In the meantime over in the real world - found in the Moon of Alabama -

"U.S. media are emphasizing the $60 billion package passed by Congress for Ukraine. They neglect to explain that only $14.5 billion of that is actually going to Ukraine, half of it to keep the state solvent and the other half in form of weapons Ukraine might buy once they are build. The other money is designated to refill the U.S. military stockpile.

The real military help for Ukraine during the next months, in form of artillery and anti-air ammunition, will be minuscule."

And - "Currently the replacement rate through Ukrainian mobilization is said to be only 25% of the losses that are actually occurring."

The real war crime here is being perpetrated by the US.

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This seems more like a "release" than a "leak".

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the document outlining his talking points is internal, not meant for public release, hence the usage of "leak". with that said, almost all leaks (here in the us) are intentional.

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Countdown to Blinken apologizing for taking a photo with a Ukrainian Nazi.

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'The Biden administration believes that Ukraine will win in its war against Russia, internal talking points for Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s trip to the war ravaged country this week say.'

I have to wonder if 'belief' is the correct word here. Seems to me more like 'wants the world to believe they believe."

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Can't help but LOL at Blinken in that photo. Good grief. Hands folded, smiling. Show some strength and confidence. Walk silently with a big stick, bro. That may not matter here but it does matter to the world.

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May 14Liked by Ken Klippenstein

Thank you! This is super interesting. Also, do you have any info regarding the rumors that Putin is plotting a physical test attack against the west?

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May 14·edited May 14

I don't get how changing messaging from alarmist to optimistic given the aid being approved is contradictory or misleading. Is there anything in the leak to imply that the aid package wouldn't make a significant difference? Or is the alarmist messaging is continuing in in the united states while peddling a different message overseas?

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“...independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity, with its internationally recognized borders,”

The ultimate hypocrisy is when a person/state uses a phrase that they clearly disagree with by vetoing every UN resolution regarding Palestine. I specifically said Palestine and not Hamas.

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War boosterism requires you to project both strength and weakness. I certainly wouldn't trust any assessment from the U.S. at face value. This reporting shows precisely why.

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I’m grateful for Ken’s diligent reporting! It’s remarkable how few journalists are willing to actually expose the inner workings of government as officials from each of the major corporate political parties continue to pull the wool over the eyes of a largely ignorant public. Rather than expose this kind of messaging guidance, most journalists & editors instead parrot it like stenographers. https://shahidbuttar.substack.com/p/editors-or-propagandists

Setting aside the self-serving rhetoric of officials contriving reasons to support yet another proxy war on the other side of the world, the reality is unfortunately that Washington’s central organizing principle is whatever scheme will sell weapons to fill the pockets of Wall Street, the military industrial complex, and the investor class that dominates Congress. Military industrial corruption is a consistent theme of my writing, and also the original reason I ran for Congress to challenge plutocrat Nancy Pelosi as San Francisco’s voice in the House in each of the cycles from 2018 until 2022. https://shahidbuttar.substack.com/p/anybody-seen-a-fighter-plane

I dare say it was also the basis for the racist character assassination that ended my career in law & politics, although no reporter ever documented the source of the scheme orchestrated to undermine the 2020 election in CA-12. That said, one whistleblower recruited to support the scheme, who was suppressed by every writer who covered & amplified the lies promoted by it (including Akela Lacy from The Intercept, from which Ken recently departed) wrote herself to reveal what no professional “journalist” has ever demonstrated the independence to observe. https://sfbayview.com/2021/08/white-supremacy-in-san-francisco/ Her reflections ultimately offer one lens through which to witness the intersection of militarism and racism described as “evil” by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 60 years earlier. https://shahidbuttar.substack.com/p/democrats-vs-democracy

This latest post by Ken does a good job of connecting those intersections to the third “evil” described by MLK: the capitalism that helps enable this mass fraud to continue even after 75 years of documented (and still mounting) bipartisan corruption.

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