Any way one slices it, the entire mass jab agenda is a cluster #@%! of unprecedented magnitude. It is and was all along a predatory, malevolent plan and as the Breggins state in their book's subtitle, "We Are the Prey"

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Interesting article published today about masks in Australia. Astounding how the science has turned!!! https://summit.news/2023/01/23/australians-were-once-prosecuted-for-claiming-face-masks-worked-against-viruses/

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I recently read that many of the deaths from the 1918 Spanish Flu were actually bacterial pneumonia deaths caused by filthy masks. Imagine the fibrotic lung diseases that are festering in the modern microfiber Chinese mask era☠️

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Terrific summary, thanks for this.

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All big pharma drugs, vaccines and mRNA injections help upset your body from doing its job...that is identifying and releasing toxins and balancing your system.

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Great summary. Short and to the point.

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Thanks Paul.

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