As early RFK Jr supporters, we abandoned him over his silence on what his happening in Palestine and failure to ultimately hold power accountable. We suspect that you, Dennis, left for similar reasons. I supported your candidacy when you ran for president years ago and would do so again out of your consistent and principled positions.

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I support your effort to distinguish your critical voice for peace in this historical time. Please keep going!

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Urging "our" government to do the humane thing is useless. "Our" government doesn't give a goddam about us as a people. It rules for the Capitalist Empire and nothing else.

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Wonderfully written. Who can disagree? America preaches about international law and crimes against humanity but the supplies the weapons of death and calls it self-defense.

This will not last and will lead to our own demise

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Good morning Dennis! Thank you for your clarion call to peace making now. Is the world ready to demand this of ourselves? Here are three heroes you may ot may not already know and be able to collaborate with.

Francis Boyle the International lawyer and lifelong bioweapons expert with legal strategy to bring a ceasefire immediately:


Craig Mokhiber of UN peacekeeping diplomacy for the past 40 years. He resigned in frustration last week and lays out a path to peace in this detailed resignation letter:


And Sam Husseini on CHD tv a few weeks ago with essential questions for the prospects of ongoing war or accountability for our bioweaoons industry. Picking up where RFK Jr dropped the ball to connect the dots for all of us:


Much love and appreciation to you!!!

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It seems we cannot vote our way out of this without worthy candidates.

So what is left for the average American?

I suspect that in Nazi Germany those who did not agree went along with the program out of fear of their lives and livelihoods and families.

When we trot out to our mailboxes in April to send our tax payments to the federal government we are also doing so out of fear of reprisal. And yet, like the German citizens, our adherence is our complicity.

History will not look back and hold compassion for those who did not have the courage to stand up and say "NO MORE."

We can turn our heads and pretend that we have no choice, or we can choose to do something different.

There is power in numbers. But I fear that fear will prevent us from making those choices.

And then we, like the German people, will reap what we sow.

And History will not be kind to us.

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Please ask RFK to talk about the necessity of your early proposal for a Department of Peace.

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To add to the genocidal horror is the ecocide being committed in our name; the US military is the largest institutional emitter of global warming gases in the world. And not to forget that bombing destroys not only human life, but also the lives of other creatures.

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How can a culture that gave us Freud and Einstein and Chomsky and so many others like them, a culture that once gave us Yeshua the Nazarene, a culture that suffered through, not only the Nazis but millennia of European anti-Semitism and pogroms give us Gaza? And how can we, through our tax dollars and our votes, facilitate it?

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Again, I think we need to at least take note of the strong likelihood that some of those who died during the Hamas incursion on October 7 were Israeli civilians killed by the IDF. I have lately been re-reading Douglas Reed's "The Controversy of Zion." Strongly recommended. I would also like to recommend three of my own recent publications:




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Thank you for your steadfast condemnation of war as a strategy of global domination and profit, and for your moving description of the soul-killing effects it has on all of humanity. Yours is a voice of sanity in a world gone mad.

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Your clarion call for peace is heard and well received by many. People and warriors who now bathe in the power and glory of our Empire should heed history. Empires end as they overextend and then turn their mighty forces against their own people who are in rebellion against the madness. We are in the most dangerous time I can remember in my 77 years of life, and I asked daily, where are the leaders we need, where are the sober cooler heads, when will we as fellow human beings yell enough is enough, stop the wars, stop the killing, and save our and the environment’s survival on Planet Earth.

Respect all life.

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Thanks for voicing the truth and the ongoing hope of true political resolve and commitment to peace. You have always pointed us in the right direction. If only more would listen and hear, watch and see!

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I am so proud of you Mr. Kucinich. You have always lived your values and continue to do so. Thank you for leaving Kennedy’s campaign. Apparently Kennedy does not walk his talk. Good on you for leaving! I have done the same.

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Thank you, Dennis.

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The old paradigms are in need of transformation. When people ask who’s side I’m on in this train wreck of every war and now the Middle East, I say I’m on the side of the children and humanity. Every step I take, I breathe in peace. We must erase judgement in the name of unconditional love.

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