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DECENTRALIZED MEDICINE BOMBSHELL: Nazis, Mobsters, The Intelligence Industrial Complex & The "Vaccine" Induced Turbo Cancer Epidemic
The Decentralized Medical Freedom WEEKEND SALE starts today!
Dear readers, a word of caution is in order: this article is going to be an incredibly deep and terrifying descent into the proverbial rabbit hole.
The other day this Substack’s subscriber tipped yours truly off :
Dr. [name omitted] will be in touch with this Substack for additional color on this bombshell story, and an updated article may follow.
At the end of this article, which will feature 2SG notes, highlighting, and article links, the video of Dr. Jack Kruse’s talk will be embedded for posterity, in case YouTube is ordered to delete it by their Intelligence Industrial Complex handlers, as they often do.
You heard my name, I'm Jack Kruse, I'm a neurosurgeon, um, one of my clients and friends you guys may know asked me to come here, and kind of give you the lowdown about the last three or four days, what I've kind of been through, and that's the only slide in my talk:
I've had an interesting last seven, eight months. I've been deplatformed in centralized medicine for the better part of 20 years.
[Pointing to the slide:] I'm the black sheep of centralized medicine, he's the black sheep of the Kennedy family. and Rick is the black sheep in the music business because if any of you know his history, he founded hipop while he was studying to be a lawyer at NYU, and completely changed the music industry.
The difference is the middle black sheep has become a cultural icon so he cannot be cancelled, and he happens to be also a patient and a a client of mine.
So, I did a talk in El Salvador that, um, was kind of interesting in August, and the person uh who decided to set me up to —how shall we say — meet Bobby Kennedy, is someone that you guys probably know, um, probably the most famous technology company in the world.
Him and his wife got divorced, and they have an autistic kid, and she wanted to hire me to reverse the kids’ autism, um, she offered me $100 million to build a decentralized hospital, and I told her I'd only consider something like that if it was done on my terms. And you know, when you deal with somebody who has $9 billion, generally they don't like that, but I told her it couldn't happen in the United States.
It's impossible, um, so long story short, she says well, I would like to get you with Bobby Kennedy. Most of you guys know, and probably have preconceived notions of what he is, or what he's not.
But she obviously wanted to get us together to talk about vaccines, because she believes that the vaccine schedule inthe United States had a big deal to do with her daughter's autism, and I told her in no uncertain terms that I'd love to meet with Bobby, but that wasn't really what I wanted to talk to Bobby about.
The lady in question, uh, probably caused her child's autism.
She's a patent attorney for Google, and the reason that all your computer screens are blue lit, the reason none of them are red lit, the reason none of them pay attention to circadian biology is because that original technology was developed in a government program that Bobby Kennedy knows about, and I happen to know about because I went to Medical school at LSU.
For those of you who've never heard about Operation Paperclip and MK Ultra, you think it's all conspiracy theory, so, I'll ask you guys a question before we start: what's the difference between fact and fiction to you? Anybody want to scream it out?
Fiction has to make sense., the truth doesn’t; in fact, the truth — that's why people call it conspiracy theory — because it makes no sense, until you see all the parts come together.
So, at Tulane Neurology and Tulane Neurosurgery in the 50s and 60s and 70s and 80s, the CIA started a program there where they would do all these crazy things to monkeys, and what the goal was back then, the CIA wanted to see how they could control things utilizing different things, like drugs and things like that.
Where the neurosurgeons got involved, which is M clade, we would drill the tops of the heads off, put wires into the thalamus, put electricity in there, and kind of see what kind of behavioral changes we could have.
One of the guys that was in that program, was a guy named Professor Delgado. He got the idea to take it in a bigger animal when he saw that we could control the behavior with the wired device, he said what if we do it wirelessly?
So he checked it in monkeys and checked it in bulls, and it turned out you can do it wirelessly with RFID chips and semiconductors.
Then the CIA took it to the next level. They said, well since this is electromagnetic radiation and they get done wirelessly, what if we did it through light through screens? And it turns out, you can.
And that's the reason why all your computer screens have the frequencies they have, so why is this all important?
Well, the person that set this meeting up between me and Bobby is the patent attorney that made sure that Google and Meta have those things, so they can control the things that we all do.
Where did the original idea come from that started off in MK Ultra with the CIA?
You're going to be surprised when you hear this came from the mafia in Las Vegas.
They wanted to build a new city in a desert, they enclosed it all, blacked out the windows, invented slot machines that were blue lit, and they found out that they didn't have to take a gun, stick it in your face to steal your money. Then they even got smarter, they said let's give people free alcohol while they're doing that, and they found out they got the money quicker.
And that's when the CIA got the idea to start this program; that's really how it started.
So, for those of you in the room, you probably know a little bit about Bobby Kennedy.
I just told you a little bit about technology ,I told you a little bit about the CIA, and I told you a little bit about the mafia.
On November 22nd, 1963, his uncle was killed in Dallas Texas. At that day, that's the day that I would tell you as an old guy, because I'm probably the oldest guy at this conference, that's when the heart of America was taken out.
Couple years later, five years later, Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy's daddy were killed, uh, and that's when the mind and the soul of the United States was removed.
So, one of the first questions I asked Bobby in this podcast, and just so you guys know, this podcast was done two days ago, it's not out — you're going to hear some things of why I wanted to talk to Bobby that is probably going to affect some of you.
And I'll ask a question before I tell you this story; I'm sure none of you will tell me the truth, but how many took the MRNA vaccines?
Anybody want to raise a hand?
Okay, good, this story is going to be really interesting to you.
So, I did my residency at LSU, and in the 90s we used to take care of brain tumors and different things like that, and down in the basement we had a linear accelerator; linear accelerator is something that is involved in nuclear physics.
This hospital that I was in was a small little wispy hospital, so I finally asked a question: why in the hell do we have around a million dollar machine in this hospital that clearly can't afford it?
And it turns out, the story was that the CIA bought this linear accelerator because of the programs that I mentioned to you at Tulane; the name of this hospital is called Ochsner Medical Foundation. I did two years on my residency there. Dr. Ochsner, Alton Ochsner, is and was Dr. Fauci 1.0.
Okay, the reason why most of you don't know about him is tied to the reason why his dad and his uncle got killed, okay?
So, the CIA hired Dr. Ochsner ,and Dr. Ochsner was the first head of the National Cancer Society.
I want you to remember that, that’s important fact in the story I'm going to give to you.
In the 1950s the focus was on polio, and the reason it was on polio is cuz our president FDR got it, he was succumbing to it, he was going to die. He had a famous lawyer friend in New York who started the March of Dimes, you probably heard that, it was actually collecting dimes — all that research led to Jonas Salk and his vaccine.
Have you ever wondered, anybody in the room, why Jonas Salk never won a Nobel Prize?
There's a reason: it's called the Cutter Event.
2SG: A paper published in the Journal of the Royal Society Of Medicine entitled, The Cutter Incident: How America's First Polio Vaccine Led to a Growing Vaccine Crisis, provides a good mainstream overview, though purposely hides the more nefarious elements which Dr. Kruse included in the rest of his talk:
And you may not know about the Cutter Event; the reason why it's been scrubbed from the annals of medicine, it's also been scrubbed from medical textbooks, it's also scrubbed from the FDA website, but, see, I'm an old guy, I trained at a time before cancel culture, and I learned about this.
In medical school, basically what they did, Jonas Salk was tied to a pharmaceutical company called Cutter Pharmaceuticals, and this is, remember 1951 — we didn't discover DNA until 1953 with Watson and Crick.
They used African green monkeys to grow the polio virus on to make the vaccine.
The vaccine was made, and it was ready to be tested in 1950 and 1951.
At the same time a researcher named Dr. Bernice Eddie, who you probably also don't know, because she was really the first doctor that was cancelled.
She did some testing on the Cutter vaccine before it was given to humans, and she injected it into monkeys, and every single monkey got polio.
2SG: to this very day the polio vaccines remain wholly unnecessary and deadly, with Bill Gates’s oral polio vaccines causing outbreaks as recently as in 2019 and 2020.
She sent that information back to the people FDA, and they were like, “there's no way we — we cannot stop this rollout.”
This caused a big stir.
Dr. Ochsner, who is running this program with the help of the federal government, he actually worked for the FBI and the CIA at this time, uh, was so adamant that he took his grandchilds, female and male, in the amphitheater of Tulane medical school down on Carrollton Avenue in New Orleans, a place that I did my residency at — I've been in this amphitheater multiple times — and he injected both of his grandchildren; his grandchild the male died in two days, and the granddaughter got a mild version of polio.
It was at that time that people realized there was a big problem.
But the bigger problem came when Bernice Eddie started to look into this, she found out that there was multiple viruses that were grown in the polio vaccine that went out, and 120 million people in the world from ‘51 through about ‘55 and ‘56 got this.
The one that you guys may have heard of, because it's been in the news a lot, something called SV40.
What does SV stand for? Simian Virus 40; that tells you there was 39 others, but Simian Virus 40 is important, and African green monkeys have this virus in them. It is, uh, in them, but doesn't bother them at all. They don't get any problems.
But when you take SV40 out of any African green monkey, and put in any other animal they always get soft tissue cancers. 100% guaranteed.
So, Dr. Ochsner, as I told you, was the first National Cancer Society president, he began to realize very quickly from ‘51 through ‘55 that there was going to be a huge cancer outbreak in the next 40-50 years.
2SG: It is important to appreciate that while SV40 was not explicitly added to the first generation polio vaccine, it was deliberately left in all of the other batches going forward; in fact, SV40 promotor has been purposely added to all kinds of vaccines, and the slow kill bioweapon COVID-19 “vaccines” were also “contaminated” by this SV40 promotor as this Substack has been diligently covering for quite some time; to wit:
2SG: which is precisely why we are now witnessing a TURBO CANCER EPIDEMIC that will last another 40-50 years:
2SG: Back to Dr. Kruse’s talk:
His best friend politically at that time was a California politician you may have heard of named Richard Nixon, and Richard Nixon is, when he became president in 1971, uh, started the war on cancer. The reason why is because they knew what the cause of this problem was.
So, what happened?
The original goal of Dr. Ochsner was to try to figure out a way to solve this problem that he in fact caused by rolling out the polio vaccine.
So, the linear accelerator was brought by the CIA and placed in a place called a US public health hospital, and this is across the street from Children's Hospital in New Orleans on Henry Clay Boulevard.
Why do I know all this? Cuz I did my residency there. Right across the street is this big three-story building that just sticks out like a sore thumb, and the outside of this place is kind of like the outside walls that you've seen in this building that we're having this talk, and it looks like a military installation.
At the same time, a lady named Sarah Stewart, who went to the University of Chicago, she was an expert in viruses causing cancer at a time nobody believed it.
She was kind of like the black sheep of her day, like I'm the black sheep of mine today.
And she was recruited by Dr. Ochsner.
At that time she was reassigned from the NIH to the US Public Health Hospital, and at the same time an orthopedic surgeon named Mary Stewart — they're not related, but they went to medical school together — she was an expert in nuclear physics. She also was an expert in bone cancer; to this very day her stuff is still cited.
They both were brought to Ochsner Medical Foundation, and then covert research was begun.
What was the goal?
They tried to cure the cancer they caused, but instead they found something interesting: every time they used electromagnetic radiation on SV40 — now remember, this is before they knew anything about DNA — they found that the cancers got worse and worse and worse; in fact, instead of getting it better, they made it worse.
And the reason now in modern molecular biology we know: X radiation, or high energy particles, breaks DNA up into little pieces — okay, so they created a bunch of little pieces.
So, 1959 comes along, Bernice Eddie is at a New York Academy Science meeting, and drops the bomb in front of an audience just like this — people that knew about what was going on in with the polio vaccine, but they didn't know that the polio vaccine had SV40 in it.
2SG: The powers that be always knew then about SV40, just like they do now regarding SV40 promotors that they have been deliberately adding to all kinds of vaccines since the 1950s.
She decided to out it to the public because she felt what was going on behind the scenes was kind of dastardly. And you'll find in centralized medicine this happens quite often, not just about vaccines, about a lot of other things like cholesterol and heart disease and neurodegeneration, but that's not what this talk is about.
So, the next step that happens: in 1959 Fidel Castro has a revolution in Cuba; he takes the island over. All of the guys that were most pissed off were guys in the, uh, the mob. They lost all their casinos; other people that were pissed off, guys like Dr. Ochsner who don't like Communists.
The reason why is Dr. Ochsner's Hospital, even when I was a resident there, used to have all the flags of Central American and South American countries because he took care of all the dictators around the world.
He was also very ultra right conservative; it's the reason why he was friends with Nixon and Ronald Reagan, and, uh, he was not really a big fan of Kennedy.
So, the idea came upon: what do we do with this problem?
So, just like any good politician always use a tragedy for your benefit, they decided to make a bioweapon out of the polio vaccine.
And they used the linac to do it.
Now, what we know today and we didn't know then is that electromagnetic radiation creates an increased rate of the way this DNA is taken up into a virus. That's the way that they knew that they were creating a stronger and stronger virus.
So, what did the CIA want to do? They wanted to put it in tobacco, and deliver it to Fidel Castro to kill him.
If they couldn't do that, they wanted to inject him with something, so they had to have a plan to get somebody into the country to inject them, and that's where Lee Harvey Oswald came into the story.
Any of you, and many of you may not know the story cuz you're so young, but Lee Harvey Oswald was given the opportunity in the ‘50s to defect to Russia and come back to the United States very easily — this is kind of the craziest story ever, but it was a front story so that Fidel Castro would not think that Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA agent, so that way he could be the person to deliver the payload when time came when it was ready.
So, now we're in in the 1960s; 1962, we have the Bay of Pigs.
Bay of Pigs is when his [RFK Jr’s] uncle, um, did not give any Air Force protection in the Bay of Pigs, and one of the airline pilots who is a disgraced Eastern Airlines pilot named David Ferry got shot down.
He became really anti anti-Kennedy at the same time.
Dr. Ochsner actually hired him too, so he worked on the team with these two other famous cancer researchers just a—a disgraced pilot, because they needed bodies to run an off-site program to continue to strengthen this bioweapon.
Then they found a young girl, 18 years old, who won a science award in Florida, Brandon Florida, named Judyth Vary Baker.
She, uh, started to work on viruses as causes of cancer back in the 1960s, which is very, very unusual.
And Dr. Ochsner recruited her, promised her if she worked in his lab that she would get advanced standing in Tulane Medical School, and, and become a doctor very quickly.
So, that's the the group of characters we have in 1963.
The summer of 1963 the experiments continued, and they made a bioweapon the day before Martin Luther King's “I Have a Dream “speech.
Lee Harvey Oswald, Clay Shaw and, uh, David Ferry went to Clinton Louisiana where Dr. Ochsner directed, uh, Angola death row inmate to go to a mental hospital in, in Jackso,n where David Ferry injected this toxic soup to see if it would work.
Okay, and this shows you the level of ethics that we're going on at this time.
Judyth Vary Baker had to come back to the hospital. Two weeks later, the gentleman, to confirm that he got cancer, which he did. He died four weeks later.
The reason why this is a big story, any of you watched Oliver Stone's JFK movie, you'll note that the only person that was ever prosecuted for John F. Kennedy's death was Clay Shaw. And the reason why he was prosecuted — why he was linked to this — the prosecuting attorney was Jim Garrison, Jim Garrison’s daughter Virginia Garrison was my ER nurse my intern year in my residency. That's how I know a lot of this data.
So, what happens next is Garrison puts Clay Shaw on trial. The trial is unsuccessful, but the reason the trial was unsuccessful is Dr. Ochsner is like a rock star in New Orleans, and Garrison knew that he had the goods on him, but he didn't go after him — that was probably a big mistake.
He decides to go after David Ferry next, who's the disgraced pilot I told you about; he's a very weird guy, but, um, David Ferry winds up dead the next day. They find him in his apartment, and interestingly enough, they find a document, kind of like this, with all these scientific things and it's got different chapters and it's all about cancer causing viruses from monkeys. And Garrison had the smoking gun, but he had no proof at all.
Judyth Vary Baker was shuttled off to Florida after all this, and then the craziest part of the story is Mary Stewart, the famous cancer researcher: in an accident at that US public health hospital grabbed a, a stick to turn a machine off, and incinerated her whole right arm, her thorax, her face.
Funny thing is, she wasn't found at the hospital. She was found in her bed on Magazine Street in New Orleans by a Smoldering Mattress Theory; this is 6 months after JFK is killed.
What's the reason for all this?
Because they have to hide what they were doing in this private lab. That was the last link that would link you back to Dr Fauci 1.0.
Effectively after the bad prosecution of Clay Shaw, everything was lost to science.
The interesting part was — all the things that they did — because Mary Stewart's house was scrubbed of all her medical belongings, they couldn't find anything.
Somebody finally started to ask the question: where did all the monkey virus shit go?
Turns out, my anesthesiologist when I was a resident, his name is, uh, Dr. Reapel, his dad ran the Yerkes lab — Yerkes Lab in New Orleans is a place that we used to do the operations on the monkeys and we do peripheral nerve surgery.
2SG: The Rockefeller Crime Syndicate, which ushered in the allopathic medical system alongside their eugenics depopulation program, of which Bill Gates is a high level asset and errand boy, funded this Yerkes Lab in 1930; in other words, all of this bioterror “research” dates back to even before the very Nazis that via Operation Paperclip became the CIA, or the Intelligence Industrial Complex , which is effectively the 4th Branch of Government that runs the other three branches, and has been and continues to actively wage a democidal war against We the People.
And it is important to understand that the Intelligence Industrial Complex also runs the Medical Industrial Complex, with the unconstitutional war agencies in the DoD and Pentagon owning many of the “vaccine” patents that BigPharma is contracted out to manufacture, including the deliberate spiking of the highly carcinogenic SV40 promotors into their various deadly products.
Back to Dr. Kruse:
I actually worked in this lab in the '90s, but this stuff was going on in that lab for Mk Ultra, and all the other stuff in the ‘60s and the’ 50s. Everybody knew about it.
So, PETA, the people that don't like you eating animals, when I was a resident, they broke in to our lab and let the monkeys go.
2SG: PETA is a Deep State node itself whose ultimate purpose is in no way the actual protection of animals, but, rather, to nudge society into a sickly vegan lifestyle; this ultimately slots directly into the WEF’s Great Reset and UN’s Agenda 2030 “eat the bugs” social credit score 15 Minute Cities dystopia.
And I was quoted in the paper saying something in New Orleans, ever since that time, I've had a lot of trouble with, um, activists for PETA. So much trouble that I told — earlier today — even didn't know this by Googling me about 12 years ago when 3700 people were supposed to come hear me talk on a cruise ship, uh, somebody from PETA said that I was bringing a biologic weapon on the cruise ship, and the FBI came in and ransacked the cruise, ransacked me, took me off the cruise ship, they wouldn't let me back on even though 3,700 people came to see me.
Why? Because people knew that I knew some stuff that I probably shouldn't know, and didn't want anybody to talk about it.
So, the chain of events with this monkey virus gets transferred in 1964 to the Delta Primate Center in Covington, Louisiana, where they do Primate Research under the direction of the department of the military, the DoD.
2SG: To reiterate, the DoD also holds various C19 Modified mRNA platform patents.
This place has been open since then. Dr. Reapel's dad ran that place, and the reason I became aware of that is because the day that I was in the Times talking about it I asked Dr. Reapel about this issue; I said, look I know your dad used to work there cuz he would never talk about what his dad was involved with, but he did that day when I was getting ready to do a craniotomy in the middle of the night.
And some of the things that he told me made me start asking questions. I started putting things together, and I said, I need to find out what happened with that monkey virus.
So it turns out 1971 the monkey virus research went to Fort Dietrich. If any of you see the black sheep of the Kenny family up there he just wrote the takedown book for Dr. Anthony Fauci. In that book you'll see all the links to Fort Dietrich from 1971 all the way up to the Patriot Act when whey knocked the Twin Towers down, all of our biologic weapon stuff was done in the United States.
Ironically, several viruses got out when Obama was present. Obama shut down the bioweapons program, and guess what he told Dr. Fauci what to do? Go offshore. And guess where he went? Wuhan.
So, gain a function research continued.
Now, is one of my members, okay, he pays me to make sure that I'm protecting him and his family on July 4th 2020 I had a 100 members at my house. I told them there'll be no American flag, and I'm going to tell you two things; we're going to talk about two things: decentralized medicine and decentralized money.
I said, make sure you buy Bitcoin — at the time it was about 7-8 Grand —I said but make sure when they come out with this vaccine that you never take it.
And I warned then — we're talking 3 years ago — that I think there's a pretty good chance that you're going to find out in a messenger RNA vaccine — we're going to find DNA plasmids that are not supposed to be there, and we're probably also going to find out that SV40 is contaminating the viruses [2SG: “vaccines”].
I want want you to remember this timeline; I never talked about this publicly ever.
Why? Cuz I'm a little bit smarter than probably I am right now, um, the virus comes out — you guys can have whatever ideology you feel about it — I think you probably know what mine is, but the real story breaks about two months ago.
Two months ago — and you should write this name down — because you need to follow him on Twitter: his name is Kevin McKernan.
He worked on the Human Genome Project for Craig Ventner, so he's got serious chops in molecular biology, and, um, he now works in the cannabis industry, and he decided to take Pfizer’s vials and test them for those DNA plasmids, and the SV40.
And guess what he found? They're in there.
So, of course you can imagine when he post this on Twitter, all the wackadoodles that you know are pro-vax wanted to bury him.
So, one of those wackadoodles, also a very accomplished in molecular biology at the University of South Carolina named Philip Buckhaults — second name you want to write down and follow their Twitter account — he did the testing four weeks ago, and confirmed that finding.
So, now most of you, while you've been herbatizing and drinking and partying, you didn't know that the vaccine really was adulterated.
And guess what? Neither did Bobby Kennedy.
And I had an inkling that I was right, so I called my friend Rick Ruben, because remember, he's the black sheep that is not cancelable, because he's an awesome dude, and everybody likes his music.
I said, Rick, if we do this it's got to be you, because when this information comes out, I think there's going to be a lot of pissed off people.
They're going to be really, really upset.
So, to put this whole thing together for you guys, because I really want to make sure you understand why this is decentralized at its core, what's the game?
It's not the game that you hear on Twitter that people are doing this to depopulate. No, they're doing exactly the opposite: they want a lot of you to be their slaves to get soft tissue cancers.
2SG: No AND Yes: They want you to be their sickly slaves and extract your life force via taxes and medical payments, but ultimately this is a depopulation program because they want everyone dead well before they can collect their pensions and social security; in other words, they drain your time and energy out of you, and then kill you off just in time to discharge the unfunded liabilities while releasing any generational wealth back into the financial Ponzi system, with significant percentages of the assets going to the criminal IRS, and the fraudulent government; only thereafter are the debt-slave tax mule heirs allowed to keep whatever is left. So it is a socially engineered slow kill depopulation program after all.
The reason why? What's the number one profit center?
Centralized medicine in the United States: Cancer.
We make more money off cancer than anything else.
2SG: As this Subtack has been covering ever since the Modified mRNA “vaccine” rollout, and current societal rejection of these poisons with the latest data showing a less than 2% uptake of the C19 injections, BigPharma’s last remaining cash cow is cancer treatment — which is precisely why this Substack devised the ‘New & Improved Joe Tippens Protocol’ to specifically address the SV40-induced and Spike Protein SP2-induced p53 protein suppression that have been the driving forces behind this exploding turbo cancer epidemic.
So what happens ,and, you know, can back me up on this: he's the financial guy.
How do you launder money?
You need a big pile of money. And when you want to keep running wars like Hamas, like I don't know, Ukraine, uh, you know, war is expensive, and you have to rehypothecate money to run those games.
2SG: all of the NGOs, the UN, CFR, WEF, et al., and the various non-profits such as the ones that Gates is the frontman for are running their bioterror money laundering operations alongside the Intelligence Industrial Complex’s black ops money laundering programs, which all happen to flow into and out of the Military Industrial Complex, the Medical Industrial Complex, the bogus war on drugs, etc. & etc. & etc.
And I know most of you urban guys — I found this out today, I didn't know — most of you are actually Bitcoin maxis like me, but don't you find it kind of interesting that in the last two or three weeks, that all of a sudden now we're going to get a spot Bitcoin ETF.
Why? So they can rehypothecate the 3 million coins that are left on Bitcoin, and we all know what's been going on with TLT in the bond market.
2SG: The following is an incredibly important warning about Bitcoin because most people are not technologically sophisticated enough to appreciate the many dangers of this blockchain technology, and that goes for Dr. Kruse and the majority of Bitcoin “experts” out there: Bitcoin is a primitive blockchain technology that is extremely susceptible to a series of exploits, not limited to the 51% Attack, Sybil Attack and Eclipse Attack; Bitcoin does not have trusted third party (TTP) and is not in any way decentralized. Bitcoin also has the lowest of all major cryptocurrencies Nakamoto Coefficient of 4 (versus Avalanche’s Nakamoto Coefficient of around 30), which means that it is the most vulnerable to bad actor and State level attacks. A Nakamoto Coefficient of 4 means that the minimum number of nodes or entities required to compromise the Bitcoin blockchain is just 4, which is why, say, China, with all of its miners, can easily pull the plug on Bitcoin at any point.
Bitcoin’s low Nakamoto Coefficient means that just four mining pools control over half of its hash rate, making it vulnerable to a 51% attack if these pools were controlled by a single, well-resourced entity (again, think: China, or the Intelligence Industrial Complex, etc). This centralization risk was highlighted in 2019 when Binance briefly considered contacting the largest pools to reverse a hacked transaction, raising concerns about the potential for transaction manipulation. What this means is that a major crypto exchange has the power to completely compromise the entire blockchain; therefore, Bitcoin is anything but decentralized, and it is anything but secure.
(This Substack will be publishing an important crypto article on a revolutionary new quantum-proofed blockchain technology in the coming months.)
Back to the good doctor’s talk:
So through this whole story, in August, where some of you may have met me, I was in El Salvador, uh, this guy keeps coming up — he calls me up, and says Jack, I got a bunch of wackadoodle guys down in El Salvador, but I want you to come and give him a talk, and I think somebody from the president's administration might be in attendance, and you might be able to get your decentralized medicine ideas in front of them.
So long story short, I went there, I was probably the lightning bolt for the whole conference ,cuz I went after everybody who spoke, and I was the last guy, and I basically made the case that there's lots of things that we should be able to do in El Salvador, because it is fully decentralized, but the number one thing is that I said that we should have a medical Freedom law in the Constitution.
So, for some of you who are there, you know who was there from the Bukele Administration what you don't know is when I left Mazda, 5 and a half hours later I wrote the medical Freedom law for the constitution of El Salvador.
For those of you who don't know medicine, that's Benjamin Rush, original signer of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution who petitioned John Adams and Thomas Jefferson to put this law in our Constitution, and they could not envision at any time that this would ever happen. So it never got put in.
So, most of you are bitcoiners. Every single time we talk about Bitcoin don't we sit down and say let's talk about angles of attack; how we get fucked, and this and that.
2SG: They should read my aforementioned Bitcoin comment over and over.
Well, guess what, the politicians in Washington, D.C. and the CIA, and the FBI have been doing the same thing: how can we attack the US Constitution and do it so the obedient idiot voters [don’t] give two flying shits; well, guess what, turns out it was medical tyranny.
How did it start? Well we started the war on cancer with Nixon and Dr. Ochsner; that was real successful because it started to create huge amounts of money we started putting up places like MD Anderson and Sloan Kettering, and cancer just kept growing and growing and growing — everybody else had everything scrubbed.
Along comes Ronald Reagan who, just so you know, in part of the Kennedy assassination which you can read about in two books that I'll tell you about later, he was part and parcel of this situation, and he agreed to step down so that Nixon could be the president first.
But what did President Reagan do? First big thing: he created a law called the Bayh-Dole Act in 1980 that allows researchers to profit off their research.
That was when the fuse was lit.
What happens in 1982?
Ronald Reagan puts Dr. Fauci in charge.
When what happens, uh, Dr. Fauci, after the Patriot Act, when the CIA and FBI realized that you can't do bioweapons research in the United States because the way the laws are written in it was an act of treason, and you could be hung.
So what did they do?
They made Dr. Fauci the most expensive employ in US Federal history — more than the president — he makes $50,000 more than the US president ,and he was in charge of all the stuff that was at Fort Dietrich. And that's when he started to put it in the Ukraine, and he started to put it in China.
Okay, he had a good friend named Peter Daszak at North Carolina, Eco Health Alliance, these were the guys that designed the messenger RNA.
So, I knew about all this in 2018-19, this is why I warn my tribe never, never comply.
Most of you don't know who I am, you can go to my Twitter feed right now and there's a little box there it says do not comply.
2SG: Perhaps Dr. Kruse is a subscriber of this Substack after all, or his Twitter box is just a simpatico coincidence.
When they tell you to do something, fucking run away.
Now, the real bad news: if you took the jab, you got some risks. But I didn't
come here to talk to you about that.
I came to tell you when I sat down with Bobby Kennedy, we talked about all of this, and it's all filmed, and it's on tape; you are the first human beings to hear this story. I've never told anybody this live. Some of my friends, but not all the parts, but I told Bobby, and Bobby confirmed a lot of things that you just heard here. That's the real reason I wanted to talk to Bobby, and Bobby Kennedy told me that he thinks he has a plan to solve it.
I'm going to be quite honest with you: it's probably the only negative thing you're going to hear me say about him — I don't think his plan's going to work.
And I've told the people down in El Salvador that there's only one way to stop this, like, if you don't want history to keep repeating itself with this issue: you have to have a medical freedoms act,
So, when I left Mazda, I wrote the law in 5 and a half hours, and I sent it to the Bukele administration. Bukele administration told me in 24 to 46 hours I need to be ready to go meet the president of El Salvador.
Guess what, I did. Met him in his house. He said, tell me the story. My brother said that you had some very interesting things to say about, I want to hear why you wrote what you wrote.
So, I told him the story of Benjamin Rush, told him the story about why his uncle, why his dad, and why they're probably going to kill him. And why they want you to get cancer.
It's a decentralized medicine story.
I've done my due diligence. This is the law in my hand. I cannot let you read it, but let you know that it's here, but I am going to read the first part:
Public Health Freedom Act of 2023. The people of El Salvador do enact as follows: unless we put Decentralized Medical Freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when centralized institutions in healthcare will organize into an underground covert authoritarian bureaucracy. Tt will restrict the Art and Science of healing to one class of people, and deny privileges to others. Tt will constitute the Bastille of Medical Science. All such laws are contrary to freedom and liberty. They are despotic, and have no place at a Constitutional Republic. The Constitution of the Republic should make special privileges for medical freedom and religious freedoms related to the practice of healing; therefore, these laws should be added to our founding documents to protect the public health from tyranny from this day forward.
2SG: Ever since the Rockefeller Crime Syndicate took over medicine, there has been an underground covert authoritarian bureaucracy in healthcare, they just surfaced ever higher and showed their nefarious hand ever more egregiously during their PSYOP-19 scamdemic power grab.
I can tell you that it's not passed yet, but I can tell you on pretty firm authority it's going to be.
And all I want to say to all of you: do not trust fucking anybody. Anybody who's centralized.
I have an absolute disdain in my heart for centralized medicine, cuz I know what they're capable of.
You need to realize that too.
You need to realize that things that are centralized at their core have fundamental weakness and flaws, and you need to think about that.
You need to think about the way you do things.
There's things that are going to be especially the poor people of Europe, they're not going to be able to get ou.t
These policies are run by people you need to run away from: Bill Gates wants to block the sun — you block the sun, you set this off — not to scare the hell out of all of you — but, the devices in your pocket, the devices you use are capable of making smaller DNA plasmids, and smaller fragments of SV40.
So, if you're a heavy tech abuser, and you got the shot, my advice is come visit me in El Salvador, because you're going to need the sun so that you don't get soft tissue cancers.
And just to follow this u:p how did I track all this and be very quiet about it for three years but warn my members?
There's a gentleman on Twitter named the Ethical Skeptic — write it down — he's a former Navy's intelligence officer who's been tracking the data, and has been publishing since the first month the vaccines were given: there's a huge spike in deaths not associated with covid deaths, not associated with complications of the vaccine; it was something else.
Everybody ignored him for almost 2 and a half years.
2SG: This Substack has been featuring Ethical Skeptic’s work for the better part of 2 years.
The day that Kevin McKernan — who's our modern day Bernice Eddie — he's the one that told the world, now it's been confirmed by the other side.
This is no longer hyperbole, this is no longer conjecture — this is fucking reality and you need to know that.
You need to live in places that protect your freedom, not take it away.
That's the purpose of this.
I'm hoping to build that in El Salvador where I think freedom reigns.
And I will tell you what Bobby told me — I sent Bobby the law — I had to get clearance from the Bukele administration because it's not passed — I sent Bobby the law about two weeks ago; he called me up, and we talked for almost 2 hours hours on the phone and he said, “Jack, no American politician can pass this.”
2SG: RFK Jr. is correct, unless drastic measures are taken, such as mass arrests. In the meantime, RFK Jr. has his sights set on the criminals running the FDA, which is a start, but by no means sufficient to root out this Intelligence Industrial Complex evil that has metastasized throughout the illegitimate Federal government; to wit:
I want all of you Americans out there let that fucking sink in. That's how dysfunctional this country is. That they're not even fucking willing to save us. That's some bullshit.
He even told m,e and I told William this before this talk, that he said, not even Ron DeSantis in Florida could get this law passed. That's how restrictive I've made it. Like this is a no bullshit law.
He did tell me though, because Rick [Rubin] moderated — I asked, I said Bobby could you pass pieces and parts? And he he had his healthcare attorney — his name is Aaron Siri — called me up. I spoke to Aaron, and Aaron told me that we, we obviously would love to get pieces and parts of this in, in our platform, he goes, but it's almost nuclear in the United States because of how BigPharma controls the lobbyists.
But this is what he did say, and I shared this today with several of my friends in this room: he said Jack, if El Salvador passes this, and Bukele passes this, they are one of one, they're the unicorn, and most of you know that a lot of people call Bukele a dictator — he's given his people medical freedom, and money. Now he's going to give them medical freedom for healthcare, and he plans on doing medical freedom for the internet too, all in the next six, seven months.
So, I want you to know what your risks are.
I don't want you ever to come to me and say you didn't tell us.
I'm here two days after that picture made it happen. That's the only reason I'm here.
All of these deranged Intelligence Industrial Complex bioterrorists like Fauci, Gates and their various partners-in-crime have always known that it is 100% impossible to inoculate against any respiratory infection by injecting anything into the deltoid, which means that the only reason for any of these slow kill bioweapon “vaccines” was to maim and murder humanity.
They knew the dangers of SV40 promotor and spike proteins for decades, which is precisely why their gain of function viruses and “vaccines” were designed in the manner in which they were.
Which is why this Substack devised the following treatment approach to specifically address the turbo cancer epidemic as a direct function of the the “vaccine” induced highly cytotoxic Spike Protein SP2 that acts to suppress the critically vital P53 protein that is nature’s way of preventing cancer, and the deliberate inclusion of highly carcinogenic SV40 promotors:
New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol
Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great.
Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable.
Vitamin D (62.5 mcg [2500 IU] seven days a week).
CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 167 to 334 mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) CBD-X: The most potent full spectrum organic CBD oil, with 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG per serving.
Fenbendazole (300mg, 6 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1 gram
Ivermectin (24mg, 7 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1mg/kg/day
VIR-X immune support (2 capsules per day)
The Decentralized Medical Freedom SALE starts today, so please use code DMF20 for 20% OFF on lifesaving products like the Nobel Prize winning miracle drug Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Doxycycline, the full spectrum organic CBD oil containing 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG, and the powerful immune support nutraceutical and spike support formula VIR-X.
Upon adding products to your cart, please go to the cart icon at the top right corner of your browser page and click it, then choose the VIEW CART option whereby you will be redirected to a page where you can enter the code DMF20 in the Use Coupon Code field.
Sale ends this Sunday, November 3rd (midnight eastern time), 2024.
Please contact the company directly with any product questions:
They want you dead.
Do NOT comply.
Whew. This article kinda took my breath away. ALL of your stacks are important and impactful, but I have to say that THIS particular article, IMHO, is probably your most crucial to date.
In 1997, NIH scientists admitted that 70% of all polio cases were caused by the Salk Polio vaccine. It was contaminated with SV40. My wife got the vaccine. Her immune system was compromised and Lymphoma was the result. The medicine man looks at the bottom line first, then patient outcome. Keeping patients in ill health maximizes the bottom line. A cheap sensitive self examination cloth was
deep sixed so GE MRI can be the number one way of checking for tumors in the breast. An example.