sadly so well said.

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This captures it perfectly. I'm beyond hope many days - feel like it's too late, and still, not enough people are paying close enough attention to see the parallels between today and 1930s Germany. "Lügenpresse" and all.

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I don’t think people realize how dangerous these creeps are!

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This party sure died quickly.

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Well-articulated, Dan. What makes it frustrating you alluded to with saying "we should not expect much soul searching from those immersed in the cult of personality animating Trump and the most extreme of his followers." For those of us that you give voice to, knowing that lighting the single candle in the darkness can eventually lead to change though it is a difficult journey...

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Isn’t time for the Supreme Court to define the difference between free speech and hate speech?

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I like the plea for reasoned opinion, what happened in SF is despicable, but I note unnecessary vitriole on both sides and would like better attention to stressors by both sides.

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Incredible how you twist everything to your personal viewpoint, kind of like brainwashing. We’re you ever in Korea during that war 70 odd years ago? You are good at taking everything and turning it around to your view point even though millions and millions disagree with your argument. Well goodbye I can’t waste another minute on your backwards universe.

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To whom is this directed? You need to use the reply tab.

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Our survivors of WWII are nearly gone and Baby Boomers carry the memories of the devastation wrought by Hitler and the Nazi regime. And those who forget the pat are destined to repeat it! I jut read Teddy Roosevelt's address to the Sorbonne from 1910 and wish everyone would read it and be cautioned by his words. Here is just a portion of it:

"Citizenship In A Republic", President FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT

delivered at the Sorbonne, in Paris, France on 23 April, 1910

But if a man's efficiency is not guided and regulated by a moral sense, then the more efficient he is the worse he is, the more dangerous to the body politic. Courage, intellect, all the masterful qualities, serve but to make a man more evil if they are merely used for that man's own advancement, with brutal indifference to the rights of others. It speaks ill for the community if the community worships these qualities and treats their possessors as heroes regardless of whether the qualities are used rightly or wrongly. It makes no difference as to the precise way in which this sinister efficiency is shown. It makes no difference whether such a man's force and ability betray themselves in a career of money-maker or politician, soldier or orator, journalist or popular leader. If the man works for evil, then the more successful he is the more he should be despised and condemned by all upright and far-seeing men. To judge a man merely by success is an abhorrent wrong; and if the people at large habitually so judge men, if they grow to condone wickedness because the wicked man triumphs, they show their inability to understand that in the last analysis free institutions rest upon the character of citizenship, and that by such admiration of evil they prove themselves unfit for liberty.

Does this snd a chill up the spine of everyone a we face the upcoming elections??? Only the ignorant do not understand what is at stake!

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It is strange that the spouse of the Speaker of the House does not have greater protection . That should be changed . The SanFrancisco neighborhood in which they live is very safe but no one is safe from the delusional people who are determined to carry out the evil mission of January 6, a day which will truly “Live In Infamy”.

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Women in politics have drawn the wrath of right-wing extremists for decades; the vilification of Hillary Clinton started when Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas. What is frightening now is that the violent rhetoric is no longer limited to AM radio demagogues, but is encouraged by people who hold political office.

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With polarization so deep, driven by political and far “wing” factions, we’ve lost any focus on empathy, connection, such as truth storytelling, that can bridge the ideological gaps where others have caused repulsive backlash.

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You have certainly changed history from all that I‘ve ever been taught or ever read or seen in documentaries or films about the Holocaust or the rise of Nazism! No one else except a Holocaust denier has ever said anything close to this! Are you saying all history books, biographies, professors, films. Documentaries and word of mouth from previous Nazis aren’t true that only you know that the Nazis were not right. Wing fascists? Incredible!

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To whom is this directed?

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The Republican lack of response and not publicly calling out this attempt to murder Mrs.Pelosi as violence that can not be tolerated is the same thing as giving their approval. Vote blue and stop these traitors.

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I’m trying to listen and I completely agree on the border issue- it’s one of many issues that do not get resolved by either party frankly. Where u lose me is when you talk about this as what the democrats are doing. I also look at the schools and wonder where what you are saying is being taught- I’m trying to understand.

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To whom is this directed?

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Sorry been a few days- Can’t find the original

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I think the misconception is that Trump was representing the U.S. Trump was representing Trump. He is a narcissistic pompous ass. It is first and foremost all about HIM, 24/7. If it was about the country, he would have gone about things in a manner that would have garnered respect and at least an inclination to go along with his lead. Instead, it drew anger and distrust, and made him a laughing stock around the globe. Trump is not a leader. He is a bully.

And who exactly is "begging" Saudi Arabia to return a phone call?

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