Mar 9Liked by Anthony James Hall

This was just such an excellent wealth of information Anthony Hall! Gonzalo Lira provided a wealth of insights and information of the history of everything to do with Russia Ukraine US proxy war including a wealth of information about Victoria Nuland and her ilk. I’m so sad what they did to him and what a great tragic loss of this exceptional brave truth teller as you call him. Remembering him will be honouring his memory and his bravery in posting the truth.

Thank you so very much for your posting of all of this information, I learned so much, it is a complete history lesson and explains well this inter generational absolute hatred for another nation and their people which I find so difficult to wrap my head around as it’s a completely foreign concept to me. Guess I’m lucky!!!

My father was British and my mother was German so enemies and on opposing sides during the war yet their marriage to each other after despite all the horror that had occurred on both sides signified peace between them and their two countries is how they saw it. My poor Oma my German maternal grandmother lived thru the Great War as a young girl and then the Second World War as a married woman with two children! Can you even imagine? I can’t. She was a very gracious and kind woman despite it all so it’s a choice to carry hatred in your heart and not a healthy choice at that, especially when it didn’t affect you DIRECTLY like it did her not once but twice!

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More history & cogent analysis than you will ever find in the lamestream media. Which can’t investigate its own navel

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Dennis Kucinich politely explains, just before 45 minutes, why he left the RFK Jr. campaign, Israeli apartheid, which he clearly states is now genocide. He was redistricted out of Congress a decade ago, and is running again as an independent. https://youtu.be/hTe8PO7az6c?t=2689

(Dennis knows about JFK, RFK, MLK, Wellstone, and so on...)

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Ritter was no friend to Lira, though.

I used to watch Gonzalo’s dispatches, although the “red pill” crap was kind of a turn off.

He didn’t deserve to die, but he was dealing with real live Nazis like Azov, and Pravy/Right Sektor, and Nuland.


Aaron Bushnell

Gonzalo Lira



Thank you Tony.

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Thanks & well written..

"WHAT EXACTLY IS THE UNITED NATIONS AGENDA 2030 WHICH IS CURRENTLY BEING ENFORCED GLOBALLY?", To find out more, pls visit my blog 👇https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com/

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Thanks & well written..

"WHAT EXACTLY IS THE UNITED NATIONS AGENDA 2030 WHICH IS CURRENTLY BEING ENFORCED GLOBALLY?", To find out more, pls visit my blog 👇https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com/

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Another Truth Teller Downed in the Line of......

Gonzalo Lira Killed.

Where is the proof that he was killed?

I think he died from pneumonia aggravated by a multi pack a day cigarette habit.

I think overall the guy was a failure, mostly to himself. Suicidal? Maybe. Do I sound harsh and uncaring... people die every day especially in Gaza. Death is something none of us can avoid.

Victoria Nuland Retires?

No way Hosay... This non Semitic Khazarian Zionist can never admit to failure so she is made to leave the scene of her crimes before things get even worse. Wait for her revelations of who all fucked up... but not her.

The Waffen SS Divisions and Ukrainian Soldiers.

The truth is that Hitler could have armed millions of Ukrainians to fight Stalin. Not just one or two divisions. But Hitler did not want to share the defeat of the Soviet Communist Regime with any other Power. This was to be the great Do or Die Aryan Blood Sacrifice to Victory over the greatest evil on earth "International Jew Inspired Communist" slavery. The Freiheit corps of ex Soldiers of the Wehrmacht returned home after the Armistice of WW1 managed to rearm and defeat the Communists attempting to start a revolution in Germany after they stabbed Germany in the back in Versaille .. Hitler and Hitler alone stopped the same attempt by the Commies in Spain. No one else in the great Anglo/Euro/American Empire seemed concerned... just the Germans were the bad guy's. The enormous Glorious Hall of the eternal Aryan Soldier in Berlin designed by Hitler and to be built by Speer was to be dedicated to the Victorious Soldiers of the Third Reich only.

The Ukrainian 18 year old at the time Yarislav Hunka would have been checked out as to his racial background as well as meeting the rigorous physical standards of intelligence and stamina to join the Waffen SS. Swearing an oath to Hitler and loyalty to his unit and the SS would also be standard procedure.

To an 18 year old young man accepted as an equal, a Soldier in the ranks of the only Power taking on the butchers of the Ukrainian people... this must have been a truly exciting time. As a child he likely experienced the Bolshevik Jew engineered starvation and death of millions of Ukrainian peasants and the expulsion of million more to Stalins labour camps in Siberia.

He was totally saturated with idealism and patriotic fervour to fight the Bolshevik menace all the way to Moscow. Oh yeah the kid was a Nazi, he fought for Hitler, his unit did this or that atrocity. What an awful day for Canada giving the big applause in Parliament to this 98 year old Man who fought for the Naaaziis. The real awful day for Canada was the Trudeau Government taking away our liberties and forcing millions to get injected with biological weapon type vaccines. Curtailing our freedom to travel and robbing people of their right to make a living.

What about the Dutch SS divisions. Berlin in its last days was defended by these Dutch Men in SS uniforms.

The French, Belgian, Danish, Norwegian and even Polish soldiers fighting in SS uniforms. These men were volunteers... now you don't suppose that maybe they individually came to the conclusion that their fellow Europeans ( the Germans ) in spite of all their own Governments propaganda lies were not the enemy... the real enemy was the Godless Bolshevik Communist menace sitting in Moscow whose huge Red Armies were advancing west toward Europe. I think that Geobbels woke up a lot of peoples eyes in Europe at that time.

The Russian Divisions under Vlasov although not SS wore German Wehrmacht Uniforms and fought against Stalin and the Bolshevik menace. The allies sent Vlasov and his men back to the Commies ( soon to be our mortal enemies ) in spite of promising not to. The allies knew the horror that awaited them.

Perception based on the opinion of others is bad.

Reality based on experienced observation is good.

An inner spiritual awakening~ "not so much based on any sensory experience of reality" ~ is the sweet bob bon of life.


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