PhD student NHL, and now an old school friend who has felt like he has had

Long COVID since receiving his booster who after getting severe bone pain has been diagnosed as having multiple mets from myeloma.

I am experienced enough to know that these are not the coincidental anecdotes that many suggest, especially as the same pattern is

Being seen in Germany, Australia and the USA.

The reports of innate immune suppression after mRNA for several weeks would fit as all these patients to date have melanoma or B cell based cancers

Which are very susceptible to immune control and that is before the reports of suppressor gene suppression by mRNA reports.

This must be aired and debated immediately.

Angus Dalgleish MD FRACP FRCP FRCPath FMedSci

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You're one very impressive lady, Elizabeth. My heartfelt appreciation to you.

I'm not very educated old lady myself and truly grateful for all you've been doing. :-D

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Thanks for your support Marta!

I’ve been investigating vaccination policy for the past 14 years, this is an area mired in conflicts of interest.

This is the real emergency, the ever-increasing vaccine load being imposed on the population, particularly children, but also adults - it’s the womb to tomb schedule, making billions for Pharma, and who knows what damage to natural immunity and general health.

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In my previous comment I questioned why are so many people (including children) being called to have the defective jabs in the first place, when most people aren't at serious risk of Covid-19?

In this regard, I sent an email to Nigel Crawford, the Chair of the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI), asking why ATAGI recommend COVID-19 mRNA injections for children, as ATAGI acknowledges children are at low risk of Covid.

That's another email to which I did not receive a response...

I've now forwarded the email to Australian Health Minister Mark Butler, asking him to provide a response to my queries, see: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2022/11/why-does-atagi-recommend-covid-19-mrna-injections-for-children.pdf

Lots more emails about the Australian situation on my website: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/vax-australia/

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Don't you have a Substack? I think you'd do well.

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No I haven't got a substack, I post my emails on my website: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/

In regard to ATAGI chair Nigel Crawford, see this email I sent to Gerard Rennick re Nigel Crawford and conflicts of interest: Conflicts of interest - Covid-19 jabs - ATAGI / Murdoch Children's Research Institute / News Corp Australia, 3 February 2022: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2022/02/conflicts-of-interest-covid-19-jabs-atagi-_-murdoch-childrens-research-institute-_-news-corp-australia.pdf

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I wrote to these people too, Elizabeth, and I'm sure hundreds or thousands of others did also. I didn't get any replies from Paul Kelly, John Skerritt or Nigel Crawford either, but they can't possibly say they weren't warned.

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It's shocking isn't it Laine - no transparency or accountability...

We're not living in a liberal democracy - considering the grim 'big picture' that's evolving, we seem to be in a globalist technocratic fascist state.

When this was happening in 2020, couldn't believe it! We were disenfranchised, governments became our master instead of our servant.

Unelected 'Chief health officers', and the police commissioner in South Australia where I live, dictated to us when we could leave our homes, demanded we wear masks, be tracked via surveillance/QR codes, be imprisoned/quarantined for having a respiratory virus which it was already known wasn't a serious threat to most people.

And the original pandemic plans were thrown out so they could impose their draconian Covid response.

The damage they have done...to the economy, to society...incalculable.

Time for retrospective critical analysis of this debacle, to investigate and expose this manufactured crisis.

Time for justice...

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

One of the only venues I've seen globally (in English) with a lawmaker asking pointed questions directly to a national health authority. Senator Rennick has a finance background, but he's asking questions such as spike longevity juiced with pseudouridine, all cause mortality, etc. Hopeful these meetings will continue with more in depth questions, possibly some experts the Senator brings in to ask the TGA and their minions questions where they can't disregard him for his lack of 'expertise'.

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I don’t think he is allowed to bring in an expert. I suspect he’s being fed these questions by an medical expert you can read for free on substack.

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"One thing I wanted to know from this data was how many total extra deaths there have been so far this year, so I just found the sum of each of the columns using Excel. Australia, for example, has almost 19,000 extra deaths this year alone! And that’s only up until the end of July! Canada is similar at 21,000 excess deaths. UK 27,000. The US 349,000, remembering though, that the US has a much larger population at around 332 million which is around 12 or 13 times the population of Australia, but even so, that’s a lot of extra deaths! But the standout, I suppose, is Sweden with only 158 extra deaths in total, a fraction of the other countries, noting that Sweden has a population of around ten-and-a-half million people. So why would that be? Why would Sweden have so few excess deaths?

Here’s a comparison of the raw data between Sweden and Australia, noting that Australia has about two-and-a-half times the population. But even so, there’s a huge disparity in excess deaths between the two countries. The excess deaths in Sweden, shown in orange, are relatively stable, in that sometimes they’re positive, sometimes they’re negative, but overall, they’re hovering around the x-axis – the zero mark. Whereas Australia in blue has clearly stayed well above historical averages. Depending on the week, there’s been between 400 and 1000 extra deaths every week this year. I mean, that would be like a jumbo jet falling out of the sky every single week.

If we compare the percentage change of excess deaths between Sweden and Australia, which basically takes out the population difference, we can still see that Australia is well above Sweden in terms of excess deaths. They kind of follow the same pattern, but a lot less extra people are dying in Sweden. Let’s add Canada in yellow. It pretty follows the same percentage of extra deaths as Australia, except that by about Week 20, it drops off quite rapidly. Australia though, continues to have significant excess deaths. Let’s add the UK to the mix in green. At the start of the year, it was faring fairly well, but then numbers went a bit crazy in the middle, coming back to some sense of normalcy in the latest reporting period, but who knows how long that will last? And finally, the United States in brown. It seems to be following a similar trend to Australia, although started out with more excess deaths early on in the year, but then dipped below Australia, but seems to have risen in more recent months. Either way, percentage wise, it certainly has more excess deaths than Sweden.


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It’s a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. All we can say for sure is that the vaccines are safe and effective. You heard the video they have no doubt, it must be something else. They’re both doctors, they know the facts.

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Well said!

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

www.doctorsagainstmandates.com funded an expert review of the NSW data which supports Senator Rennicks view. It can be found here: https://www.doctorsagainstmandates.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Expert-Witness-Report-Madry-15-Aug-2022-B.pdf

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That's great. But you don't need a funded review to "interpret" a row of zeros?!

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You do when you are trying to get evidence heard in the supreme court. Common sense has gone out the window and the data is presented in ways that hide the reality. They will not listen, but we at least have an evidence trail for the future.

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