Thanks for what seems a detailed overview. If I may add some additional information, which I believe, is accurate, but I admit I am not an expert:

Even in "normal" times, the entire medical system's integrity is somewhat compromised. There appear an endless parade of examples of shoddy drugs (or other products) tested, reported and approved that later are found to be of little efficacy or downright harmful. In fairness, some of these may be excused as part of the normal process of trial and error and the simple unknowns that are part of the scientific method. But a lot of the fault is laid at the feet of corporate greed and professional reputation.

The entire drug (etc.) development process, from initial research to what’s delivered to the retail patient, is corrupted by Pharma money. Universities rely heavily on corporate donations. Certain questions are off-limits for investigation, lest future or present careers be sidelined or even terminated. The medical journals are, for all intents and purposes, owned by Pharma. Ordinary media is heavily influenced. Reportage is heavily biased to favor Pharma. The government and industry regulatory bodies too are hugely compromised. There are many more issues, but that’s a fair summary.

Now imagine how much worse these regulatory, quality, safety, etc. issues must inevitably become when most or all safeguards are laid aside when an emergency (EUA) is declared.

A final point you overlooked is that an EUA product legally cannot be advertised or sold to the public. Easily overlooked is that all those products were paid for directly by government monies. I can’t be sure, but I suspect that a lot of this was via “no bid” contracting (“Other transaction authority”) so there wasn’t even the pretense of any competitive bidding. Again, to be somewhat fair, this is part of the definition of “emergency,” that one must move quickly, but the opportunities for corruption should bee obvious.

For the more profitable products (e.g. the mRNA “vaccines”), a tiny group of powerful corporations not only profited handsomely, but they also had governments effectively pay for billions of dollars’ worth of advertising Witness the heavy promotion of the jabs, how safe and effective they were. As long as corporations weren’t named together with the product, it wasn’t “advertising,” I guess.

Perversely, I thank the medical-industrial complex: It was not until I was prescribed Paxlovid (over the phone, mid-2022) that I became personally affected by all the buffoonery of the pandemic. Whoa, I said, this is hitting too close to home. While I didn’t know the specifics, I’m thankful I was already well informed enough to be suspicious of the EUA products. I refused the Rx. My distrust of medicine has only grown since then, leading me to question some (but not all) of their services. That’s why I no longer take a statin or a blood pressure medication, for instance.

I hate to be cynical, but the health care system doesn’t seem to put patient care as a top priority. Now I don’t mean they are deliberately out to kill one, but the deeper one looks, to me it sure seems as thought the enterprise exists foremost to make money (and avoid lawsuits). Yes, they do often improve or maintain health, but that seems incidental.

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Those who paid attention knew early on that there was no COVID emergency, hence that injection with a radical new technology would be pointless and utterly foolhardy. Infection fatality rate data clearly evidenced that COVID posed no meaningful risk of mortality for the great majority of people. Even the CDC's wildly skewed numbers couldn't make COVID look dangerous. Very little effort was required to review the data, available by mid 2020, which was comprehensible to anyone with a reasonable grasp of grade school math.

BTW, shame on all the medical "professionals" who failed to conduct such basic homework, or did but were too cowardly to warn those who trusted them.

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Thanks for the excellent article. There is no doubt that masterful techniques are used to convince, mislead and accomplish a variety of goals. When legislation is written waiting to be introduced to further a hidden agenda one can only call out restraint while avoiding being stampeded by uncontrolled emotions. When no one listens, and false narratives become realities, and the abuses grow, a sickness develops in both society and government. So many are now dependent upon a wrong narrative and direction that it will be painful to change and acknowledge malfeasance and demand accountability and lose wealth. This is why revolutions happen. Wealth is the controlling factor and has been. Human value is declining quickly and with it morals, ethics, and compassion in our age of technology and entertainment.

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Laws have historically been created to further an agenda - covid vaccine is a WMD used against the world with full knowledge of intent. Looking at the progression of Constitutional laws and you will see how these laws were gradually expanded to allow what happened. These are fraudulent laws weaponized against the world. The only purpose is to harm when you call the vax a countermeasure or bio weapon or kill shot as K Watt does. No legitimacy but a justification for a coup by the DoD in concert with the WHO.

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Are EUAs a stepping stone to UN Directive 001?

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Agree with Katherine Watt's Bailiwick News.

Those actually believing there is any justification surrounding






There can be NO TRUST for those perpetrating Crimes Against Humanity...

Or those trusting them and justifying their crimes they degrade with benign words removing criminality.



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I no longer trust any meds because I no longer trust what’s in them.

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Our benevolent form of martial law with a pretend adherence to our Constitutions created the best form of governance on the planet for decades. The BAR attorneys and Bankers from London started this greedy, power hungry malevolent governance we have. That dates to before Rothschild that perfected this evil.

Had it not turned to malevolent we would have remained like frogs in the pan of water. I did until 2014 and the US Navy determined I was very smart at 18. Not so much anymore. It was thought that the force for the malevolent takeover would come from the military and judiciary. It appears to be coming from the medical adherents to the Josef Mengele School of medicine.

On Oregon the fix by the Esquires, many were attorneys, like Frank Benson that corrupted our Oregon Constitution in 1910. When, ARTICLE VII (Amended) was added, unlawfully, to the Constitution. I’m told not all members of the Oregon State Bar know this. The OSB confers the title of nobility, Esquire, to its members. ARTICLE VII (Amended) is the Judiciary clause the judges and attorneys use to defraud the people. It could be that some Sheriffs and police are unaware of this deception. I’m told that some legislators do not know of this fraud upon the people. Many do not even know what a lawful oath and bond of office is.

LEOs ask for legal help from attorneys and judges and get mis and dis information. They are the ones that are aware of the misprision of felony and they continue to perpetrate this evil on us after 113 years. Although, we know the fix was in from the time of Lincoln. The powers that be on Oregon from 1860 corrupted our government when they agreed to the fraud of Matthew Deady and his two state authorized books, containing the lie that Amendment XIII the anti title of nobility amendment was not part of our statehood documents. Doctor, Mister, Gentlemen, Sir, Lady, Lord and Esquire are all titles of nobility not just honorifics. But, it is homage to the British royalty and nobility a deference to our betters. Did you think it was just being polite like you were taught?

So there it is! They are the two major frauds upon the people both to the advantage of the BAR (British Accreditation Registry) the attorneys of the Oregon State Bar and their ilk on Oregon. The people, our Sheriffs, Legislators and others say, “let me ask my attorney.” The fraud is perpetuated. Unfettered advice from Counsel does not include Oregon State Bar members. As, they all have an oath to an ARTICLE VII (Amended) Court. They are registered or unregistered foreign agents. It’s complicated and people turn off and consider important issues. What is for dinner, is the football game on? Our churches become 501 C3 and give their allegiance to the state before God and their congregation. And so it goes.

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Apr 19Liked by Debbie Lerman

The EUA was a fraud.. there were alternative JUST not the ones that Big Pharma wanted

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What an exhausting and Byzantine list of conditions for a “cure” likely meant to harm or kill us.

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I am actually emotionally exhausted from the barage of criminality in our system and the subterfuge these anti-american accomplices are willing and able to do this under.

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Apr 19·edited Apr 19Liked by Debbie Lerman

"What characterizes both the Fascist and Nazi regimes is that they allowed the existing constitutions (the Albertine Statute and the Weimar Constitution, respectively) to subsist, and according to a paradigm that has been acutely defined as "dual state" - they placed beside the legal constitution a second structure, often not legally formalized, that could exist alongside the other because of the state of exception."

--from Giorgio Agamben, State of Exception

Agamben is the relevant living Political Scientist on the burgeoning Emergency Powers phenomenon.

A Biblical analog? We battle not the discernible flesh and blood of the constitutional (visible) government, but this principality of infinite extra-legal potentiality of Agamben's 'second structure'. Call it the Deep State if you like or, again, the State of Exception.

What exactly is the State of Exception (or State of Emergency)? The term was originated by German philosopher Carl Schmitt in the early 20th century.

Extreme crises (e.g. climate, novel viruses, etc.) call for exceptional and unprecedented government measures. The trouble is governments, once so distended, rarely climb back into their prior constitutional limitations, choosing instead to invent one emergency after another.

Ever so gradually, government acquires 'sovereignty' over life and death issues once thought sacrosanct or at least the province of religious institutions. The biologic becomes subtly absorbed into the acceptable political calculus. International treaties become an apt playground, exploiting the gaps between national sovereignties.

The constant sense among the people of looming crisis or lurking danger is cultivated to make the State of Exception's power grabs more palatable if not even outright clamored for.

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The unrelenting and seemingly invulnerable vax campaign. So very well planned and prepped.

A military campaign, and only the first of four campaigns intended to depopulate and conquer the world. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are all riding now.


If you find my argument compelling, please share.

Best wishes to all people of goodwill. It's us against "Them."

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"No informed consent is required, but patients who “volunteer” to take the product must be told they can refuse and that the product is unapproved/available under EUA." This is most disturbing. Doesn't this rule automatically prohibit the use of vaccine mandates? What am I missing?

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