Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

Is the Bible available for students to read in Florida schools? It’s chocked full of incest, rape, murder, slavery, sodomy, adultery, gay sex, bigotry, racial hatred, etc. I’m sure that’s ok though, right?

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If only it was this easy to rename public infrastructure named after Confederates, or removing religious material and prayer.

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Why is it that one parent can get a book or film banned for the whole damn school???? If that parent want to keep their kids ignorant, that's their right (problem), but they should not have the right to block others from the choice. Because that's the end result, kinda like the gun nuts whose right to pack heat overrides our right to be safe in school, their right to hide the past from their kids supersedes our right to educate our children in the real past.

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They cannot ban the internet in Florida. The movie “Ruby Bridges” is available on Apple TV, Disney +, Amazon Prime Video, and other streaming services. “The Bluest Eye” can be ordered as an eBook or sent in the mail. Parents and educators need to fight back in any way they can. It’s a constant struggle. We cannot give up. I’m not sure if the Brooklyn Public Library is still providing eCards to students across the country. Here is the link: https://www.bklynlibrary.org/books-unbanned

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Censorship plain and simple. Racist at its base. Totally Florida. Shameful.

Thanks for continuing to fight the good fight!!

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There’s a part of me that wants them to drown in their ignorance. But thank you Judd for explicitly pointing it out.

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Surely you aren’t surprised that book banning is really about bigotry? That was the purpose all along--for too long we have allowed Repugs to get away with euphemisms, cloaked propaganda and masking hate and division with self-righteous indignation.

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So in Florida, freedom means other people decide what is acceptable and what is objectionable? And the target is always a moving one? This is the way to be great again?

I'd rather know my history. To be fully informed is to be fully armed!

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This is the blueprint that right wing religious extremists will follow across the country as they increase their ability/desire to control what everyone else can read and see.

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So, a 6-year-old child can endure this hatred for years for her education, but 7-year-old children can't even watch it? I'm beginning to think these Floridians are actually grooming racists.

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No self-respecting university outside of Florida should accept a high school student from Florida, as their education is clearly going to be inadequate.

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My advice to parents considering a family move to Florida: don't do it!

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re the objections to "The Bluest Eye" Don't I remember that the Bible includes graphic descriptions of incest?


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If parents don't want their children to read/view certain items, fine. They don't have the right to censor what is offered to other children.

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Can we say Florida is a fascist state !! Banning books, don't say gay, every RW nutjob telling the public what to do, what to say, and what to think ! Now you can open carry , no background checks, no banning of AK47 and soon probably decrease the age to obtain a gun ! Maybe a 3 or 4 year old can go get a gun and take it to a birthday party he or she wasn't invited to !! But hey , gun rights are important !! If you think that this is okay but protecting gun rights is more important than children's lives then maybe you should have a long look in the mirror ! The repugnants only care about money , their donors and " sticking " to the libs , that is it ! The people in these states that roll over and let it happen are just as guilty as far as I'm concerned! So when the nazi loving right wing nut jobs come for you because there is no one left to torture, that will be your problem ! At least you can't say " I never knew " !!!!

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None of this is about what the bigots don't want their kids to read. It is ALL about what they don't want everyone else's kids to be able to access. Destruction of others' access to information and complete control of others are the DeSantistan qualities of "good" citizenship.

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