It amazes me that as a classic and winning democrat that RFK did not get to be the Democratic choice for their democratic presidential candidate. It shows how corrupt the democratic party has become. It is now an enclave for the world elites and their ambitions. The democratic party for the people is no more.

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RFK brings us some hope for the future.

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We the People need DJT and RFK Jr. to work together…our national recovery depends on that great union. Choking the Deep State will take monumental savvy and resolve.

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RFK simply cannot win in our rigged two party system. IDC if he smashes the popular vote (and he can’t; many are determined to give PDT his chance), RFK.can.not.win the electoral votes. Some states are not required to assign their electoral votes based on popular vote.

We have a war to win, and trust me, RDK will do nothing except split the vote.

Before his VP choice, it was likely that he would pull more from the R due to his jab stances, common sense and pleas for less intrusive government.

Once the D’s drop in a candidate like MO (you know it won’t be JB, right?), RFK will take many more votes from the Right, ensuring a Dem win. Is that worth it?

Now, given his VP choice, he will get a lot of the <45 crowd, but that won’t be enough to win a major election…assuming he is even on the ballot in more than 6 States.

This is not the time to stand on principle or to release the hold on our noses re PDT’s stance on the jabs and other (well deserved) criticisms. We must vote for DJT in overwhelming numbers in order to try to save this sinking ship.

Rally to put RFK in a cabinet position, head of HHS, but please don’t squander what I fear is our Country’s last chance. No, I’m not a huge PDT fan, and yes, I support the electoral college. But RFK cannot win. Please think it through and don’t split the vote.

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They are both very brave men and certainly don't have to risk their fortunes and lives to fight for public office. Both are much like the Founding Fathers, who were all fabulously wealthy, but put their fortunes, sacred honor, and lives on the line for an idea.

Danny Huckabee

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I do not have high hopes for either Trump or Kennedy being elected. Hillary was expected to win the election against Trump. When that did not happen, the Left made sure that was not going to happen again. Hence, all of the election "irregularities" in the subsequent election with Trump/Biden. Hence all of the impeachment attempts & litigation attempts once Trump was elected. It is why Biden rarely needed to leave his basement. It had nothing to do with covid. It had everything to do with the fact that his "win" was a foregone conclusion. Campaigning was completely unnecessary. It is also why the Democrats have been able to do so much damage in such a relatively short space of time. They essentially hit the ground running after they rigged the election. They made sure that they dotted all of their i (s) & crossed all of their t (s). If you think for one minute that after gaining so much ground with their damaging policies over the last nearly 4-years, that they are going to allow anyone to break their stride, you are fooling yourself. I believe it will be another election full of "irregularities" (aka: rigged). Unless & until we can have honest elections that take place on one day (as the Founder's intended) that do not include mail-in ballots or millions of illegal immigrants casting votes, we are doomed. The Left's single-minded determination to "fundamentally change America" is akin to a terrier having caught their prey. They are not about to release their stronghold. Just sayin'....

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It’s disgusting the way his family is gushing over Biden too. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68848356

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RFK Jr has been correct all along about vaccines, which have been crammed into every North American child and have done much harm and almost no good. Kudos to him for that.

However, he is totally wrong, even imbecilic, in his concerns about CO2 and Climate and his support for Green Energy - the greatest frauds of our time until the onset of the Covid-19 scamdemic.

My expertise is Energy and Climate and my accomplishments are world-class. I am "fed-up" with uneducated imbeciles bleating about the climate, fossil fuels and wind power. These idiots think that if some nonsense is repeated five times, it must be true - that is NOT how science works.. All these "warmists" have done is drive up the cost of energy and reduced the reliability of the grid, and squandered trillions of dollars of scarce global resources...

... and these warmists have blighted the lives of hundreds of millions of people in Africa, who have been denied the benefits of fossil fuels. Frankly, the warmist leadership are criminals .who belong in jail for life.

Regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary

Some light reading for all you warmists out there:

THE CULL TRILOGY – by Allan Malcolm MacRae

"The ability to correctly predict is the best objective measure of scientific and technical competence."


Covid & Climate Chronicles – The Big Cull


2. THE CLIMATE SCAM - Fifty Years of False Fears





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What a great perceptive read. I will venture that Trump is the Man Needed - He needs to finish the job started - I believe him and those near him (maybe not so visible) do have the receipts - the goods, the info required to dismantle - to drain the swamp - to kill off this parasitic Bureaucracy that is "the U.S. government today." A true difficulty is, that this problem is Global - it is not just a US National interest. It is a Human Interest to dismantle the .... Babylonian Beast System.

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RFKJr is smart, well read, thinks critically, but it is not fair to characterize him as primarily an intellectual. Look at his life work experiences. They are not ones of academic pursuit and quiet debates. His environmental work and legal tangles with Big Pharma, et al, are works of action which require huge smarts, but are completely dependent on achieving victories. If you don't win the suit, you have a dress! In Kennedy v Biden we have a man of savvy action who relies on his intellect and persuasive powers to effect policy changes versus a hollowed out old man who has done little in a long Senate career and now relies fully on an entrenched administrative cadre who prop him up and take their actions shielded from stand up scrutiny. If you prefer Biden to Kennedy, you believe the deep DNC administrative class will deliver a series of solutions that will be viable in a troubled, torn, and tormented society we at present call the United States of America. That ain't gonna cut it!

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I was a Bernie Sanders democrat but even I know that RFK f*caked up royally by declining to be Trump’s VP. He said his marriage probably wouldn’t survive. He couldve been president in four years! What a HUGE mistake. Thanks for nothing, Cheryl Hines. And RFK’s choice of vp - also terrible. A Trump-Kennedy ticket would have undoubtedly WON. And I’m not even a Trump fan but it would have been fun to see a Kennedy in office, at the very least. THANKS CHERYL HINES. Now her only claim to fame will be that show she was on and didn’t add much to.

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I do not say this lightly, but the same Nazi regime and it’s philosophy you mention with Hitler is alive and well worldwide….for those who have eyes to see.

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Apr 20·edited Apr 21

I’m so fearfully l that the PTB force a Biden win that I’m starting to think the best move to save the nation would be for Bobby to switch to support Trump in turn for becoming Secretary of Health. Health, the overwhelming issue no candidate but Bobby is smart/brave enough to tackle.

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RFK Jr "found the time" to join you?

Surely you're joking. He knew that "finding the time" would yield him far better press from you than he could ever engender in his own clumsy way. He's not in any manner up to the job of President.

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

And today is Hitler's birthday.

Coincidence that it's also "Earth Day" and "Marijuana Use Day" and Germans/Swiss were the original psychopharmacologists?

They did come out on top in spite of Stalingrad and other errors of the Reich.

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I will be voting for Trump or RFK. In fact, I will probably be voting for the one who has the best chance to win in Nov. Both are flawed, to me, but I am sure both are not deep state jh0res.

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