Kevin’s Newsletter
Truth Jihad Radio
Michael Lindsey Agrees That Traditional Religion Is the Solution, BUT…

Michael Lindsey Agrees That Traditional Religion Is the Solution, BUT…


Michael Lindsey among others has noted that non-traditionally-religious people have fewer children. Secular countries, by and large, have such low birthrates that if they don’t rise fairly soon, their people will basically go extinct. But Lindsey isn’t exactly thrilled by Malcolm Collins’ argument for a new, pro-natality designer religion. He correctly recognizes that religion isn’t just something a clever social reformer can invent. Paraphrasing Eliade: “‘This appearance of the sacred’ in the world is what unites a community around some axis of religious meaning…Religion is concerned with the given, with that which lies beyond us and beyond our control.”

So does that mean Michael will sign on with Alan Sabrosky and yours truly on a project to mass-convert the West to Islam? I doubt it. Tune in and see why.

Kevin’s Newsletter
Truth Jihad Radio
Red-pill truths and interpretations "they" don't want you to know about.