Who owns & controls the Federal Reserve


Read the research on the ownership & control of the Federal Reserve:

The U.S. Federal Reserve is ruled by Vanguard & the Pilgrims Society using the British Crown, The City of London & the Crown Court to hide their millennia-old demonic activity (pagan Babylonian Ra dha nite merchant-banking)


The ownership of these banks is dominated by (in order of ownership control):

1. Vanguard

2. BlackRock (Vanguard controlled)

3. State Street (Vanguard, BlackRock controlled)

4. MUFG Tokyo (BlackRock, Vanguard control)

5. JPMorgan,* Berkshire Hathaway,** Goldman Sachs,*** PRC

*JPMorgan (Vanguard, BlackRock control)

** Hathaway (Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street control)

***Goldman Sachs (BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard control)


Vanguard (#1) & BlackRock (#2) rule the U.S. Federal Reserve System. No question.

Vanguard hides its “special” ownership structure that includes the Rothschilds, Barings,

Coutts Bank, Lloyds, Barclays, British Crown & The City of London.

The British East India Company was called “merchants with a sword”

It looks like Vanguard chose its logo of a pirate merchant ship to carry on their

Babylonian Rādhānite merchant-banker tradition, while pretending to be an

American company. The joke is on the American Republic.

For more details on how the British Pilgrims Society pulled off their plan to “Annex America,” read:

AFI. (Jul. 22, 2022). https://tinyurl.com/yy9czb2x Lillian Scott Troy (1882-1964): An unsung heroine of the American Republic. Americans for Innovation. (PDF). https://tinyurl.com/y4dfjc9a

Listen to Lillian Scott Troy’s warning just as this conspiracy took root. She saw it clearly then, as did others.

THE BABYLONIAN CARTEL EXPOSED https://tinyurl.com/yzr46snp


The Federal Reserve is controlled by the pagan British Pilgrims Society in the City of London


Start calling out humanity‘s enemy - the British Empire (Pilgrims Society).


Who do you think really runs the CIA & FBI? Don‘t be a fool for British propaganda. Learn TRUTH HISTORY & defeat the lies that enslave America & countries all over the world, to King Charles the Turd.


Just a reminder to cats… Anytime you see a reference to the “CIA” or “FBI”, replace it with the organization that runs these puppet agencies for the British Pilgrims Society. FIVE EYES is in control of these U.S. intelligence and law enforcement groups. This is what our “special relationship“ is with Britain.

When you know TRUTH HISTORY, you know your enemy We can‘t defeat the British enemy until we UNMASK them.


And, as always, we do not refer to our friends & cousins who live in the UK as “the enemy”. It’s their monarchy rulers we have opposed since the days of the American Revolution.


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Great Interview. Harley is the best.

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