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Full Interview with MSNBC's Ali Velshi

We discussed the damage Trump and MAGA Republicans are doing to our national security

Last December I wrote about my prediction that 2024 would be a difficult year for the Ukrainians. What I did not anticipate at that time was that Trump’s stranglehold over the Republican party was so great that Congress would sacrifice our national security to appease him. We are now seeing my concerns become a reality, and the situation on the front line will continue to get much worse if the House doesn’t pass the bipartisan aid package now. The Ukrainians have been trying to hold off the Russian invaders with practically no support from the U.S. for months now. Their ammunition supplies are running dangerously low, and the risk of spillover into other Eastern European countries is being exacerbated by Trump’s rhetoric. Please join me in calling on moderate House Republicans to pass Ukraine aid now to ensure our troops are not dragged into a war in Europe.

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