Any doctor who takes part in this mutilation should be barred from practicing medicine and face criminal prosecution.

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Musk is right on this one. Anyone who would do this to a child needs to be removed from society. Permanently.

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This poor kid. The parents are both monsters. Yes I do mean that.


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This is horrible, what happened to "First do no harm."

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Sorry, not sorry: This is Mengele-level horror. 😣

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What you have written reminds me of scenes in Hellraiser films.

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In 2015 there was a 5+ M grant for 4 hospitals to 'study' cross-sex hormones for trans and non-binary youth. A report 'Psychosocial Functioning in Transgender Youth after 2 Years' was recently released (https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2206297 ). The last line in 'results' reads:

"The most common adverse event was suicidal ideation (in 11 participants [3.5%]); death by suicide occurred in 2 participants."

In this 3-part series, you can read up on the system that has been built to perform these atrocities. It seems the NGOs from AIDS have a new mission and Pfizer plays a big role.


Non-binary youth opt sometimes for the nipple-free look and a clean slate below... it is ghastly and these are young people caught up in a psychological frenzy.

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The prof of my sexuality course at Penn State in the mid 70s brought in a MTF transsexual who described the surgery and said she almost died when they perforated her bowel making a vagina. That always stuck with me because I never heard of this sex change thing and look at all of this now.

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I pray for humanity 💔

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One more way they push for population control. So sad.

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Large money in this disgusting medical scam.

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The Matt Walsh documentary “What is a Woman?” provides insight to the thinking process (such as it is) going on. It is well worth watching. He interviews doctors and “transitioned” people to shine a light in this dark place. I mostly ignored the issue until I felt compelled to read Abigail Shrier’s book “Irreversible Damage.” Since then I have been warning parents and explaining as often as I have opportunity

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Sorry, not sorry: This is Mengele-level horror. 😣

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Putting this butchery right in peoples' faces might be the thing to change the course of this absolute horror. I'm grateful for the horrifying photos as it truly exposes the extent of the butchery involved. WHY would anyone put someone they supposedly love through this? It's beyond delusion. It is more like sadism. Or psychopathy. It surely is not support and love. Before all this trans business began, I thought most people were decent and loved their children. That opinion has wildly changed. From vaxxing them with an experimental concoction that can kill them to allowing butchery of their body parts, esp. genitals, what is the diff between this and cultures who sacrificed their kids on altars?

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I cannot bring myself to look for the images. My imagination is horrifying enough, I am sure the real thing I traumatize me.

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