Ah, real doctors. Awesome. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

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This has saved 1,000's of lives. So grateful for all of you. Thank you πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ You are the tip of the spear and using your specialized skills. There are 1,000's of us doing what we can locally. For those feeling isolated check out globalwalkout. Com. Together we are making a difference πŸ™πŸ™πŸ˜Š

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Dec 30, 2022Β·edited Dec 30, 2022

I want to bring up a thought of mine about China. Was and is China worried about a bioweapons attack on their soil? Was this the true reason they stayed locked down so long and hard and swabbed everything? And now since they opened was something more sinister released on their soil? Then if that's whats going on and it seems we are at war then the lockdown did help to avoid a bioweapons attack for 3 years but it was unsustainable for longer. Maybe it just gave them enough time to put mechanism into place and gain knowledge. Of course westerner think the ccp is the bady only but this is not true. The west is also a bady. Or the ccp is in on it with a certain part of the west? This war is the most confusing ever.

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Dec 31, 2022Β·edited Dec 31, 2022

They locked down because they knew SARS-CoV-2 is a human immunodeficiency virus and also oncogenic. They knew that "COVID-19" is just a prodrome, similar to what people get about 3 weeks after being infected with HIV. For most people it's very mild, just like COVID-19. Then there's an incubation period of 3 - 7 years before full blown AIDS appears. We don't yet know what the incubation time is after catching COVID-19. However, the Chinese knew that SARS-CoV-2 is HIV on steroids and they didn't want their people infected with it. They knew that COVID-19 is nothing and that the real disease from SARS-CoV-2 comes later. That's why they locked down and dressed up in space suits. The Chinese, who eschew mRNA "vaccines," despite providing the mRNA code for SARS-CoV-2 to the West so that Big Pharma could make the useless "vaccines" have opened back up, but the Chinese have only done so since they began treating SARS-CoV-2 infected patients with anti-HIV drugs.

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Definitely. I have used McCulloughs protocol to successfully treat over a hundred by now. And I'm a dumb old blond nurse.

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Where can we get Ivermectin?

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Drpierrekory.com - you’ll have to make a telemedicine appt and they can prescribe whatever you need and have a compounding pharmacy they use ship it to you. About $2 per capsule depending on your dosage (which depends on your weight) I paid as much as $7 from another pharmacy last year.

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Thanks. I’m looking to get it before I need it. Here in Tennessee it’s supposed to be legally available now but from where I don’t know.

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Mom and pop small compounding pharmacies. NOT cvs or walgreens, corporate fascists they are.

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Try reaching out to local compounding pharmacies. I wouldn’t bother with the corporate pharmacies (CVS et Al)

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Thanks again. I have reached out to a local compounding pharmacy with no luck but I will continue to do that reaching out further. I get the feeling talking to others that fear is ruling the pharmacies and they don’t want to be first. My own doctor resigned before being forced to take the jab. Maybe we’ll be forced to go underground. At any rate I appreciate you taking the time to respond. I will report any news as it becomes available as I hope we all will. Bless you.

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try Florida based 7Cells very expensive, and disguised as a sex hormones seller, but if you looking under the tab 'wellness' you'll see the 'bundle' for the Covid treatment - 200 bucks, plus instructions on how to take. Ivermectin, HCQ, Prednisone, Nitoxazmide (sp)... Zithromax and Ethrocalcitrol (sp)... Might not want to take ALL that, but having it handy can help. Nitoxazmide is anti parisite with some anti viral activity as well, good for flus and yes, covid. https://www.sevencells.com/about-us

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Good luck. I think it’s good to be stocked up. Quercetin is over the counter supplement that works as a zinc ionophore (zinc uptake in the body) which is what HCQ does and I think ivermectin some too. Solgar makes a quercetin complex with C and other bioflavonoids. On flccc.net protocols they list a number of supplements/nutraceuticals that are very helpful in lieu of the prescription drugs. Most importantly keep immune system strong with D3 etc. and treat early to keep viral load down. It seems the spike is dangerous with disease or jab but more so jab.

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Thanks. I’ve been following the protocol you listed. Downloaded Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment back in 2021 put out by Dr. McCullough and haven’t looked back. I did have what was diagnosed as Flu B on 1/01/20 but having had the flu many times before I knew this wasn’t that. I had typical Covid symptoms but Covid wasn’t a thing until March 2020. Cough, high fever for 24 hours, no appetite, exhaustion. After ten days I saw my doctor and got a steroid and B12 shot to help with the exhaustion. Dragged myself back to work but my Christmas tree didn’t come down until March and that was my husbands doing. I take 10,000 units of Vit D daily and I’m at 50 according to my labs. Also take all supplements in the protocol. I think my cardiologist thought I was crazy when I turned down his offer of the jab but common sense told me to wait. Thanking God every day that I did. I haven’t even had a flu shot since fall of 2019. And haven’t had the flu since. Usually get it every year. Go figure. Haven’t had as much as a cold.

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Can these treatments be used for those who were/are injured by the vax too?

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See Dr. Bruce Patterson and his compnay InCellux for information re: treating the long Covid (or the side effects of vax!) - he was using Statins, Ivermectin, and a Nicotine type drug. Fascinating stuff his research. He was interviewed by Dr. Been. The nicotine can be bought as patches or gum if you are inclined to try it. NAC won't hurt you, the VitD3 with K 1,2 won't hurt you.

The C can only help you. The IVM will help some, if you can get it. My source of the past7 Cells, is now unable to sell that and cannot give you Busidonide (sp) either (they are in CA) BUT you can get Fluvoximide and Tamiflu are available there.

Its amazing what you can scrounge up to get treated with the 'recommended' by REAL DOCTORS when you can't find a doctor in your state. I am sure they will cut that loophole out ASAP. But, desperate times breeds desperate measures. I know I'll try it, since the alternatives are much worse.

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Ok thank you.

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