Wow, awesome! Biden comes through again - now it's our turn to rally behind him!

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Well, that's awesome. (I see John Podesta's name in there again. Man, whichever one of his grandkids got that guy to care about climate deserves a Nobel. Podesta is the sort of old-school old guy government power broker that Biden actually listens to.)

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Biden has been unquestionably the single most active, effective, and dedicated U.S. President on climate issues and the clean energy transition in history.

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Email in thanks to President Joe! He needs to hear he did the right thing and we're grateful.

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Super news! Thank you for your work!

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This is awesome!

Now if he stops American aggression in the Middle East, and stops vetoing a ceasefire for Gaza, he might just get enough votes to beat Trump.

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This is fantastic, and we have to keep the pressure on. There will be plenty pushing back.

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OMG. I was all set for my first arrest. Waiting in the wings if needed. Third Act is a community that gets it done! With a grateful heart and evermore hope...

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Please don't cancel the protest! Turn it into a huge RALLY. We need to celebrate in public, every win we get.

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Change the focus of the demonstrations in DC from LNG to stopping endless war. Before we can begin world-wide changes needed to arrest global warming, we need regional cooperation as a core component for success. Those regions with on-going conflicts need to halt them, temporarily for the next 10 years, so we can clean up more than battle fields and cities and figure out how to work for common good for all people involved. Then let the people vote for who they want as their government leaders - I hope they pick the ones best at diplomacy and green development. The rest is irrelevant to most people's lives and futures.

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I think it was very politically savy to plan the rally in DC in February. By Biden's decision to stop this project NOW, he can avoid that bad press and engender alot of hope among activist who will fight all the harder to get out the Environmental Vote for President Biden. I surely will. (plus he's saved us from having to sleep on the top bunkbeds).

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This is a good sign! ✌🏼

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Hurrah & Hallelujah! Real action against a fossil fuel future!

Bill, taught us all about LNG & together we made a difference!

Now to make sure of a BIDEN WIN…to see it through!

WOW !Thank you Bill, Ben, & JOE!

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The community gets things done. People work harder, better, when they work together for a common goal.

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This is awesome. Thank you for your relentless efforts, Bill and so many others. Now we need to get Biden elected and counter the disinformation. The technologies we have and those being created today will save us. We just need to keep nurturing them, and we can’t do that with a fascist government in power.

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Great news and a breath of fresh air. I presume the industry will retaliate when election day comes around. The primary power is money as we all know by now. Still a critical and necessary statement and move but power is power is power. Such a double edged sword.

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