Thank you for this podcast on the ballot initiatives. As you are aware we have had this for a very long time in California. so a few caveats. As Michael mentioned a lot of gross moneyed people, including people who don't even live in your State may bankroll a ballot initiative, then pour a few more billion dollars into TV ads to get it passed (personal opinion, if people would quit getting their voting decisions from 10 to 30 second TV blurbs all that money would be wasted. Of course, gulp, people would have to read think and fact check[Oh, the horror of it all]) Next if you're making a new law make it a single issue, don't embellish with add on laws. For example, if you want a law to reduce greenhouse gas, don't talk about wind power. Keep it simple, "Greenhouse gas levels must be lowered by 30% by the year 2035." Unfortunately in California, many of our environmental organizations, love to put out three part issues, reduce the greenhouse gas level, but don't use wind power because the sea gulls get injured, it's ok to use solar, but not hydro-electric..........No! KISS always works best. Make sure your ballot measure is unambiguous. And finally, in California, the ballot measures become part of the very cumbersome State Constitution - so make sure your issue is allowable under both the US Constitution and your State Constitution. If you are trying to amend an existing Article or Amendment state that and cite the Article/Amendment you are altering, otherwise it won't make it to the ballot. In California we used to have volunteers (I was one of them for more years that I care to remember) getting signatures to pass a ballot proposal, more and more the proposal initiators hire people at $5/ per signature. Bad idea, because most of these people haven't a clue what the ballot issue means or what would be the result of a win or loss. They are not emotionally invested in the measure, so, they really don't care. One other tip, Ironing boards make the best signature collecting tables, they are not too bulky, they are collapsible, easily fit into most cars, and if you don't have one your mom, grandma, or great-aunt probably does.

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Truly important advice from a person who has the experience doing this!!! Thank you so much for adding your wisdom, Fay.

We need encouragement and the voice of reason.

It feels like a daunting task for me, as do all of the wonderful suggestions that Mike puts into this series, but also sounds do able!

Forward!!! Save our sanity and grow true democracy!

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Jan 11, 2023·edited Jan 11, 2023

All registered voters will receive automatically mailed ballots in the state of X. The ballots should be mailed 90 days prior to Election Day.

That is pretty KISSable.

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Yes it is, but they still didn't vote, I don't know where you live Donald, but here in California, ballots, were pre addressed, postage free and mailed to every registered voter in the State, yet ~49.6% of registered voters actually went to the "trouble" of filling out the ballot and dropping it in the mail box. There are also drop boxes all over the place. I will say for my State that 99% of eligible voters do register, apparently it just takes too much effort to actually vote.; There are also a lot of places to vote in person and we have 2 weeks when voting in person can be done anywhere including weekends. If we lose our Democracy to those fascist trumpsters the blame will settle on the shoulders of those too lazy, apathetic, disinterested to vote. I can assure you that all 4 of my grandchildren, 2 grandchildren-in-law and my son-in-law voted, because I reminded them every day and demanded they vote, I just don't have that kind of influence on the 10 million who couldn't be bothered.

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Thank you for your efforts, Fay! I walked for Bernie in 2020 in Southeast San Diego and so many registered dems were not going to vote. The dems had disappointed them too many times to count. Disenchanted, discouraged, even hopeless. Just treading water until all is taken away. That's what I found, and I was affected by it. The dems have got to do better, and not just "work" with the other side.

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Thank you Marcia for being one of the much needed volunteers. I do very much like Bernie, The problem is the politicians and media have done such a good job of equating Socialism with Communism, never bothering to explain Communism does NOT exist - what the media calls Communism is just plain old totalitarian dictatorship. Therefore, Bernie, who (correctly) called himself a Socialist for years - doesn't stand a chance of being elected, at least not until everyone over 50 in this country is dead, and even then only if the MAGA maggots don't take over. We, the savvy liberal/progressives have to start truly explaining what socialism is. Pointing out that we already have and have had socialism in USA for many years - Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and YES, oil depletion allowances, subsidies to big pharma, big oil, big agriculture - these are all part of the socialist doctrine. Instead, even a few on this forum believe that socialism means nationalizing all enterprise, quelling all initiative. We, and Bernie, need to give examples of successful democratic socialist countries. That is doesn't take away a person's right to think. Then maybe we'd get rid of the lunge toward authoritarianism, so detrimental to our way of life.

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Did you see Michael Moore's Where To Invade Next? I resisted watching it for quite some time as I took it as encouraging militarism. I mean, Michael Moore? Anyway, my daughter insisted we watch it together and it was marvelous. He visits Iceland and other countries that have more socialism than we do. Oh, that's right--you forgot the military! We all pay in, right? My dog, Lady Bird, and I were a therapy pet team and we would go to the VA to visit patients. She loved it, and felt that she was helping me get acquainted with all these wonderful men and women. The VA--socialized medicine, and really very good in San Diego.

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Yes I did see it, it made e want to live in Iceland. Women can wreak miracles when they try.

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Hea, I am over 50 and I hope to see real change in our country before I am dead!

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And you probably will, I wish you and all youngsters (I'm 90), a positive response to your dreams. Although we, in my generation, did not achieve even some of what we dreamed, especially the hatred felt toward anyone who wasn't white, preferabl7y Anglo Saxon and protestant. We did make some dent in that solid white wall (yes, I am white, I'm not apologetic for the color of my skin, but I am ashamed that we can't accept all humans as being the same genetic animal as all other humans) We did make inroads in a lot of places. We forced the end of the Vietnam war, we achieved the passing of the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. But then we didn't remain vigilant. We got caught up in life and the thugs and reprobates, noticeably beginning with Reagan and the ridiculous War on Drugs (code name for war on persons of color and language) The evil actually started earlier in the 1970's but most of us didn't "see" it. Lesson learned, no matter what you achieve, you must stay vigilant and protect it. I knew about the coming Climate catastrophe in the early 70's while still in college, but we thought it was a long way off (more than 100 years) so you can definitely fault us for not taking to the streets again and leaving the mess for you.

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Yes, worked that way in our family too! Thanks to one dedicated person, my son in Florida, we all voted in Michigan. PS: we were all atrophied after Trump. Couldn’t believe he could get elected.

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You are very kind. I'm so happy to share any knowledge with this group

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You inspired me again. I emailed the White House!

President Biden,

Please run on this! California has the best overtime pay laws. These should be nation wide. Laws that pay you if they take you away from your family. Laws that respect your time. Working families need a warrior.


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Would you mind letting folks know where you are from? Are you from the "blue sea" of California? Or are you living in a red sea?

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Thank you. Power in numbers. Organize

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Thanks for reminding us that there are so many options. Anything is possible!

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Ballot proposal agreed. Got to stop gerrymandering. It's cheating. But then again, why is it that some of us are forced to cheat in order to just get by? I'm doing okay, but I have friends who take odd jobs off the books and that's how they survive. Social Security alone is barely enough to survive on as it is.

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I agree. Went in the laundry to get quarters. To use in the laundry where I live (Senior Apartment). A woman was using the machines for her family. Said she spent over $20 a week! Plus soaps, etc. I was shocked. I don’t know how a family can survive with groceries costs, etc. Those are KISS issues to them!

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Thanks for a very informative podcast. Unfortunately, Texas doesn’t allow citizens led ballot initiatives to amend the state constitution. It can only come on the ballot after being passed by two thirds majority in both houses of the state legislature. With all the gerrymandering and voter suppression that the Republicans in the state legislature do, supported and encouraged by Republicans in statewide executive positions like Governor, Lt. Governor and Attorney General, they are unlikely to approve such a ballot initiative to end gerrymandering and voter suppression as was done in Michigan.

So what can we do in these circumstances that is viable in Texas?

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also in TX ... and yes, all of that is true. still worth watching that film, Shekar. Katie Fahey, young woman who started the movement in MI has a new movement to support people in other states. can't remember at this moment what the new organization is. kitty sleeping on my computer chair, so can't look it up just now. seems like we oughta be able to do something!!!!

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Absolutely. We should at least make a sustained effort to make sure that our like minded relatives, friends and family members are registered and vote for Democrats. They need to be encouraged similarly to reach out to their like minded friends and family members.

The Two Million Texans project tried to do so in the last election using the Reach app but they started less than two months before the election and still was able to make a difference for the better even without a lot of support from Texas Democratic Party or a leading candidate with a lot of volunteers.

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I am so proud of you, Michael. I have moved back to Flint, after many years away. So have many in my family. My hope is that we will make a difference! As you have! Using the ballot proposal idea, you are right. And it worked! Many who had lost hope and were not voting came back to the polls to see those 3 proposals through! I love your ideas!

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ohhh... nice!! that was Norah Jones singing... loved it!! thank you!!

more great ideas, of course!!! Slay the Dragon is such an interesting and inspiring film!! See it!!!

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Michael Moore,

Always check history for answers. Our history looks good moving forward. We did not repeat the past like one man wanted the nation to do after watching the riots as a teenager. They shaped him. The riots in the 1960’s were rough and the ones from 2020 pale in comparison. The main reason is because of the Civil Rights Bills of 1964 signed by LBJ. One man however wanted to be re-elected like a Nixon in 1968 and he tried. He tried so hard but lost to a Biden. We are not repeating the past. The political back slides are growing smaller. That does not mean the rhetoric of hate and threats and violence will be gone. If people could march in the 1960 against all odds, we can today. The movement never ended and in a democracy it never does. Our march in 2024 may not as profound in its imagery. We simply will be voting in numbers never seen in this country because of the Freedom Marches.

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Jan 10, 2023·edited Jan 10, 2023

A working American platform will build a wave also. We should not have to make everything ballot initiatives.

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Jan 11, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023


The height in voter turnout was 1964 when the Civil Rights Movement was at its peak. By Reagan, the Republican Party suppressed the young vote with boredom. Trump has stoked the wrong fire. Nothing builds the fire in the belly of American youth more than a racist Republican. Talk about running the wrong campaign. Democrats, there are five territories and one federal district that have no representation in federal government. Diverse peoples ignored by social injustice.


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We should top 50% youth turnout (18-24) in 2024 looking at trends. But I can look at that chart to see which ethnic groups are lagging behind. We need more young Latinos in races this time around. That is our biggest lagging group. Texas Texas Texas!


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2020, about 1.5 million students were enrolled in private high schools or similar institutions in the United States. There were significantly more students enrolled in public high schools across the United States, at 15.3 million students.Dec 8, 2022

There are almost 17 million new voters who will all be available come 2024.  We need more Democracy in those places now to build excitement.  Half of those have graduated and moved on.  We need enthusiasm in this voter pool!

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Since I can’t get information directly from people can people post somewhere of any developments of more democracy. Ballot initiatives etc.

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Jan 10, 2023·edited Jan 10, 2023

Right next door in Indiana we have no ability to add anything to the ballot. Neither the initiative nor referendum as ever been adopted in our "fair" state - Indiana - as far as I am able to ascertain. The Republistupids have a complete lock on statewide government. Only in a few communities are there strong Democratic Parties, such as Monroe County and Bloomington. We also have "Right to Work" laws in Indiana which are anything but and serve to keep wages and benefits low. Our governor, a Republidiot, refuses to allow any consideration of cannabis legalization, even for medical purposes, as long as the federal government has cannabis classified as it has cannabis classified. Illinois taxes for out of state cannabis purchasers are quite high, something like 30%, and purchasers are limited as to amounts per day that can be bought. We have no anti-gerrymandering legislation so Democratic populations are arranged so they have as little political say as possible.

The mountain is high, the way is long for justice in Indiana.

Thank you for everything you do, Mr. Moore. You give us hope and stir us to action! Rock ON!!!

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Jan 11, 2023·edited Jan 11, 2023

I just read that one of the Democratic Party of Indiana's legislative goals for this legislative session is to add the referendum and initiative to the rights of citizens. The Republidiots have super majorities in both legislative bodies so that won't happen, at least the Democrats are trying.

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Don’t you believe in Freedom of Speech, you hippie?

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Not exactly related. But I know that many on here including Michael know that I am involved with a grassroots organization working on state level M4A at the state level. I’m so excited! I finally had a LTE published in the Seattle Times! Here’s the link!



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Via a ballot initiative!

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