I am a lawyer, who works on the Texas border. It is worse than the film depicts. Have you ever seen a dead 3 week old in a sex cradle board?

No one would be able to stomach what really happens.

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I “liked” your comment but of course I don’t like it whatsoever.

It is beyond evil. The human mind cannot possibly comprehend these atrocities, unless witnessed as you unfortunately have witnessed. Or told by someone like yourself.

Thank you for your advocacy and may God truly be gracious to you and your colleagues, and may he have mercy on these children and abused adults and may he soon execute swift justice on the evil doers.

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Thank you for your hard work exposing this pervasive evil.

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Thank you for words of encouragement.

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How do you manage? Special place in heaven for you and others that try and help.

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I defend the local people who get talked into "giving people rides" to Houston, Dallas, or San Antonio. I have also defended a "house mom" who tried to keep the girls clean and "patched up" after they were torn to shreds by adult male perpetrators. The people I help are victims as well, preyed upon by cartels, who feed the rapacious desires of our American pedophiles. Thank you for your kind words.

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God's blessing on you. You are a special breed.

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All the best to you. I really don't know what I can say as encouragement that is strongly worded enough, but I hope the sentiment and intent gets across.

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I have no idea what a sex cradle board is, but I’m sure I don’t want to know.

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I know of another lawyer in Canada who has just completed his doctoral thesis on the child sex trafficking holocaust. It's very real, tragically, and people such as the former CIA agent depicted in the film who are trying to rescue children from sex trafficking rings should be lauded as heroes, not lumped in with paranoiacs.

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There are no words to imagine or see this evil. May God the Father and His angels protect you and give you the grace to handle His work here. God is working through you.

“Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one of you for what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” Revelation 22:12-13

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Thank you but I only help a handful of petty, ancillary criminals who unwittingly end up in a circle of evil way beyond what they ever imagined. All the good people like yourselves must spread the word on this. These children and adults need everyone to scream about this. Their pain and suffering must stop.

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Haven't seen that, but I have done work for non-profit groups (relating child abuse & rape) working adjacent to state health care/social services over here. For my part, it was simply being there and offering my ear, my shoulder to cry on and a hug and whatever words of comfort and hope didn't sound like trite platitudes.

What stuck with me, and still chafes is children having suffered through undescribable torture asking: "Why aren't they stopped? Why arent they punished?"

Evidence permitting, execution should be mandatory for rape when it's a child is my opinion.

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Thank you for the work you do. I find it hard to imagine that these babies will ever work through what has happened to them, but speaking with someone like you is the start.

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Precisely. I'll add that the statistics given for the amount of human trafficking occurring globally are also inaccurate. As everyone has learned by now, even from VAERS and other tracking programs set up- you don't find what you don't want to find. If the estimated under reporting factor is between 35-42 for VAERS, then apply that to the stats for human trafficking globally, and I'd feel confident that you'd be still on the conservative side.☹😐

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Good point and how can children with no ID, no birth certificate, even be known to exist, much less be counted as a statistic?

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When I read three border patrol officers committed suicide awhile back I wondered if it was discoveries like this that drove them to such despair.

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Can you imagine?

They are local people as well, with families and no training to deal with this insanity.

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Worse than insanity......this is straight up the most evil enterprise you can imagine. It is evil to the core.

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It is evil and it is heart breaking there are so many people in this country alone who want to abuse children. I often wish the Internet did not exist because it seems like it emboldened people to satisfy themselves at any cost.

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I agree. It allowed the most perverse elements of society to find each other and share each other's grotesque fantasies.

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I can’t express how grateful I am that you’ve picked up and posted on this ‘review.’

Thank you.

I was so appalled at the review’s angle – more invested in smearing the viewers of the film than the criminal, perverted, degenerate subject itself and its maimed and murdered victims, that not only did I feel quite nauseous, but I didn’t know how to complain adequately.

I am only comforted in thinking that the review's author is a cheap, inhuman Guardian bot.

The Guardian yet again disgraces itself.

Thanks again.

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Didn’t know how to complain adequately. 🎯

How does one complain against such gross injustice? Is The Guardian actually okay with child abuse?

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I found myself ranting and then wandering into many other immoral issues.

I guess my reaction is what is wanted - upsetting and then demoralising people to encourage weakness and then compliance.

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Maybe ask the obvious question: is The Guardian okay with child sexual abuse?

And leave it at that.

Although I have a much easier time reacting that way long after the fact than in the heat of the moment.

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I would suggest we complain to God the Father through PRAYER. ✌️🙏🏾

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Completely agree with all that you said!

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Thank you!

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Unfortunately, not even remotely exaggerated. The depravity of what's happening is truly appalling, and anyone who dismisses it likely has reasons to do so. I've been a fan of Tim Ballard for years, listening to him speak when I can, and I don't think there are many people on this earth with the ability and fortitude to go where he has and not just implode from the darkness.

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So you now have to link QAnon to try and delegitimize the very real problem of child sex trafficking? Good times…

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I saw the film. It is a must see. And based upon my prior research regarding child trafficking, the film greatly understates the case. There are a lot of clues for those with ears to hear and eyes to see regarding compromises that the makers were forced by the CIA to concede in order to get the film to market. Sad. But still effective nonetheless. It is a triumph that they were able to get the film to market at all.

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Media come out in defense of some odd things, but trying to defend child trafficking is, well, beyond the pale.

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Not in this day & age, Joe. Tranny crap used to be considered mental illness & look where we are now. I fully expect “minor-attracted” pedos...er, persons, to be the next enshrined as discriminated against

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The thing is of course that it's risky to condemn child sexual abuse too vigorously. One's favorite writer or artist or political figure might be guilty of it. And it always comes out afterwards how many people in the circle of friends and acquaintances suspected but it's just so vulgar to interfere.

I remember how naively shocked I was to hear about rampant sexual abuse of minors in Buddhist orders. I mean--them guys?

If hypocrisy was spun into skeins of wool, you'd have enough to make blankets to keep the whole world warm.

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Until around April/May 2020, one of the first things I used to do in the morning was head to the Guardian on-line. (And I would end the day by reading the paper copy of the NYT.)

Not since then (for both rags and others), and I am not missing anything useful.

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Relate! By the way, you might appreciate this post I wrote a couple of months ago about the Guardian’s pathetic propaganda attempt to get brown & black people to take the injection: https://open.substack.com/pub/sanefrancisco/p/will-these-bame-take-the-blame

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Sometimes we pick up the NYTimes just to gage the propaganda.

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Jul 8, 2023·edited Jul 8, 2023

"Back in 2018, when the Guardian was still just about reporting on important matters"

Sorry, I don't think so. The Grauniad became a captivr of the Security Services after it was raided and all its electronic equipment confiscated after its "involvement" in the Snowden episode with Glen Greenwald. A cynic would conclude that some sort of deal was cut at that time. SInce then, The Grauniad has become just another MSM journal but as a mothpiece of MI6 yet maintaining a "Hard Left" perspective. Difficult balance1

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Typical from places like The Guardian. Seeing the movie today

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The Guardian, which I used to read avidly until April 2020 after which time I saw through their Scamdemic propaganda, is completely compromised. Thanks for pointing out their blatant hypocrisy by juxtaposing this “review” with their reporting on the same topic a few years before. What a joke the Guardian, the NYT, and all of mainstream media, is.

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Great work! Thanks for helping expose this corporate rag known as The Guardian. You would think they'd get tired of spewing propaganda. Evidently, they are quite fond of their own lies.

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The movie is excellent. We saw it on the Fourth of July. Everyone clapped in our theater too when it concluded. It was not gratuitously violent. It was respectful of the children victims. We were very impressed with the quality of the movie. We urge everyone we meet to go see it.

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Like VAERS and its “10% publishing rate”, this film only scratches the surface - just enough to the point across without totally bombarding the sleeping masses. There is no exaggeration here.

Go do some research into Operation Underground Railroad (OUR), watch their two other films on Bitchute and you’ll get a slightly broader perspective of what has been happening. Then multiply that by factors of a thousand, even getting your darkest imaginings into the picture, and you’ll be even closer to the truth.

I guarantee this is the stuff of nightmares - and it’s happening to our children!

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I have not seen the movie and probably won’t. But I have enough awareness of the issue to know that it is unlikely the movie exaggerates. The depth of depravity in matters of sexual perversity knows no limits.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

This is nothing

Have you seen how they used to talk about the Nazi problem in Ukraine

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Could it be that the same billionaires who were involved with Jeffrey Epstein in sex trafficking are directing The Guardian's biased coverage from behind the scenes? Clearly there's a major attempt to normalize adults exploiting children for sex in the media, so no wonder they brand this film "paranoid" despite the shocking statistics. Sickening.

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To know about it and to have it visualized are two different things my friend.

Same as with "The Passion."

Pretty sure this movie was made for the "normies" to awaken them without shell shocking them back into knowing blindness. That CANNOT happen!

Go see it and take an "uninformed" friend or 7 with ya. It will open the matter to discuss.

From O.U.R site...


It tells you how the movie is based on facts, except for the parts that aren't.

Also, considering there is no Qanon, there is only Q and Anons, their argument is mute, invalid, and most definitely a scripted teleprompter "go to" to bash, which SHOULD make everyone want to go see the movie even more so!

Perhaps when the 4 part docuseries (which MAY be called "Hidden War") produced by Mel Gibson will be more readily received once the blinders are taken off, which "Sound of Freedom" does. For those in the know, use it as a tool.

Much Love

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I don’t know who or what Q is, nor have I ever “believed in” Q, but the fraudulent “QAnon” label makes me crazy.

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Another instance they put out something that would be used to instantly disqualify any independent thought, just like 'conspiracy theory' does.

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The gatekeepers are exactly where you would expect to find them and in places you always should have suspected.

Very good post BTW, pointing out the hypocrisy of the complicit media. They are like a mother who serves her children up to a child raping boyfriend/husband. Watching him carry on nightly and saying...he's so good with those kids and always gives them plenty of attention...".

These gatekeepers (and others) are why this evil plague of humanity, has flourished and thrived.

It makes one wonder if they would treat Katharine Gun like a QAnon conspiracy theorist, instead of a hero and take heaps of pride in running the story, as they did back then.

But it's really down to us, they are just the shills for the child rapists and sodomizers.

We as a collective and worldwide society, should agree that these traffickers are now on the list for open hunting. There should be bounties on their heads - to be collected only if they are brought in dead. We have tolerated this atrocity, being heaped on children, long enough.

Now you may and should damn well ask, "why don't we have death penalty laws and armies of law enforcement scouring the streets in EVERY country around the world, for these POS's??"

Indeed, why don't we??

For the same reasons you've never seen and never will see, the evidence that came from Pedo island and all the other evidence out there, that names, shows and connects the world's elite scumbags, with child rape, sodomy, abuse, trafficking and murder.

I am thankful for this movies and those who made it, in that they're putting this issue front and center...but what does it say about us, as a collective society, that it takes a movie, to get us all talking about this damn abhorrent issue?

Why the hell is this not a topic of discussion on a daily basis - the kids being raped sure don't get to turn away from it, when it gets too ugly and go do something else.

We should all be ashamed and hopefully motivated in that shame, to take action and save these children. They didn't ask for it, they did nothing wrong and are locked in lives of hell - hoping someone comes to rescue them - we are all that someone.

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You wouldn't wipe your arse with the guardian now. State media/Pravda.

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Was the 2018 article even about child trafficking or was it about smearing Colombia as part of some other narrative?

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NE - So according to the Giardian - a tiny parasite (germ) that causes the diarrheal disease giardiasis - the Rumsfeldian unknown known, or cognitively what we do not like to know... in the guise of a QAnon adjacent thriller is seducing America? It will take much more than that... https://youtu.be/z6HFXWUmpos

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Sad to see that the film is very 'light-on' the core perpetrators. Israelies were recently arrested in Colombia trafficking kids and pedophilia. And it didn't touch on the adrenochrome epidemic which is the cause of so many disappeared children every year.

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I apologist for my foaming at the mouth probably unintelligible due to frustration rant: There were some Israelis in Ukraine along with everyone else - OGUS, EU, NATO, WEF, Commonwealth countries, the globohomopedo satanist cabal, the elitists and crony kongressional kommie konnected and do not forget the muslim countries. This administration and its allies remain determined to keep its Ukro-nazi trafficking in everything including organs of children, sex trafficking, bioweapons, drugs, Kickback NGOs even if annihilation is part of the price. Meanwhile Valerie Jarrett is doing the heavy lifting continuing Obama's worldwide Caliphate, through overwhelming numbers of imported "refugees" that the muslim nations refuse to have any truck with for very good reasons. Meanwhile the CCP is laughing at the depravity they have gotten the west to absorb and weaken it. *OGUS = Occupational Government f the United States.

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Agree - I reckon they are overblowing the scale of the child thing...

I suspect this would be part of the Global Mass Demoralization campaign which includes pedo promotion... tranny freaks... mass illegal immigration ... much fakery involving 'senile' joe... etc etc...

Subliminally the effect is to make people feel that life is not really worth living ... and secretly yearn for extermination ...

This makes them more calm when the actual extermination begins... more accepting ...

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.....and when you're demoralized, your immune system tanks.

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Although not (hopefully) involving children, human trafficking happens even in rural Saskatchewan, Canada (warning to Canadians... CBC link...):


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I challenge anyone to read that Guardian article without throwing up.

Anyone else still remember the Guardian actually being a proper newspaper? Days long gone…

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Many thanks for your article. The Guardian has some interesting articles but is heavily biased against Brexit, Trump supporters.

But pro vaccines


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The Hollywood elite are a depraved group of professional liars who's job is to deceive those watching into believing what they want them to believe. The lurid history of the acting/entertainment profession is well documented, Spacey, Polanski, Jackson, Weinstein .... Watching almost all of the latest movies they are all loaded with examples of the very violence, sexual exploitation, and government corruption, that they claim to abhor, all the while shoving the LGBTQ+, they are more special than anyone else nonsense down our throats. Hanks, De Niro, Sarandon, Penn, Madona, ... are all living in a depraved bubble void of any morals or conscience. It's become difficult to separate their talent from their stupidity and depravity, they truly are useful idiots..

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Imagine Charles in the dark, smirking at all the deranged right-wing theatre goers while plotting his article.

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Does anyone know where we can see the movie in the U.K.? Or online?

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