Nov 24, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

I have many friends who are part of religious minorities in Canada and I have never heard ANY of them complain about having time off at Christmas. in spite of the fact that they don't celebrate.This is just more divide and conquer on Trudeau's part.He loves creating problems where there aren't any.The failed actor LOVES drama.The more chaos the more we will welcome their increased control measures disguised as the caring government coming to save us.

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

I see that Premier Smith of Alberta is enacting the Provincial Sovereignty Act next week. This is great news , now only if the rest of the Provinces would follow suit , it would spell the end of Trudeaus' Tyrannical control over Canada's resources. Studies have shown the Trudeau's Carbon Zero Plan has little or no effect on reduces C02 levels in Canada except destroying the Canadian economy.

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I have an equitable solution that solves everything and will continue to destroy our productivity which fits the Liberal/NDP agenda. Let us all celebrate diversity and call national holidays for all to celebrate Buddhism (Visek), Hinduism (Navratri), Islam (Qadr Night), Judaism (Yom Kippur), Athesism/Humanists/FreeThinkers (National Day of Reason) and just for Singh/Sikhs (Vaisakhi). Have left many out but those folks can form their petitions and get theirs recognized. We will just have a wonderful festive season all year long.

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Just imagine seeing them in the woods during Moose hunting season. lol

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I would LOVE to be present when Mr. Trudeau is confronted by our Saviour who died on a cross for the likes of him.

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Anybody who doesn't like the holidays can choose to work.

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He can claim ‘permanent ‘ leadership if all the BS stays the same- a country in crisis! His father made sure of it in gov’t law🤮🤮🤮if I can find the article about it again, I will post it. His smug face needs to leave- forever!!!

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Yes...that little Trudeau bastard has been busy..... BREAKING: Canada Partners With EU to Promote Digital ID, Counter Disinformation

A statement from the Prime Minister’s Office says the partnership is about 'harnessing the power of the digital space while protecting citizens.' https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/breaking-canada-partners-with-eu?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=581065&post_id=139141104&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=c55mw&utm_medium=email

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Do we dare ask what he does in his spare time?🤮

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God release us from this *****!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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deletedNov 24, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg
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