I’m not vaccinated either. And I’m cynical and not trusting. I knew already that medicine was the leading killer of all Americans. I knew already that they (the pharmaceuticals ) were the backers of the Nazi movement. I knew already that the American Nazis through Operation Paperclip brought their German Nazi buddies over to create the FDA and CDC and NASA. I just read my history and learn. As a result I was carefully looking at everything the companies said about their shots. The companies website stated that these shots are a gene therapy not a vaccine. The companies stated that like the flu shot it was designed to reduce the milder side effects of COVID. It was not designed to stop transmission, hospitalizations or deaths just as the flu shots are not designed to either. When in the world were we ever told there is nothing medicine can do so your not allowed to see your doctor, you have to go home, get sicker, infect anyone in that household that not already ill to only then be allowed to go to a hospital that was paid extra money to diagnose you sick with COVID-19 then kill your through the vent and/or Remdesiver and get a bonus for doing it. No doctors were allowed to disagree and then the get the vax pressure with mandates. Everything looked on the up and up, right? No reason to not trust them? And, oh yea, don’t forget Obama signing a law allowing the government to lie to us setting this whole thing up.

And I’m stupid for not taking the shot?!?!

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How can any sentient being not see the lies and illogical arguments?!?! I’m just thankful I’ve been ‘woken up’ before I fell for this huge lie. God help those dear trusting, naive souls who trusted their white costs and benign governments. 😢

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Read Revelations 13:16-18...

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You and I must be cut from the same mold.

I share the exact same sentiments as you.


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According to the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons, you're not only stupid, you're crazy!😘

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So true

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Best comment ever! I fully agree with you and I kept telling my family these same things over and over again. I was met with comments such as the following:

"this is about public health, not just you and your family."

"I need to know if you will be vaccinated before the wedding. It affects our plans."

"I'm really worried about your and your family."

"I find your refusal to vaccinate and your belief that you have done your own research beyond understanding"

"there is no reasonable explanation for you not to take it to protect yourself and your family"

"this is not just about you, it's about public health"

"your refusal to vaccinate affects our family"

"you and your family will be endangering all of us when you take your masks off to eat and drink."

"you are not an island unto yourself"

"unprotected from this virus even if you are masked, could endanger anyone in contact with you and the rest of your family"

"this refusal makes it difficult for me to want to be anywhere near you"

"You have backed yourself into a corner and have isolated yourself from your family and friends"

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The pressure was amazing but we (my wife, my children and I wouldn’t bend. They wouldn’t let us in the house even after the CDC said they shouldn’t treat the unvaxed any differently. Long story shortened… we got a full, no amnesty, apology! Im so thankful for their wake up, I missed them dearly. I hope the same can happen for you.

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wow, that's so awesome you got a sincere wake-up apology!

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"I missed them dearly"? After the way they treated you? Why didn't you tell them all to go to Hell?

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People make mistakes and most people can’t admit them. When you find the ones that admit it and apologize for it I think they are worth another shot. Until they apologized they were told to “go to hell” but that didn’t stop me from missing them. They may have acted like a subhuman but that doesn’t mean I have to lose my humanity. My strength is that I am who I am and I’m happy with it. I’m looking for peace not war

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All I can say to that is... may you not in the end... be as mistaken in your perceptions of those whom you love... quite the way I was...

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With friends/family like that, who needs enemies?

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Tell me all about it. I woke up April 29, 2014, to the reality that I'd squandered over $100,000 for their sakes, uselessly putting my life on hold for them. I was $34,000 in debt, I was unemployed, I had no income. As 50 Cent said to Robert Greene: "See things for what they are."

"You had a reboot moment did ya?" said a co-worker to me. Waking up, can sometimes be that painful.

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Dear Rachel:

There is a book I can commend to your attention, and two more to your ...friends... who could say such things to you:

• "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" -- Charles MacKay, first published in 1844.

• "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

• "Turtles All the Way Down" by Anonymous, and understandably so.

Trouble is Rachel, as John Wayne observed: "Ya can't fix stupid" -- no matter how hard you try.. but these people are beyond stupid. They're entranced... enchanted.. possibly even demonically possessed. More to the point: They're dangerous. Get out of their orbits, have nothing more to do with them: As far as you're concerned they're dangerous, like a paranoid schizophrenic is dangerous.

All I can tell you, is I've been living like a hermit for the last 3 years because of such people. I work graveyard to avoid them, I do my shopping at Amazon.

May God be with you.

Capt. Roy

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Thank you! I have the Real Anthony Fauci and Turtles" but not Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of the Crowds. That sounds like an important one, I will check out. I should gift it to them! The problem is these people are my dad and aunt. I hear you on how delusional, toxic, and schizophrenic like they are. Thank you for this reminder. I have been hermitting a lot more too these last three years, and quite enjoy it :)

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"The problem is these people are my dad and aunt"? I hear you. Truly, I do: In 2014 at the tender age of 55, I finally grasped that "the remains of my family" -- my brother and sister-in-law, my nieces and nephews, all of whom I'd known for decades -- couldn't give a flying festering f*** if I lived or if I died and never did, and truthfully, neither did my departed sisters.😳💩 Haven't spoken to them, haven't heard a word from them since. A similar painful revelation may be in store for you regarding your dad and your aunt in the near future. Guard yourself.

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Jan 14, 2023·edited Jan 14, 2023

Tell your esteemed friends: "When you're on your deathbed, in the event you'll consider allowing me out of my 'corner,' I'll be there to call the priest to confer last rites on you."

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It ain't gonna be purdy.

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My thoughts are as of this moment.......we are so fucked.

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People are waking up. I hate to see more death but I fear it is coming. More people will awaken. Twitter is opening. The gag order can't last. Censorship seems impossible to maintain. Let's hope they don't start all out war to buy time. Even in SW Florida, the daily radio adds to get your booster is relentless. Evil and demonic.

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Fear aint a good option. This is a hill to die on.

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A few on the other side are gonna die, too, on this hill that they put in place. #NoAmnesty #NoQuarter

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LIsa Marie Presley in coma after cardiac event https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/music-news/lisa-marie-presley-hospitalized-1235298219/

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Oh wow - that feeds my Shad for today (Schadenfreude)

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Yep! And all the Fauci disciplines have their heads in the sand. Hear no evil🙉See no evil🙈Speak no evil🙊My 4 vaxxed son this week gave me a second round! Mild compared to first time after acquiring natural immunity without injections! I recognized the medical con orchestrated by Fauci early on! The majority of those vaxxed did it out of love for older family members and didn’t understand that it was not built on good medical research! The 4 x’s vaxxed are perpetuating the medical con and they don’t understand they are a vector and the are the key spreader as we move into 2023!

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“Canadians just want to forget about the pandemic and move on. It's perfectly understandable, ...”

Yes, but not for reason mentioned. Most are vaxxed. No one wants to think about it, about how wrong they may have been and to the potential damage that hangs over them. But to the smug arses at the grocery store and on Twitter, it’s time for #6. Remember, “Safe and effective.”👍😉

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I try to imagine sleeping with one eye open fearing death from a jab, like the Pfizer guy watching soccer, cringing at the possibility of his murder victim dropping on the field.

The fear of death is what gets humans into this situation, and, paradoxically the “ protection” itself becomes the agent of death .

How sad that fear reigns. In a world that isn’t a safe place at all, and with the materialistic notion that longevity is everything, weakness replaces courage.

The weak rule over the strong, and if we ever find our courage to fix this, and i think we will, over decades, God will be asked to have mercy on those who, raised in coddled weakness, ushered in the greatest most evil genocide ever known.


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Well said, Stevanovitch.

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I have Jewish ancestry. I agree. I’ve also used that term to describe the 63 million lost here in the U.S. from abortion.

There’s no shortage of man’s inhumanity to man. This current installment is unique in that many of its victims voluntarily accepted the offer of the perpetrators.

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Excellent, Well said....Thank you Dr Alexander

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Guitarist Jeff Beck, 78, died Tuesday of bacterial meningitis.

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If you've been digging into this as I have, ever since the Fraudemic started, you should understand this goes way beyond corporate greed and malfeasance; coopted and venal politicans on the take and stupid, incompetent and intimidated medical doctors. This is a degree of evil likely unique in human history, not even the Nazis came close, but the Bolsheviks may have begun to approach it with The Holodomor: The Covid-19 Fraudemic and the Lethal Injections as Kevin Flaherty of Cryptogon said, were nothing but a scam designed to profit from premeditated mass murder. What we're seeing right now, is not merely diabolical, it is truly Satanic.

I supply a list of titles from Paul Craig Robert's website; the last item is probably the most cogent:

• “The Health Plot Against the People of the World” https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2023/01/11/the-health-plot-against-the-people-of-the-world/

• “Australia Sees 63% Drop in Births After Introduction of COVID ‘Vaccines’” https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2023/01/11/australia-sees-63-drop-in-births-after-introduction-of-covid-vaccines/

• “Half Of Us Thinks Covid Vax Caused Unexplained Deaths” https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2023/01/10/half-of-us-thinks-covid-vax-caused-unexplained-deaths/

• “My List of Studies & Government Data from Around World Proving the Covid Vaccine is Dangerous and Deadly, and the Worst Heathcare Disaster in World” https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2023/01/09/my-list-of-studies-government-data-from-around-world-proving-the-covid-vaccine-is-dangerous-and-deadly-and-the-worst-heathcare-disaster-in-world-history/

• “It is time to lay murder charges on Pfizer, Moderna, CDC, NIH, FDA, NIAID, Fauci, Francis Collins, Walensky, Ashish Jha” https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2023/01/09/it-is-time-to-lay-murder-charges-on-pfizer-moderna-cdc-nih-fda-niaid-fauci-francis-collins-walensky-ashish-jha/

• “Covid Booster Shot Suppresses Immunity and Unleashes Cancer” https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2023/01/09/covid-booster-shot-suppresses-immunity-and-unleashes-cancer/

• “For many months Professor Miller has been providing a regular list of those who ‘died suddenly’” https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2023/01/09/for-many-months-professor-miller-has-been-providing-a-regular-list-of-those-who-died-suddenly/

• “The Covid ‘vaccine’ Is an Intentional Effort at World Genocide” https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2023/01/08/the-covid-vaccine-is-an-intentional-effort-at-world-genocide/

PS: “Brother Alexis Bugnolo Says 2 Billion Dead In The Next Year. Are You Ready?” https://www.bitchute.com/video/iYB2hnoz8S9c/ In my humble opinion, the only thing Br. Alexis got wrong, was the time frame.

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Great list, Captain Roy. Before the death shots were released I called my Primary Care Doctor. We set up a telehealth appointment. I explained I simply wanted to go on record stating I will never take the so-called Covid “vaccine.”

He’s a nice guy and I respect him. Yet I distinctly remember him saying, mind you this was back in early 2020 long before the death jabs were even released, “I don’t think that’s going to matter.” I immediately knew my concern was confirmed; at some point they’ll force it on us.

I, too, am living a stay at home life. Since transmission is a real thing (thanks Pfizer for trying your Nazi best to hide the data), this apparently is what life going forward will be for those of us with discernment.

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Drink lots of pine needle tea and 10 - 12,000 units of Vitamin D for the rest of your life I guess.. 🤔

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Oh, I’m way beyond that. I alternate daily use of Lumbrokinase with Nattokinase, use IVM prophylactically, take D plus all the other recommended nutraceuticals, chew a 2mg piece of Nicotine gum before going somewhere enclosed, Neti-pot rinse my nasal passages with saline and a few drops of Povidone Iodine and gargle with Scope once back home, and finally take a hot shower.

Obsessive? No, it’s prudent. I have a blood clotting disorder which almost killed me at 21. I’m playing to win.

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You're way ahead of me! Better send ME some links and titles! 😘

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Jan 14, 2023·edited Jan 14, 2023

The FLCCC website (https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols/i-recover-long-covid-treatment/) has evidence based protocols for prevention, infection, long Covid and even hospital treatment. I learned from Dr. Bryan Ardis there MAY be venom peptides in the bioweapon/ClotShot which potentially can be blocked with nicotine gum, the nasal rinsing and gargling to sweep yourself clear of viruses and bacteria is recommended by Dr. Mercola. And I even have both Dandelion and Licorice Tea on hand, too.

As for the Lumbrokinase and Nattokinase, I order the former from Mercola.com and get the latter from Amazon (Jarrow Formulas brand.)

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Need to claw back every single dime these evil people profited, then sue them for damages and take what’s left. If justice is served, they won’t need it any as they’ll burn in hell.

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some of us knew from the get go that it was a sham. viruses don't exist. it was always about the clot shot, always. just look at the players, event 201 in october 2019, rockefeller's 2010 scenarios for the future - lockstep. it was out there. knew the mask was harmful, violated osha standards-yet osha did nothing - destroying small businesses - knew pharmakia and hospitals kill folks every day - and now they can get 500k for murder from your government. they've kidnapped folks living alone and not allowed family or friends - we warned family and strangers since the beginning - we could have stopped this if people weren't so dumbed down, fearful and selfish. now we're all in this sinking ship. all part of their plan to bring in the not great reset.

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Lisa Marie Preston......nothing to see here, move along.

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Thank goodness she was vaccinated. It could have been so much worse. Sarc/

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It's scheduled to be completed by 2030. However the world is awakening more quickly to the plan which makes TIME its worst enemy. Expect the acceleration of Agenda 2030 by five years. The WHO has gotten the signatures of around 180 nations on its total management of world health, commerce, energy use and carbon credit management. There are 5000 Swiss troops already in place to defend Davos 2023 against something. Probably the fear of something after the secret conclave announces something big.

We will not know anything about it, but we will like it. https://t.me/LauraAbolichannel/29650

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I find it interesting how you pointed out that dating back to 1976 Guilliane-Barr syndrome was a known side effect. This appears to be a rather side effect with the COVID vaccines as well. I'm not a doctor and am not privy as to why various vaccines appear to have this common side effect. I will conduct further research but existing data and info I've seen thus far appears to be inconclusive as to what specifically causes this.

CDC website states: "Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare disorder where the body’s immune system damages nerve. The damage to the nerves causes muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis. While its cause is not fully understood, the syndrome often follows infection with a virus or bacteria. Each year in the United States, an estimated 3,000 to 6,000 people develop GBS. Most people fully recover from GBS, but some have permanent nerve damage."

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